Animated 3D Text In OBS Studio - FREE!

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hello my youtube friends there's a new streaming tool in town you may have heard of it it's called poli pop it's free and if i'm being honest it's really an amazing tool i wanted to introduce you to poly pop in an easy way it's pretty complex software and i find it's easier for people to grasp if you do it piece by piece so today i'm going to show you how to add animated 3d text to your obs live streams just like this it's really awesome so you know what let's get to it [Music] my goal with this channel is to help people become better live streamers and maybe entertain a little bit in the process so take a second down below in the comments and let me know how i'm doing this really does help youtube to share this video with a wider audience and my analytics say that 80 of the folks that watch my content are not subscribed if you're one of those 80 please consider subscribing your subscription really does help me continue to create content that helps you and it's totally free so thanks today's video is sponsored by owned owned is a website that offers anything a twitch streamer could possibly want on own dot tv there are thousands of overlay packs with alerts and stingers built in as well as emotes and badges and like i said just about everything you could want but what really excites me is the own pro site on own pro you download a plugin for obs and in obs you can browse and select from thousands of overlay packs that download and are set up completely right out of the gate in obs you can add alerts and labels and modify the text and even create custom layouts in just a few minutes and they all have custom stingers that are set up with the profile so you don't have to do anything you just download them and they're ready to go in just a few minutes you're gonna have a professional stream that looks like you spent a million bucks the best part is for just a few bucks a month and i mean less than that crappy netflix subscription you never use anyways you're gonna have access to every single one so you could change it up on every stream in just a few minutes if you really wanted to so take a second and check out own tv and own pro down below there are links in the description for each one if you have the means to support the sponsors that support this channel it goes a long way towards helping me continue to make content that helps you so thanks now the text features can be used for all sorts of things lower thirds scrolling text and the way i'm going to use it which is just to add labels to a scene now this is my main live streaming scene and as you can see it has all kind of text in here that just kind of flips and rotates at random so i'm going to show you how to do this for multiple scenes with different text layouts that you can easily change with simple hotkeys it's totally awesome so let's get poly pop installed so we can get to work now there's a link in the description if you want to download it and check it out for yourself and that is the best way to learn this is a simple install here is the page you just click the free download up in the top right hand corner and it automatically downloads to your computer so we flip over here and we just double click on it and once the install is open you can accept the agreement and then just click next and install and after a moment or two this finishes installing and all you have to do is keep yes so it reboots and click next and it will reboot your system and poly pop will be installed and looking good now it's installed all we have to do is get to the fun part here in polypop i know this looks pretty confusing so we're going to keep it as simple as possible and i'm just going to walk you through how to set this up so we're going to go over here to the plus and we're going to click it and i'm going to go to 2d and i'm going to add a 2d image and click add now i already added it here but you can go down here and click the plus in order to add it this is a little video file it's just my overlay so i know where these text pieces go so basically i just added it in here so it makes it easy to place the stuff and then you just select it and click ok and there we go now my overlay is in here so i'm going to click the plus again i'm going to select 3d and go to 3d text and click add and there we see our 3d text i'm going to go down here and i'm going to select the font that my other text is in and click ok and then what i'm gonna do is go ahead and change the actual text you do that by clicking here and just changing it and we can change the depth or how 3d it is in this case i don't want very deep 3d it can be pretty shallow we want the 3d effect sort of but it's not really important you can see when you move it around the screen the closer to the edge it gets the more of the 3d effect that you do get so i'm just going to dial it back a little bit there and that looks pretty good then i can go to transform and scale it down just a little bit here and i'm just trying to get it about the same size it really doesn't matter if it's exactly the same size or not and we'll move it up and put it over top of the other chat but first let's change the color see if we can get it as close as we want it's kind of like a yellowish green i know it's going to be tough to actually get that color perfect but we'll try to get it as close as we possibly can and i'm just going to select this yellow up here and that's pretty yellow doesn't have the green characteristics but a lot of that has to do with the fact that the other text is kind of outlined as well add a little bit more green to it and that's about as good as it's gonna get and we'll just adjust the scale a little bit get it to fit in here as best we can and i think we're good so i'm going to go ahead and select that text again i can turn off my overlay just to see what it looks like i'm going to select my text and i'm going to change the name up here so i remember what it is then i'm going to ctrl c to copy it and ctrl v to paste another reference to it and i'm going to select that and i'm going to double click up here and i'm just going to change the text in here we're going to call this quality channels and i'm going to come down here and actually change the text there we go so now all i have to do is go ahead and drag this up over the quality channels and we're going to go down here to transform and we're going to resize this we'll use the scale and we'll just try to fit it in there like i said this doesn't need to be perfect the other ones are going to go away it's going to replace those and no one's ever going to know if there's a slight difference in the size and so there we go i'm going to click it again control c and then control v and that paste another instance of that and i'm going to double click on the new instance and just change the name we'll call this last donation and then i'm going to come down and change the text and then we'll just move it up and put it over last donation and then we just need to scale this and place it over top and that looks pretty good and all we're really gonna do is repeat this process for the remainder of the text titles so we're gonna do last super chat last subscriber facebook instagram twitter and of course my name down there in the bottom and the process for these is exactly the same we just duplicate them by copying and pasting with control c and control v we change the names on the top we change the text on the bottom and then move on to the next if you need to rescale it you can easily rescale any one of these so now what we're going to do is we're going to go into our text and we're going to add a modifier the modifier is going to be called spin and we can select which axis we want this to spin on so i'm going to spin this one on the x-axis at 360 degrees and there when i click spin you can see it doing that now you can adjust what sort of motions these have there's all kinds of them in here i tend to like this exponential ease in and out it gives us the cleanest spin i think and it looks really nice so that's what i'm going to use for that and what i'm going to do is then i'm going to go to the open library and i'm going to click this plus we're going to select repeating alert and i'm going to just name this alert because we're going to do a bunch of these and i want to remember it i'm going to call it what the text is michael fire jr then i'm going to go down here and i'm going to adjust the interval and i'm going to adjust the randomness and this is how long between spins and how random the spins are and then i'm just going to drag this over here to spin and we can just click the test button and we see that it works and so now this is going to wait that long and then randomly spin it's very cool now all we have to do is repeat this on all the other text so i'm going to select chat and i'm going to go ahead and click the plus and add a modifier modifier spin and this time i'm going to let it spin on the y-axis and i'm going to change the animation style back to what i like and there we go we could test it now i'm going to go and add our repeating alert and i'm going to rename our repeating alert and then i'm going to adjust our interval and our randomness and we drag this over here to the spin and now our chat will randomly spin and all we have to do now is pretty much the rest of them we'll go to quality channels we'll click mods we're going to go to spin action we can select the axis we want it to spin on in this case we're going to go the other way so we'll go minus 360 on the y-axis and we can click spin and there you can see what that animation is we're going to change the animation style i still like the exponential best so there we go now when we test it and we get that spin in the opposite direction looks pretty awesome going to open the library and what i'm going to do is click the plus and we're going to add once again our repeating alert i'm going to select our repeating alert and name it properly so we know what it is in this case quality channels then all i have to do is adjust the interval and the randomness and then just drag it over to our spin and click test and there we go and we're going to go through and we're going to do this on every single one of our pieces of text so now in obs you can see i still have my old overlay up there so i'm just going to hide that one and put in one that doesn't have any of the text then i'm going to click the plus under sources and i'm going to add a video capture device and we'll call this one poly click ok then i'm going to drop this down and i'm going to select poly pop right there the poly pop camera and i'm going to adjust my output to custom i'm going to change it to 1920x1080 and then i'm going to come down here to the video format and i'm going to select a rgb and there we go so now it shows all the transmissive qualities of this so we can see through everything we want to see through and you don't need to select any audio device at all in fact i would go over here in the audio devices and i would just disable this and all you have to do to mute it or disable it is click that right there and there we go so now we don't have to worry about any sound coming through it's somehow grabbing your computer microphone or something like that you don't have to worry about it just mute it and you're all set so now we have it all set it will randomly spin and do everything it's supposed to do and it looks absolutely fantastic but i know what you're saying how could you do this on multiple scenes because you're not gonna have the same text layout on every scene right we'll drag our overlay down a little bit in the scene and then i'm gonna flip over to my tutorial scene and you can see there is no text here just yet so let's add some we'll go over to poly pop and i'm just going to click the plus for scenes we're going to add a second scene you can see scene 2 is empty but what i want to do is i just want to copy this text right here so i'm going to control c i'm going to come over into scene 2 and then select the 3d screen layer and control v and that paste my text in there which is awesome now i'm just going to rename it i'm going to call this tutorial and i'm going to come down here and i'm just going to change the text to tutorial and i'm going to come down to the transform just scale it up a little bit there we go and then we're just going to go ahead and add that mod the spin mod and we can test it and there we go it's working just right and we'll add our repeating alert on there and we'll adjust our interval and our randomness we'll drag this over to spin and then we'll click test and make sure it works and there we go we're all set so now we have two scenes what we're going to do is we're going to open the library again we're going to click plus and we're going to go to hotkey and what i'm going to do is on press i'm going to drag it up to scene 2. so that means we're going to change to scene 2 on the press and all we have to do is set the hotkey so i'm going to click here and create a hotkey and there we go so now every time we press that key poly pop's going to switch to this scene 2. and now i'm going to select scene one come down and open the library and i'm gonna click the plus we're gonna add another hotkey and i'm gonna select it and just select another hotkey and then we're gonna drag this up to scene one so anytime we press that hotkey we're going to scene one so now we can go back and forth between these two scenes just by pressing those hotkeys now all we have to do is sync this up in obs so we'll go over into obs and what i'm going to do is i'm going to go ahead and add a video capture device to our tutorial scene we'll add the same poly one and you can see that we have the same text as on our main page so if we hit the hotkey real quick we see our tutorial come up so the next thing that we need to do is go into settings and we're going to go to hotkeys and we're gonna find our two scenes one is the main scene i believe that's what i have it called and the other is our tutorial scene so here's the main one and we just want to set a hotkey to switch to the main scene and we're going to use the same hotkey as we're using in poly pop and then we're going to go down to our tutorial scene and we're going to use the same hotkey that we used in poly pop to switch to scene 2. and there it is and we'll set that hotkey up and click ok so now when we click those hotkeys it will switch scenes and it will switch text now you can see one problem here is the second that i click the key it automatically switches so we want to change this up and there's an easy way to fix this so what i'm going to do is i'm going to drag this on release up here to scene two and then i'm gonna click on the little dot here and i'm gonna disconnect the red one and leave the orange one so now this is gonna go on release instead of when we touch it and we're gonna go to hotkey number two we're gonna go ahead and remove this one and we're going to set it to on release and there we go so now when we go over into obs we click and hold the key for a second and then once we're mid transition we let go of the key and it switches over our text and as long as you time this right it works absolutely fantastic as you can see right there takes a touch of practice but you press the key obs starts changing you let it go when your transition is in full and there you go once you switch over you have your text on the other scene works perfect that's epic right and that's just the tip of the iceberg let me know in the comments if you want to see what else polypop can do it's absolutely amazing if you want to know more about text tools built right into obs you should check this video out right here and if you're always looking for tools tips and tricks that can help make you a better live streamer or youtuber subscribe to the channel big thanks to own for sponsoring this video there are links below in the sponsor section of the description so you can check them out for yourself supporting the sponsors helps me to keep the lights on here in the studio so i can continue to make content that helps you i couldn't possibly do this without them or you so thanks my name is michael fire jr thank you so much for watching have a great day and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Michael Feyrer Jr.
Views: 27,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d text in obs studio, animated 3d text in obs studio, animated text in obs, how to create moving text in obs, how to make 3d spinning text, how to make animated text in obs, how to setup obs, how to use obs, how to use obs studio, live streaming tutorial, motion graphics, obs, obs plugin, polypop live, polypop live Text, polypop live tutorial, polypop obs, polypop streaming, polypop tutorial
Id: Gyac5bGxJBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 14 2022
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