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hi everyone its cheering welcome back to beauty editing 101 in this video I'm going to teach you how to use keyframes to animate images text and videos in Final Cut Pro before we start you might be wondering what is a keyframe a keyframe is a location on a timeline that marks the beginning or end of a transition a strip of film is measured in frame so that's why they're called keyframes essentially a keyframe allows it animate frame by frame I'll show you what I mean I already have some clips pre-loaded into my timeline as you can tell and making these movements with my fingers because I want to go ahead and edit in animations the first animation we're going to start off with is an image so I'm just going to use this clip right here and I already have an image downloaded from and deviantART so I'm just going to import this into my timeline I have this cute quite lipstick that I found and I'll have a link down below so if you want to go and check it out you can check it out on a deviant part now what I'm going to do is scale this down a little bit and then I'm just going to click on here to make sure that this lipstick is selected and then I'm going to press the transform button right here this is going to allow me to move the image so I wanted to go about here and I'm actually going to scale it and make it a little bit larger like that so now how do we animate this if you notice on the sides right here there's these little plus sign and so basically if these allow you to add a keyframe so I'm going to start off by adding a keyframe right here what that means is that at this point right here we have this keyframe to be at this position and if we want to move it so if you see as I'm scrolling I kind of want to push this image off to the side so around or right here and going to drag this to the right and as you can see this arrow creates a red line and that red line indicates the movement animation so now that we have back it looks something like this as you can see it's not lined up properly and I actually want it to come down from the top and go out to the right another way to add keyframes and to actually modify them more and just have more of a visual reference of where your key framing is to go into clip and then press the show video animation and as you can see these two points right here or where we have our keyframes so I'm going to go around right here and we're going to click on this transform to select this area and then we're going to a drag this up so now when we play it it looks something like this I want it to kind of like stop for a beat and then get pushed out so I'm actually going to delete all these keyframes except for the middle one because this is where I want it so I wanted to stop around right here so I'm going to try get over here and then in order to make it just sit for a beat I'm going to make another keyframe with the same exact properties I'm not changing anything and so in order to do this I'm going to press option K and that's going to make another keyframe for me so now we're going to go back in and add in those beginning and end keyframes to make that smooth transition so I'm going to go back to around here I'm going to lift this up and then I'm going to go towards the end I'm just going to drag this to the right so now when you play it back they look like this I actually really like the way that looks I'm not even going to go ahead and change it because that timing is just perfect for me I'm going to clip this and align it with this previous clip now let's move on to animating text we're going to go into this textarea so you want to select title and then I'm going to drag in a basic title so for this one let's just say that I want to put in the name of the lipstick that I'm wearing so I'm just going to go in and type that in real quick all right I don't like this font so I'm just going to go in and pick another one that's a little bit prettier let's see I'm going to go in with this one I've never even use this one but it looks pretty enough for me so now I just want to change it up a little bit more I want to make the font size a bigger for the name of the shade and then I remembering its up you don't have to do this if you don't want to it's just my personal preference so that looks good enough for me so now what we're going to do is position it and then animate it so as you can see the transition icon is selected so you can go ahead and move this wherever you want it I want mine to be around here I'm going to shorten this to around here and then clip it so that aligns with the end of this clip know what your going to do I'm just going to open up the video animation it just makes it easier for me I like working with keyframes better this way because I just feel like I have more control so I'm just going to select transform again and then what I'm going to do is right here right here this is the point where I want the text to just stay right there for a sec so I'm going to start off by animating that area first we're going to do option K I'm going to move it to around let's see oh I just leave it I thought I missed it okay nevermind I'm just gonna leave it right there so then we're going to go back here and then I'm going to just drag it up and it'll create the downward movement so now when I play it it'll look like this just like that and as you can see there's all these other properties that you can mess around with trim basically just refers to trimming the text so you can trim friends left right top and bottom so as you can see if I go from the left it'll just cut it to the left where if I do it from the right the same thing top button it'll do the same thing so if you want you can go ahead and animate those properties as well and same things for distort and opacity and I really like messing with opacity because it's a nice way to fade in or fade out any sort of elements that you're trying to animate it so for instance for this one let's just go ahead and add a fade out so around here and it's going to do option K this is going to leave the properties just as we are right now as you can see the opacity is set to 100 so now I'm just going to go over here a little bit and I'm just going to bring down the opacity and as you can see I made a keyframe for us right here so now it'll look like this and just fades out personally for this one I don't want to fade out so it's going to take this out but I hope that you found that helpful next we're going to move on to animating a video for this one I have this video right here and I want to combine it with this one right here so what I'm going to do is take this video and drag it on top of that first one so what I want to do is kind of have this one be off to the side so I'm just going to drag this is right here and then I'm going to trim it from the left and then I'm going to take it over here just so it's centered a little bit more and then now I'm going to take this one and then I'm going to move this position to the left because I just want it to be kind of centered within its own little box if that makes sense so now what I want to do is actually take this a little bit further out and I'm going to go ahead and make this area the larger I just feel like it's a little bit too small right now so I'm going to take it out like this and I'm going to extract it that's the left and then I'm just going to Center this a little bit more kind of a perfectionist you guys just work with me okay that looks good enough to me so now what we want to do is actually let's make this little silent okay cool so what we want to do is you'll notice that I'm pointing at it and then I want to push it out and then I want this to move to the right and I want this to move to the right and fill the screen so in order to do that I'm going to open up the video animation for both of these just so that we can just animate them at the same time I find that it makes it a lot easier for me we're going to go ahead and zoom in the timeline a little bit more just so I have more control over what I'm doing I just can see it better so I'm going to start off that you know meeting this one we're going to go back into transform and then around right hue I'm going to do option K this is gonna leave the video as is we're not moving it yet now I'm going to go around here and we're going to just drag this to the right so not only play it back you'll see that the clip is pushed out but this video right here is stagnant we also want this to move so what we're going to do is go back in and we're going to go into this one and select transform and I'm going to align this red line right with the first keyframe right there and I'm going to press option K just to have this image establish that this is the starting point and then we're going to go over to about here and then we're going to bring it this to zero this is going to bring it back to the center and make it fill the screen now we'll play it back it'll look like this and if you want to go back and see if there's any parts where it's not aligned properly you can just press the left arrow icon on your keyboard and go back frame by frame so as you can see right here there's a split second where it's not going smoothly and you can still see that black part so what we're going to do is go into this keyframe right here the second one and just pull it back right there now let's play it now as you can see it's a lot more fluid but I feel like that transition out is a little too fast for me so what I want to do is make those transition a little bit slower and we're going to slow it down all you have to do is drag out the keyframe so now this transition right here is going to be slower it'll look like this that's a little bit too slow for me so we're just going to keep messing with it until I'm happy with it okay also notice the lipstick on my piece yeah we're just going to ignore that moving on now what you want to do is make this transition a little bit slower as well really like the second keyframe or not okay this I want to work with me okay did a little rickety so I'm just going to drag this out and just kind of bring it sucked where it was that I'm going to be in a little more okay let's play this and see how that works okay now you can see it's aligned better there is no black gaps anywhere and I think that that looks nice so let's just play this back one more time perfect and you can go ahead and trim this down to your clip and there you have it this is how to animate images text and videos in Final Cut Pro using keyframes I hope that you found this video helpful thank you so much for watching and as always be sure to like this video if you liked it and leave a comment down below letting me know what should be the editing video you would like to see next I'll see you all in the next video bye [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: queenshirin
Views: 183,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: queenshirin, how to use keyframes to animate images text and videos in final cut pro, how to use keyframes in final cut pro, how to use keyframes in final cut pro x, animating with keyframes, using keyframes in final cut pro, using keyframes in final cut pro x, how to add keyframes in final cut pro x, final cut keyframes, how to set keyframes in final cut pro, final cut pro x tutorial keyframes, final cut pro animation, beauty editing 101, beauty guru editing, animation keyframes
Id: z4zSDmrQvhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 54sec (834 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2017
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