Animate A 2D Bouncing Ball Animation In Blender 2.8 Easily!

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hi guys in this tutorial we're going to be animating a simple 2d ball animation using blender 2.8 and the grease pencil so let's get started before I begin the tutorial I just wanted to quickly let you know about Skillshare it's an online learning community with over 25,000 classes in design business and more from my own experience classes tend to be shorter and more bite-sized this allowed me to scale up really fast and it can do the same for you you can find a whole bunch of classes related to blender like this one or even this one and you can learn how to master sculpting rendering making games drawing or even 2d and 3d animation I also put our classes regularly on Skillshare many of which you won't ever find on my youtube channel first of all Premium Membership gives you unlimited access to any class on the platform you want and you only pay in less than 10 bucks a month I ran a promotion last month where I gave away two months premium membership to Skillshare to my first 500 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easily the current object that we were working with is called stroke so American that is something like bull so if I got out of draw mode into object mode you'll find that it's a grease pencil object so using this object we can start to draw our bouncing ball so I'm going to go ahead and change back from object mode to draw mode so just a little bit of housekeeping before I start to draw the bouncing ball I'm gonna go ahead and change the strength to 1 and maybe I'll just turn off this pressure sensitivity because right now if I could just put it back to the default real quick if I start drawing a bouncing ball you'll find that like it's a little bit transparent and if I press down even harder the it gets less transparent and if I draw very lightly it becomes really really transparent now I don't want that for my bouncing ball animation I just want to work with a purely black lines so I'm gonna disable first of all the pressure sensitivity and I wanted to be fully black soft inner strength all the way to one so now when I draw we get something that looks like that which is exactly what I want by the way I'm gonna leave the pressure sensitivity on for the Rays this controls exactly how thick the lines look so if I draw very lightly you get these light lines but if I press down hard on my tablet you get this sort of thick lines that tends to be okay for my case when it comes to drawing the ball because it just adds a little bit more style to it so I don't care too much about that so let's go ahead now and start to actually draw the ball now if you're like me and you're really bad at drawing circles then there's actually an easier way to do it just go ahead and still use the pencil tool just actually use the circle tool directly in blender 2.8 so a select circle and make sure that all of this stuff is also strength is 1 and pressure sensitivity is turned off just for the strength and then I'm going to go ahead and drag out maybe a little ball shape so maybe we'll create a basketball type of shape something like that I guess it's okay if you want a perfect circle by the way hit shift on your keyboard and then drag out you get perfect circle's all the time okay there's something like that and then shift and then that go and you'll see these three dots over here I think these allow you to make more adjustments if you want to I don't want to I think I made a mistake by doing that but anyways I Steve - something like that once you happy with the shape of your ball go ahead and hit enter so now it becomes an actual grease pencil line and you'll notice that we've added a keyframe over here as well now for this tutorial I'm not going to be working with fields fields is simply what color you want to color this in I don't really we don't really care about that for this tutorial so I'm gonna go ahead and remove it we're just gonna work with lines only just to simplify things for this tutorial okay so we have our line for the ball and maybe I might go ahead and create a basketball kind of a shape for this ball not just a a boring circle let's make it a little bit more interesting so I'm gonna hit shift on my keyboard and then pick the middle mouse button to drag the view of it and then zoom in by scrolling in and then I start to actually draw a basketball shape so I'm gonna click the draw button over here to start to change the draw mode again using B tablet and then to draw the basketball I might just add in one line that comes in like that I might also add an s-shaped curve over here oops sorry and I might add an inverted S shaped curve over here to finish off the basketball I might go ahead and add in another line that comes in like this and that completes the shape of the basketball I noticed that the I thought the line is coming out a little bit over here I can fix that just go into edit mode so to go into edit mode it's exactly the same way that you would do it as you would work with 3d objects so tab into edit mode and then what I want to do is I'm going to right click and select that vertex over there and then hit X delete points to remove that I were to select that point over there you control + + + X delete points and there we go we fixed that up there so I might go back from edit mode to draw it again and the basketball is now complete so now our ball shape is done now in order to animate our bouncing ball our ball needs a ground to bounce on and currently we have nothing at the moment of course we can go ahead and just draw in a line there and then it's animate away but I'd like to keep background objects or stationary objects separate from the the object that I'm animating so in this case I want to keep the grease pencil object so if I change from drama to object mode separate from any stationary object so if want to add any stationary object I'll just create a new grease pencil object for that so I was gonna go ahead and hit shift a grease pencil and I want to go ahead and create a blank grease printer object and you'll notice that over here we've created a new one here called G pencil I'm gonna double click that and rename this one to maybe something like ground and then let's go ahead and select the ground okay so we're not left at the ground has changed back to draw mode and to draw the ground it's actually really quite simple I'm just gonna change to the line mode over here I'm also quite bad at drawing straight lines so I'm just gonna go ahead and just use the line the line tool so to draw the ground is simply just hit shift and then draw in a line by hitting shift you always create straight lines so I'm gonna go kinda create a line like that and then once you happy with the line just hit Enter ok so we have a ground for our bouncing ball I want to go here and save this just in case something crashes so now I want to switch back from the ground to the ball so just double well so I just select that one for the ball and go back into draw mode okay make sure it says ball over there sometimes it can be a little tricky you might accidentally go into the ground without knowing so make sure you see the word ball over here okay so animation time what we're gonna do is we're going to animate a ball that comes over here and just bounces one by one by one by one so maybe I'm cooking out of drama real quick and go to object mode for shift a and in another blank stroke so I want to name this one actually pencil and I'll name this one the line the goal ha this is not done right matter what you name it but I'm just going to really quickly go to draw mode and for the ball part I'm just gonna draw in the path of where the balls going to bounce so it's gonna start maybe over here and then bounce over here and then come over here bounce over here we'll come over here and you'll notice each time the ball the bouncing is smaller and smaller and smaller so I might do something that looks like that and that's actually physically correct the boat estimate a great height bounces up to a certain height maybe this one can be a little higher so let's do that again can be a little higher and let's just erase all of this right to the pencil again I might also erase this one over here this is this one and draw this one a little higher as well yeah something that looks like that like that yeah something like that would be good for the path okay this is not gonna be animated it's just purely for just purely see what it looks like I'm gonna maybe turn down the opacity quite a bit maybe 0.15 just so that we can see what it looks like let's go back to object mode and I'm gonna move it back on the y-axis a little bit back so that it doesn't get in the way we're just gonna use this line as the guide line of where we're going to animate the bouncing ball just to make it easy you don't have to do this if you don't want to you can freehand it if you're comfortable with that but this is just proposed to begin a tutorial I'm just gonna start off like this okay so let's change back to the ball and go back into draw mode oops sorry go back to the draw mode and now let's actually tap into edit mode or you can change from drama to edit mode manually and then this just position the ball where we wanted to start I might just scale it down a bit as well baseball is a bit too big okay we might start at somewhere like yeah something like that is probably a good starting point so over here we have the timeline editor it used to be called the dope sheet editor in older versions of bender but it's now called the timeline editor so over here we have a bunch of all these strokes the one for the bulb is actually you don't see the word ball over here and that's because the the words that are being used over here is actually coming from here so for example we don't Renate if you name this one ball it's probably a Grandia to name this one so now we can see the word ball over here okay so all this little diamond stuff that you see over here they call keyframes they represent a snapshot of what your drawing looks like at this point in time so this is pretty much the timeline so if I pretty much press play you can see what your animation will look like currently we don't have any animation going on so it's nothing going on but when we add keyframes we create snapshots of what our drawing looks like at that specific time and at that specific point in time I hope that makes sense but if it doesn't don't worry about it I'm just gonna go ahead and show you now leave these keyframes from these other objects as is because for example if I go ahead and delete these keyframes you will pretty much remove your drawing and we don't want that you want to keep the same keyframe for these static drawings to be the same throughout the entire animation we're concerned about only the ball one the only the ball be animated that's why I want to separate out the static objects from the animatable objects to keep everything very simple you don't have to if you want to keep the the ground as the same object as a ball that's fine too but generally I like to tend to keep things separated out just to keep things simple and more organized okay so for the ball animation I'm just gonna go every 10 frames and put in where the extremes are going to be in our animation what I mean by extreme is these points over here this point this point this point this point this point is the extreme part of the animation so let's go ten frames by ten frames so what I want to do is always select the ball keyframe by right-clicking and then hit shift D to duplicate that keyframe and I'm gonna go ahead and do that for every ten frames shift E and then drag out shift E and then move the mouse and click over here shifty move the mouse and click over here and how many points do I need one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay so this is create eleven points and I think we have 11 now 1 2 3 4 hour 6 7 8 9 10 11 yep so we have 11 points I'm sort of zoom in over here so that we can see things better okay and we'll end our animation on frame 100 rather than 250 okay just to keep things more tighter okay so we have all our key frames set but the animation is not doing anything that's because we haven't set where we want the ball to be at these specific times so let's start with frame 10 time into edit mode and let's just move the ball over here just to keep it a little bit more interesting let's rotate the ball a little bit to create a little bit more of an interesting animation okay over here you'll notice straight away that you get a ghost of the animation this is called onion skinning you can either turn it off or on if you don't want to over here but these generally help the animators see what the previous keyframe looks like so that they can make an informed decision on what the next frame or what the next piece of action of the animation should be so these are actually helpful to the animator don't worry the final animation won't have any of this stuff they're just helpful guidelines that's all so I'm going to go ahead and hit G and move the keyframe over here maybe might go a little bit more somewhere like that it's good this frame with the ball over here maybe one just rotated it over here and make it like that it's got this keyframe over here let's move this ball I'd rotate it around over here here on the board here back to the original here collide with the ground come over here like the ball come over here little bit yeah little bit more let's keep doing that all the way to the end it's going to deviate from the reference that's okay a reference is just a reference we don't have to follow that by the book as long as we know what we're doing it that's good enough okay something like that so now let's have a look at what our animation looks like so I'm gonna go ahead and click on the timeline over here and simply hit slice so we can see that our bouncing ball it's time to look like a bouncing ball which is cool but it doesn't look like a proper cartoony style dancing boy yet and that's because we need more keyframes it's right now looking a bit more like a stop-motion animation rather than an actual 2d animation so we need more keyframes in between our main keyframes so now let's go ahead and add those in between keyframes that is those keyframes that are in between those extreme there's extreme keyframes 1 ones that are these points over here so this is where the onionskin you can help a bit and also the part can help a little bit so I might go ahead and move the ball over here and then we can see the line over here the line over here I might just put a line I might strut it in between both of these ones to help us guide and make an informed decision on where the animation should be this may be this one can be a little bit like sorry I'd like like this probably it's come over here and create this one and the study something like there maybe come over here and add in like that coming over here and in something like that now let's do the same for the rest yeah something like that so now if we play back animation it's time to look less like a stop-motion animation and a bit more like a proper 2d animation we can see the ball rotating as it dances as well which is looking quite nice cool but we can still make it look even better right now the keyframes look nice and organized but we can actually make it look even more organized by setting keyframe types so if I go ahead and select all these in between keyframes over here I know that there every alternate keyframe just shift right click each of those ones over there and then hit R on your keyboard and change it from I change it to the breakdown type you can put any of these other ones if you like but I'm just gonna break down since they're just a breakdown I think that's what the code break down you can also use select any of these other types as well if you want they won't really do anything that just simply ate this plate so you'll just change how the the keyframes look that's all it doesn't actually do anything to animation it's just to make it look more organized that's all in the animation world especially in character animation and other types of animation these are the types of animations have different meanings as well okay so we once we have this animation it's looking good but I think we can improve the animation further I mean I can go ahead and keep adding more keyframes but I think now's a good time to start to introduce some of the principles of convincing 2d animation one of the principles of animation is squash and stretch this principle is actually set out by Disney animators and it actually helps to make your animation look more appealing and a lot more interesting so basically we're gonna add stretch to these parts over here where the ball is moving the fastest and squash to where the ball is impacting with the ground so all when the ball is severely decelerating so I'm gonna go to the part where the ball is accelerating so these points are here and just add in a bit of stretch so I'm over sz2 add in that stretch then sx2 squash it a little bit here because once we stretch it in this direction it obviously needs to squash as well because the board doesn't have both on an increase in volume it just stretches let's do the same right here actually well I'll go back over here and what I'll do is I'll rotate it along the line of the pop just to make it look a bit more convincing so go here so basically I'm just going to eat each of these breakdowns and just stretching it out and then rotating it along the path the more that you squash and stretch the more cartoony it appears so obviously I'm stretching quite a bit over here so it's going to appear quite cartoony if you are more subtle with it it will look more realistic and this is not fake in real life if you actually look very very carefully watch those slow-motion videos on YouTube you'll find that the ball actually does squash and stretch when it's in motion it's not really just a cartoony effect it's actually it's actually real I don't need that much squash going on over here because as the ball bounces less and less there's less stretching going on so I can be a bit more subtle with it here my guess is here's almost not even noticeable but let's just add it there just to make it a bit more interesting so if a pair of animation now it's looking really cartoony which is good but we're not done yet we still haven't added the the squash which is why it's still looking a little bit unrealistic so to add in the squash just before the ball makes the impact I want to have its original form so I'm gonna just gonna bird just places where the ball has the original impact and then just shift D duplicate that one and move it 1 frame back I'm just gonna go ahead and do the same thing for each part that it impacts with the ground so here let's duplicate by hitting shift D and moving it one frame back and here same thing shifty back shift D move one frame back and so on okay so now once you've done that what I'm going to do is on this frame I'm gonna add in this squash so s Z like s X just to fill in that now let's move it all the way down okay so the squash should be a lot more impactful here and then it gets less impactful at this point no less squash squashing and then even less squashing here then even less question here okay SX has said and finally too much really any kind of squashing okay so now let's have a look at our animation perfect of course a basketball doesn't squash and stretch to this kind of level really ever does a bowling ball would really have any squashing stretch either this is probably more like a tennis ball or you know some kind of plush plushy bouncy ball rather than actual basketball so you should also be turning down the squash and stretch based on the type of ball that you're animating as well but since it's a cartoony ball I don't tend to care too much I didn't really want to to actually represent an actual basketball just a general ball so I don't it doesn't matter too much for me so in this case I'm quite happy with the animation of the ball the ball is looking quite good now so I can go ahead and hide or even get rid of this ball part so let's delete it oops what did I do this is quick go into object mode and select ball path and delete it because I don't need to see the ball part anymore the final animation itself is looking quite good now of course if you want you can go ahead and add in more keyframes the more keyframes you add in the better it look less and less like a stop-motion animation and more like an actual proper animation but what I have over here is looking quite good and actually I can go ahead and create a final 2d animation this and render it out so if I want to render it out all I need to do is go into this tab over here the output tab choose where you want to render it out to and once you know where you one rendered out to I might call it the bouncing ball animation can accept change the type that you want to render it out to maybe I might say ffmpeg video you can also render a that as a PNG or JPEG image if you do that it will render out a series of frames so you can combine that into a video editor and make it into a video as well if you'd rather use your own video editor but I'm going to use ffmpeg video keep out the default 1920 by 1080 it's typical HD and then just go render render animation and at this point you'd be done so this is what our bouncing ball animation looks like and I'm quite happy with that if you managed to get this far well done if you enjoyed this video please be sure to like share and subscribe and thanks for watching
Channel: Thilakanathan Studios
Views: 20,035
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bouncing ball animation, bouncing ball, 2d bouncing ball, 2d bouncing ball animation, blender 2.8, blender 2.8 tutorial, blender 2.8 tutorial animation, blender 2.8 2d animation tutorial, bouncing ball tutorial, 2d animation blender, blender 2d animation tutorial, grease pencil blender, grease pencil animation, grease pencil blender 2.8, grease pencil 2.8, grease pencil tutorial
Id: EvEa5RtMQc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 29 2019
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