Incredibly over Torqued -Wrench Bending Bolt! Jeep Wrangler / Cherokee 4.0

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hello everybody good day to you welcome back glad you guys are here check this thing out this is a 2 000 year 2000 Jeep Cherokee sport 4-liter four-wheel drive it's a it's semi-off road we have off-roadish tires but they're not like ginormous insanely oversized off-road tires so we daily driver this Jeep I mean I don't the customer does but it's a daily driven Jeep and it's a it's a capable daily driver that's what we'll call her looks like we got whoa look at that 250 725 miles on the odometer that's over a quarter million miles on this unit how about that I believe the purpose of the visit is not one specific thing or one very large thing actually I think it is uh it's going to be multiple uh smaller things that have kind of added up I have some parts over here on the passenger seat uh looks like we've got some kind of a electrical cable so that appears to be a ground cable we've got a ground issue I've got some gaskets let's uh there we go look at that oil filter housing gasket okay so I'm assuming we're looking for an oil leak because I found an oil filter so that's coming out of it oh and look at this over here haha I bet you didn't see that one coming so anyway Let's uh all jokes aside let's go ahead and swing this thing on into the shop over here we're still in the third stall I got cars in the other two stalls but we're gonna get this in the shop popsy Hood Take a Look Down Below at our engine and we'll see if we can't locate an oil leak we'll see what's going on with that ground strap cable and uh anything else we can uh we can put back together on this thing we're gonna do that too so stay tuned because this is gonna be a very good video opening Z Hood [Music] is our brake rotor there was a great Rudder all right let's get to it powering down and of course popping Z Hood all right powering down let us pop in Z Hood all right what do we got going on here hello G there we go look at that nice clean four liter straight six old tractor motor okay let's go ahead and get our prop Rod set up into service mode there we go okay so as we saw earlier there's that gasket set in there one of our primary concerns on this is the oil filter housing slash adapter it appears to have a leak so right down there that's our oil filter we can see it's got a mobile one filter on it but if we follow we've got this 90 degree looking bracket type of deal Dart right there and then that uh that bolts to the engine block right over here so there's a gasket like a big o-ring between that adapter and the engine block and it appears that that thing is a leaker so that's definitely something we're going to take a look at and probably replace uh a little later on after we finish inspecting things all right well since we're in the business of a look for oil leaks let's see I see I do see some oil up here on this valve cover but I also see a uh a shiny blue gasket under it I think I see blue gasket yeah I see a little bit right right through there sticking out see that so I think that gasket's been replaced I don't believe that uh that's a major leak that needs to be addressed I can recheck the torque on the bolts but I think we're good there's that ground wire found that that's a common Jeep thing some rodents uh nothing major okay this goes up here we're gonna fix that too I don't I don't like wiring harnesses just laying on the ground come here in fact let's fix that right now I need tools here we're gonna go in there with a tool pluck these guys out of the hole in their firewall do that without gouging up this paint it's really nice painting come here seriously we will lose my ability to escalate Knows No Limits come over here I know I'm doing it wrong I'm group forcing it when I need to be caressing and uh I need to stop talking just come out there leverage leverage those required okay so I have replacement zip tie devices see these guys it's the same as basically what we just removed except new and not broken sure think I'll wrap this around first yeah yeah we'll do it like this start the thing and then we can push it in so and then zip it up nice and tight there secured let's get this other one right back here we'll pull you out [Music] come out come out no seriously okay annoying grab it and twist it there victory was mine I stole it I've seized the day let's see here let's uh hey this one's a little bit different than that other one I just had look it's a different design this work now that way sure let's try this well and then there we go give that some Zips push it in snip it in there we go that's nice much more better that's how it's supposed to look you know since we're right here we're like literally right here I'm gonna go ahead and pull this ground strap off and change it out with the other one no need to uh come back to it later Ah that's going to take the mythical quarter inch Drive 15. about that no that's not coming off okay let's try it with an impact there we go got her okay I've got our shiny new cable unboxed Let's uh stretch that guy out it's a braided cable see that that's all we need to do transfer our bolt through that guy in right there tiger joint s good and then down on the left we will probably pull thinking that one right there we'll pull that stud out you guys can't see there's no lumens there that stud still can't see that stud right there we'll pull that guy out and put this other Loop behind it let's run this behind the harness so it's nice and clean looking run that down there you go back that guy off what is that a 10 I believe it's ten let's see 15 14 13 12 and 10. it's not a trend something else not a 12. it is 11. so that tells me it's probably a standard 7 16 is that the conversion to 11 mils 7 16s I don't know someone knows unclear yeah okay now that's the the whole stud coming out I really didn't want to do it like that um I don't have a nut that goes on there yeah I'll just sandwich it in right there that'll be fine in there get back in there good great get some torque on that other side don't twist too much a good way to take up some of the slack though look at that that's good that thing's tucked out of the way it's free to move around successful ground strap replacement complete you know I almost forgot we need to get the uh the flush cuts out and uh trim off those zip ties see it's really not a good look to just leave these things hanging out like that so we're going to get in there make a nice good clean cut with these flush cuts way there we go and we'll do one more right over here on this one [Music] there yeah we don't want this thing just you know sticking out all willy-nilly like all right so this particular four liter Jeep suffers from the same syndrome that all four liter Jeeps suffer from and that is the PCV hose becomes brittle and breaks away and leaves this hole uh past the air filter into the intake and that's not okay so we need to rectify this right now I believe a replacement PCV or PVC crankcase ventilation PCB hose is uh somewhere in the vehicle so we're going to get this thing removed as well and change it out with a replacement not broken unit that off yeah I got PCV and PVC accidentally interchanged well not really they're they're both in my uh daily vocabulary and I happen to cross them and get them confused because of words wait a minute what is that what is that what is that what is that private pile that's a negative we don't do that not allowed to do this that's a wire nut it's good for emergencies but no no no we're we're gonna fix that later on looks like the fuel injector harness has been replaced the connector and that one's been wire nutted on yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna unwire nut that later all right back to our part Shelf positive crankcase ventilation hose where are you I thought I saw one not here did I take it out already there she is we have a new used probably salvage yard special PCB hose and this one is not broken and cracked and whatnot so we're gonna slip this guy right on to our valve cover or not get on there please I know a little bit of lube would have helped but sometimes you're not patient enough there get that one on good oh there's the other half of the other one see the tape they always have tape all right so pivoting our attention back to this uh oil filter housing adapter unit right here that's leaking uh see any bolts that bolt this aluminum piece that's a flashlight that are going to bolt this piece right here to the block so it's got to have like a center bolt I think show let me get this flashlight there flashlight let me get this mirrored down there and see if I can't see it's not working out come on mirror you're killing us yeah yeah I can see you right down at that mirror there appears to be looks like a Torx 55 or a 50. yeah I think that's a Torx bit down there okay all right so clearly if we're going to be digging around down there we need to make ourselves some space so I'm gonna pull this coolant bottle out set that aside Over Yonder here hmm we've got some debris down there what do you got a pad for a battery don't need that and a cap for something we might need that save that for later let's see let's move our flashing light oh there goes that t-55 again keep dropping the socket that I need thank you sir I'm gonna try to work around this hose like I can kind of work through it I think but I have a problem here see that and this problem is that I cannot get this t55 Torx bit to line up properly because it's interfering with the frame rail right here it wasn't touching that bolt but it's hitting the frame so I'm gonna need to uh either move the frame or move the bolt so I think I'm gonna go ahead and have to pull out this engine mount bolt right here and then go underneath it this thing with the floor jack and jack the engine up until I can get some clearance I don't know if I can do it that way but uh that appears to be the only option here so let's let's try that actually real quick I'm going to try something see although that is a torx fastener it's still a regular hex and it fits around a 10 millimeter wrench or socket no problem I'm thinking maybe I can drive this piece out of the socket and then just slip that on there with a a wrench or a thinner socket over top of it let's try that real real fast over to the bench let's see if I can't extract this and take it apart I could chop it off but then I have to buy another one and I don't know if the time savings is equal or greater than the value of the part or the tool rather so here let's go back over to the vice put it in you can put it in that little socket thing or the bolt thing over there on the adapter and then try to extract it without oh without removing the engine mount and it just might work it might not but it's worth a shot let's get in there with a punch I don't know if it moved or not maybe keep doing it need a bigger hammer truth be told I wish I also had a fatter larger diameter and shorter punch but this is the only one that fits in there did it move I think it's coming out that could have been bad yeah it came out cool now where'd it go foreign there it is that's what I'm looking for so now I can put this into that Fastener and then get over it with a uh 10 millimeter low profile socket saving some time sure let's get that guy down in there well hopefully it was a t-55 Oh no I think it might have been a t60 that one's a little loose no matter you could do the same thing with another socket I swear I thought it was a 55. maybe it is be back for you later okay 560. that one okay back to device let's try this with the next size up doing it again there it is that's our 60. let's see if this is the appropriate one the last thing I would want to do is try one that's too small and then round that off because then we're we're Sol oh yeah look at that torque 60 260 fit in there just fine and some light in there we've got plenty of clearance to get additional Tools in so let's try this method first I think that's probably going to be a 12 millimeter socket let's get into the no profile sockets here there's a 12. how's that fit like a glove look at that beautimous long ratchet for leverage let's go get this guy cracked loose okay socket tip device coming in torque 60 bit rather there we go torque 60-bit and get down there with our 12 mil breaker news oh it's that's a tight squeeze and it's not fitting all right the ratchet's too thick it's not gonna fit that's fine we could always reconfigure because now we've got a tool that goes on that fastener and I'm going to try to reconfigure with a wrench because if the socket's gonna fit a wrench will surely fit this hose out of the way there we go okay let's see what it does unclicks oh that's tight nope let's put a breaker bar on it it's a jack handle [Music] oh come on with it you're gonna come off or what man said what that's uh that guy is not coming out that was a lot of torque right there that was scary the wrench flexed so much that uh I was interfering with the hose it's AC hose that's here let's try it at one one different angle maybe I can get her to come out am I gonna get defeated by a bolt [Music] hope not nope okay come on this is annoying why are we doing this Jeep don't do this to me here let's try again I'm gonna make an effort to get as much clearance and space as I possibly can here our angle's a little sharper going in with my uh my breaker Rod here maybe something's gonna happen it's either going to come loose or I'm going to break the wrench or I'm going to break the uh what you call it bit come on bending my wrench no way it's a Snap-On wrench too it's the Primo of the wrenches soon it's not coming out I don't think it's gonna happen folks I really don't what was that something did something what was it did the Fastener turn and [Music] let's turn the wrench again so I can maybe bend it straight this time get on there there we go I think the Fastener might have came came free I think yeah it did sweet it turned all right Victory is closer much closer okay okay now that it's uh we've broken the seal so to speak on that thing I should be able to just get this out by hand now right oh come on yeah there it goes yeah that's right I got it oh cool yeah this would have been a lot of fun trying to do this with uh the engine half bolted in I should probably get an oil drain now and put it down under there so I'm not dumping oil all over the floor I was so preoccupied with whether I could do it I wasn't prepared to actually go in there and do it here put that back in so we just got that one Fastener and once I take that out the whole housing and the filter will come out with it that's good well this is going to be another one of those jobs where I gotta drag out like a hundred different tools so we're gonna speed this up with a shorter throw ratcheting ratchet wrench now that it's broken loose we're not going to require so much leverage so we can switch out to some more speed so buckets down there it's just gonna unthread this guy right here I hope those gaskets that are in that package are the correct ones because there's no way come on there's no way I'm putting this back together with uh if those gaskets are wrong I'm not gonna do that there it is it's lubricated put you right back in there going back in this is about to come off at some point I gotta figure out how to do this without dropping this whole filter because I don't know if there's like uh washers in there or you know a crush ring or something just want to make sure all these pieces stay intact because if the thing falls out and all the pieces fly out of it I may not be able to figure out how they go back together want to do that oh it's murder on the back gotta change positions here oh okay all right that's fine that's perfect thank you did you tell them what time yeah yeah I don't wanna have them come over here and then leave again I don't get here until nine and then just Parts people like to show up super early if they can and I keep telling them we're not here until nine and they keep doing it it's makes things difficult-ish anyway so we got the it's because they get new cut new people or someone forgets or they have a lot to do and they don't know look Troy just cleaned the bench sorry dude I didn't want to do that sorry all right it's okay I'll pay you over time hey back to the vice again for the most unorthodox way to change an oil filter that has ever been thought of put that guy right there tighten it down unthread there you go so there's our housing that's what we're looking for now I just need to figure out how to get this Fastener out so I can put a new seal on the other side of it I'm sure there's a seal here somewhere right makes sense to me so let's try how are we gonna do this right how are we gonna do this I guess we need to determine if well it comes out it has to come out because it turns so let's hammer it out yeah that'll work we'll hit it with a hammer it's not what you think not like a regular hammer we'll just encourage it to come out yeah look at there there's an O-ring seal right here see right there and I think there's another two o-ring seals yeah there's another one right there so we got to change those as well speaking of seals I don't see the O-ring on the housing which tells me it's still back on the engine block so uh let's go fetch that thing real fast so I don't forget and double gasket this unit oh yeah that's our leaker definitely look at this look how brittle that was oh gravity there used to be a Rubber seal and now it's plastic and brittle okay all righty I've got my fell Pro gasket set here it's a part number es that's Echo Sierra seven two niner six two in case anybody wants to get one for their Jeep this guy opened up and we've got several gaskets in here clearly the big one is the block to adapter and then we've got these smaller ones here probably two different designs let's go ahead and pick these uh these O-rings off of this stud here and then um we'll get them changed out first I should like to clean this unit up a little bit just give it some brake clean the oil is a thing [Music] all right miniature pocket pry bar to the rescue get in there behind that O-ring rotate Walk It Out that one and this is the big one this one actually looks okay but since we appear to have new ones we're going to change it around there we go and that's our large one slide that guy right on there we go and then the small one I think that's our small one Dipper same procedure slide it on good to go encore the red can that's that good stuff [Music] make it nice tiny shiny here foreign [Music] ER wipe it off it's still got some brake clean on there there we go wipe that off and lubricate it with some uh engine oil filter oil just a wee bit drop that guy back in and I don't want to shove it in just tearing the O-rings there we go nice okay that's in good to go let's get this thing installed back onto our engine block Mr Troy will you uh will you go down there with the drain bucket and grab a tool and just pull the drain plug out of this engine and drain the oil out of it because we have some oil in there on the floor we're going to refill it with the new stuff especially since we're putting on a new filter element Troy is down below pulling our drain plug out it's gonna be a team effort on this and we need to get this thing back in position you guys see that little notch in there a little cut out that is going to ride on this pin there's a pin sticking out it's going to ride on that pin and uh help to keep this thing centered so it doesn't rotate as we attempt to tighten It Down Troy watch your face in case that thing falls out okay okay I don't want to hit you in the Noggin okay we're squeezing in kind of same type of maneuvering situation as our removal process except if I drop something I hit Troy in the face I don't want to do that oh you're up here now good you're safe I still don't want to drop anything [Music] let's get this thing started and threaded got to keep two hands on it until that pin comes into alignment with uh that little Notch that it rides in [Music] Troy is watching with the greatest of enthusiasm because this is Jeep things that he has yet to encounter in the wild right Troy what do you say did you ever do this before no actually but now you know that these oil filter housings can possibly leak and you also know that getting that bolt to come loose is incredibly difficult and it appears that I've cheated the system by not pulling the engine mount off don't let the warranty clerk find out they'll change the flat rate hours [Music] yeah that's a real thing the dealership warranty adjusters are watching social media and when they find that people are posting like cheats and hacks to get a job done they're going through and adjusting the uh the warranty time and paying them less money effectively yeah yeah so they're punishing technicians for being better at their job by paying less money like that's how that's working out it's not nice that's not okay that's why our industry has this massive technician shortage and we can't recruit yeah okay so in the spirit of how this came apart I'm gonna tighten that Fastener down pretty much the same way it came out you put a breaker bar Jack handle on it and send it see what happens if I can get the thing back in the hole be taking off okay [Music] see in a couple hours [Music] have conflict with the hose there we go all right let's get some more torque on this little guy then we'll come in with the with the Jack handle finish it now if I recall it was tightened to the point of nearly bending or it did Bend my wrench and I'm gonna try to not torque it to that extent there we go all right that's enough that's enough not going any farther that's that's a hundred foot pounds at least at least no problem I just dropped all my tools Gravity Oh Come here flashlight I dropped that bit too that's down there somewhere flashlight recovery good okay engine oil filter it's coming in we need to squeeze this past our AC hose and move the hose and go farther past it flip it around thread it on and yeah I put some oil on on that O-ring it's okay it's a Wix filter let's get that guy in become tight now please there we go click it's achieved all right get somewhere I'm getting a lot we just need to get it clean because I spilled oil long rain Shining hey Mr Troy will you grab the uh the oil out of the truck and fill the crank case please washed all that nasty off of there dude okay let's get our coolant bottle back down inside of its little home there nudges in I think it hung out like right here we'll slide these little tabs back I think I need to put some push Clips in that yeah we'll do that later what do you mean they're gonna give me crap for calling it a truck this thing's not a truck I I mean it's no Duramax or anything but I still think it's a truck it's not a car SUVs were made originally off of a truck chassis you know like the Broncos and the K5 Blazers they took Silverados and made the SUV out of them those were first SUVs yeah uh there was the uh what would they call that thing the um oh the Suburban the old Chevy Suburbans has been around for decades like multiple generations of suburban so kind of based on the origin of the term SUV this still counts as a truck uh in my opinion but those are the trunk by definition have to have a bed on it I don't think so if I take the bed off of my truck does it no longer become a truck ah yes okay I mean you could put a bed on this you just chop it off with Sawzall and put a bet on it so then it would become a truck see it's still it's a truck-like platform like that's what I'm thinking we got a truck-like platform and it's not a car so I'm gonna call it a truck if I've called Hyundai's trucks before and gotten away with that yeah I mean it didn't go very well in the comment section but I I kind of got away with it here don't want to lose that flashing light there we go here's our underneath View we got a Nader we got our fan engine mounts pretty typical for an old Jeep truck Jeep truck incoming funnel action he uses funnels I just send it oh for the best I like to not waste out my oil yeah it takes years of spilling oil to pour the oil fill the oil since yours is going oil let's go more oils in there yeah all right it's 10 winter 13. so what was that cap doing did it work yeah yeah I picked it up enough okay engine oil spilled begin engine stocking sequence now please [Music] foreign I can't believe that joke does not work on him it's the internet's fault it has exposed our treachery and now it's not a surprise anyway it's actually a real knock don't do that sorry yeah we're gonna add more engine oil we need more [Music] fill it up not you can't even handle it oh man I'm horrible actually I can say that a couple things allows me to say that number one it's a free country and say whatever you want within reason and number two the beauty of this entire business is we often have terms and names for things that uh normally you couldn't say that but in the proper context you can say that whoa now I'm not actually going to say those words right now because that is a you know you can't say that kind of situation and without the proper context it'll just look like I'm using uh the conversation at hand to be able to just use those words on the internet land so I'm not going to say them but I promise you that when the the moment arises I I will be able to say that for example um you get a trouble code p0014 uh camshaft exhaust camshaft bank one position you see like that's that's a legitimate term but you can't just run around saying it you got to have the right context otherwise you're you're not okay and seriously you guys that's that's what's written down that's the that's what it's called there's Advanced and then there is advances before top dead centers is after top dead center it's the proper use of the word and that's one of those words that we do have to use but in the proper context it's okay not in proper context um canceled fired all right guys we're gonna restart this one more time going a little closer Troy's gonna do the honors and we're just gonna check for some seepage uh you never know I could have could have broke a gasket or something so go ahead man begin engine starting foreign the gasket's compressed and flat oil filters on it's primed oil's been changed Let's see we topped it off and what else do we do this thing PCB hose not PVC fix the ground wire some bonus stuff with a wiring harness a little bit more work to do on this thing in the future but as of right now it's in the day so we're going home we're closing the shop and that means I'm closing up this video I'll do that as always by thanking you guys for watching this video especially since you're here all the way to the end since you are here all the way to the end I'm going to assume that you like this video and it in fact my assumption is correct please confirm that to me by tapping that like button down below if you're so inclined drop a comment or two while you're down there but most importantly have yourselves a fantastic day see you guys later in the video in the Jeep interval change into gasket in the transmission hey you made it all the way to the end listen I was just kidding about these zip ties I would never do that you always got these guys off flush or flat never at an angle show us in this world
Channel: Rainman Ray's Repairs
Views: 190,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: BuRhmRcjlzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 24sec (2544 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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