Angela Primm Interview

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firstly help us Lord I'll tell you what it's in the house yes she's in the house her name is Angela prim I'm gonna tell you you get ready she's full of the good stuff amen I'm talking about the power of the Holy Ghost this gal loves to sing she has blessed people all over the country she goes on tour with the Gaither tour and but she just she's just a make she's a friend I'm gonna just call her a sister if not a friend I love her with all my heart and I'm so glad that she is here make wear her welcome Angela priam Angela's please a little bit of church tonight Oh children children shot oh god baby well dad's everyday and keeping in the girl away come on children sing yeah oh all about that's every day brought us down you're lucky without come on children si No so long too long I love children like it oh it's so good to be here with you yes you just give me all stirred up down you'll give me all stirred up and carrying on Lourdes you've got some power on you well I just anything good about me I give it to give all the credit praise to the Lord bad that people don't like I haven't take credit I tell you God has just been pouring it out on you here like a lot of wonderful opportunities a lot of wonderful things going on in life you've been tore and you've been traveling right we've been seeing you everywhere well I'm a background vocalist and I love to said that I am that's what that's that's what I do and I love the support but if they fool around and give me the devil gets nervous Joe why Holy Ghost pushes me in my back you get yeah you get some high heels I'm gonna get it down on his hand yeah I love you love you like a sister yes it is it feels it feels right absolutely you know people talk about it but you know um complimenting each other it agrees with one another and that's what I feel that's right I feel the love of Jesus on your hands if you felt anything different I want you to tell me yes ma'am it's not holy yes ma'am right that's good I love being in your presence because of what you carry and what you represent and how you show it let's say you're not contained in the box either I'll be watching you you know you yeah you come on up out of that box oh man then we get mad I know we have had a war but now Angela didn't outlook you have seen let me listen to this okay what's this you have seen background for a for Andre Crouch Patti Austin Bill Gaither the Rascal Flatts yeah good night fun Nebraska yes they were we were we did a California tour with them with you the voice with them and it was so so much fun they are the sweetest but I tell you the sweetest I love doing background vocals I just do yeah and they hire us and they call us you know we go and do what we do in the Lord bless us and we wait for the next opportunity that's how we do it Angela you have sang on so many different records there's no way that this car I mean everybody that you could imagine she is saying on the records and God has gave him given you a voice but do you feel like here just recently Lord just really just going okay now well you know what I mean and not just you know just go you feel that I do I don't want to get caught up in that though because I love to support Bill Gaither I've been doing his records for over 20 years background vocalist you know they hire they say we want a little pepper with our salt little soul with her music and I'm hired you know I'm hired cuz I'm big and I'm loud you know so so we're not show up you know it and he said I want you two to go out on the road and there was that you're videotaping Jason I don't know if you know that or not but you pulled me out on your videotaping and I was like no no you and I yes I want you to do precious Lord yeah and Bill Gaither saw that and he said I've thought about going on the road and I was like sure I mean that's what I do with who he is like for yourself yeah no no yeah oh but he's been doing the last three years he's he's done the miraculous with my uh career yeah yeah well the thing is is Bill don't usually pull people out no he does he don't he's very care not love a lot of people don't know a lot of people say okay well you see Bill and there's a lot of people surrounding him yeah but I don't know very few times that I've ever known him to go you need to come out and you need to do this and you you know what I'm saying kind of pull you that way uh if he does he's uh he really believes in you you know and he's a good gauge he said a lot of people wrong yeah I have solutely and I trust his judgment and uh knee and I'm privileged that he trusts me with his stage because he's very careful of what's been in it before the people and so and I've been around you know a lot of people's at all they don't actually do what you want to do I don't know what I want to do I know that I just want to do the will of God and whatever that looks like right about my song if God can use mary had a little lamb let's say that singing singing the lamp has watts no God you know one of my favorite memories with you was uh uh ad well I've had two for two membranes that stick out to me too one was with Andre Crouch do you remember that what at all was that we was we was attic a gate there taping and Andre was sitting at a piano uh-huh do you remember what song was the blood will never lose this that's right did reaches to the highest reaches yeah highest mountain yeah it's someone that song right there sir the lowest Valley the blood that gives me strength from day today he will hey think about the blood you just can't think about all in there you know I'll know how you can I don't like this the blood it's the blood it's the blood hey son is the blood no it's sad because a lot of people today make me cry you know it's the trick I don't false eyelashes they don't come off if I see one day yeah we've taken the blood out of her side sure we have I was out of church been wild back I'd never say where it was what it was don't do it cuz I want to go oh no I get to go back it's gonna go but anyways you know I was talking in I said tell me a little bit about because his name was different it wasn't you know something and they said I said tell me a little bit about your church and they said well we're a church that reaches the community nothing man I'm in on that and then they said you know we just don't do songs you know about the blood or talk about the crucifixion that would offend you know and I went well what do you talk about what do you want about we so scared offense Imani we are we are and I'm gonna say this I'm oh stop I believe that we are under a spirit of manipulation everything has to be so correct it's a spirit of manipulation that is fallen all over the world all over the world not just our country but all over the world because you let me tell you what is the scripture says he comes seeking whom he may devour he comes as oh and not the roaring lion but has he's a fake yeah he's a phony he's a fired angel he couldn't keep his job as an angel a message you just oh it's just sad but but you know here's here's the thing I believe that we are there's a revival Angela I believe it with my whole heart okay every time I just say it it's something down inside of me that just Roz is a it gets me excited there is a revival yeah sweeping across this country that's getting ready to start and he is starting truthfully it's just you know they're hungry anyway another memory that I have of you was when we were singing remember we were down at the cafe the Lovelace when we did it you know I'm in and it means quite a bit to you to the song what a precious hit me a key over there we just happen to have a piano play cuz you never know when we get to going what's gonna happen sauce it press precious law we own ah through Oh nobody else do you take my hand you're slow you sing it loud supposed to be tonight no no no that that that was fantastic Jason it does not have to be sewn again but this was a song that my mother requested during her transitioning to heaven she's put everyone out the room and I was the baby of 13 she said I want my baby to sing me over that's the last voice I want to hear I said when the dog weakness Mima day yes yeah me take Mama's head finish is done everything she was supposed to do she's done the best she could Oh my nice day Oh precious you sing that line take my hand you just go ahead close it oh you know the way yes Angela Priya ladies and gentlemen we you don't you you sing something else we yeah yeah wait now yes come on one thing that we didn't talk about I've got to say this I've got to say this you to her website is up on the screen now you go if you've enjoyed her I know you have you get her CD you buy her CD and you put it in your car and see how much faster your car runs when you're listening as will you go sing for us will you do something else go on Angela Priya one more time TV and do you like a little jazz a little day just a little bit holy damn you know it all comes from the church you know that right just want you to know this is all Negro spiritual I'm sure any of you remember this let me see your hands if you remember it okay you with me you with me you lied to buy oh sure I'm here in the contact you if you don't watch out you're corny yes but I surely will walk with mister ha just fill it just a little bit right here yeah Osaka will in the middle of work we talk about in the ever see go to share the brains of you Oh and a south Oh Wow here's what I want us to do I want to say thank you so very much for tuning in now listen uh if you need prayer call that number now I want to get out to say thank you for tuning in thank you for coming I want to say good night listen take us out with a good song can you take us out you got one are we okay or just do it yeah well all right all right come on come on okay but this is my mother's song she requested this to be son at her funeral I didn't understand the meaning of truth I was young but my mother never compromised it and it says mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord this was her song and I sang this at her funeral and mine eyes the glory The Grapes of Wrath store Hey just about this time mommy would get up sister eulah this was her song Oh Oh the beauty of speakers and be we're so glad you've been with us we'll praise the Lord TVN has a worldwide ministry we need your love gifts large or small to help keep the gospel of Jesus Christ going around the world so write today praise the Lord Pio box a santa ana california 92711 as Christ into your life call a prayer partner now in Prague receive Jesus as Savior and Lord now until next time remember to praise the Lord this program has been brought to you through the prayers and contributions of our faithful partners throughout North America and the world
Channel: Southern Baptist Church PWC
Views: 58,908
Rating: 4.8565021 out of 5
Keywords: Angela Primm, Interview (TV Genre)
Id: 7myIlZWTxq4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 11sec (1631 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2015
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