Tyrese Gibson with Steve Harvey on TBN Jun 10, 2011 Interview

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not in the Bible I am show of that tyrese how you doing I'm great man I um I asked his brother come on the show man cuz I know I'm really really well we've had some incredible conversations I like to introduce all people who you would not suspect or even think because the reaction when he gets when he walks out with he's on stage he's at the hoodie award he's in the mall he walks out here on praise the Lord the reaction is the same and you would think that a guy would just take advantage of that and just let that be his life but it's not this brother is very very special he has a great life and I really really thank you for coming out man you've got a new book out and this is what really messed the people up if you haven't read this book how to get out of your own weight you really should get a copy of this book and at what first of all tell me what made you write the book oh my mentor about eight years back when I was going through a rough patch real rough patch I basically had that thought of giving up and quitting music and a few things it was just real rough and he said you know what your problem is you got to get out of your own way right and so I was like like what does that mean because you can't just drop that on me and not going to any details you know and sow the seeds for the concept of getting out of your own way was planted then eight years ago and so you know everybody who knows me as a Capricorn ah everybody who knows me it was a part of my immediate circle when we have conversations you mean we can we can go into spirituality integrity visions ideas concepts dreams we could talk about anything you want to talk about and it's not surface it's not fake it's not it's not celebrity it's just real heart to heart man to man or man and woman exchange of information and good ok notaries for people who don't know you who's not in your inner circle what is it that they don't know about you about your spiritual life about your relationship with God what don't they know well what they don't know is that God is my source and what they don't know is that when I was in watts South Central LA and I was on the block and I was hungry and I was broke and I seen and witnessed every level of dysfunction there is God put hope in me beyond my circumstances and so for me to have visions and dreams and ideas beyond where I was physically could only be God it's like you know well I see way you add and I know and I feel and I'm here you screaming and your cries and your pain and you're still there on the block but I'm gonna send you these visions and these dreams and his ideas as to where I'm gonna take you at some point and so that gave me hope and gave me something to hold on to and it's perception versus reality and God created this scenario in my life where I was able to see the invisible sea I was able to see what what wasn't there and so when you have these dreams and these visions I got to think most people dream and I don't remember my dreams because when I go to sleep I'll be so tired it should be bloody and but I dreamed with my eyes open I want to become the things I see so once I was exposed to these things I knew that there was better out there but it was a process I just had to mmm the fire was in my belly and I just knew that at some point I'm gonna get out of this and have my reality to catch up with the perceptions and the visions that God put in my mouth has it I guess I should put it this way what has been the difficulties of it though because you know you walk out you got people screaming you're famous you know you can't go nowhere you're you're making some money you're driving you're living um you know I'm being in your car scene you know you're doing well right with all of that though and then you being who you are on the inside what's been the hardest thing about doing what you do and then but being who you really are well the thing is and I don't say this in any kind of way if the sexy is going to attract the people do what you have to do to get the people to show up and once they show up and they believe in you and they love you you can take them on whatever adventure you want to take the other ring so so anybody anybody who anybody anybody out there from around the world who follows me on Twitter they come into it and they thinking about all the sexy and I love your movies I love your music you know what I'm doing to your music and whatever you know all of that's there and then they read my tweets and they like okay this is a thinking man mm-hmm there's a lot of people right now that are praising God privately and ashamed to praise him publicly hmm they'll talk about they favor rapping a favor singer and active before they saw talking about God in any conversation mm-hmm and so in the end I don't judge I look down on anybody it's just listen however way you get to know God just get to know him you know because you know and and I think you know and I just want to say this you know I think I think Christians in particular because I am every bit of a Christian we're very judgmental and we pick people apart we cut them down we want to encourage the wild and the young and the teenyboppers this out here running around doing dirt we want to encourage them to come into church and then when they show up we pick them apart mmm you know and so it's like well I listened to jay-z I listen to Tupac well when jay-z when I go see jay-z he don't pick me apart and make me feel bad about being here to praise him so I would rather praise them over praise God because I show up to praise God well your church sock said well what you showing up here with your pants hanging all down with what you look nappy braids in your hair you're supposed to be showing up in the Lord's house looking like that well from what I know it says come as you are hmm and so it was as you are if it says come as you are then who are you and what interpretation of the Bible did you read that says come as you are but don't wear them bridge I'm wearing the bridge because a saint is a sinner that got up and I'm trying to figure out my faith how I feel about God and once I discover how much more I love God and he's in me and I want to walk more in the path according to him just maybe imma change my outfit hmm but right now right this is all I got I ain't got no shiny suit I ain't got no tire I'm sagging I got these Chuck Taylors on I got my braids took me a long time to grow these braids are you gonna tell me cuz he's Phaedra you tell mama yeah you know and so I think in the end I think in the end if you love pop you mean you know as a Christian you may look in to say well why are you doing this and why you saying that why are you acting that way but he's talking about God and so however way we can get the message in the word out there about God and how much he means to you you know not everybody's walk is gonna be consistent with their talk of God but as long as you're talking about see everything um I you know I like for people to get to know the other side of people because you know it is it is it is truly you know when you are this symbol when you are this recognizable face it's difficult to come sometimes you know what I mean the greatest thing that this program has done for me oh oh Bishop Glen staples up in DC who invited me to speak at his church for the first time I've been in business 26 years I might never ask me talk at no church Bishop Jake's jumped it off when he asked me to perform at megafest some years ago and I never I know I was getting invited man it's always good when even though I'm I consider myself one of them now you know I used to be y'all y'all y'all but now I'm one of them but it's good though when they invite you in absolutely that's you know yeah it makes you feel a nation feel the part of the I mean listen there's the beautiful thing about reading any book outside of the Bible is that we're all gonna walk away with our own interpretation of the word whatever that may be I mean I struggle with looking at the image of a god-fearing man in the corner praying before he goes in the rain to beat somebody's face off I mean it gets serious in that corner man yeah this is man and then okay so you praying and then you're about to get in the ring and fight with gloves on or not UFC whatever right so again not judging but I look at their number like whoa there's like you this bodily harm stuff what's happening right now right and then you got the prayer that's happening right now and then you have you did yeah yeah it's full throttle oh you you know you got folks praying that they don't get caught you and I don't even want to I don't want to elaborate about what they praying that they don't get caught from doing but whatever the case may be even Christian folks tyrese I have you you stone me with that without enough stuff cuz almost it and where you getting ready to go with this here you fit the tale something I told you you know that's really weird I've actually done that before in my life I've actually prayed not to get caught no one I was going to do wrong right that's that's that's an amazing hypocrisy that's an amazing you know man you just said something really tripped me out because man I've done that I've done I got a partner man who before he go steal something he pray I'm gonna go why don't you just not go still it oh don't go down there I'm gonna do something wrong and then pray for God's protection afterwards yeah and so that's what I said someway that somewhere in there justification of it they made it make sense to them you know and so they roll and and so I mean Gloria okay do you pray before you perform absolutely see I do too absolutely but knowing full-well that when I walk out here and they cut them lights on and they say my name I'm fitting to say something that ain't got nothing to do with the prayer right because I remember man it was crazy when the kings of comedy me Bernie said and DL would pray before the show and then go out there and do that show but all of us will process it you know we knew we needed him we knew the gifts we had was provided by him we wasn't doing the greatest with it but we was doing best we could we made a ton of money so that made all of it cool with me but see this is this is what I would say and I want to encourage everybody that's out there and whatever interpretation is on your heart just get to know him allow him to order your footsteps in your direction and just pray that God blesses you to find strength and walking into the unfamiliar cuz I think of a lot most of us are afraid of the unknown unknown I've never done that before I've never went for that job I've never done this I've never dated this type of man or date you know in this so it's unfamiliar and so in the end I don't think is right for anybody to say well if I'm not living my life according to every word in the Bible then I shouldn't believe in God at all so it's like look it's all good what my prayers consist of before I go out there and sing my sweet ladies and all of them are the type of records my prayer consists of God blessed me to hit every right note put on a performance that that they're gonna enjoy I want everybody to go home safe thank you for blessing me with all of these people that showed up to see me in this concert all of these things you know keep my band safe keep because people fall off the stage they pyrotechnics go off and the whole left side of their face and get burned up I mean they can go a lot of different directions and so when you ask God to cover you while you're out doing whatever gift he's blessed you with then I think it's okay man I think it's definitely okay yeah and just one other thing I want to make sure I touch upon because we were talking one day you came into the studio we were sitting up you you've actually gotten to the point where you've actually cut people out your life mm-hmm unapologetically okay yeah see you know what I learned this in Bishop TD jakes who I look up to and such a powerful man of God he said one time in one of the sermons because you go to sleep at night doesn't mean you're resting right and so how do I rest it's my responsibility to rest but if my life is a nightmare while I'm awake then the nightmare is gonna continue into my sleep and so you get seven eight hours of rest and then you feel waking up you're waking up you still moody you still feel tired because you were wrestling while your eyes were closed and so for me if I don't like you then I'm not gonna be your friend and I'm not gonna feel bad about cutting off things and people that don't belong in my life people are in your life because because because for me and this is just my own little thing there's an expiration date on loyalty right see loyalty this word is just way over use it's like a loyalty is open-ended before I know it's not people in your life for a reason others are there for a season but it's important to recognize when people's seasons is over here's a wrap it's done yeah it's not we were cool we was cool don't know what in 89 well we was like a spook only with hip to hip we party we hung out together but the language that you're speaking the things that you're into the people that you're still hanging out with that's just not quite where I'm at anymore so then we're afraid of this word you've changed and so I come back and I say yes I have that's uh that's my daddy put it another way my father you always say everybody come with you can't go with you you just got to figure out when they got stop coming over there so man I really appreciate you coming man thank you so much man middle I appreciate you sharing this LSU man listen to everybody make sure y'all go and get a copy of my new book it's called how to get out of your own way I put my heart into these pages this is not some fake stupid show like a celebrity book with me gloating about how great I am I put a real message and information in this book it's on Kindle Nook everywhere you can get ahold of it just make sure y'all get ahold of it cuz uh I definitely have a problem with what a lot of people don't know right it wasn't it wasn't an opportunity to write a book it was a responsibility because I want to try my best to activate the greatness and whoever I can so make sure y'all go out there and get it up ladies different Tyrese all right yeah I appreciate y'all
Channel: The Inspirational Corner
Views: 822,823
Rating: 4.8536272 out of 5
Keywords: 2011 Interview
Id: y6jH7aduVak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 14 2011
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