Angela Primm "Precious Lord"

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[Music] in the united states we didn't have as black people that were doing things to help with the civil rights we didn't have a lot of the money they will go over to see overseas and they would sponsor us and mahalia jackson was sending money back to Martin Luther King to fund the cause so it takes everyone to form such a Union as what we call african-american to be a part and I'm just so glad that my white brothers and sisters they come a part of it and they enjoy it and they learn you know I've had people tell me you know what my grandparents my great-grandparents were a part of an underground movement that blesses me and I'm like we're in this together I got speckled really because they call him software so I'm just so excited that God has afforded me to be able to record this as a part of my history as a part of me giving back to society what they have so graciously granted me my mother was born 1918 and my father was born 1917 of my godsister says your mother was Abraham who's Sarah I'm the baby of 13 children and when I tell you I was that gooks baby I was my mother said she would get sick on her stomach cooking meth on her stomach and she told my father he said I'm threaded with all the drugs that you all you got everything it's just a medicine in a pan she says no this is a different kind of sickness went to the doctor and sure enough they diagnosed her with cancer told her it was a tumor they were her first treatment of chemo gave her two weeks to decide if she wanted to go on with the treatment because they were so harsh so she went back after two weeks the doctor was sitting there consoling her mommy said she knew something was wrong the growth kept growing she knew chemo didn't work so she was waiting on the doctor to tell her he said miss Hulett I'm so sorry not this time mommy said an intern came in the door so doctor need to speak to you he says no I'm in consultation with mr. B he said no I need to speak to you about miss youla said it can't wait to know it can't wait mommy said the doctor left he came back now my eyes are big and my mother's eyes were larger than than mine and she said the doctor came in like to get her at this to death because he was a white man in his eyes were even bigger so she he said miss Hulett she said what you're pregnant she said what yes but I can believe but a baby I'm told this is what we've already given you chemo and we will give you permission it will be legal for you to have an abortion because I tell you if you have this baby you won't survive the delivery and the baby will be extremely our deformed we recommend the abortion and my husband says one out of two ain't bad every now and then he'll call me a gross ha ha ha but my mom went home and the day before she had to decide to go back to the doctor she said she had a dream of a yellow bird now my sister was a background vocalist for James Brown and my mother oh she just hated that but when the checks came my mother just fell in love ha ha well thank you Jesus all belongs to the Lord amen Jones but she had this dream and she said she was on the front porch and she saw this huge Ornette white paint on the front porch and it was this fat yellow bird in this cage I said mommy really yellow bird but did it have to be she said it was a fattest bird I've ever seen in my life and it was so loud I wanted to enjoy the front porch with the bird but the bear was so loud or so rude I had to give the porch up to the bird I said forget it he says what I told Joan about the dream John said mommy whatever you do don't kill it it's going to see mommy said you think so Jones but they said it's going to be and I won't be here to care for it are you all ready to take care of the baby and rays of whatever it is that Mommy if I have to come off the road to raise that singing baby our wheels mommy said she prayed a prayer Lord if you just give me 18 years with the baby I'll be ready to go just give me 18 years well back then they didn't tell you it was a boy or girls Sedley back then you know they would spank you now you go to jail but when I came out of the womb and they statement I why he said that's the yellow fat yellow bird right there and I was over ten pounds so I mean this is what you get right here and I was late really mommy but my 18th birthday came along and every time I would get in trouble mom and said you know what road is going because only got 18 you just do what you do because I'm sick of and I'm sick of telling you what to do and how to do it so I only got 18 years and I would hear that all through my lifetime but my 18th birthday came around October the 18th and I still had my mother in November and I was my boat guy had forgotten and so had she welcomes September a month before my 19th birthday I got the call and she come on mom's not doing good this can't be it's unreal I get to the hospital is this full of the 13 siblings and their children there were one hundred and fourteen grandchildren and I was the babysitter of them all why don't you kids down to see what when they said auntie mommy wants to see you and I said Diane which is my adopted sister now you would think after 12 kids you wouldn't have time to adopt when she did she found my sister on the front porch and took her in my favorite sister she's still alive today the mommy wants to see you alone and I said no I don't want to go in there by myself I'm scared Diane she said mommy said specifically you alone and I am NOT disobeying mommy I walked into the room and her eyes were orange from jaundice she said baby this is business I said mama this painting it clean I just got married and I'm not not even 19 and she said I had galore for 18 years and he has been faithful and I'm going to trust you for the rest of the way you get in the church you stay in the church and you find you some mother's everywhere you go you'll need you invite you in wisdom respect your elders the words are full of wisdom love on people you never know who will be your sister and brother for real I'm a witness connect as I have a mommy bye here sit up here Gloria Martin in 2012 she came into my life and has been a blessing to me y'all and she's white but that's my mommy [Applause] she said when I asked the Lord to give you strength I want your voice to be the last I hear and you've got to sing me over good mommy I can't do that if I guess she can I already asked the Lord to give you strength myself mommy [Music] [Music] hello hello ha ha creepy hand hello I looked at mommy she was smiling Hey [Applause] [Music] crazy you I feel ankle coming Lord and me ah I'm gonna trust you with my mommy [Music] I say until he came together
Channel: Angela Primm
Views: 38,638
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: Angela Primm, Precious Lord, Chemotherapy, Chemotherapy Baby
Id: To2M19B9Y6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 56sec (596 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2017
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