Andy Makes Chicken Skewers | From the Test Kitchen | Bon Appétit

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I don't know nothing very simple I've toned it down these days Reeboks I've been upstairs Lots I didn't put on my my clogs today we're making chicken skewers this is from our may travel issue right over here this is from our Lebanon story this recipe comes from the restaurant Towler and Burroughs is actually a lot of different town lives it's a restaurant that brings women together from not just Lebanon but from countries around the Middle East some of the women are refugees cooking food from their respective region and these chicken skewers is one of those recipes this recipe has two components to it the first one is a sauce called tomb it's a sauce you'll see in Lebanon around the Levant region that just consists of garlic lemon juice oil and sometimes egg whites in this case we are using egg whites and it ends up being this really kind of I call like garlic fluff like marshmallow fluff you see how white it is this is almost that white and it has a really like kind of fluffy texture and really light and airy and really garlicky to the point that you don't really want to talk to anybody afterwards so we're gonna make that first and we're gonna use as economy but also it's gonna be part of the marinade we're going to pull six garlic cloves two tablespoons lemon juice 2 egg whites from two large eggs from what I was told when I was in Lebanon the egg whites a lot of restaurants use just the kind of it's for security and just ensure that it'll be stable and will multiply and become get that Airy light texture otherwise like it could just split and we'll just a runny sauce and I let this go until like the garlic is pretty finely chopped and almost where you can't see it and the mixture is foamy so that takes about 30 seconds it's already garlic and when I go ahead you want to get in there get in there bad boy bad girl it's a boy it's like you're doing this soon I'm gonna put this back on and turn it on and I'm gonna stream in a cup and a half of news for oil a slow stream this is kind of the boring part takes a steady hand it's that season so you could see that the it kind of the tomb is already thickened it's gonna get a lot thicker so we're just gonna keep on pulsing I watched book-smart this weekend it was great okay I'm gonna scrape this down one more time it's so weird spatula for a weird guy I've toned it down I feel like the whole process probably takes about five minutes there's also a large batch and shwarma the sandwich you'll see this kind of wipes off either in bottles or it's swiped on and people might think that it's like a garlic yogurt sauce but really it's toom most of the time if it's correct I love it on grilled lamb chops I've actually had it with sweet potatoes something that's the kind of meat that cuts through the garlic penis of the the tomb itself so you could see how light it is now what if it falls [Music] since there's a good amount of oil and egg whites it could take a good amount of salt I'm gonna go with about a teaspoon okay we're good to go it's so delicious you really have to love garlic you don't have like the you have the garlic flavor there but you're not biting into garlic but again there's that little amount of garlic and six hours close that actually isn't as much as you'll see sometimes some people put like eight or ten cloves it's textures is odd you know but it's kind of like wherever you move it it stays put okay next we are going to make the marinade for the chicken right now I have one and a quarter pound boneless skinless chicken thighs what I did here is just lay the thighs out lengthwise and you'll cut them into kind of 1-inch strips so really just cut them in half lengthwise and I'm gonna make the marinade here which is three tablespoons lemon juice a tablespoon coriander toasted ground coriander 3 tablespoons neutral oil 2 tablespoons of tomato paste it's a really simple marinade the addition of the tomato it kind of caramelized is really nicely on the grill and then I'm gonna add a quarter cup of the tomb here and this is gonna give not only a garlicky flavor but it's also gonna kind of make the marinade cling on to the chicken don't be alarmed by the color of the marinade it might look like a late Saturday Night Out early Sunday morning but it tastes good I'm gonna season the chicken a little bit of salt I'm gonna pour this over all right I'm gonna toss this around if you're gonna grill it the day of I would just let it sit for an hour at room temperature or you could place in the fridge for up to 12 hours nice and the black gloves so here the chicken thighs you can see they're kind of cut into strips and so what I'll do is I'll start at one end pierce the thigh and then kind of just start overlapping like so it's a careful balance of like wanting to space them out so they all get color but then not keeping them too spaced out so that they end up kind of charring too quickly you'll have some pieces that are hanging that's totally fine you could always just kind of go back and Pierce it well a lot of us aren't grilling in New York unless you're what does that mean so if you got some money you got a patio or something I don't got a patio I don't even having a fire I don't even have a fire escape you can get Mel secures at Colossians one of our favorite shops in New York that's a monstrous one oh I'm gonna have one more to this so got it we're gonna throw this on the grill then we'll serve a bunch of different kind of masala tea pickled items and the extra tune Oh God imagine this like this grape mean just like brush all over your but this is medium heat not medium high we wanted to go like low and slow we're just gonna brush the Great's as soon as all the greats I just place the skewers over we're gonna let that sit we're gonna turn the chicken skewers like every two to three minutes so they get browned evenly cooked evenly the chicken seems to be sticking let it keep let it go for another 30 seconds to a minute until you can easily pick up the skewers without the chicken stick into the grates okay so it's been about three minutes we're gonna flip these chicken this is why I like using a charcoal grill because with the grill grates you kind of get these marks that I don't care for with a charcoal grill they're more like spotted so with this as much as you want to try it it's gonna burn the hell out of your tongue so just give it a rest for like five minutes before you get into it all right I'm gonna throw some pita on here as well just for a few minutes I just want kind of want to warm it through really gets puffy okay I'm gonna transfer the pita over and this will act as kind of like a bad for the skiers sometimes I'll open them up I just want to kind of have them absorb the juices so these are pickled cucumbers they're more Middle Eastern South pickled cucumbers that Salt's you around the Middle East they're definitely a lot more salty and not sweet I just will cut them into kind of Spears I love those you'll see a lot of different brands this is just SATA they're based in Los Angeles I love them these are pickled turnips that are very salty super come don't have a real funk to them and they have this like magenta hot pink color of sorts usually through like a slice of beet I'm gonna just put these directly on here I'm going to just take some chopped parsley or I'm gonna chop some parsley thanks Gabi and look at she's sticking up for me that's what I like chaotic good over there this is something that they'll typically serve with like grilled meats you'll see in the Middle East usually done with red meats yeah this is Maki oniony situation so there's just onions parsley I'm gonna add some sumac it has a lemony tangy flavor to it and so I love adding into this another bit of acid in the form of fresh lemon juice a little bit of olive oil touch of salt and I'll just like kind of really get in there and really massage the onions until they kind of break down a bit I'll do like a little side of that over here and a little bit of extra too on the side so here are the chicken skewers with the tube super simple you could serve these with whatever kind of pickles you like to use the pickles that I like with it again if you have pita bread that's great if you have a lavash or any kind of other flatbread you could eat on its own or make a little bit of like a sandwich which is probably what I'm gonna do tear out some of the warm pita I do a swipe of the tomb some chicken I'll go I like the onion route clearly I'm not kissing anybody my love life is safer because a little bit of pickle and I'll leave the terminus on its own I like the turnip but it can get a little bit too just okay I'm gonna be honest - we didn't even let the chicken marinate for that long like maybe 10 min is but it's still really damn good that tomb is so concentrated with the garlicky flavor and the tomato paste something kind of magical happens when it hits the grill didn't caramelize --is and even with just like with the one spice of coriander brings a nice kind of spice aspect to the to the skewers again the tomb is really special even if you don't make the grilled skewers I think just knowing about the discontent is really special happy grilling Susan everybody nice that's great I would add a little bit more parsley but it's okay go in oh yeah
Channel: Bon Appétit
Views: 715,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: andy, chicken, test kitchen, andy baraghani, from the test kitchen, andy makes, chicken skewers, andy makes chicken, andy makes chicken skewers, toum, andy chicken, andy bon appetit, andy chicken skewers, chicken skewers recipe, make chicken skewers, making chicken skewers, how to chicken skewers, how to make chicken skewers, chicken skewers bon appetit, chicken skewers toum, toum recipe, make toum, making toum, how to toum, how to make toum, food, bon appetit
Id: aQaf3gzXxig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 2sec (842 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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