Andrew's Live Bible Study: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Andrew Wommack - January 15, 2019

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] is your every heartbeat every every breath that we take lil alums we pray it's the sound of freedom it's the church victorious mr. joy and it's like that shine I hear the sound of freedom I hear the roar of your kingdom speaking to Beverly try dancing on hello this is Andrew Wommack and we're getting ready for our Tuesday night live Bible study I got Cary Pickett here with me she's the hostess with the mostess and she's a blessing we've also got Barry Bennett dr. Barry Bennett from Johnson City Tennessee he's scheduled to be here I haven't seen turns excuse me Barry burned we got a Barry Bennett on exactly I'm sorry this is Barry burns he is the head of our army association which is what we call the association of related ministries international and he's just a blessing I've known him for over 30 years he and his wife and they have a great great church in Tennessee so anyway that's going to be at 6:00 p.m. just about just under 14 minutes from now please go call somebody get ready join us and we're gonna come back for our Tuesday night live Bible study yeah on your cross not dead Oh shei bring me and your grace has rescued it's [Music] our lives were turned right side up when we came to an Andrew Wommack event back in 2006 our daughter Johanna was just given two weeks to live but at that conference she was prayed for and praise God she was miraculously healed and she's a hundred percent well to this day since Hannah was here but we found that there have been many people that have been healed by Andrews events it's not a question of will he heal you he's already huge dude I mean Andrew just gives it to you like it is and every time I leave one of these conferences I am changed for the better every single time there is a revelation that he shares with us that God has given him that I make sure I make it my own when you attend the Orlando gospel truth conference you're going to be inspired by powerful praise and worship Orlando guest speaker Dwayne sheriff and Andrew teaching the life changing Word of God Joan Andrew and special guests at a gospel truth conference near you go to a WMI dotnet slash conferences for more information you won't want to miss the 2019 men's advance in Woodland Park Colorado you'll hear from powerhouse speakers including Andrew Wommack God is gonna ask you to do something that pulls you beyond yourself retired NFL head coach Tony Dungy we want to win in the most important area of life we want to win for eternity today host James Brown the Word of God because God will see you through God has got a bat out front our left and our right come a stronger man husband father and leader March 14 through 16 champion your faith train for leadership and become the leader God created you to be at the men's advance 2019 learn more on our website hello this is Andrew Wommack and I'd like to encourage you to check out our gospel truth TV that's gospel truth dot TV it's an internet-based television network and you are not only gonna get my teaching but you are also going to hear instructors from Charis Bible College you got well-known people on there like Kenneth Copeland Creflo Dollar Jesse Duplantis Keith Moore these are all people that are friends of mine we have differences in variances but we're all preaching the same thing and it's a safe place to be you are gonna be blessed so check it out it's 24/7 gospel truth dot TV God is going to call you to do something that's bigger than yourself so that you will have to trust in Him when you receive salvation he said I put all of my kingdom inside of you I put all righteousness and all healing and all power and all ability to change nation's inside of you so know what are you doing to guard that good deposit from where I was when I first came to campus days where I am now I'm like a totally different person I found Rob's change he'll say delivered and it's right here at Karis Bible College we're here to change your lives so that you can go change the world ministry is about you coming to the end of yourself your resources but never losing that heart for people just the depth of the teaching that has been presented at the army conferences that's a whole nother level I think we are in the midst of one of the greatest things that God has done things are coming down and new things are being birthed there's new joy there's new life that is flowing out of them and we're not going together and we're going to see the goodness of God in the you are not alone is not just you in Jesus we believe in you and we're gonna stand with you you came here with some kind of a vision now what do you see heard about Andrew through my father my mom had sent me a tape a friend of mine had told my husband but we heard about it from my dad through my pastor came across him on YouTube you gotta listen to this well you need to watch this I can't think of another patch of soil that's any more fertile than what Andrew has going on right here at Cash Bible College in Angelo match ministries he shook my hand he says you know this is happening because of you gosh it's just so good to be part of Andrews ministry your every heartbeat every every breath that BJ there are loans we pray three it's the church victorious it's the joy that's right bad shot [Music] hear the sound of freedom I hear the roar of your kingdom speaking to every tribal dancing on every strong Faison your favor welcome to the live Bible study hosted by Andrew Wommack ministries in Karis Bible College tonight you'll learn truths from the word with believers around the globe submit any questions you have in the comments and share this broadcast tonight with your friends welcome to our Tuesday night live Bible study we're glad to have you with us we've been doing this for about a year and a half or maybe two years nearly two years and it's just awesome I really enjoy this and we just share things with you that I probably wouldn't get to in a regular television program and one of the unique things about this is we take your questions and so you can participate also I'm not sure exactly how this works but we have chat which there are people that watch this every week and so you can get on and interact and actually make friends with people through this Tuesday night Bible study I don't know how that goes but we have Carrie Pinkett with us and she is here to give us all of this information about how you can participate and we also have a giveaway and so Carrie will tell you all about it this is Carrie Pinkett she and her husband are the vice president's of world outreach they are important part of what we're doing so man well welcome tonight it's good to see you guys I know it's been a while but welcome we have some really great things to share with you number one this is a live interaction Bible study so that means that if you're watching whatever form you're watching us on just go down to your chat section and you can send in the questions and so they're going to come here and we're gonna try to get through as many as possible if they stay on topic of what Andrews going to be sharing tonight we're more likely to get to them but that's our goal to get as many questions as possible and so sending those questions also what you're able to do is if you in this interaction is if you say hey I'm in so blessed I'd love to know more about that then what we have is if you register to be part of this Bible study I mean you can just watch it but you can have another part and as you can register it awm I dot and hit slash Bible study and then you're gonna get weekly the Bible study notes and it's great because you can just open them up I've gone through them and reviewed stuff it's awesome so then that way you can continue to get more in depth because usually andrew has pages and pages and pages and he's only able to get to a fraction of them so it allows you to have some Bible study and let me mention that you know often when I'm teaching I'll say I've got a series on this or something more and we have people at our phones right now and those people if you say does Andrew have any more teaching on Acts chapter 2 or something they can type in the reference and it'll bring up every teaching book dvd/cd where I've ever mentioned that and they can direct you towards a lot more information so we are here to help you and bless you and want you to participate oh yeah that's a really amazing part of this is that we do have prayer ministers they're trained to pray with you guide you and so seven one nine six three five eleven eleven and then what you can do say if you have a question tonight that doesn't get answered but specifically about healing or prosperity and you say what what where do I find answers to this then they can go and say this is what andrew has on it and you can get those resources that really meet your needs and so that's really powerful when you register if you haven't yet done that then we put you in a drawing and then you're able to win a free product and so what we offering this week is the war's over God is not mad so stop struggling with sin and judgment and you always say God is not mad he's not even in a bad bad mood so this is awesome this is a powerful tremendous book you heard this man yes it's good I was wondering if you were just given a little plug or yes I love it it's great yeah it is an excellent book and we have a workbook on this and that's not what I'm teaching on television now yeah so I'm just I would encourage you you know check up check out television but say I'd like to go through this book so if you've read just registered for the Bible study notes then you can do that last week we had offered them every day with Jesus your devotional book and so the winner of last week was Duane Compton so doing we're gonna get that book to you so this is this is awesome and so also this is a viewer-supported Bible study and so as you get blessed as you're getting questions answered those same prayer ministers that you can call and ask for prayer and get received material they also pray for you and receive your money if you say hey I want to be a part of this so again seven one nine six three five eleven eleven so there's some really good things and then also you were just down in Phoenix in the second rate Fritz and I tell you it was powerful it's one of the best conferences I ever helped you know every time you have a conference it's the best time so you're getting better with age I can't say every time but most of the time that's what I'm amazing he's let me mentioned in February the 7th through the 9th I'm going to be in Orlando and I've got Dwayne sheriff with me and if you don't know d'Alene sheriff he is awesome oh my gosh he's one of the best ministers on the planet today he's funny and once you get over his frizzy hair you can tease me because he's not here but when you're with him you reap what you sow nobody when I'm with you anyway we love each other and he is just an awesome guy and that's going to be an Orlando February 7th through the 9th and you can go to our website and get more information we've also got the men's advance coming up and Tony Dungy and James Brown are gonna be with us both of those are TV personalities James is on CBS and he hosts things I think that this year if I'm not mistaken he's hosting the Super Bowl he's one of the broadcasters for the Super Bowl even as a woman I know who they are okay yeah I watch football all the time with my niece Oh mm-hmm so we always watch them in cheering them on so they're gonna be doing them Tony Dungy was the Super Bowl winning coach and he's also a Hall of Fame coach and so anyway the Lord's awesome and so they're gonna be doing the men's advance and they've they've come now this is their second or third time coming it'll be James third time in Tony's second and it's awesome and you know it's awesome that I saw last year is that a lot of men brought friends and fathers and sons and their roommates all that kind of stuff people that might not have normally come to a Christians men conference but because these sports personalities and their people don't like sports and they're like oh yeah I'm familiar with him okay I'll go see what he has to say it was packed I mean I think there's even some ladies that wish we could have snuck in well we do broadcast it only and a lot of the women watching yeah and so last year we were meeting in our barn that only seats for about 1250 and we had people downstairs I think there was a total of 1,700 people and this year we're in this building now and we can seat 3,200 people and I wouldn't be surprised you could football while you do it like while they're teaching they can throw out the football it'd be awesome so that's March there's a reason we don't let women come yeah March 14 through the sixteen in it again aw my net slash events if you're interested and then also the Army Conference is gonna be March 26 through the 28th so could you describe what is army well army is the association of related ministries international and dr. burns who was going to do a Bible study with us tonight and he's caught someplace we don't know where he is he's wandering around this huge building yeah wondering where to come so anyway he is the director of this and we have about 500 different ministries who have joined army with us and it is awesome we could spend a lot of time talking about it but at this conference we're going to have general Jerry Boykin with us and if you haven't heard him he is dynamic he is powerful and then we're also going to have congressman Bob McEwen with us and so these are due to very high profile people I was talking to Bob not too long ago and he had just had lunch with President Trump the day before and they are best friends with Mike Pence and his wife and so these are people that are well-connected they can share with us things that are going on and I believe it'll really challenge it this is for full-time ministers you don't have to be a member of army our Ministerial Association but you do have to be a full-time minister and we would encourage you to come and the dates on that are there you go so again a WMI debt / events and then the last back by popular demand is David the king of Jerusalem and powerful it was awesome we just did it in was it November mm-hmm seems like forever ago doesn't it but it was boom we did the right before that we did the dedication it was phenomenal I mean people in the community were just astounded they were shocked it's such there's been a guy here that says it's the talk of the town he didn't see it but he says that's what everybody's talking about and it really is powerful if you haven't seen it it would be well worth it so it's gonna be here they're actually gonna show it again and it's gonna be April 12th and 13th and so boy you just don't want to miss that it's a great a great way our kids loved it so bring your kids and family so there's a lot happening so please check us out and see if you can come alright so what I want to share I'm just going to share with you some things that I've been studying this last week but I've been reading through the book of Acts and it's hard to pick and choose because I love the book of Acts it's you know I actually have done some things that I called acts 29 and ministry because there's only 28 chapters in the book of Acts and it didn't end it's still going on today we are seeing miracles happening today and so anyway I love the book of Acts but I just want to go here to Acts chapter 2 I was studying this last night and in Acts chapter 2 verse 1 it says and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and of course most people are familiar that this is where the power of the Holy Spirit came and they spoke with tongues and we're gonna get to that but I don't want to pass over this first verse as a matter of fact I read this last night in the NIV translation and I forget the exact wording but it didn't even mention unity it just says they were all in one place together something like that but this is significant before the outpouring of the Holy Spirit it says that they were all in within one Accord in one place this isn't talking about that they were all in a Honda but this is talking about that unity is one of the most important things in the body of Christ and it's one of the things that we have the least off and this is if you understand it correctly this is one of the reasons that we aren't seeing a greater manifestation of the power of God you know let me read to you Psalms chapter 133 I think I could quote the whole thing but I'll just turn over and read it to make sure but this is a powerful Psalm 133 it's only three verses and it says behold how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity it is like the precious ointment of the head that ran down upon the beard even Aaron's beard that went down to the skirts of his garments as the dew of Hermon and as the dew that descended upon the mountains of Zion for their torment in unity the LORD commanded the blessing even life forevermore and again we could go into a lot more detail but this is just stressing that when people are dwelling together in unity when it says it's like the oil upon the head of Aaron that ran down his beard this is talking about the anointing oil it's talking about the power of the Holy Spirit division is a hindrance to the flow of God another verse that goes along with this is James chapter 3 verse 16 and that verse says where in viƱa and strife is there is confusion and every evil work envy and strife is the door the inroad the avenue that's that confusion and every evil work comes in you know I've talked to so many people and they just can't understand why nothing is working and yet they are there are levels of strife unforgiveness in their life they just live there and they can't understand what's happening envy and strife opens up a door to every evil work I've likened it before to like having a cobra or something in your house and you don't know where it is but you know what you just have learned to live with it I guarantee you you're gonna die if that's the attitude you have sooner or later that thing will come up and bite you and it's the same thing with strife you know I went to a place in Corpus Christi Texas one time and this church had just come around to believing that it was God's will to heal you every time and so they had taken a stand the pastor was preaching this and I mean within a month or two of them beginning to preach that God wants you well there was a boy that went into a coma and he died and they had the funeral two days before I got there so here's this whole group of believers that we're coming from believing that God you know wanted you sick or that sickness is just normal and that you couldn't trust God for healing and they had tried to stand and the very first time they stood it failed and they saw and so they were asking me could i minister to the family so i went out to eat with him on Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday and anyway I started ministering to him and as I talked to him over these days I found out that there was so much strife in the home that the parents had said that they were going to get a divorce that they hated each other and the day that this happened to this boy he had had a fight with his mother and his mother says I hate you get out of here and I never want to see you again and he left and went to high school he broke the rules of the high school and at lunch he went over to a friend's house and they were playing with a gun and he shot himself and that's the reason he was in a coma and then all of the church came together and they prayed and they just couldn't understand why he wasn't heal but again all this whole thing happened because of strife and indi it opens it up opens up a door to every evil work and there are people that are struggling financially they're struggling physically and they just can't understand why God isn't healing them and yet there isn't any unity there is just strife among them I tell you we do not understand how deadly strife is it's toxic and I just want to point out that before the power of the Holy Spirit came they were all with one Accord in one place and I think that we often pass over that let me say it this way I think that there are certain miracles that we are never going to see until there's unity among people there is such a thing as a corporate anointing and I'm sure that you've experienced this you know Kerry was a missionary in Russia for 16 17 years and when you first went over man it was hard but after a while you get to teaching the people people start responding and they come into unity and when you start getting this agreement it's like together but when you get people in agreement yeah it's amazing how it releases the power of God yeah it's true you know in my meetings I go in usually on a Thursday through Saturday and on Thursday night we will see some good things happen but on Friday and then Friday night and Saturday and Saturday it just continues to grow and it's because the people are coming into unity through the word there are some things that aren't going to happen where there is division now I know that some people don't like that and they say no all things are possible to him that believes well I agree that that's true but you need the agreement and the help of other people and strife will literally stop the power of God so I bring all of this up to say that the outpouring of the Holy Spirit in these next verses it says suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as a fire and sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance but all of this powerful display and it goes on I'm not going to have time to get to all of these things tonight but Peter who had just a few days before been totally intimidated and denied that he ever knew the Lord when he was filled with the Holy Spirit it's just like Jesus said here in chapter 1 verse 8 he says you shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you and you shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem and in Judea and in Samaria and unto all the uttermost part of the earth Peter was just transformed from a person that was fearful and denied the Lord into someone that just spoke boldly and there were 3,000 men added to the church that day I'm assuming that there were women and children that were also baptized so there was thousands of people that happen but all of this happened because they were in one Accord in one place and there was unity among them and I'm telling you we need unity in the body of Christ today and I know most people have just given up on this and think it can't happen I don't think that we have to be perfect for God's power to flow but I do think that men we need to at least begin to start laying down some of the hatred that we've got you know I've the this last year one I have some people asking me today what are some of the majors things that happen and you know one of the major things that I would have to say over this last year is the connections that God has made between me and other people in the body of Christ I just had three people come and have lunch with me today that they said nobody in our circles knows who you are and yet their life has been totally transformed and we are joining together and II W Jackson which I had him on our Bible study and he spoke man he is an awesome guy and he's got a conference that he puts together every year and he bling brings the black pastors that are under his fluence with him and I'm bringing the guys that are under my influence and we're putting the conference together this summer in July and God is just bringing unity in the body of Christ and I really believe that there are some things that aren't going to work properly until we get rid of some of the divisions and the prejudice and the things that we have and we start flowing together so I wanted to point that out but let me also mention here about the baptism of the holy spirit because I know we've got people watching all over the world and many of you this may be strange to you many people don't teach about the baptism of the Holy Spirit matter of fact I even go into these quote-unquote spirit filled churches nowadays and did you know that there are hundreds and hundreds of people in spirit filled churches that aren't baptized in the Holy Spirit and do not speak in tongues and so there's people that maybe have heard about this but this is powerful and these people spoke with tongues now I've had some people criticize this and say but these were known languages what people do today when they speak in tongues they're unknown languages I will grant you that all of these people here on the day of Pentecost were speaking known languages and it goes on and says that in this chapter but it says in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels that's talking about known languages and unknown languages and then Paul later in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 verse 14 says when I pray in an unknown tongue my spirit prays but my understanding is unfruitful so there are gifts of tongues that aren't known languages now you can speak in an own language but this isn't just talking about somebody that had the gift of being able to learn a foreign language or just had it supernaturally given to them there is a speaking in tongues that it where you aren't speaking in a known language you don't know what you're saying is what the Apostle Paul said and I tell you this is one of the most important things that you can do and again I've got a lot of teaching on this I've got a book on it entitled the new you the Holy Spirit I'm just giving you some real brief things but one of the reasons that speaking in tongues is so important is because just that verse that I quoted in 1st Corinthians 14:14 when you pray in an unknown tongue your spirit prays but your understanding is unfruitful and one of the biggest hindrances to God moving in our life is we lean unto our own understanding proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 says trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not unto your own understanding the problem is we we go by our own wisdom we operate out of our own ability we let our little peanut brains limit what God can do in our life you know I was visit one of these guys that I was visiting with today I believe these things but I have operated in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and there are a few times that I have called out a person's name and I've never seen them and I told them their name and told them what's wrong so I know this happens it's happened through me but this guy he is he's phenomenal he was with two other pastors and he had just held a meeting last week and one of those pastors homes and they were telling me that he says there's a woman here named Sharon and she needs to stand up well there was like a dozen Sharon's Stan and so he just started down the road and he says no you're sharing Jones and your daughter's name is this and your telephone number is this but it's not you and your name is Sharon Lewis / and he told them their first and last name told them their family members James Wow that's pretty impressive now see when you do that when I was listening to this I have done that in a very small degree but not to that degree and I was thinking about this all afternoon and one of the reasons I don't operate in this more is because my brain gets in the way I get to thinking what are people gonna think of me what if I make a mistake and as I talked to this guy today he says that when those gifts start flowing through him he just literally kind of checks out he couldn't even tell you what he said he doesn't read iddin remember saying these things and it was just last Friday that this happened so anyway my point is that see our our head gets in the way of God now that's not to say that you throw your brain away and don't use it but there is a balance here to where we need to be flowing out of our spirit in Galatians chapter 5 it says if you walk in the spirit you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh and on and on Zechariah chapter 4 verse 6 it was speaking to Zerubbabel and he says not by might nor by power but by my spirit saith the Lord one of the keys to the Christian life is learning how to get out of ourselves and let the Holy Spirit control he knows so much more than we do so I say all of those things to say that that is a big problem with most people and how do you overcome it when you speak in tongues it is not your brain praying it's your spirit frame that's exactly 1st Corinthians 14:14 and when you are speaking in tongues if your mind if your flesh if the carnal part of you is dominant and controlling I guarantee you you will rebel it speaking in tongues your mind will say this is stupid what am i doing praying in tongues I don't even understand what I'm saying and if you continue to pray in tongues not just you know repeat a phrase or say something but if you were to pray in tongues say for an hour in order for you to continue to do that you have to put your mind in a place where it's subject to your spirit but I can guarantee you your mind still works you can't just turn your brain off now there are some people that I think have turn their brains off but I don't believe technically that can happen and you're gonna be thinking about something while you're praying in tongues and if your mind is dominant if you are being controlled by your own wisdom and not God's wisdom you will wind up quit speaking in tongues your mind will drift I'm sure you've experienced this yeah everybody you're praying in tongues shun that love is like her shoes no wait nope focus does it happen to you no okay it happens to some of us you know I think it was Karen Conrad that used that exact thing I'm nearly 70 years old and I have never one time have you thought about somebody else's shoes while I'm praying well maybe you did like structural things I know you're looking at the building like hey you know thought about my horses or son everybody's got a level of distraction anyway your mind if you will let it will stray and for you to continue to pray in tongues it pushes you into a realm of faith to where you are saying father I'm doing this because your word says when I'm praying in tongues I am edifying myself I'm building myself up on my holy most holy faith and you have to submit your flesh to the spirit and doing that is powerful and it says in Jude chapter 1 verse 20 but you beloved building up yourselves on your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost keep yourselves in the love of God praying in the Holy Ghost is referring to speaking in tongues and it builds you up on your most holy faith so speaking in tongues just pushes you out of the carnal realm and into the spiritual realm if you do it with a pure heart and because of that it's one of the most important gifts that you could ever receive and it's been criticized and spoken against again I've got a lot of teaching on this you can call our help nine seven one nine six three five eleven eleven and they have a lot of material that they can give that will answer your questions and also if you're saying well I know that this is real but I don't know how to do it I don't know what to do I could spend the rest of this time giving you instructions on this but we're going to take time and answer some some questions but you can call that 7 1 9 6 3 5 11 11 and they can pray with you and we have seen thousands and thousands of people baptized in the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues who call into our phone center so I'd like to encourage you this really is important am I saying that you have to speak in tongues to go to heaven no that's not what I'm saying I'm saying you can get there quicker if you don't speak in tongues because you aren't going to have this power that Jesus talked about and Satan will kill you along the way so you don't have to have the Holy Spirit and you could even have the Holy Spirit and not speak in tongues I'm not speaking in tongues right now and yet I've got the Holy Spirit you have to yield to it he doesn't force you he's a gentleman this isn't something that just takes control of you and you are out of control when you're speaking in tongues it is a choice it's a step of faith but it is a powerful thing and I tell you if I hadn't have received the baptism of the Holy Spirit and it started speaking in tongues I can guarantee you you never would have seen me on television and nobody ever would have been blessed by me so it's important that's powerful and it's been important to you too absolutely yeah I got it spur fold when I was seven that's all yes I got born again I six of spirit-filled when I was seven and man it made a difference because I went through a hard time when I was a kid in public school and all that kind of stuff it made a difference some people wonder about can a seven-year-old really have an encounter with the Lord yeah my daughter just is eight and just got spirit-filled I just let her in you know before Christmastime and so yeah it's that activation of that this is man you're tapping into a special just a blessing from the Lord and you want everything that God can give you we were just talking about conflict and strife and stuff today in school we're doing some teaching on conflict resolution and that was one of the things like how do you get past strife how do you get past conflict and the first thing we do it we said go pray well I'll pray in the spirit before I know I've got to take care of an issue or do conflict or their strife I'll get my own heart right I'll pray in the spirit and then as I'm talking into the Lord afterwards man he'll start giving me actually the words of how to talk to that person and that man it's so much better than what I could say cuz the Lord showing me after praying in the spirit how to take care of that strife it's earth power the Apostle Paul who wrote half of the New Testament he says I pray in tongues more than y'all talking about the entire body of believers and so the man who is used of God to write half of the New Testament spoke in tongues and he spoke in tongues a lot so that right there says a lot that you know if you really want to see God use your speaking in tongues is an important gift you need to receive it and it's just one of the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives here's a lot of other things man well we have some really great questions and they're kind of into different you know people asking about the Holy Spirit but also asking about this unity and strife and how do you get into unity and so one of the questions that came up here is pastor Mary on chat she says so is the unity you're speaking of an individual unity in belief and not the agreement between churches well you I don't know that we're ever going to get every single person into total unity but there is a corporate anointing there is a corporate blessing and the more people you get into unity I believe the more you are gonna be able to release the power of God so I wouldn't sit there and say that there is an any blessing there isn't any increased power or manifestation without every single person being in unity because that's never happened I don't know that it ever will yeah but the more you can get people into unity and and man we could spend a lot of time on this but it's not you suck the way some people approach unity is like alright let's just throw out all doctrine let's not believe anything that this is the coexist bumper sticker let's just all get along you don't want to be in unity with people that are God haters and people that are doing things but among believers we should be able to come into unity without having to compromise our values and I got to admit I have no idea how this is going to happen but I do believe that that's what God spoke and and there is an increased anointing when you get into unity yeah that's good so one of the questions was basically on Casey because this goes a personal so outside of church how do you not have division how do you not have division in your house if your husband believes differently than you well the scripture says I'd have to look up this verse but it says as much as lies within you live peaceably with all men and so I teach a course in our Bible College on how to get along with people and the very first day for a solid hour the first point I make is you can't get along with everybody and Jesus said beware when all men speak well of you because that's the way they was for the false prophets so you can't get oh you can't make unity happen but you can deal with what's in your heart just understanding that there is an increased anointing and blessing when you come into unity is an important part of the process and if you start seeking for it and asking God for it God will help you and there are some people that you aren't going to come into unity with and if you're married to them that makes for a tough life but you can reach a place to where you if there is strife if there is division it's not in you it's in them that it's not your fault you know Jesus had people reject him to the point of crucifying him but I guarantee you it wasn't hatred or bitterness in his heart yeah and so all you can do is the only thing you can control a hundred percent is yourself but you can pray for unity and you can strive for unity and you can release love towards other people and you can help be a peacemaker and so I think that all of us could cause a lot more immunity unity than all we've got ma'am so Alan on Facebook he asked this I said I am part of a church where I love the pastors and the people however some parts of the word they do not believe or teach such as the baptism of the holy spirit I worship and I listen to the teachings but inside I do not feel unified in many things how do I do well in unity with them while standing on the Word of God well first of all I'd say that if you could find a church that preaches on the baptism the Holy Spirit gifts of the Holy Spirit and things like that I join it I wouldn't try and become in unity with people who disagree and for this I've opened up a can of worms here but let me say that there's some people that say well you know I want to get in and I'm believing God to change this church I have pastored three churches and I'm telling you it takes a miracle for the pastor to change the church you as a rank-and-file member of the body are not going to change that Church and I know that there's people right now who say oh no I am no you aren't for one thing you're out of order God set a system of government in a church and for the pastor to be up here preaching one thing from the pulpit and then you are down here talking to the members and you're criticizing and saying that's not right and I don't agree with this you're sowing discord among the Brethren and the Bible says God hates that they would be better off to be in agreement with the wrong doctrine then to have somebody up speaking the wrong doctrine and somebody else down here sowing discord among the people I you know we use that verse already at the beginning of this but we're envying and strife is there's confusion and every evil work and so when you're sowing strife and you are countering what the pastor is saying it just opens up a door to all kinds of problems in the body of Christ so I've been in churches where I didn't agree with everything and if for some reason I can't find a church I do agree with then sometimes I've had to stay in that situation but I'm not gonna so strive I'm not gonna counter them I'm not going to talk about that it's not my place I am NOT the pastor and you aren't the pastor so I would recommend that if you're in a situation where you don't agree with what's being taught look for a different church where you can't agree you may not well let me rephrase you probably will never find a church that you agree with 100% but you ought to be able to find a church that you're blessed by it and you you're for it and you're wanting to promote what they're doing and if you can't find one of those well then you may have to stay in a church and I do believe that the fellowship that this person was talking about that they gained from the believers that is an important part so going to church it's not just about getting the word but it's having a network of believers friendship fellowship I was just reading here in Acts chapter 2 and it says that they in verse 46 it says and they continuing daily with one Accord in the temple and in breaking bread from house to house did eat their meat in gladness and in singleness of heart and so there was a number of things they not only had the word but they were fellowshiping and meeting together and eating together every day so a large part of the body of Christ is not just the Ministry of the word with television with DVDs internet you can get the word someplace else but you do need believers fellowship so if you can't find a church that is preaching the word the way you believe it should well then you need to evaluate whether you can have friendship and whether you can get some of those things and if that's so well then you're just gonna have to tough it out yeah it's kind of like family at Christmas sometimes it's not always good but there's still family and you just try and make it work the best you can yeah felici beyond chat asus does the devil understand tongues I don't think so I've had people ask me that before but I don't think so I mean I don't have there is no scriptural basis that the devil understands what you're saying so I couldn't say emphatically but I don't I don't think so alright that's good so um andris says on Facebook he says some preachers teach that you need to pray travail until you feel or know that something got broken the spirit for you to have an assurance of the manifestation of the answer to your prayer is this true I believe that's true but let me say that I think that has been taught wrong a lot there are people that have made a work still out of that and they teach all kinds of weird things but I can tell you that I have prayed and interceded many many times and it says over in Romans chapter 8 verse 26 likewise the spirit helpeth our infirmities and the word helpeth there means that he it's a compound word for Greek words put together and it means that he takes hold together with us the Holy Spirit doesn't intercede without us we are ineffective without the quickening power of the Holy Spirit but when you start praying in earnest and in faith the Holy Spirit takes hold together with you with groanings that cannot be uttered and there is a breakthrough and there's many times that I've pray and all of a sudden man I just knew there's no reason to pray anymore it's done yeah so that's what the Pentecostals are talking about by praying through and I believe that there is a truth to it but at the same time it has been turned into a religious ritual that people do and it's been certainly misused so whoever is asking this question I can't say that what you've been exposed to and what you've seen is the correct thing but I think that there is a truth to praying until you just receive this supernatural intercession from God and know that it's done yeah I like this time Larry on chat asked us he says can you effectively pray in tongues while driving is that a bad idea to do so no I do it all I do to people will be driving they'll look at me and I'm like I would suggest you keep your eyes open I keep my eyes open but boy I'm I'm taking care of some things in the secret I was driving down the road and I hit an elk and my I was telling my son about it and he's he says you were praying weren't you and I said well yeah I always prayed but I had my yeah I pray in tongues all the time I and in the law is a great place oh yeah because it like I was saying when you pray in tongues of your spirit praying not your mind and you have to have something that your mind is stayed upon so when you're praying in terms of driving you can use your mind to drive and pay attention to what's going on in your occupied but you aren't dominated by not as distracted mm-hmm you know I can be doing dishes and cooking and and and answering questions and and all that it have more distraction but boy when you find a place that you can just set that focus you know if that's driving or the shower the you know wherever that is you find that spot mm-hmm okay I pray in tongues all the time I even pray in tongues silently sometimes which I don't recommend that because I believe that there is value to speaking it out with your mouth but I have prayed in tongues in my mind before and I believe it sometimes that stopped me from saying things okay just to be in the spirit cuz you've met your flesh might one actually get out there so Cherie on Facebook says this can your prayer language grow and should it if so can could you explain how that works as you get more confident and you get to where you are less critical in your analyzing and wondering is this really God or is this just me the more into faith you get I believe the freer it flows like the day that I first started speaking in tongues I was I would I had trouble it took me three and a half years speaking in tongues after I first prayed for it and believed and it was because I was a Baptist and I'd been taught against it so much and so when I finally spoke in tongues I only spoke a couple of words then I went in and ministered to a guy and when I came out I had forgotten those words and I panicked because it took me three and a half years to get here so I said oh god I need a couple of more words so I prayed until I got some more words that I felt good about but as my confidence level increased before the day was over I was speaking in different languages yeah you know I don't know how to tell you that but you can tell when a person speaking French or Spanish or German and you may not understand what they're saying but you can tell it's a different language and I can tell when I go from one language to another yeah yeah and so I think that the freer you get and the less you are thinking about yourself and the less analytical you get and the more you keep your mind state upon God I think you can get freer in time speaking in tongues so a question is with all the connections that you're making with different ministries and different organizations and things like that how do you do how do you balance unity or the building relationship with them but say they don't believe exactly some of the same thing what do you feel about your endorsement of them I had a person describe it to me like this if you had a target you know that had these different circles and you have the center the bullseye and then you have other things and it goes out we have to agree on core beliefs like for instance I cannot come into unity it says this over in 2nd Corinthians chapter 6 what Concord hath Christ with Belial what fellowship hath with believer with an infidel you have to have some core beliefs that you have the Bible doesn't encourage you to be in unity with people that are toxic so they have to believe in in Jesus as their Lord they need to understand that it's by grace and not by their own goodness now even that I can negotiate to some degree because there are some people that believe in the grace of God as far as salvation and they just haven't gotten the revelation in other areas and I can tolerate that but it's like there's these core beliefs that if we believe on the poor things and hit the bull's eye well then these other things out here I can let it go there's there's very good friends of mine that we have a totally different take on the rapture and the second coming of the Lord and you know that's important I'm not saying it's not important but it's not that central thing yeah and so you have to have these core beliefs and I could spend time going through what I consider my core beliefs but you would have to just you know establish what are the non-negotiables and then other things you just love them in spite of it so a question when people are you know says you try to be together and one Accord and be together in unity how does that balance out cast out the scoffer and strife will cease when there's just some relationships that you have to say this is toxic or it's unhealthy for my children or my family or when does that point come and how do you can still stay in unity without getting hate I spent an hour talking about that in class today but real quickly and just a person can make a mistake and you could disagree over certain things but if their heart is right well then I can I can deal with any mistakes that you make things that you may say that are immature or stuff like that that's not a problem but if their heart is toxic if they are just bitter and angry I would even reach out to them then and try and help them change but you can't really change you can't change a person's character they have to be willing to do it and so once you see that it's not just a it's an it's not an anomaly it's not a mistake it's not a one time off thing this is who they are they are a scorner and they're stripe you need to separate yourself from them because that is toxic yeah but you can you can you separate from them but still keep your heart where you're like okay I'm gonna pray for them I must move life over them but I'm just not gonna invite them over for dinner that's right and there are some people you do not need to be good friends with yeah so anyway we we by no means covered all of this I probably caused more problems and I answered by anyway if you'll call at number seven one nine six three five eleven eleven we do have people that you could ask questions and they can immediately send you the materials that I have on that yeah he mentioned the Holy Spirit knew you that's one of the books that we give out to everyone at the end of the conference's as they get filled with the spirit just to continue walking so that the enemy is not telling you oh it hates this and you don't have that and it's wrong boy just you get the word inside of you and help you so again call them and we've got some of the best prayer people on the planet back there godly godly people so if something has been stirred tonight and if we could help you in any way please call seven one nine six three five eleven eleven thank you for joining us for our Tuesday night live Bible study god bless you we'll see you next week join us next Tuesday for our live Bible study to receive notes and to win giveaways visit our website you you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
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Id: Zpy56IcJznA
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Length: 47min 3sec (2823 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 15 2019
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