Andrew's Live Bible Study: The Baptism of the Holy Spirit - Andrew Wommack - November 27, 2018

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[Applause] [Music] welcome to the live Bible study hosted by Andrew Wommack ministries in Karis Bible College tonight you'll learn truths from the word with believers around the globe submit any questions you have in the comments and share this broadcast tonight with your friends welcome to our Tuesday night live Bible study we're glad that you're with us I've got Carrie Pinkett with me and she's our typical home and man hope you had a great Thanksgiving I stayed home actually last Tuesday night a week ago tonight was the last time I was in until yesterday when I came in to do the truth and liberty live cast I was home six days in a row it was awesome I thought I might ought to try that again but it was great and I got a lot of studying done and I got some things that I'd like to share with you tonight things that I'd seen before but just were refreshed to me and I think it'll be a real blessing to you so we're gonna have a great Bible study tonight but I'd like Carrie to share with you how you can participate and also we've got giveaways we had personally win one last week this is Carrie well welcome everybody and you know what's so great about this Tuesday night Bible study is exactly what Andrew just said is that it's fresh it's not something you know something that you got saying that my other stuff is you always find a way to just know it's fresh bread it's just straight from from this week study anyway you're gonna be blessed to buy this and you're going to get to interact with us and so we have notes and you get to ask questions and so two different ways that you can interact with us whatever form that you're watching on go to the chat section and just ask us questions and we're going to take those questions I'm going to get him here we're gonna ask that at the end or try to give us choose many questions as possible if they stay on subject it's more likely we're able to get to your question so that would be great and then also and if you don't ask good questions Carrie will write on our own she does that you don't know it I'm giving you some thank you thank you well I have questions so I just say well I'll ask this so another way you can interact with us obviously is that after this Tuesday night Bible study is that you can continue to go back through and study what andrew is going to be sharing sign or any of our other guest ministers as they come on because we have notes that we provide every week so what you can do is you if you have not registered you can register and be part of the Bible study family and get these notes every week so if you go to a WMI dotnet slash Bible study you put in all your information and then we start sending you those notes which is really really great I think I'm correct in saying that we are kind of these don't we yes so you're gonna you're gonna find these also on the website I can go back and watch I mean you could we've done this now for over a year yeah it's a a maybe 18 months almost yeah so anyway there's and then what you can do is you can go to gospel truth TV so this is what we call Andrew and friends and it's just tremendous so these choosing that Bible studies are on there so you can watch that all the time so that's actually it's one of besides your stuff and the choosing a Bible study people love that it's one of your most popular ones that people enjoy watching so you can go back and watch that and then you can also again register so that you have those notes yourself and you can share those with people it's just a great way to you know have something midweek to study so please do that also what we also have is all of our prayer ministers are standing by so if you're saying hey I'd like today I have some more questions or andrew mentioned a book or teaching that he had how do i get that they're gonna be able to give you all those resources plus they're there to pray for you and so this is an awesome time where you can just say hey i'm needing prayer i need an agreement on some things in my life all these prime ministers are standing by as well as this is a viewer-supported venture and so you guys as our Tuesday night Bible study family get to help us do this and those people are watching this all over the world even here we've got United Kingdom and Hong Kong Philippines Wisconsin Nevada Washington there's dozens and dozens of names and places and states where people are watching new time visitors all the time plus we have repeat audience all the time it's kind of become this Bible study family and you can see everybody's chat and they're talking to each other and so it's just a great way to just get fed be encouraged and get prayer and so if you'd like to give to this and satellite like to continue to see this happening we'd love to have your support I think it cost about twenty five hundred dollars per night yeah all of the things of doing this live so we would appreciate you support me yeah and when you register for the Bible study notes what we do is we have a giveaway every week and so this week's giveaway if what we do is we go through all those registered names and we pick a name this week we have the gift of the heart of Christmas and so this is the newly produced we've that we've done a couple of the place here at cares it is phenomenal I think you've said before if you can watch it without crying I'll buy you dinner so this is I mean I'm not gonna cry this year this is really Broadway quality stuff and this is the first time we've had this DVD available we add the God with us DVD available of another musical but this is the first time that just became available the first another yeah so so please register because you're gonna want to win this but if you also are interested in you want to buy this this would make a great Christmas gift so go to a WMI dotnet and you can order one but if you can't if you can't buy it then come live well both do both so this December December 7th through 9th were actually having four performances here at Karis Bible College in Colorado you should see this place from the road it's all lit up it's it's gorgeous and inside the building it's it's just it's so festive and it's just such a spirit of Christ and just the celebration so we're gonna have these celebrations so you want to come and do that and then also Andrew will be in Phoenix on January 3rd through the 5th so he's gonna have our gospel truth seminar and it's always a great one to go to right in the middle of winter and I'm gonna have Greg Fritz with me and yes a great speaker you're gonna love Greg fritz he's awesome yeah so please come to all this and please check us out a gather of friends and family and again as you're watching go to your chat button and ask questions as we as we go through this well awesome all right so what I want to share with you is I like I said I got to study the word I wrote a book last weekend I read a book and wrote a recommendation for it and I studied the word about 12 hours a day the rest of the days it was awesome and anyway I just ran across some things that I had seen before or and I may have even shared some of these things with you before but it just became fresh and it relates to the baptism of the holy spirit and speaking in tongues but in kind of a different way than what I had seen it and I think it would be a real blessing to you so let me just turn over and share this with you out of Leviticus chapter 9 I was reading about the dedication of the temple and you know you can kind of get bogged down in all of the details about how many cubits this was and how many oh you know the this tenon goes in this thing in all of the pins and stuff it anyway after they gave all the details about the tabernacle and how to build it then it talks about Moses and Aaron actually erecting the tabernacle and offering a sacrifice to the Lord and I'm breaking right into the middle of this but in Luke chapter 9 and in verse 23 it says in Moses and Aaron went into the tabernacle of the congregation and came out and blessed the people and the glory of the Lord appeared unto all of the people now that's important and I'm going to this will happen again and I'm going to make a reference to that and then in verse 24 it says and there came a fire out from before the Lord and consumed upon the altar the burnt offering and the fat which when all the people saw they shouted and fell on their faces and you know I was just reading this and it just it really ministered to me to think about the visible presence of the Lord this glory of God that they call it the Shekinah glory is the word in the Hebrew and it was a manifest presence of God and they had fire that was on top of the tabernacle by night and during the day they had this glory cloud this Shekinah glory of God and it's the same thing that when Jesus was on the Mount of Transfiguration and he was praying that the cloud the glory cloud of God this same glory right here came and overshadowed all of them and an audible voice from God came out of the clouds and spoke to him and then I was reading over in second chronicles chapter 7 this is 480 years after they erected this tabernacle you can see that in first Kings chapter 6 verse 1 but 480 years later it talks about when Solomon built the temple and he dedicated all of these things in chapter 6 is a prayer that he prayed and asked God to have respect unto the tabernac unto the temple and hear people's prayers and when he got through this is what it says in 2nd chronicles chapter 7 verse 1 now when Solomon had made an end of praying the fire came down from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices and the glory of the Lord filled the house and the priests could not enter into the house of the Lord because the glory of the Lord had filled the Lord's house and when all the children of Israel saw how the fire came down and the glory of the Lord upon the house they bowed themselves with their faces to the ground upon the pavement and worshiped and praised the Lord saying for he is good for his mercy endureth forever and there's just so much that I was thinking about concerning all this but you know when you really see the manifest presence of God the glory of God it causes you to fall on your face and worship Lord so the same thing happened at the dedication of the tabernacle and then the dedication of the temple the the house of God when they first dedicated it God showed his approval and acceptance by fire coming down and consuming the sacrifice and then look at this over in Acts chapter 2 and in Acts chapter 2 and in verse 1 it says and when the day of Pentecost was fully come they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and he filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire and it sat upon each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance and you know what what the reason I'm linking these things is together is is because when God first inhabited a place on the here on the earth it was the tabernacle and the way that he showed his approval and acceptance of it was that fire literally fell from heaven and consumed the sacrifice then when they dedicated the temple the same thing happened fire came from heaven and here in the New Testament the scripture says twice and second first Corinthians chapter 6 verse 16 in first Corinthians 6:19 it says you are the temple of the Holy Ghost and so when the church began the day that the Holy Spirit came and inhabited us fire fell again this time it wasn't a physical fire that killed a an animal but it was cloven tongues of fire that dwelt upon them and it's the exact same thing when we became the temple of the Lord God showed his approval by releasing the holy spirit in this fire falling upon them and you know every time that fire fell in these instances it was because a sacrifice was being consumed the fire of God the glory of God doesn't just show up anywhere it fell on the sacrifice as they were dedicating the house of God and likewise we are supposed to be a living sacrifice unto God Romans chapter 12 verse 1 and when you become a living sacrifice when you turn yourself over to the Lord when you receive this baptism of the Holy Spirit there is a fire burning on the inside and also the glory of God in 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2 I'd have to look up the verse I think it's around verse 14 it says that we have been called to the obtaining of the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ and that's not just talking about something that's going to happen in eternity right now in your spirit if you have received this baptism of the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues then this fire of God the supernatural manifests manifest fire of God has fallen on the inside and on the inside of you you now have the glory of God a lot of people you know I could go back and teach on spirits all about it because a lot of people when you say something like that they just live in the natural realm in the physical realm they know what they look like they know what they feel in their emotions but they don't recognize that there's a spiritual part of that yeah but when you get born again you become the temple of God and God fills you with this holy spirit and you do have the glory of God on the inside of you and so anyway I was studying these things this week and I'd seen this before but it just became fresh to me and you know what I did after reading all of this I went out and spent about an hour just outside walking on my trail praying in tongues and realizing that when I'm praying in tongues that this fire of God is burning on the inside of you it just made it even more powerful to me about what speaking in tongues is all about and let me go back over to Leviticus chapter 9 if you've understood what I've said right here and you understand that the power of God felt the fire of God fell and the glory of God inhabited the tabernacle this will make more sense in chapter 10 verse 1 when it says now native and a by who the sons of Aaron Aaron was the high priest and these were his two sons that were operating as priests in the tabernacle it says they took either of them his censer and put fire therein and put incense thereon and offered strange fire before the Lord which he commanded them not I could spend a lot of time verifying this but as you continue to read here when God dedicated the tabernacle and the temple supernatural fire came not just a normal fire not a fire that man kindled but a fire from God fell and consumed the sacrifice and they were commanded to keep this fire burning day and night and what they did was add fuel to the fire but they never let it go out and they never started another fire it needed to be the fire that God had initiated that God started and yet they just chose to put fire into a sensor and offers strange fire fire that God didn't start they did their own fire and here's the reaction it says in verse 2 and there went out fire from the Lord and devoured them and they died before the Lord you know that looks really severe here they were priests and they were supposed to be offering a incense to the Lord in doing this and God killed him because it was strange fire but the point is that see God started this fire it was supernatural and he told them that they could put wood on the fire but they couldn't start another fire now you've transferred this over into the New Testament and when you become born-again and the power of the Holy Ghost comes upon you you are supposed to keep that fire of the Holy Spirit burning the supernatural fire of God one of the ways you do that is through speaking in tongues that you aren't supposed to offer strange fire you aren't supposed to serve God out of your own ability you aren't supposed to do things out of your own wisdom and out of your own strength but you are supposed to be endued with power from on high you know Jesus even after his resurrection he appeared to his disciples and they knew that he had been raised from the dead and that's the greatest news that the world had ever heard and yet he told him he says don't go anywhere don't tell anybody what you've seen until you receive power on high and it was 40 days well it was actually a little over 40 days it was under 50 days it was on the day of Pentecost which was 50 days after his resurrection I guess and he for 50 days they couldn't tell anybody that Jesus had been raised from the dead because he wanted them to do it out of the power of the Holy Spirit and on the day of Pentecost is when this power came and God empowered them and this is the way that he wants us to live is under the strength and the power of His Holy Spirit and today praise God because of our better covenant you don't get struck dead in the way that they live in a by who but you know what he still wants you to be living under the power of His Holy Spirit and to receive this power and to be speaking in tongues and you know at my meetings Kerry's been with me at a lot of my meetings and I don't know all of the reasons why but I see thousands tens of thousands of people baptized in the Holy Spirit I even go into spirit-filled churches where they supposedly are spirit filled and preach on it and half of the congregation will get receive the baptism of Holy Spirit yeah I don't know exactly what's going on but this is just something that God has really impacted me with he's impressed it on me how important it is to live under the power of the Holy Spirit and because I would I preached on this and we see lots of people baptized in the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues it's not unusual to have three four hundred people come down in one service matter of fact I was just in Uganda and I think we had over 800 people come forward in one service to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and this is just powerful when you stop and think about it God is consistent he dedicated the tabernacle fire came down the glory of God filled the house they dedicated the temple fire came down and consumed the sacrifice the glory of God filled the house so that they couldn't even stand a minister on the day of Pentecost when we became the temple of the Holy Spirit fire came down and indwelt them and cloven tongues of fire upon their head and the glory of God filled them so you know you don't have to read this in Leviticus chapter 9 in second chronicles chapter 1 and say oh man wouldn't it have been wonderful to have been there during those days and see the fire of God fall from heaven and consume the sacrifice did you know when you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit you are receiving the exact same thing we take it for granted because it's so commonplace but it is awesome to think that the glory of God comes and fills you the power of the Holy Spirit indwells you and you have this ability to speak in tongues you know there's probably people watching this right now who you're thinking man I've heard about speaking in tongues but I hadn't heard that it was anything that was really powerful a lot of people just look at it as something you do just prove that you received the baptism of the Holy Spirit they do it one time and then they may go a month a year and never speak in tongues again but if you understand it correctly it's the glory of God it's the fire of God falling upon you it's the validation the approval of God upon you he's coming in and dwelling his his temple and you know when I lead these people in the baptism of the Holy Spirit if you've been to one of my meetings you can probably recite this with me because I say nearly the same thing all the time but when you get born again you become the temple of the Holy Spirit first Corinthians 6:16 and first Corinthians are excuse me first Corinthians 3:16 and 6:19 and so you become the temple of the Holy Spirit and that's significant because God created you to be a dwelling place for his holy spirit that's what you were made for so there's no way that God would reject you or not give it to you there are people today that will talk about the power of God and about the baptism of the Holy Spirit but they basically present it that you've got to be worthy and that if you've got any sin in your life God won't feel a dirty vessel but God hadn't got any other kind of vessel to fill you're just talking about new flesh and so no that doesn't stop God he said in Luke chapter 11 verse 13 if you being evil know how to give good gifts unto your children how much more where the Heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that ask you know carry here we were just talking about her kids and about Eliana what a new word yeah exquisite exquisite or new word she's eight years old and anyway you know Eliana and Michael they aren't perfect all the time and they do things wrong but man if they came and asked for something I guarantee you Mike and Kerry would just be glad a man to give to that and it's same thing with your Heavenly Father he's not looking at you and saying you have done this wrong and done this for a matter of fact if you are a person that has terrible sin in your life if you're born again but you're failing miserably you're the very person that God is wanting to fill with the Holy Spirit because that's when power comes upon you to be able to overcome the Christian life isn't just hard to live it's it's impossible to live it's beyond human ability to turn the other cheek to treat people in love when they treat you badly this just is not human nature and yet God has told us to do things that really are beyond ourselves and the only way you're ever going to be successful as a believer is to receive this fire of God the supernatural fire of God falling upon you in the glory of God filling you and so if you've got problems in your life you're the very person that God is wanting to fill with his Holy Spirit so you don't have to let any feeling of unworthiness or something hold you back you were created to be a dwelling place of the Holy Spirit he wants to fill you with his power more than you want to be filled I can guarantee you that and if you have already received this baptism in of the Holy Spirit and have the ability to speak in tongues it's not just automatic you have to speak in tongues and and start this going it's like when you pray in tongues it's like flipping a switch you just turn on this supernatural dynamo that's on the inside of you and Romans chapter 8 verse 26 the scripture says that likewise the spirit also helpeth our infirmities for we know not what to pray for as we ought but the Spirit itself help with us with groanings that cannot be uttered and if you study those greek words that are used there the word that is used i can't even pronounce it but it is a compound word it's actually four words put together and it's and it's literally saying that the holy spirit takes hold together with us and makes intercession for us now this is significant because the holy spirit doesn't do it for you it's he won't do it automatically it's not like the Holy Spirit is just automatically gonna pray for you if that's the way it was well then we would have everything we would never do without anything because he intercedes perfectly no he doesn't do it for us and we don't do it without him but when you start praying in tongues then the Holy Spirit takes hold together with you and there is supernatural power released speaking in tongues is one of the most important things that you can do and if you go back and study all of these things that I was talking about and recognize that the fire of God fell and the glory of God manifested in every instance then you understand that that's exactly what happened in Acts chapter 2 when the baptism of the Holy Spirit happened and that's exactly what what happens to you when the baptism of the Holy Spirit comes into your life now again this gives you access to a power of God but it doesn't happen automatically you have to pray in the Holy Spirit takes hold together with you but it is powerful and I've got a lot of other teaching I'm not matter of fact you know we've got people at our phones right now that if you need the baptism of the Holy Spirit if you now are saying well man I'd love to have this man they can pray with you and rather than me doing it right here I would really encourage you to call seven one nine six three five eleven eleven and just ask someone to pray with you so that you can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit and they can also tell you about I've got this little booklet entitled the new you / Holy Spirit and the first part of this book is all about what true salvation is the second part is about the baptism of the Holy Spirit and it gives you benefits of praying in tongues I hadn't got time to go into all of that right now but it is one of the ways of unleashing unlocking the wisdom of God because the Bible says in your spirit you have an unction from the Holy One and you know all things but it's in your spirit how do you get it out into your carnal mind the Bible says that when you pray in tongues your spirit prays and all you have to do pray that you will interpret and so you can draw this wisdom out when you're speaking in tongues it's not gibberish you are speaking the supernatural hidden wisdom of God and all you have to do is to pray to intercede and this is one of the ways that I get revelation and direction from God it's really really powerful so aren't my testimony was this week that Eliana or is he the holy spirit oh really yes this week man that's all yes okay eight years old and a bow and I was I think when I was seven and so it's it's it's such a blessing we have a ton of questions yes so so a lot of really good ones I says here um mm-hmm wow there's so many okay so Andrew what happened what happened after the day when the Holy Spirit came down and they spoke in tongues and everyone understood them in their own language was that a one-time event yes that is a different type of speaking in tongues but it's still a man it's the same gift it just had a different application but there are some people that will criticize what I'm saying about every person being able to receive the Holy Spirit and speak in tongues because they say these were known languages well in 1st Corinthians chapter 13 verse 1 it says though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels the tongues of men are known languages the tongues of angels are unknown languages and so the gift that I'm talking about that every single person can receive is an unknown language the gift of speaking in tongues there are times that I think I have spoken in other languages now I haven't had it confirmed but I mean it sounds yeah like another language and I know other people have actually a good friend of mine Bob Nichols his brother was not seeking the Lord and was really struggling and Bob finally got him to come to church and so he came to church but he was skeptical of the whole thing and it was a large church with 2,000 people in it so he was sitting at the back you know just like I don't believe any of this and somebody got him gave a message in tongues and it was a known language that he and it was a it was like Swahili or something that nobody in Fort Worth Texas would have known and he understood every single word that's then a person got up and gave an interpretation and it was the correct interpretation and that's what brought him back to the Lord Wow that's awesome so those things happen but I've never spoken and had it interpreted in a known language but I've speak in an unknown tongue and I think everybody can do that that's good we have another question here dulse house on chat says is the baptism of the holy spirit something that was already in US and released or something outside of us that falls upon us you know that's kind of splitting hairs and it's more of an academic thing than it is experiential as far as experience goes the Lord breathed upon his disciples in John chapter 20 and said receive the Holy Spirit but they didn't receive the power of the Holy Spirit until Acts chapter 1 and Heymann went on to say right after he had breathed upon them he says tarry in Jerusalem so whether you have the Holy Spirit when you're born again and now you just receive another experience I honestly can't say my impression and I'm not going to argue with anybody and I hope you don't reject me just because this isn't your interpretation but I don't believe you have the Holy Spirit living on the inside of you I believe that you have the Holy Spirit with you you can't be born again without the Holy Spirit drawing you you you have to have the involvement in the Ministry of the Holy Spirit but Jesus told his disciples in the 14th chapter he says you've had the Holy Spirit with you but now he shall be in you and I think that there's a difference I think that when you get born again what you receive is the Spirit of Christ not the Holy Spirit now since there's the Trinity and they are all one in a sense you could say that you have the Holy Spirit living in you but I believe you get the Spirit of Christ and then at the baptism of the Holy Spirit is when the Holy Spirit comes and resides on the inside of you but again it's splitting hairs whether you say you know it's like if you had that 35-millimeter faith it has different layers of color on the film and when you expose it to light different light rays penetrate to a different degree and so actually when you expose that film to light all you're doing is drawing out of that film what was already there this can it's possible that that's what happens at the baptism the Holy Spirit that you have all of this potential but when you receive the baptism is when it's developed when it comes out I don't know technically about how to say it but I just know that as far as experience goes there is a second work of grace in your heart the baptism of the Holy Spirit it's not the same thing of salvation that's good that's excellent that answers a number of other questions and so I hope if you listening that answered your question Alfonso on chat says I can see one having a fear speaking in the tongue in the flesh but biblically speaking is there anything known as an evil speaking tongue never in the Bible there is no such thing matter of fact the church that the that the Apostle Paul criticized the most was the Corinthians Church and he said that they were getting drunk and when they came together and some had food to eat and others didn't and he rebuked them and he talked about that they would all get together and just all pray in tongues and he says that that was the wrong way to do it he told him how to do it correctly but in the very last verse of that fourteenth chapter where he had told them only speaking tongues about two or three at the most and not without an interpretation and after all of the rebukes he gave him the very last verse says forbid not to speak in tongues so yeah here's these people that were doing it all wrong and he didn't say you know he said immigration speaking in tongues he just says do it in a godly way you can speak in tongues with the wrong heart and I know that this really confuses a lot of people because most people think that when you're speaking in tongues it's pure Holy Spirit it's no different than when you're ministering you and I are both ministers and we get up and God speaks through us and we've had financial things happen so that we know that it's God talking through us it's not just us and yet does that mean that we're pure holy spirit I can guarantee you there's times that I've said things it was not pure Holy Spirit it was inspired of God but by the time it comes through my filter it comes out in Texan it comes out without a filter no it comes out with my sense of humor and sometimes it's not the best and stuff and so it's not pure Holy Spirit it's inspired by the Holy Spirit but it can be done wrong and that's what Paul was rebuking in 1st Corinthians chapter 14 it's good and you know Carey when I had my church we encouraged the gifts of the Holy Spirit and one of the reasons that we saw the gifts of the Holy Spirit function so much was because I explained this very thing that God inspires it but it comes out through you and it can have some error in it and it doesn't mean that you were of the devil it doesn't mean that it was the devil speaking 3 and C this is what this question is about are there tongues that are inspired by the devil if there were then I believe you could go into a bar and in the prostitution houses they are P everybody's speaking in tongue they'd be going crazy there is no Bowl they go for there is no such thing as demon tongues I don't care what you've heard and stories that you've heard about it none of you listening have ever heard a demon tongue but you can be inspired just like a minister can be called and inspired but it can come through you and have some flesh in it and because I shared this with my churches I would tell them I said look if you get up and speak in tongues are have a message and prophecy or something like that the scripture says that the others are supposed to sit by and judged and I said we're gonna sit here and help you and we're gonna judge this here and did you know that they felt secure yeah they felt like alright if I'm doing something wrong well then here you are a more mature believer and you will help me and there's times that I got up and told people I said you know you got a word from God the heart of what you were saying was she added something you took a word made a paragraph out of it and up until this point it was just right but you know I don't believe that this was the way that God would have applied this and it gives him directions that's good and he's made them feel secure and because of it we had a lot of gifts of the Holy Spirit watching but if you have this concept that you've got to be pure Holy Spirit then if you do the slightest thing wrong or something like that you just don't know that was of the devil yeah no I wasn't the devil it was of God it's just you got a little bit you're still maturing in this process it's just like your kids you know you what they say to you may be they may be trying to tell you that mom I love you or thank you but it may not always come out right and but it was inspired it was good well the point that they were trying to make exactly those are good faith on facebook asses she says is it legalistic to set a goal for how long to pray in tongues each day for example one hour is that legalistic it can be but it cannot be it depends on your heart yeah like for instance if you're new in this and if you're realizing that man my mind is all over the place and I'm being controlled by thoughts and desires that I shouldn't have I need to get my mind state on God and so if you set a timer and say I'm gonna pray in tongues an hour and if you do it as a discipline because you realize that you need it to crucify your flesh yeah well no that's great then if you do it thinking oh be hard I'm gonna pray in tongues an hour and now you owe me something because I have lived holy and if you are doing it as something to manipulate God are to gain his approval or make yourself worthy that's wrong but if you do it as a discipline no it's not wrong and I think it's actually beneficial to discipline yourself in praying times yeah if you go away being like man I'm so much better god loves me more because I pray at an hour in tongues then that's legalistic that's realistic and that's actually giving place to the flesh and it'll bring you into bondage yep good excellent so Ruthie on chat asked this she says sometimes I've watched sermons where preachers ministers pray and speak over people and their reactions are all different some fall backwards some stay still some star raylene how much control do you have over your physical body when you feel the fire of the Holy Spirit does the Holy Spirit ever take over your body never he will never force you to do something the scripture says 1st Corinthians chapter 14 as it's talking about judging these things and making sure that it's done properly it says the Spirit of the Prophet is subject to the Prophet in other words the Lord will not force you to do anything but now that being said if you feel the presence of God and if there is a physical manifestation why would you fight it and so there is certainly nothing wrong with falling out under the power of God but there are some people that do this as a legalistic thing like what we were talking about praying in tongues I've actually prayed for people before and they turn around and look to see if they have a catcher before that's the flesh yeah if it's the power of God and if I've actually fallen down before and nobody caught me and I hit my head on a metal chair and I never felt a thing they said it sounded like you know like that and it didn't do a thing to me I had a woman that I prayed for one time and she fell down on a concrete floor it was concrete floor and it had a carpet on it but it was just it didn't have a pad it was a real thin carpet and she fell down and hit her head you could hear it smack like that and I looked at and you could see the blood coming out from under her head she cracked her head open and I thought oh my god and I went down to help her and she was just praising God she'd never felt the thing she was just fine well Holy Ghost kept and praise God Wow protected me through that you know there are people that a lot of their things they they've been taught that you have to jerk you have to shout you have to do something and there's nothing wrong with any of that stuff if it's just spontaneous and it's just your reaction but don't make the mistake of saying it's the Holy Ghost that made me jerk it's not it's it's just your reaction yeah I have some things happen to me that I don't even tell people about because if I did they would make a doctor and people would say well it'd be like Andrew I have to do this and so I don't tell people some of the things that I feel but you know what you can't control it the spirit of the prophets is subject to the Prophet and if I was to just feel the presence of God and fall out and stay flat on my back it wouldn't benefit the people I'm ministering to so there's times that I feel the presence of God so strong that it's hard for me to stand up but I forced myself to because ministering to the other people is more important than me having my own little party ok see you guys later you know how you know how when somebody you could be standing there and somebody could walk up behind you or something and you can't see them but you know they're there yeah have you ever felt better that happens to me a lot there's a lot of times that the Lord are an angel or somebody is standing next to me but I don't tell people all this kind of stuff and I don't have a certain reaction to it if I did I wouldn't Minister a lot of times so there are manifestations and you can control them the Holy Spirit doesn't force you to do things but on the other hand why would you want to resist yeah yeah I just enjoy it yeah that's good excellent so ray on Facebook says and you're how do you interpret the tongues I can speak but I need to learn how to interpret man I just happen to have a great teaching on that it's really awesome let's see what is that I'll tell you what if you would call our helpline you know they have they have a computer and you can put in any verse and it will bring up every teaching every book every video where I talk on that verse it'll also bring up things like how do you interpret your tongue and it will bring up every teaching that I have got that covers that but IIT chon that specifically about how to interpret your tongue and there is quite a bit of information about how you do that I'd encourage you to call it number seven one nine six three five eleven eleven and they could tell you better which teaching it's on that active which which awesome teaching it is right so we have another one tlq on chat says I am saved and have been baptized with the Holy Spirit I know the Spirit gives us power the enemy how come I still have fears for example the fear of man well the fear of man I believe it's probably because you haven't understood or to receive the love of God the way that you should yeah I had a fear of man I was an introvert and look at couldn't look at a person in the face and talk to him and the thing that set me free it says perfect love cast out fear and once I understood how much God loved me I mean I was baptized in God's love I was overwhelmed with God's love and once I became secure in the fact that God loved me and I knew it wasn't based on my goodness it was nothing to do with my goodness once I experienced that I just got to the point like I why do I care what you think about me yeah because God Almighty loves me yeah if you are afraid of men and what they can do is because you don't understand how much God loves you the worst that people can do to you is kill you and that's not that bad the Lord you'll be with the Lord in heaven forever and yeah there's a special place for martyrs and if you understood this and if you were really confident in the love of God it'll just kill the fear of men on the inside of you and it's not a one-time thing you have to dwell in this because you can get off track you can get to where you aren't fellowshipping with the Lord and you're looking at things in the natural but if you live in that relationship with the Lord it'll take it'll take away the fear of man from you that's good I think we got time for one more okay so Ashley on Facebook asked this do I need to have a thought or be thinking on something while speaking in tongues in order for it to edify me absolutely you cannot turn your brain off I have meant some people who acted like they have but the truth is your mind during your waking hours is functioning constantly and when you're praying in tongues it's not your mind praying it's your spirit pray you got to do something with your mind so what I do is when I'm praying with my spirit I'm also praying with my mind and I wished I had time to go into more depth on this but I learned over experience that my thoughts would start being controlled by what I was doing in the spirit I would of people that I hadn't thought of in four or five years and all of a sudden they'd come to my mind and so I'd start praying for them with my mind and then in a day or two these people would come to me and the thing that I was praying about that was their exact problem there was no way this could have happened in the natural it was an interpretation of what I was praying because I think some people this is what I've seen is they start praying in tongues and it just becomes a shauna but while they're doing it they're making their grocery lists down there and then they're seeing oh I like that girl's shoes and oh hey I want you know so there's got to be this activity of praying in I don't think I have ever prayed in tongues and thought I like that girl's anyway it sold on myself there anyway but you know it's not Unity faith you need to keep your mind stayed upon the Lord yeah it be thinking about your favorite movie or something like that right exactly well excellent please tune in to our permanecer and just say what can I get what resources there's some other people you've asked about some things on healing again call our helpline please ask them for prayer tonight ask for other resources on how to get put some things with healing that the things that you're going through again register for our notes check out the DVD aw dinette I got all these things I was talking about tonight about five or six pages of notes amen and this really quickly last week Donna Johnson you won our book on the the servant King the servant King book the nice big beautiful book so Donna Johnson you won that last week by registering and being a part of getting the notes and so thank you guys we look forward to seeing this week to remember that the phone number for our helpline is seven one nine six three five eleven eleven and they would love to minister to you thank you for joining us thank you Carrie and God bless you all we'll see you next week bye join us next Tuesday for our live Bible study to receive notes and to win giveaways visit our website you [Music] you
Channel: Andrew Wommack
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Id: 3gpFVxXT4jE
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Length: 47min 3sec (2823 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 27 2018
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