Andrew Tate's Most Recent Chess Game On House Arrest (MUST SEE)

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Andrew Tate's most recent chess game on house arrest in the following game we've gone absolutely crazy one Andrew Tate tries to play like Emery Tate his dad with loads of sacrifices and at the end it gets absolutely insane so in this game Andrew is rated 15 30 and his opponent from Brazil is rated 1503 so Tate's rating has taken a bit a slight dip but that's probably expected you know he's got lots going on so anyway we've got a five minute game today take nasty white pieces his opponent has the black pieces and Andrew Tay opens up like usual with the move d4 I do like to say enri Tate his father was a more of a fan of E4 although he did play D4 sometimes and he did invent his own opening through D4 called the Tate Gambit anyway after D4 we see the move D5 we see C4 E6 is known as the Queen's Gambit declined and now Bishop F4 and Andrew Tate actually implemented this exact same opening against Piers Morgan so is over the board chess is also converting to his own line uh we see C6 now and it gets interesting from here I should say by the way this kind of Bishop F4 idea is kind of rare when you do play the Queen's Gambit normally this bishop will go to maybe G5 and you know we'll develop with the Knights first but anyway taste got his own style he's definitely got his own star after the next move because here instead of going E3 in which he normally does he goes and he plays the movie four so this is pretty Emory Tate you know E4 sacrificing a pawn his opponent is you know he's got a couple options he can take he can take he can develop but he's got a free porn so why not take it you know I love taking pre-pawns I think everyone does to be honest so he takes and now we see the move Knight C3 so bang he's developing with Tempo getting his Knight into the game and he's also forcing black to do something about this it's going to get a very interesting this game we see the move F4 Here and Now move like F3 would be good if you were to play if Andrew would have played the move F3 just under the mining this you know the engine is giving white a better position here because you know this Pawn structure is not very good especially for the slight Square bishop and he's also got very easy development but going back a bit instead of going F3 that would have arised from the move F3 um instead of that after F4 he played the move G4 which you know this is this is pretty out there also has reminiscence of the taped Gambit but the Tate Gambit was played in The Dutch defense Andy's opponent plays a pretty annoying move he goes Bishop D6 now the reason why this is quite annoying is because when especially when you're up material you want to trade down so when you're down material you want to keep the pieces on the board so he's he's not a force to play a move here and uh by the way this trade what happens here Bishop D6 and queen D6 is going to be a very crucial theme for the rest of the game so after Queen D6 we see gf5 and we see um EF5 this diagonal is open so we go just check right and now GC six because after Queen D1 notice how weak these dark squares are because all the black's pawns or light squares look so the light squares are under great control you know misle is where Bishop probably not going to be that good but these dark squares look you can pretty much go anywhere in these dark squares without getting attacked with you know with a pawn you can get attacked by pieces which means when Tate exchange these docs where Bishop he exchanged probably what could have been his most valuable piece so Andrew Tate now is going to have to navigate against this and and the game like I said it because it's gonna heat up it's very strategical I've picked it out for a reason so if the queen D1 we see the move Knight F6 and Knight G2 E2 now we see castles long sight and now Rook G1 and after Queen H2 he's actually down two pawns now he's down two pawns playing compensation he's gonna get some nice activity here it's gonna be hard for back to defend he's gonna have to play some precise moves it's gonna get quite violent quite hostile so anyway after the move Queen H 2 we see Andrew type play the move Rook H3 I'm not sorry Rook G3 I'm not too sure about this I think a better move would have been maybe Queen D2 Castle long side we see Rook G3 anyway and especially after Knight G4 you know the Rook just has to come back Rook G2 we see Queen H4 and now good move from Tate would have actually been to take this Knight just to kind of survive a bit because the problem is after the move Knight G3 uh blocking this kind of whole diagonal the move E3 would have been a quite a nasty blow luckily that wasn't played in the game E3 was not played instead we saw the move Knight B to D7 and now Queen E2 so Queen E2 we see Knight B6 it starts hopping in and that castle screen time so finally Tate is castled bang he's finally castled this is a good sign you know the thing is with castling is at least he's Castle now and now he can try to get some Rooks to be H file anyway after castles we see the movie Bishop B6 and Andrew take place The Fairly intuitive move here D5 we see it takes takes and he does gain some kind of forward momentum with his Pawn but he does he does kind of open up the C file so I'm a rook to C8 would be pretty dangerous but Andrew Tate is going to get some nice compensation so we see Bishop F7 now F3 Andrew takes trying to undermine this Knight we see it takes takes takes and now Knight E5 so bang you don't want to lose your queen we go it's Queen F2 now Queen G5 and our King B1 and after the move Rook F to d8 I invite you to pause the video pause the video and try and find the move at Tate played here which is the best move so if you didn't pause the video the move is Knight F5 congratulations if you did find that now the reason why this move is Extreme extremely strong is because this queen believe it or not it actually trapped um it can't go anywhere here can't go anywhere here can't go along this diagonal it could try Queen H5 but off the bishop P2 Bishop E2 and wherever this queen goes you know Rook G3 just traps it you know you're out of luck here unfortunately especially after Knight F5 especially if you need if you even if you try Queen F6 here bang 94 where are you going you know we can check here we can go Queen F6 lots of deadly stuff here so going back a bit after Knight F5 Andrew Tate's opponent decided to go out you know with with a bang taking this Knight we see takes and you know you might be wondering can't we just take it back no unfortunately because Miss Rook is placed on the G2 Square you can no longer take this queen and that's just unfortunate this is called a pin so after Queen F5 we see the move Knight E to C4 night hopping in and Andrew takes up five pieces of material so we may as well exchange down we see a take we see it takes an Al Rook F1 which does allow some Forks although there is a threat here as we see rook and fate defending that threat and now Queen D7 and after Queen D7 we see the move Knight E3 forking these two Rooks I mean it doesn't really do anything because after Rook G to F2 it's only really it's only really an exchange so he's still up three pieces of material and he's got nasty stuff so he's gonna move B6 we see Knight E4 after 94 E5 Knight F6 we see King G7 and now Knight E4 and after the move Rook a to d8 Here Andrew take knocks him out with the final blow I'll let you try to pause the video and find it so we didn't find it congratulations I mean there's a couple moves but the move I was thinking of in particular which they played was Rook F7 the problem is you can't take back with the King because the you would be in check so if you do take back with the Rook well then that Rook Falls so that is the video if you want to see more videos like this like And subscribe go follow my Instagram I'll put a link in the description there's also some stuff you can check out down below thank you for your time and attention have a good day
Channel: OttoMeister
Views: 322,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: oZxdwltC5ZI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 24 2023
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