Emory Tate CRUSHES Grand Master!!

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okay hello welcome back to one of the most entertaining and educational games of Chess that you will ever see why is that I hear you ask well today we are going through another of Emery Tate's chess masterpieces but before we get into this piece of art over the board I'll first give you guys a bit of context about the game unlike most of my previous Emery Tate videos this game is actually relatively recent this game was played on the 26th of January 2013 between Emery Tate with the white pieces and a man by the name of Arthur chibokian with the black pieces it was played in the 2013 North American open a tournament in which there are around a dozen Grand Masters and 500 other players chibokian of course was one of the grand Masters around 150 ELO higher rated than Tate at the time however those of you who have watched my other Emery tape breakdowns will know that he doesn't seem to care about his opponent's rating crushing stronger players left right and Center this game contains some of the most ruthless unforgiving attacking chess tactics that I've ever seen however before we get into the game I'm very excited to tell you that this is my first sponsored video let me paint you a picture it's 2 am and you just finished playing four hours of Chess to have ended up 20 ELO down from where you started you have to be up at eight o'clock and you're setting your alarm wondering why you even played this stupid game that hasn't even had an update since the 17th century no just me okay well anyway if you want to get better at chess without emptying your wallet be sure to check out Hercules chess they are an entirely free chess training tool who want to help you raise your game they provide over 2 million unique puzzles alongside a puzzle Rush feature that's unlike some websites doesn't ask for your car details every time you use it they also have a focused endgame tool allowing you to practice key checkmates with the different pieces and a growing variety of Chess Bots for you to conquer click the link in the description to sign up to Hercules chess for free and make sure you use my link so they'll sponsor me again okay so let's get into the game Tate opens with the move E4 of course to bohemo response with a Sicilian Defense C5 and then Knight to F3 from Tate unlike the previous Emery T games we've looked at in which his opponent has gone at D6 or even he has played D6 at times playing these more modern Sicilians with A6 and ideas of the night off we see E6 here shibokin going for the French variation of the Sicilian D4 CD4 Knight D4 and chibokin plays A6 this is known as the Khan variation of the Sicilian immediately clamping down on any idea of Knight B5 which Tate might want to play to exploit some of these weaker dark squares that have been weakened by that push of E6 also potential ideas of Queen side expansion with the move B5 are quite common fan cattering this um light squared Bishop it's a very very standard move here Tate plays the move Knight to C3 playing the Knight variation of the card variation of the Sicilian Defense Queen 2 E7 from chibokian immediately shutting down ideas of this E5 push however Tate says no I might want to play E5 and so replace the move F4 ready to justify the push of that pawn as we'll see later jiboshian responds Knight to C6 and take place Bishop E3 further reinforcing that Knight in the center and just stabilizing the position we see a B5 now lashing out here on the queen side as I said this A6 move justifying that and then take those for Queen to F3 this is a line that has only been played in 47 of the games uh in the master database on Lee chess but the Queen's really well positioned here exerting potential pressure all the way down this diagonal uh on the Rook on A8 also on F7 um which is quite a weak Square the king only protector should the f file open which has made a lot more probable by the fact that the move f4s occurred so you know very very Dynamic can't really be punished because this bishop can't really get to G4 through these pawns very interesting move so here chibuchin does place his Bishop on V7 you know securing this diagonal a little bit from the queen perhaps ready to take here and after takes there's going to be some quite nice pressure exerted on that E4 Square after Bishop to D3 here stabilizing that E4 square and Knight to F6 we see that Queen F3 was actually quite a multi-faceted move leaving Tate here with the option to Castle Queen side or King side and of course he goes for the more active more aggressive option tasseling Queen side bringing the Rook to that open file ready to maybe use these pawns to attack the black king the bishop comes to E7 here and take just takes a second stepping across uh with King B1 almost always going to be a good idea if you Castle queenside to try and play that move King B1 stabilizing the A2 Pawn a little more and getting off of this Dart splint diagonal tribution carries on expanding on the queen side with Tempo with that move B4 kicking Tate Knight back to E2 up until this point in the game the position has been ultimately balanced with Dynamic attacking play for both chibokian and Tate however it is here that chibokin goes slightly wrong and plays a quite a dubious but quite an intuitive move D5 now it is not at all clear why this move D5 should be considered so optimal until tight shows us why this moment harks back to tape playing F4 super early on on move six as he pushes past this tension with the D5 Pawn playing the move E5 the Knight is of course forced to move to Bushy and it jumps forward into the E4 Square here and some of you might think wait is that not just a free porn I mean Bishop takes Pawn takes Queen takes what's wrong with that however in this position a black could play the move Knight takes D4 discovering this attack onto the Queen the bishop held by Black's Queen taking the piece the only move for Tate is going to of course be recapturing um that Knight with the queen and then there's going to be Bishop takes G2 uh winning back the pawn and you know Black's left with a bishop pair a lovely position um you know this rook's gonna have to move straight away it's not ideal probably there's gonna be ideas of Rook to d8 coming to the D file with Tempo on the queen this wouldn't have been a good option for Tate so instead of erroneously trying to take a free Pawn tape plays are the best engine move of course Knight to G3 after trebuchin steps back with the Knight to C5 I mean it seems like a very very normal position it seems like there's a lot of tension here all the minor pieces are developed yes there's a bit of a space Advantage here but maybe after castles um and then the Rooks can come to the open C file for instance there's a lot of pressure it's a dynamic game however in this position tank makes some very specific exchanges first he takes the Knight on C6 and after the bishop recaptures he then takes the Knight on C5 rendering chibokian entirely knightless after Bishop takes Bishop now it's not immediately obvious white Tate has chosen to give up the bishop pair in quite an open position until we hear his next move F5 trying to break open these pawns and get the black king who is still chilling in the center on move 17. he wants to blow this all open bring the Rook to the f file and try and Checkmate that black king nice and early using his Knight maybe even goes via H5 puts pressure on G7 if he can break open this position while to Brookings King is still in the center it's going to be good for tape now a lot of you are probably thinking why did he need to make these two trades in order to play this move F5 well hopefully that'll become clear when I show you what happens if he didn't make either of those trades if he tried to play F5 before either of the trades we would have seen Knight takes E5 the queen would have to move he would have lost a pawn this would not have been good now to some of you maybe this trade makes sense Knight and then Bishop recaptures I mean fine but now why doesn't he play F5 well in this position there is D4 discovering onto the queen while attacking the dark squared bishop and we see that trading off this dark Square Bishop for the night isn't as much about removing the knight from the board as it is removing the dark Square Bishop from this inopportune Square such the D4 discovers onto the queen and itself at the same time back to the position in the game and it's time for chibokian to deal with this aggressive Pawn break in the center that Tate has made unfortunately for chibokian he goes about this in a way that stockfish is not best pleased with he simply castles which seems reasonable because if takes there's going to be takes here The Rook will open onto the queen why not well funnily enough in this position there is the move Knight to H5 which just exploits the weakness of the F6 Square also G7 the queen can come in here as well the king is actually under a lot of attack but Tay doesn't go for this he instead plays Rook H to E1 which does very temporarily give back the advantage but after chibukin takes this Pawn likely scared of the move F6 from Tate Tate just takes the pawn with the Knight now the Knight being positioned on F5 I'm sure a lot of you have heard of this knife F5 it's a very very good thing for white to have when the black king is castled kingside why because it controls G7 it also controls H6 and E7 a lot of important squares however only one of these is important for the tactic that you are about to see this tactic is so unobvious in fact that his Grand Master opponent missed it entirely playing Rook F to C8 and allowing the dynamite move pause here if you want to solve it night takes G7 if tribution chooses not to capture this piece then Knight H5 would happen and without the G Pawn this king is just at the mercy of the Queen the Knight you know the bishop here as well that is not a good idea if your booking concludes that he cannot take the Knight then he might as well resign in this position so of course he takes the piece then Tate maintaining the tempo plays Queen F6 check a ruthless check forcing the king back onto the back rank to which he can then play E6 now the move E6 threatens the move E7 which actually leads to a variety of force checkmates I won't show you all of them but one of them for instance if uh if chewbukin does nothing really just shuffles his Rook then E7 and we see King Y8 Queen ah check the king comes up the bishop comes in the king comes up again and there's Checkmate there on the E5 square with the queen I find this position quite amusing in that all of Black's pieces are very very close to the king and literally none of them do anything to stop this Checkmate in fact E6 is such a dominant move is forced to play a sad move Bishop to D4 this fully sacrifices the bishop Tate of course accepts it and then after F takes E6 jibokian's hoping praying even that some of these pieces can get across to help the king or maybe even that the king can run across and hide amongst his pieces However unfortunately it is Tate's move Tate is the one that has the pieces of raring to go and attack this unguarded frail black king these pieces cannot go over in time and we see Rook to F1 check King goes across to G8 he doesn't even have to give a check he just calmly lifts The Rook to F3 this provides access for this Rook to the G3 and H3 squares ready to further bully this black king we see E5 here trying to cut the Queen off this diagonal but it's no use Queen to G4 we see Queen to G7 and here Tate puts the nail in the coffin with a beautiful sacrifice if you want to try and find the sacrifice pause the video here however Tate plays iship taxation now as Queen takes Bishop is of course an illegal response because the queen is pinned to the King two working is forced to go King takes bishop and after Queen H5 check the king moves back and takes smoothly calmly plays Rook to G3 pinning that Queen to the king and here kibokian resigns the best continuation would probably have been just to take the Rook but I mean for a man like Tate this is a very trivial game to win this King literally has just nothing anywhere close to it uh these pieces are not able to really get involved the rook and the queen are going to bully it it's not a good look and sochibokin resigns thank you very much for watching this video I hope you guys enjoyed if you did leave a like subscribe if you're new the channel is seeing some insane growth at the moment uh I can't believe I had my first sponsorship that's really really cool um so yeah do make sure if you are interested check out Hercules chess use my link so they sponsor me again please you know that would be quite nice uh and yeah thank you very much for watching I will see you in the next one goodbye
Channel: willtaylorchess
Views: 231,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WU-nNhm7AfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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