Andrew Tate's LEGENDARY Coach - Amir Subasic's Story

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that I was shot several times and injured and obviously a lot of my soldiers and stuff and I got shot into my hip and it went through my glute into my the the dead the dead end of the spine yeah so I have that bit missing here yeah um they said uh that basically the density of my muscle when I got shocked and I flexed you could see like on the bullet yeah it kind of like it slowed it down otherwise it would have gone all the way through and I definitely would be disabled [Music] assalamualaikum people welcome back to another episode of streets to Dean don't forget to leave a comment down below like share subscribe all of that yeah today is a very special interview inshallah with a very special introduction my brother dowie if you want to take it away yeah so um it's not going to bring them back closer okay yeah so today we're the brother Z is going to interview my coach he's also the coach of Andrew Tate but more importantly is my coach that that's the main thing for me that's the main that's the important one that's the most important thing already yeah yeah I don't think so so he taught uh Amir has been in Luton for 24.99 yeah and um in that time he's also teach me he told Andrew take to become a welcome amongst many other champions of world-class kickboxers they taught him top level stuff but more importantly he taught me how to go home okay okay now if you know what that means let me knows what that means okay then that's okay but if you don't I'll explain quickly if you get attacked outside on the street in a real world yeah no ring no ref no tapouts no rules it's a very strong possibility that only one of you is going home this man taught me how to be the one that goes home okay so so that's what if it's more important to me than a belt and a another Trophy and all of that so inshallah so that's just my uh my introduction of respect to my coach and I'm going to hand him over into capable hands of Z sure yeah so I'm going to move the mic over now yeah yeah cool yeah no problem all right brother Miss salaam alaikum how's it going you're right yeah I care for those of the new fresh trim as you see yeah now you're looking you're looking sharp mashallah for those who don't know you would you like to introduce yourself yeah um I run uh storm gym since 1999. we recently uh renamed this storm gym UK we're based out of um Saint Peter's Church Hall on Dalo Road just off Dallas Road Airfield Road and uh yeah I kind of teach that martial arts since 99. that's it and uh what's your background what's your ethnicity um I was born 1971 long time ago yeah in a beautiful place in Bosnia from Yugoslavia um I went there with two three years to Germany where I grew up and I lived there for nearly 16 years in Germany yes in Essen and I came basically back to Yugoslavia just before the war as you do and I went to Yugoslav army with special forces then obviously Bosnian Army same special forces and yeah I was there during the war yeah I wish it never happened obviously because we all lost a lot of uh family members you know it was my father my brother a lot of cousins soldiers everything as you guys know uh that the general side and Massacre then taught China yeah sorry that was uh it was a very very bad time yes and we'll definitely get into all of that inshallah but um would you like to talk us through your childhood you're saying um you grew up mainly in Germany so what was that like growing up um well overall you know German is Germany I kind of like Germany you know where you stand they're quite um it's a clean country hard working and so on I obviously um I lived in a kind of like a rough part I had a bit of a bad luck with the local some locals the extremists got beaten up when I was like five and a half okay they helped me when you say extremist where they like skinhead yeah yeah they were actually actual skinners yeah they're um they had problems you know they beat my German friends up everyone whoever is not with them so yeah it's like nationalism you know you're with them against them and it doesn't really matter religion color background Rich poor whatever you just get beaten up yeah so um and then I saw some guys throwing each other that's after I got beaten up the same night and I went in I was excuse me I want to learn how to fight this is sorry we don't teach how to fight and kind of stuck to me because I said we only teach self-defense I said well look at me yeah I was a bit leap year but yeah like I nearly and my nose was bleeding and they were older than me like I think 12 14 and 16 and how old are you at a time five and a half yeah and uh so yeah I'll go properly proper but yeah kicking a phase the whole lot it was my first like wake-up call to like reality like and then and my love to martial arts because I said look we can okay teach me then how to defend myself and I kind of started at night I would just sat there because they called my mom obviously to come and police came in the whole lot they called one of them and blah blah anyway a long time ago in this uh but that's pretty intense my bro so you're saying at five years old you were being up by basically teenagers 12 15 16 year olds yeah 12 14 and 16. that's what I later found out because um in the Bosnia we don't know anyone anything so basically once I found out who they were where they live yeah I got I went back for them yeah yeah making a face yeah anything I could so yeah that's kind of like one thing with me where if the specificness of it I guess and yeah then I start the training really and there was the beauty of it so everyone together didn't really matter it was literally Turkish Greek Spanish Germans all all together so where did you start training because you're saying Nishi the first Club you went to they said they don't teach you how to fight well you know they said we only teach self-defense so well I will not do look at me I was just beaten up yeah so you know okay we can teach you how to defend yourself okay but not for you to go and fight I said I'm not I'm look I'm Mommy's boy yes with my mom father was working out and so on you know like yeah my mother is my number one so I never went really you know some people are trouble in this and that I'm not like yeah you're just at home train home school train home school okay way more trained really I loved it so okay so um in terms of the martial arts that you started training was it Judo right Judo okay okay you know and because my father later got into like a sales job so we moved a little bit around um we had troubles obviously father was not let's say um always there and uh so anything from yeah from rough social like social welfare to worst places in in the region yeah to yeah so it was really bad sometimes we had no food no nothing you know like even come home for days and stuff and anyway you know everyone had their own way of dealing I guess with some stuff and and that taught me also like now to kind of recognize a lot of I was in my gym I mean I got some of them you know the parents are separated yeah yeah um lately we had an incident one of the kids you know over the father had the heavy hand and stuff then louder than than another one where the father like either is in jail or they're away or and so so you know it's not the kid's fault kids are like a blank sheet they're beautiful human beings for me I mean they come I just literally uh all I see what I can do with them if that makes sense yeah so how to make them better and stronger and yeah oh totally yeah like I'm very obviously because of all the military um we are known for discipline yeah and I don't care if you're the richest man in the world you bring your child in special treatment you can't you have to shout out the command loud some people think oh my God he shot him a child but that's not the that's not the issue the issue is that when we are in a venue like World Championships where there's 2 000 people in a hole if he doesn't hear me he will not do what I tell him to do yeah and he's my fighter so if I tell him front kick he has to do exactly do that moment yeah and anyone who does martial arts and has a coach will tell you do exactly the same even if like with if I say jab and I said they already recognize it it's done before I finish so yeah okay kids train hard Focus discipline yeah that's it really so I sounded like even when you from when you first started doing martial arts you had a love for it yeah the passion fruit um but I remember you said at 16 you then had to move back to Hugo slaves first of all we moved around in Germany so yeah the old days are totally different okay you could not train unless you fight okay by playing training football but never go for games it's impossible so and um it was great uh it all also comes down to really great teachers like I went to gymnasium in Germany as well and and whole school and so on and I had like a French teacher for a while and she was horrible to everyone and you kind of never got to I had like some beautiful history or or geography teacher and they just literally you you felt like you are let's say in in Persia or in the Roman Empire yeah it just made it so beautiful so I was lucky to always have good teachers and I like to think that I same way transcendia and so we moved around with lots of different sports obviously always played football and in Germany the physical education is quite intense not like here yeah we actually do an hour and a half you sweat oh you swim two times three times a week they do have all kinds of sports Athletics gymnastics everything properly yeah and if you're good they take you into teams and you keep on competing and so on and there's no that's taking part is winning all about literally winning the train hard nice so we don't move the back home my father got very ill then he got taken out of his belly so he went he literally retired when he was he was retired like um partial invalid rent with 38 I think and then yeah so rather than spending all the savings over the years we came back home and yeah I started training there as well okay martial arts school but okay it's like a Yugoslav system invented as well by a brother called Dr Raymond topic my first coaches were menstrual zlatic and then later quite a few other suffered updates um boxing yeah and so we trained really and then um as you know so I was only like 16. I only did one or two about two ideas of school and then I had to go um military service it was compulsory yeah and yeah that's another love of mine really I love all the everything structure and Military and if anyone asks me I'll tell everyone would have to go surf territorial Army at least yeah not like go to war don't get me wrong professional Army discipline but to learn some respect and discipline you got too many youngsters I don't know if you saw it lately one one of the survivors on the first the second world war all the men and they all like jumping around like idiots I mean yeah if that was my father or they got knocked out so yeah sorry I would not have interest like no way and so there's some a big gap is and I like to think um you know islamically a lot of our kids are quite respectful with shy at times yeah I don't think in a way they interact a lot sometimes you call it Salam they quite timid they come in and nothing you know like people say hello you're saying it's about having that balance that discipline where you're confident to speak but you're not totally arrogant to you know too shy kind of thing oh look if you are confident many people weak people will call you arrogant you know or if I have my opinion you will not I'm not trying to impose my opinion on you but I don't really care yeah what do you think that's your opinion and I can agree with you too I respect you for your opinions sticking up for it but not like you come and then try to impose it I have to no I don't so yeah of course you can touch on many topics really and before you for 10 hours yeah like yeah no like I'm a man I have my own brain and cells as they say in my own opinion and I make my own opinion up and no one's going to tell me yeah like Tates are there the sky is green and it's blue of course but um so you're saying around 16 17 you you did voluntary service right no it's uh also eight well just about 18 years so I became 18 in February in June I was already in the military and this was before the war oh yeah then it kind of kind of started cooking so I was in Slovenia a bit in Croatia and then like literally we had to run all us non non-serve settle basically because how can I say this now imagine you live in the UK and all of a sudden the French are attacked all over no they're here they're literally in charge for everything and like you think well he's not English or well so I wish go back to that so you're saying he was a mixed Army so Slovenia Croatia Bosnia Macedonia and Serbia yeah yeah so we were all one Army and it was a very strong Army very good army okay and then all of a sudden it was way more because the war started Slovenia and then in Croatia and then all the the non-seps so basically anyone who was not Orthodox there's all these volunteers coming here your professional Soldier when you see some from the street come up all dressed up thinking he's a rumble or something that's not the same so yeah anyway a lot of uh I likely get out of it on time came then to obviously Bosnia and then the war started there like within two months and um what was the war over because basically if you look in history on the Balkans look I grew up in Germany so I can see it's a bit from recite every 50 years there was a war in a broken and if you all remember the first World War started because or second whichever one because Gabriella does he shot the prince Ferdinand in our Capital so it was chaos everywhere yeah it's kind of like if you look at the maps of the Bosnian Kingdom or the Serb Kingdom or the Croatian Kingdom it moved okay but then once it was set in Yugoslavia let's say yes this is our country now and well but there's a lot of because Bosnia is Multicultural so we're quite mixed majority is Muslim like 39 I think around 30 is orthodox and then 19 or something like that is Catholics yeah hey I all call them Bosnian Orthodox and Bosnian Catholics they lived there for over 1500 years okay but they they they identify themselves as um creations and Subs okay and which I personally don't like so now after the date and agreement we are bosniaks so only the bosnians are bosnians yeah which is like a new term on Bosnian we always were Bosnian and that's it and they are they can be Serb and they others can be um Creations okay and for me personally that's in a Southern bosnia's majority uh um Creations or Bosnian Catholics and it's a it's a problem you know and I have my own opinion on it as well yeah my the flag we fought for with the fleur-de-lis the the white beautiful flag the first king of it there was the first flag of Bosnia and and hezegoma and the first king was Krall Catholic but it was Bosnian and we as Bosnia Muslims fight for that flag nothing nationalistic religious or so on but they fight for like neighboring countries like so how can you you live here 15 100 years so that I never got to get there so and I guess that's where the nationalism I guess comes in yeah it's quite strong and they're held on to some grudges from Wars and stuff and it's just like and of course everyone has I'm not uh I'm not saying I know it like my own personal View and okay I call it unfortunately too many people died over it yeah hundreds of thousands and there's no need for it you know any any War when you look at at the end of the war I mean you look at what is it Iraq now yeah over one million of people were killed yes it's no it's normally always the Innocence that I had the most deaths man that's why I suppose I mean I could have run away I grew up in Germany yeah you could have run away and go to Germany like many others did then yeah as well um and but I felt like wait a second if you all run away it was gonna fight and then plus I'm I'm a I'm a trained soldier and um so so sorry to cut you on me but um because I just want to understand the situation at a time so you're saying it was um all these countries like Serbia Bosnia Macedonia Macedonia and it's all under Yugoslavia Yugoslavia yeah but then what did Yugoslavia then dismantle so that's where the war civilians were because with Slovenia they're very close to Austria so you can't do much against majorities like slovenians same they tried a little bit as a lot of serbs in um creation Orthodox I might call them because look if you live there for thousands plus years yeah let's say you know from Pakistan but you can't be from Pakistan in 1500 years or whatever yeah and so on at least that's my opinion yeah and uh so all fellow Parks wherever there was a certain majority they fought hard obviously to to take and claim the territory Serbia yeah same same in um because I think 80 odd percent of all the generals in Yugoslav Army were steps so when it all happened they just like took everything okay that's all long time planned they started taking stuff out um as I said I jumped on a tank with the pistol and three bullets which I found on actually next to someone's house so we we started our military in the Patriotic league with like us three now here in this road yeah where you are now and then some others we meet them cousin friends whatever or from this Village so that's how it grows I wasn't even organized you just you have to defend there was some sort of a little bit uh like but it was all so cut out because you have to understand um like you know you go to Berry park for example it's majority Pakistani Asians yeah Bengali kashmiris whatever so now imagine uh there is English and Scottish and Irish and Gypsies and everyone else is there as well so from let's say KFC to Nadine Plaza you're going through four or five sites so when the night falls anyone's coming from that side they're shooting so in the morning you again trying it was really difficult it was very just not even disorganized it was total chaos yeah you know you had one of the fourth fifth biggest uh military forces in in in in in in Europe and hitting you with everything again you know like it's hard to explain yeah but I joined obviously all with the Patriotic legal resistance movement as you call it or whatever we call it Patrice caliga and from there we actually went to Croatia collected some literally like immersive forgiving some some gifts like weapons explosives whatever we could get anti uh I call it anti-tank mines and so on so we we then where the security for the whole transport to our region which is Northeast will be the closest to um to to Serbia Air Miles like not even 10 miles on something else so we had 10 half to 11 000 grenades per day four we have 14 tow truck and and the whole pool during as it's called where I come from originally and um so yeah then the Patriotic League was formed I don't know we had like 200 of those you know with the round old weapons nothing new like Palace Nico will be like great we didn't have nothing like that till later I know there's like a lot of pictures around sometimes and videos and I'm like where the heck was this because I was fighting and in the beginning we had nothing like that yeah like you know it was really and it started forming then someone said you're Commander let's say in very popular I mean stopsley so what was the aim of uh the patriotic front what was the aim was it just to keep the borders or was it to just survival they came into the Yugoslav army with tanks and everything and every village and driving armed vehicles and going don't worry go to your homes we won't do nothing and then the second wave literally within days it was all the volunteers and their special forces where they gathered all the men you know we everyone knows about celebrities but we lost way more people in the whole region there like way more yeah there's Mass Graves even now being found I mean my father was found in one of them after 11 half years so it was basically pure survival yeah you couldn't wherever you could resist a little bit and fight and and then it started kind of like forming a bit of so-called military with the Patriotic League later so they started coordinating a ball and growing and growing because obviously some people still run away you know some good murder so many good Mothers I mean boys kids um it didn't really matter pregnant women look daughters were raped in front of the parents um yeah I could look at this it's horrendous and the worst thing again for me independently like you can't actually you know they're trying to put us like in the same like how where so where's all your Musgraves then they are such evil Muslims or mujahideen whatever they call them or dirty Turks I'm not Turkish yes because they ruled the 500 years I didn't care about turkey yeah Karen you took only so like let's say you're black I call you African or something in a war you know if Africa you're here you're born here your 10 Generations were living in Africa so they are that was it's like they're holding that grudge against turkey or something yeah and I'm like and you only basically got because we were Rich all the lands we had everything okay they're just greedy you know they took everything I mean so it's basically like you're saying it was a land grab kind of thing they wanted big Serbia again like they used to have it okay and it was a good look strategically it's a great moment the country's in a turmoil you know they had all the military behind it they're probably telling yeah yeah we'll take everything but logically Yugoslavia the military was so strong because everyone was in it and our territorial Army the idea was 24 million population out of that 20 million no heart fight so I don't care which military you send you can send Chinese for example yeah 20 million soldiers in so it was 20 million will die yeah because everyone can shoot we have it in high school they all know how to lame like it's a proper it's called territorial Army yeah so it's a whole subject and defense and whatever defense and protection is different and the system was different but also yes it was kind of like the brand is communist but it wasn't like that Egypt India and Yugoslavia were the only non-packed countries so they were not Warsaw packed or nato-packed okay and that's it and yeah which is kind of like a different issue again in a topic probably but yeah so they basically was pure survival you know like you didn't even know look at my I had no clue where my family is so later luckily somehow I called my someone said I saw your mom yesterday here like like in a different time like um like in London yeah south of London and so I called him so she luckily came with the last bus before the whole place was kind of shut off and my my third brother was in two concentration camps my father was killed he turned him over you know like only 15 16 he's a big guy like six two and my other brother got killed here as well he uh my second brother he's like he was a big guy you know youngba you know so they yeah my brother had to literally take his ring of the beating and then threw him down the river as a 16 year old yeah they hit him with the pistol in the face and they wanted to cut his thing off because he had the ring a little ring nothing like her just but they yeah they're rubbing cleaning out like so much I mean people were giving everything they still got murdered so and then all the schools and the different factories you're talking to a torture rape the whole lot I actually just shared something was it two days ago on my wall yeah and um or three days and it's uh basically from my area where um there was a little region where there's like a little gypsy Village they all go kills just the one Sun survived and his 13 year old sister was raped by all those serves in front of Evan before they killed them so when you hear that and that's nothing yeah and I mean I uh we had um yeah it's really it just goes too much you know it's like a really heavy uh subject then yeah and I I don't like talking about it too much sometimes I think like bad memories and and it's a harder thing to think that in and you look in the first year ebony was going on you know satellite views they can listen to us now apparently you'll see us on the road whatever but it was okay and then with the dating agreement our president was forced to sign it because we had to give territory back yeah we literally gave back so it's crazy how it works out now the aggressors the people that killed so many people are 51 of our country yeah and 49 is the Federation between Bosnia Muslims and and Bosnian Catholics or class and like in there they have the creation from the neighboring country the money system the flags are all over wherever they are the majority they have their own everything which don't get me wrong it's okay that if you let's say like if it's Cricket is on you know everyone puts in the end whatever Bengali Flags out and stuff but then to have actually let's imagine now you ever made Kali or Pakistani part here it's Pakistan if you like Pakistani money Pakistani language Pakistani um literature for children a decimal right in a different country you know yeah yeah yeah it's very hard a political situation we've got three presidents three days three days well now yeah always they literally can't agree on anything and I and they all corrupt as well unfortunately it's very it's very difficult you know like how people would be happier with even like hundred pounds a month extra like literally this is 200 in local currency yeah it's it's hard you know what it is to me um because I don't wanna obviously I don't wanna uh what's it called delve too much in if you don't wanna if you don't feel comfortable talking about but when you're talking about the war when you're talking about the Carnage that you saw the rape the murder everything like that coming from sitting where I'm seeing you know obviously being raised in Britain in the west and stuff I couldn't even comprehend that you know what I'm saying obviously in our day and age we hear about you know people who are depressed and you know the youth depression and like mental health is a is a very big thing nowadays in the society but then hearing you speaking about such brutal stuff I'm thinking oh you know I mean I probably would have gone crazy man so how did you keep it together how old was you able to well for me mainly really faith and my mother as I said it's what the old people teach you yeah be good don't cheat don't lie don't steal don't say kill don't don't don't rape don't do stuff like I mean I captured Villages or or or our units we were there we could have literally rape off the town killed everyone thought we don't do that yeah you do the same what they do then you're the same you're the same don't come then like oh you know and that's how I look at it so um it was way more kind of structured but and then on the other hand you had no time to think it's like Intel Chuck for example where I was fighting for one while it was a 10 half to eleven half thousand grenades per day every day so now think about it for two three four years it's Non-Stop and uh if you get shot they have to fight out to bring you out yeah and carry you probably for the first Mountain about six to eight hours to the first road that's how it's a jungle there was no time to worry there was no time to panic and then again to be honest I think we don't have so much uh like um you know the post was syndrome and stuff there's some people that a little bit but then it's also connected with other stuff A lot of people are really poor they have nothing you know but it's hard yeah you have children you need to you can't pay nothing for them they've and there's non-stop like AIDS back home helping yeah build a house build pay for surgery and the usual stuff really and uh but like I like to say for me personally like literally religion paid a big part I'm not like walking around like pretending to be let's say a big muscle at heart and Allah knows of course what's there and how and you can do or say what you want if you're not a good person if you cheat on a scale or you know ever whether you do like yeah it's not right so um and and then I looked at it like this as well I had to again all the old people you know my neighbors they cut his ears off man like he doesn't hear he can't hear you you know properly like I call it um death yeah like one of my other names they made him eat his own ear oh yeah yeah they made a father on son and father or whatever perform stuff so it's hard to go into that bestiality yeah and you know you they seem worse stories you know like and you think sometimes when you look at those people uh then so I don't think like that I was shot several times and injured and obviously a lot of my soldiers and stuff like the front line kind of yeah well I was never like on a line or because of Special Forces so okay but uh behind attacking or whatever you have fighting yeah how many times you've been shot in total see but officially we we call it like when we say shutters like if you stay over a month in hospital so about five six times five six times yeah the very first time you know I was like probably um like black on my side yeah pull it through my hip into my spine a good bullet here what about my ribs uh my leg and well look again alhamdulillah I was I don't know somehow through also I have to say that martial arts always helped when I got shot into my hip and it went through my glute into my the the the dead end of the spine yeah so I have that bit missing here yeah um they said uh that basically the density of my muscle when I got shot and I flexed you could see like on the bullet yeah it kind of like it slowed it down otherwise it would have gone all the way through and I definitely will be disabled and yeah for the first three days didn't feel nothing like dead and then like third day obviously because I came back swelling yeah the back was like this much swollen so um yeah look I got operated on on those aluminum trays as you drive in actually might do a few years back my mom was not well and I went same Hospital the same tray is there because I broke off the corner so it's aluminum bar around and then the inside is like a not like a plywood similar style but they cut no morphing on you know you had to give it to the guys that were blown to actually no Lego I mean my second brother got shot two bullets and stomach and 98 wounds with the RPG next to him and like a little bump on the leg so it was full left side was oh yeah yeah we got them I just shoot so I lifted up and they put the white sheet on him it was just red and like uh so you know what I mean there was people way worse you know like uh and then you give them to have the you don't take the painkillers they get there if you didn't have anything you have people have to understand the first year we were surrounded we had the there's no help no one sent nothing so you had to make evenly at the end in the second core Northeast division in a town There's a chemical Factory they do the detergent and stuff yeah they did their own gunpowder and explosives you have to the whole industry change here because no one is sending you anything yeah so when people go yeah yeah Brothers went there or whoever so-and-so sent Aid and it goes to Croatia and then from there let's say 100 tracks maybe few arrive you know and because it goes through the whole country everything everyone takes everything and then and by the end you get next to nothing and what's one truck going to do I choked the first time after three orders but my little brother was three and a half so I brought it for him yeah you know it's carried like something 150 200 kilos over 50 miles if I don't they have nothing to eat you know so I just wanted to um bring it back to something you said to me when you said going through all that Madness and all that chaos two things that kept you strong was your mother and your your faith Islam how big was the road how big was the role that Islam played in keeping you saying or keeping you going throughout all this madness throughout all this in short we all know that so we don't worry to judge anyone you know make jokes about that I'm a really big fan I don't like I'm quite funny I like to think and make a lot of jokes and stuff but like in serious situations no one to judge anything yeah and if that's the case and and of course because of the military training you have to live you have to go on and then bring us back a little bit to what you said earlier a lot of people depressed they're not doing enough then get up do something yeah move you know join the club join do something you know do some press-ups yeah 2000 impressive then you'll see how how you're gonna sleep at night and also with this new world now we're all plugged in literally it's non-stop attention span even with the kids I know like now I mean after 20 odd years so the kids uh before 45 minutes easy full attention nowadays even with some of the fighters yeah 10 15 20 minutes they're like all over you know like and I just how this so you have to adapt if you don't adapt you stay where you are it's like walking in circles sooner or later he's gonna dig yourself your own grave yeah of course and uh yeah so and of course all the leaders were very you know and look but you have to also understand that Yugoslavia a fourth of it or sixth four million something Muslims lived in form Yugoslavia but we had no identity so because Yugoslavia was kind of communist so you could only if you're Muslim which means you can't pray for example you couldn't okay if you do do so if you're not a communist you can't get the top jobs you can't be a teacher so a lot of our people were just um Farmers yeah you know there's a lot of land and everything wealth confiscated and stuff and it was really hard from what I understood so and because I remember for my granddad like uh yeah no he didn't want to he's not communist so he couldn't he didn't want to do this and do this oh okay then you have to go there okay I'll go there but I'm not changing yeah but of course a lot of people also did you know it was hard otherwise I imagine it's so I understand a little bit yeah yeah it's very hard and then I think 1972 as far as I remember something the most national question was raised well sorry we're like a sixth of this country we fought in all wars we contributed our in medieval times our Knights were one of the best in the world and I think there are some even settled in um Northeast Africa yeah they took loads of the land down there so they there's like yeah I think somewhere in Eritrea around that area Ethiopia we've got a lot of Bosnia Muslims from the Middle Ages there no way and yeah you got kids with freckles you have to understand like I maybe my father was dark my mom was like stroke brown light and then for my father's family they're all like dark brown and brownish and on the other side they were like white yeah and then you have the ones that are very dark and then you have it's very sorry as bosnians they're all because the Basin of the Balkan is like this so they're like sudden sloths talking historically and then like it was non-stop man yeah like sword and obviously then the Ottomans ruled for around 500 years yeah and that kind of gave some sort of which is obviously a different topic but then obviously with Islam and stuff a lot of them converted State Muslims and that's it but yeah I just I wanted to move on from that to then when you came to England right but just to conclude so how long did the war last for Depends for who you know like the Agreements are signed like kind of early but still went on back and forth for a long time yeah look in some parts people are still getting killed you just don't hear about it like everywhere you know like before you personally so faster I was like what four years in four years yeah okay together and then I came here 99 literally so you came straight from uh yeah well I I got out of the military in 1998 officially okay December and that's it yeah well you just thought you'd paid your Jews you've done enough it's a different topic uh okay I can't like discuss it publicly but basically it's not um something oh they liked I love the military you know so it just literally it was an end of an era and that's it really all right and um yeah I had my club there as well in Bosnia with a lot of world champions oh really listen the kids trained and born I taught in a garage so um and a lot of my students now grown-up men politicians um so even then you were training like yeah martial arts well you had to also train units and you know Commander too officer so they get to do a lot of stuff it was like you know like sometimes when you think oh your heart day is hard and they have no clue what that means just just think even about the countries where you guys come from yeah I saw some guy in Pakistan 68 carrying flour 100 kilos from some place to the bakery and the guy gave him a little bit of money so annoyed actually I remember sending some of the pakistanis do you know where this old man is yeah you want to send in some money the guy gave him just some like uh gave him like I don't know how much money yeah anyway and but no bread or you know it's a bakery we're giving some bread so he went to the market bought the food that's all they ate him his wife and two kids I think and they were not like that big the kids either yeah and I'm like man and stuff like that really annoys me you know yeah it's it's I understand kids were Brave you know the whole town gets bombed now imagine you go you come I thought let's say like um on that side of the town for example let's say where Tesco's is and you come all the way from softly you run through the whole town that gets burned don't stop so uh my kids were very brave and there was one way out of something a little Community to to uh and plus again with martial arts and I like to you know think that's what they're all good they're all grown up they're great yeah you know like even like here like some of the little kids I've got now third fourth generation coming you know so that and that's what it's all about so you know like all about Good People yeah and being good yeah and then they they did well along I'm proud of all of my students so you're saying in um in 1999 that's when you came over to England okay and um you came straight to Luton or yeah straight to Luton lived in Barton Hills um did you know anyone here before you moved over my ex-wife okay and I was talking over there when they tell them all the young guys never get married uh no it's okay again it's part of life you know it works works doesn't work anyway so um yeah I lived in Barton Hills for a long time I live kind of like um like behind the police station that area yeah everywhere really and um so and what was the change like so coming from war coming from all that come to then coming to England they actually was quite funny yeah we were out in London and someone must have thrown those those bang things you know just bang oh okay the pop is here I was literally on the floor and looking left right and Center then I got up quickly because I realized then my I remember then my friends were laughing so much yeah I mean it's no longer War yesterday yeah yeah you can say what you want yeah um you're a little bit still like paranoid because you don't know like you're still in that your surroundings with like a meteorite you know like if it would stop everything that the tail will still come with it you know so it was like that and then like any noise when you wake up and for many years I'm a light sleeper anyway so obviously when you long time in the military you always yeah um especially fresh Force you don't sleep much yeah they drill you non-stop wake you up when you think you know finally resting let's go yeah stuff like that anyway um started um training in London with Winston Fraser Thai boxing went around a few places obviously and then in Luton with Jimmy Carver originally and then I drill hole the old high Town recreation center and that's kind of like where Storm was found 99 first of February and um a first train museum a little bit but he used to call me out to demonstrate yeah and he didn't like big groups lesson so then all the people started coming and then I started after three lessons my own gym yeah Mom German okay I had a member first time I was 23 and I was 100. 70 or something I just used to have a bucket so everyone used to put in whatever it was two pounds or three yeah and uh that's it really and then since then uh I like to think we are I don't like to think I know we are one of the or we are actually the most successful Sports entity in town yeah and because many uh and again it's not even arrogant or anything you can put most of the gyms and clubs and everything together yeah like I don't hear any more world champions coming out on a yearly basis since 99 then like out of my gym so I don't know that many if any really yeah no I mean rightfully so because before the interview we were saying how many world champions have come out just from last year first of September since we're in this uh Church Hall I think 90 or 21 21 21 world champions World titles yeah um and is that all uh kickboxing was that and uh yeah kickboxing and Thai yeah I used to teach look the I thought I'm the first fighter I understand to fight full-time rules and MMA and as well as kickboxing professionally there was a lot there was other gyms here but they didn't fight Pro I never thought so like this I'm not sure Semi-Pro like what they now have yeah like to build them up is always professional yeah and um even low kick as it was cool then um yeah in the beginning I could kind of fight you know like I didn't have still the citizenship and the work and stuff so I was free yeah and that's one thing I wanted to ask you because there is a lot of gyms and there is a lot of coaches and trainers out there even in Luton yeah yeah what would you say separated you from the rest what would you say made you made you be able to develop world champions first of all like all the gyms in Luton and surroundings that work hard I always respected everyone yeah regardless and fair play to all of them because even if you get one kid or one student of the streets and you can have them there rather than hanging around corners yeah it's good of course you know in alhamdulillah in that case because it's better the kids train now this is so much it's cool school school study study study yeah there's no there's no physical balance and obviously play football or they can't do this play rugby they can't tackle play cricket soon they're going to take the the wicked away isn't it yeah then there's no Cricket huh yeah so do martial arts no head no this no this no but then like you can break you can fall and break in the kindergarten on the playground anyway anything yeah they're kind of like making them soft you make it so soft and um so fair play and they all work hard I know all of them everyone really and what was your secret sauce though what was well I I like to think it's uh well me it's obviously the broken mentality okay uh coupled with obviously all my ex-military and um look excuse the viewers as I say if you should I tell you in your face there's no beating around the bush don't come to me I want to be a UFC you don't even train at all and you're telling me what you're going to be I'll tell you what you're going to be and so yeah what do you mean by that I saw it like you come train you go yeah yeah bro you know I want to train yeah like that he talks to me like what do you mean bro I'm not your Bravo or or you know like they talk to you like like they know you funny yes yeah and they expect you to do so much for them like and I'm with old school there as I we always joke if I uh see your ugly face long enough it's really good looking and then it changes yeah okay so it's like okay so you have to put in the work yeah you can't expect someone you go somewhere and then they but then there's a lot of times uh they'll say you train with him in his gym because yeah you're amazing you're great then you come to us and it's a big shock you get beaten up by children yeah like Juniors literally dropped and I there's Fighters and stuff that get beaten up by my juniors like left right and Center yeah and like you think oh my God different level totally different level you know and as I say even it's the fan it goes everywhere but yeah I like look it's the discipline and focus you can't yeah all my Fighters have put in the hard work they made it and I can name so many but like it's it's foreign it's a lot of commitment yeah and you can't just like do it part-time then you're wasting my time and your time and that's what I wanted to ask you know you're saying if you if you're if you're bad you're bad but would you say what differentiates a good fire from a bad fight is like you say commitment and dedication or discipline is it you can come down and train but if you don't put everything in yeah you're not training all about Talent do you do some guys come and they've got to be honest I had the way more talented Fighters than many of my world champions like way more I'm a phenomenal I can't explain you how good no discipline the hard work beats Talent yeah yeah anytime that's all that's why the old slogan isn't it yeah so yeah I mean you touched up on him that was going to be the next topic um one of your most if not your most famous Champion are now brother in Islam Andrew Tate can you talk us through the first time you walked into that gym did you see potential in him or you know he had to build that actually bless him in the beginning um he was uh well like we just used to be Devin up you know so he but he kept on coming back okay so you because he says he said this in previous uh interviews that I don't remember just just bullied him yeah well you know some point of bullying if I pass next year I always look at you because it's conditioning after when you get low kicked a bit harder let's say by me or anyone yeah and then like it the first time it might be like let's say from 1 to 100 it's 100 yeah oh my God it's really painful yeah second time is 99.999 but it's nearly 100 and you go oh my God it's still painful and after a while when you come down to 15 20 and I mean boys or girls doesn't matter and after all they're so conditioned conditioning yeah and I go always back to the Japanese kind of like samurai sword the katana it's not they don't hammer it when it's done yeah folded over then and hours days months so that's why you shoot a bullet and the bullet splits anything else you shoot a bullet more or less it it breaks the steel correct yes so it's like that you know like you know take a look same block like in training yeah and with Andrew it was basically the is dedication to it the discipline you could tell straight away on him you know like seriously because he clicked you know um Isa knows I like people to talk too much we don't talk when you're training if I didn't ask you something while you're talking yeah oh you're talking not working I got much softer now apparently yeah yeah now you can talk and work yeah yeah and it was a bit different because I was fighting as well and then you know a lot of Fighters we had like 60 70 Fighters man I was like it was non-stop I mean even to recent 2019 I went to 89 shows with the kids and others and everyone you know I don't know uh 10 gyms that go to 30 shows a yet along with that many anyway he trained hard you know you could see that he wants to yeah and that's sometimes more important than him being good because at that time there was way more talented Andrew has that height and a different build so and then a lot of people will say for storm they're all tough and they all come to fight and that's one of our main trades really and they are very well versed that they're Fighters yeah I have no allegiance to no stalins one's my famous quotes I love combat okay if I look at you I know what I can make out of you and to make you ready to fight anyone anywhere anyone any style anytime yeah because in the beginning there was no like oh I just do MMA it was new fight low kick full contact kickboxing uh boxing even mutai MMA K1 whatever K1 came later yeah so you just fight and that's how it also yes I just wanted to take you back so obviously with someone undertale when you first came in do you see a champion when someone walks in to the ring into your into your Club do you look at him like yeah he's going to be a champion or does he have to prove or earn that so not straight away it's kind of gradually built but you can see that someone is uh they're trying really hard straight away and even if they don't come if they can't do it you kind of that's what you respected me as a military person like you come to infantry training it's different to when you move up to special forces in Italy so in that and he stuck to it he kept on coming back Captain come get caught improving non-stop you know and uh one thing good thing with Tatia is a very high IQ like and and it's he learns so quickly yeah and then like me and him then obviously started doing some pts with me early he worked all night obviously carrying fish and ice and then yeah we met in the morning uh early morning five something 5 30 training yeah nice timing to run home yeah I used to be behind Bamford College on the last when you drive down yeah on the last little roundabout uh the one the Bountiful College by the the B and Q or whatever home base and up to A6 yeah yeah he lifting Marshall to run away run home from there yeah and then obviously trained at night um so you used to train twice a day yeah and then uh made him train yeah so then the first fight you could tell you know and again Precision beats everything he was really good and I gave you the name king cobra because he's tall he stands like very and you know I kind of fight a little bit like that but like if it suited him so he could literally you go swing for him he's standing there by him leaning back but the guns are staying there yeah and I just talk talk and it was very good as obviously the record says and look Andrew go to a stage where he was the best fighter in the world at 85 kilos and then later at 90. yeah and like one of the best in the world 85 at one stage in kickboxing there was no one you know and then a bit luck and stuff also like um for for the big big fights um like some of the glory Fighters the politics involved and it's hard you know when you come well from like in nowhere yeah and then all of a sudden you're someone and he did well and I mean look he's uh the way he trains he's always working training working training training training working and you know he trained six train about six hours a day sometimes more yeah I mean sometimes apart from like two o'clock to one o'clock in the morning from eight o'clock so you know like and yeah that's dedication man you can't beat that and even nowadays like I mean I went I saw him recently in summer yeah um like I think he was literally eight hours just on the computer flat out of course between his Little Gym pump that's something coffee water you know yeah so he said from when you've known him he's always been like that whatever it sets his mind to do he's focused he's dedicated and he stuck to his guns as well he's never been like to he doesn't talk much normally he didn't like when he was a bit younger later more or more obviously from us it was more like we on a mission so not too much talking come represent the president yeah get them and start working pads with firing bag work whatever it was you know like okay just like yeah so you see this relationship yeah you and Andrew Tate had is this was this Beyond most of your other fights kind of thing because like you said you even got into business together so you had a relationship outside of fighting yeah it was very special look like yeah you know like a bit like a second dad really like a big role model and like like to think that I contributed to a lot of the stuff which obviously he says as well yeah no he mentions you a lot um and vice versa I always mention him as well yeah and I had lots of great Fighters as well they didn't some of them they were as let's say commitment right everything advice everything like Andrew they were there and then actually they stopped at some stage but it was going until he was going and then boom you know like I just wanted to bring you back to uh Islam a little bit and uh add a few more questions on your relationship with Andrew Tate because I know a lot of the viewers would want to hear it from you specifically but um the first thing is he reverted to Islam he become Muslim yes is that something that surprised you or did you always used to tell him about Islam like not really Andrew is very as I said again is a very clever man genius really and he he understands logically very much what's going on and as you can tell how he talks and speak he always respected Islam obviously look we saw all it after every fight show album lots of his friends were Muslims and okay and everything so you know like again he's a Luton boy too yeah and obviously I like to think islamically what I helped that I'm a good man and a good person and I was always there for him so yeah I've never cared oh I'm here can you come to yeah of course so I've never like he helped me even like doing all this lockdowns and all the crap and yeah never did like really didn't have to ask him or you know the main thing is a good person and he helps so many more people generally like it's the stuff that you don't talk like with many in a way celebrities yeah you find out like people like whatever they they paid Millions towards this and that and they're not bragging about it like some of those videos where they give food yeah they make 20 grand but they give one thousand pounds away and then oh it's good to give but yeah but like he actually mentioned as well and um we work together look we suffered we've won we lost we got injured we were there you know like uh look he's like uh yeah of some much older than him but uh to be honest my mom gave birth to me when she was 15 and four months so I'm only 16 years older than status yeah and then that in that respect so yeah uh yeah I'm like I could be literally like his second dad in that respect and I like to think that uh contribute to something regardless anyways I'm happy for him of course um and inshallah he um yeah he will you know it just can grow isn't it from here yeah it's stable um and then there's no variations or deviations and stuff as such so just clear path and he always knew what he wants you know that is very clever yeah I can that's why I try to tell sometimes people you can when you have a little bit when you're a bit more clever clever it's all much faster than easy yeah and then he cut up a little fast in a fight World catapulted fast with this you know so because I know he still fights uh every now and then and he's looking to do the YouTube boxing is that something you'll be involved with or well I'm his coach so I'm actually going next week to Dubai can I do some pets yeah and um yeah I hope um for me personally I'd like him to like fight yeah because a good thing it still keeps him on his tall sharp it's a great balance for him he trains daily so it's not like he's not training yeah and some of it you know you put up you don't have to look great and it's good when people go that's rubbish pad holding or whatever yeah yeah you talk let's fight you know I mean so looking good and being good is two things two different things and uh so I hope they can put a deal together I don't think Andrew obviously will jump into it like straight away everything would have to be set up so if and inshallah I hope they do it will probably half a year or something yeah because I know him he was on the train properly prepare we're going in there to knock him out there's no like no way yeah and that's it really yeah and Andrew can do it and I watched because originally there were some talks about it so I obviously as a coach I watched hours of all the how he trains the opponent how whatever how they do and whatever so I was ready with the game plan I had and I'm ready so as a coach we're coming in there for the killers I say yes one shot one kill sniper school yeah I like that and Andrew is good there you know like is very unorthodox he can eat you from any angle yeah and I know him he won't say yes unless everything's in place and he trains hard no see on a financial way uh he's very busy with all of his he runs an Empire it's not just everything you hear and see it's way more way bigger and um so yeah I'm really happy for him you know right but it's it'd be good to have so I'm going over we're going to do some pets tokens yeah thank you from there I guess yeah I mean you can see all the videos everywhere like I I mean I got so many messages I don't know if it's on you'll hear it yeah yeah of course even you just have to wait even if yeah some of it sometimes you can't say and tell everyone everything and the sometimes like what's the point yeah and I do think generally it'd be a great thing if they do fight financially for both of them they could kill it more than any fight really ever like three line in Dubai not Manila because them especially in that now are now as well with Andrew's conversion and stuff foreign [Music] that's why everything is happening down there isn't it and also they support it really the sport they grow they they put into the infrastructure you know to buy some Megalodon in that respect I mean this is um one thing I wanted to touch up on one thing you said earlier when you said you know I don't feel like I could change the world I couldn't do anything but don't you think with what you've done and you know let's say people like Andrew and all the other Champions they're sort of like your legacy kind of thing so even with Andrew now he talks about a lot of serious stuff you know in terms of the system and everything the way they've had to sh they've shut him down and banned him on all these social platforms that's him actually changing the world and you have a part to play in that kind of thing yeah look how do you feel yeah yeah but with that part obviously as he calls it the Matrix yeah um yeah you're chatting they're shutting down in their world but like what's Andrew's second station is called the real world yeah that's not the real world what they do they like they're living online and then most of those Geeks that are behind all these things and no disrespect to Geeks but these like they think well as Andrea she calls them better males never ever did the weak men rule any Kingdom or anything and or it didn't last so the same with this it won't last and you can't like a lot of young people are also waking up because look you can't tell me what I should think yeah I don't want to accept that same like with like food you know if you are allergic to like you have dairy whatever or there's some sort of problems with meat or you don't need it because of that reason but not because someone tells you yeah imagine someone tells you you really shouldn't be eating meat but it actually forced you to eat meat no way yeah so um he's on the right way right path obviously as a business um they didn't shut down excuse my French they just literally exploded it and again going to Andrew's genius mind and chess and a bit like chest you know he's always three steps ahead so anyway like it's a bit like Special Forces if someone is your you get you go this is how was planned plan 99.9 never works out yeah you just adapt yeah and you go and you adopted very well um he was he personally was the platformed yes like with his own personal Facebook and whatever else he had but um as in a in being present globally even more is bigger than anything yeah and he played it quite smart and again it's a shame though because we should be sitting here and debating like I like it I don't mind like talking saying my mind and you can always prove me wrong if I'm wrong but then also we can agree to disagree you shouldn't go out of uh he's bad this he's that this is totally stupid yeah you're taking as Andrews as one narrative and you push it so hard no so um I'm happy for him you know yeah and I hope obviously he gets to do what he gets to do and sure and Andrew is a person as well like hey look he made it even around him he's making it you can't see anyone who stuck to him and his true friends and stuff I mean they even try to bribe with some of his ex-girlfriends and stuff and so and then no one tells anything yeah you're blowing up what is it maybe this is a hundred until paid videos 100 maybe that's all you see so if it's really so bad pardon me where's those millions of people that are so against is not because everyone else is okay yeah you know what's wrong with having values those are my values you don't have to agree with it of course even like was it PS Morgan the second interview yeah like totally different and he agrees with some of his stuff and and and yeah it is what it is you know so we've got differentiate for like you said the Matrix from The Real World okay in the real world people have really emotions real opinions and you know there's not really this stigma kind of thing if you sometimes watch some of the old movies you see the king the princess or the queen that they dress normally go between the people to hear what they say yeah they change or improve stuff yeah nowadays these guys they don't go anywhere and like if something you can't understand me as you talked earlier you know being shot and about all the horrendous stuff that happens and yeah yeah I understood you don't understand you haven't been there yeah so don't pretend like you do although and these guys is just different world unfortunately and it's it's not people don't want that much really you know it's not that much come on man you're four years in power change something what do you mean you raise my electricity bill from 100 pounds to thousand it's okay for you you make millions but then again share some and also comes back to the other thing is which uh Andrew mentions a lot and I agree with it totally well the religion is out of it they're not they don't fear God they don't fear no repercussions and you know like if you Thief you Thief you don't honestly you just believe in a pocket and how much more you can get and the greed will never end until literally like everyone believes and is fearful of God ah I don't think kind of like it's not that it will get better yeah it always has to get Always Sunny after the rain but also people who can't and shouldn't give up I mean I was surrounded in difficult situations I never once it crossed my mind to kill myself anyway now religion and not even like I can't explain you like you know not for it's more for off-screen release story and like no way like never and um when when you don't have something strong to hold on or to to believe in either yeah very difficult to but then again you know like it's not something to like go around and preach and look at me I I'm a great believer and like tell everyone everything what to do whatever you know oh you're bad Christian or you bet let's say a Jewish person no man just you know it's between you and God so I mean what's your what's your end goal let's say storm gym in your personal Empire where where do you want to take things well it's a Legacy isn't it like uh like my fight name was supposedly and storm when I came first because that's how I fight and look uh professionally amateur whatever you win you lose it's that you keep on going on no matter what you fall many times in life you know especially also like our old people said like uh before many times also as a Muslim you know get up and keep on going yeah it's better tomorrow and then uh I I like to think uh Legacy wise to people to remember you know like yeah great coach great person a better person number one I had a lot of help from a lot of people I'm not self-made or something it's all you can't become great without great people around you and I I for me from my heart that's what I would like to like thank everyone with a part of my life and mainly literally my family and my mother you know my mother is my number one everyone knows how much I talk to every day four to eight oh she's back on both yeah yeah and that's my number one inspiration she's the one always said be good help and um storm gym wise uh we all look exponentially growing all the time and it doesn't really matter where you train as I said the trained world champions in the garage in Bosnia in war and along though you know just like work results speak louder than words no point rugging and talking people know and we are well known anyway entity or I am as well as a coach for my coaches are with me for a long time and you know it's another thing brings as well like a bit low honesty and decency and loyalty and you can take something today but will it be there tomorrow you never know so when you just live a good life and yeah don't like to think like um hold on grudges and stuff just yeah God knows best that's it keep on going appreciate it being a good person and just be a good person really I normally ask this question towards the end of the interviews but first one is what advice would you give to any non-muslims in general about Islam maybe about life what advice would you give to them um I think um everyone should educate themselves more not just uh non-muslims Muslims should also educate themselves yeah Christianity and then vice versa because sometimes everyone um the way it works they're just separating but I my neighbor Cooks they bring you a cake yeah and for example for Eid and doing fasting the Ramadan it's a beautiful time and even all the Muslims are more mellow for me personally I like you to be the same for the whole year the whole year because you're not and so there's something like have that Deen in you and keep on continue being good and non-muslim wise you know like there's a lot of obviously we are branded very badly and a lot of people are surprised with me and I say I'm Muslim yeah so look you know how many white Muslims they are like just in ex-soviet Union and around Moscow like everywhere same like you have Christians over you know Jewish Buddhist yeah catholic whatever yeah it's not like why are you so surprised but people don't know and I like to think that everyone is a bit more tolerant in respect to respect and appreciate their ones you can't say let's say um covered woman Muslim woman yeah face open looks bad but then what about let's say Catholic yeah yeah you don't see it the same way why not but then again it's also because of the media media I generally also like always go to the taxi drivers let's say in Luton I use the taxis a lot and I say always smile bro be nice don't smell don't tell me you pray five times you stink you know like literally come in the comment you can't breathe so it's different things and you know you face of Islam as well like yes get out of the car and open the door for the lady yeah put the stuff in there you know sometimes some little things open the door smile it doesn't matter where you're from you have to be a good person I think so so I'm not like nah because I mean we always say in it uh like that don't follow Muslims because Muslims can be good can be bad follow the Quran if you want to know something read it for yourself understand it for yourself obviously if you don't understand then you speak to a Sheikh or whatever but yeah you can read it for yourself yeah like or research look at it don't go talking about it like you're not know everything yeah there's so much really to learn you know and I'm I'm old and like literally in that respect I'm going 52. I'm like so much man it's like there's no stuff and you know like yeah new things being found out and because you know how I see it may yeah like you can never fool someone even in Islam says you can't force religion on someone but for me why I know I always try and advice because you know if I see something good yeah like let's say if I see there's gold over there I'll tell my friends yo I see some gold over there come let's get it you know what I'm saying sharing is caring sharing is caring so I always advised and I would always just you know I mean but it's up to the individuals let me just like if you go back anyway even in Western world like when you look at the Ten Commandments they also come from the Middle East in a way so globally when you look at it no religion tells you to do like bad stuff yeah yeah in certain situations maybe they have a their own what you should do intake in case you get attacked of course because the world the real world is not all whatever I call it flowers and yeah Sunshine yeah sunshine and flowers it's unfortunately brutal and uh which again we're going to Andrew you know he touches that yeah you can't walk around in some parts of the world with the one million pound watch for example and not get robbed or killed and then that's that's bad yeah yeah when actually we apparently contributing to so much money is going into our protection and our everything and then and then but then again there's not no one's fault it's the bad person's fault and somewhere the links server in the childhood or whatever and then teenage would if you like like that and it is what it is you know sure probably is there any final words you want to show to people for wrap this up oh if anyone wants to train obviously welcome yeah it overall just be good people you know it doesn't I don't really like care where anyone trains as long as they train all the the gyms in Luton are doing great online I'm happy for all of them as I say I know everyone boxing okay we're all doing results and yeah go train some people don't like to travel too much if they do like to travel whatever is fine and travel whatever but find something in your area you type in on Google martial arts in Luton kickboxing whatever you want to do there's plenty of places to train in yeah I will not personally advertise my gym today because again as I said it depends you might not want to go from very Park to let's say Town Center rather train somewhere so see what's closest I always suggest that martial arts go to several places see where it suits you um that's it really sure
Channel: Streets 2 Deen
Views: 28,939
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islam, Podcast, Muslim, England, Revert, Streets, Deen, Paradise, Purpose, London, Nasheed, Zimbabwe, Interview, Haqq, Quran, Roadside2islam, Merciful servant, Smile 2 Jannah, Daily reminder, Jannah, Freshly grounded, Reaction, One path, Muslim bilal, jahanam, inspirational, army, special forces, Top g, Andrew Tate, luton, kick boxing, thai boxing, emory tate, chess, jake paul, adin ross, youtube boxing, hustlers university, war room, ksi, dubai, bosnia, yugoslavia, genocide, combat, red pill, shot, tiktok
Id: ERPHvtY7yfU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 7sec (4327 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 19 2022
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