André the Giant on Letterman, January 23, 1984

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we have planned a little later in her introduce the folks who are sitting in with the band tonight okay we're rocking out we have a little time a little later yeah nice to see you again Paul your pipes are referring to my pipes I lost my pipes this week as a matter of fact I've heard about actual plumbing Oh WAP North it used to happen all the time really and the milk bottles the milk would come out would freeze in the morning and come out of the bottles like this now in Canada milk bottles are used as part of the plot well and I was some areas yes what does that shirt say LA Raiders Raiders bad no have you ever been to a football game in your life only rugby out I used to see occasionally now of course now of course the Redskins had won would that shirt be different today this is no I've had this shirt I picked up this shirt from on my way to the springs as a matter of fact a lot of the Raiders go there to play golf you know of course I was going there to hang out with dick Conte no and Jimmy Caesar and I ran into a guy who gave me this Raiders well you look good you look darn good in it my first guest will be working tonight before a capacity crowd at Madison Square Garden I'm talking about dr. Krypton no no no he is said to be the largest and highest paid and best known wrestler in the entire world this man stands seven feet four inches tall weighs in at about 500 pounds please welcome Andre the Giant oh how are you tonight can I get you a mimosa what who are you gonna be wrestling tonight by the way anybody that we would have heard of I'll be me and Tony Atlas and Rocky Johnson against the threesome owns this how many people does a garden all 20,000 ants in the 1820s upstairs they get the almost 23,000 people what is the reaction of the average person when they see you like when you go into a bar or something they'll play around do you find that people are frightened by you or do they want to pick a fight with you you ever run into them yeah what do they say when they see a man your size or when they see you what about travelling now you hotel beds are they a problem no I tried to find a hotel where they gather to change size bed yeah there was some when I go to Japan all those cards so small even no tell I can't go through the door I can go to bathroom I like trees but but the nature of your job you're traveling all the time aren't you like 300 320 nights a year yes yeah now what about plane travels that get old after a while awful I go in first class but I don't leave man was it yeah what about airplane food is there any way for you to get filled up on a flight oh yeah was really nice give me two or three please yeah now speaking of food you own a restaurant is it Montreal yes now what kind of restaurant French restaurant and expensive place no just nice yeah and do you ever work there you know are you sure eat there but do you ever go in and greet the customers as they're coming in how much time do we have here okay we got it we got to go away for a commercial but you can do you mind sticking around Andre no okay great if you stay right here we'll continue talking [Applause] [Music] Andre the Giant is here Andre have you ever been injured in the ring many times and is this what we have here is this was this the result of a real injury there was the last time oh good lord what size shoe do you wear 20 20 good heavens let's just I'm gonna get the stagehands in your help what do you do when you're not wrestling you you're traveling all the time what do you do for fun if you just want to just have a good night you know you get a weekend off what would you do on a Saturday how long I was in North Carolina and what do you do to relax there I drew something only time over there and walk in the woods and I got some collars and just have a good time farm and you I know I know you enjoy drinking beer don't ya oh don't any more you two quit drinkin beer yes now you used to have a really an incredible appetite for drinking binges what is it true that you would in one sitting drank 117 beers yes and did did that were you drunk at the end of it how long the water that's in the past but you don't drink anymore not since uh 14 months ago a quick yeah you feel better for not drinking yeah because why I was drinking beer I used to wait final in 60 pounds and you've trimmed down now - what no full sir I mean yeah I was gonna say you look you look about 470 well congratulations that how much longer do you think you'll be wrestling I don't know maybe tonight didn't write asked me well what would you do after you your career was over I need to spin the farm will go walking the restaurant my song yeah got my business yeah well sound like you're in pretty good shape you got the farm and the restaurant and and you don't drink anymore so what the hell you're doing some white wine they have a little white wine now how much white wine would you have at a meal two or three brother so another one just fill up the shoe and now this afternoon we talked around in the office about having you lift me up and you you just recently said you're not gonna lift me up right why don't you want to lift me up it's okay I mean I'm tell you why because one time I was doing interviewed I listened TV and the guy wanted me to pick him up I pick him up and two weeks later I try to give me a rose because I said I ordered oh no now who was that I don't know somebody we might know no I bet it was Merv Griffin what you can't tell us huh okay well what time does the map start at the madison square started eight o'clock all right well you got to get going don't you oh well sure that's the we're hoping me sure Andre of course you you make yourself at home it was a nice nice meeting you sir good luck [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Don Giller
Views: 2,123,968
Rating: 4.8455348 out of 5
Keywords: André the Giant
Id: 6fZAjN9euKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 37sec (457 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2016
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