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hello everybody and welcome back to Mara Manor Farm but this time of course with the new Anderson deal sleep so what we're going to do to begin with is go to the store where I have all of the Anderson equipment lined up and we're gonna go and grab the appropriate auto stock which i think is gonna be the 70-200 because I need to get the one for the square bales instead of fear and bells so yeah okay so Steve yeah of course it's a dlc shop because that's what the title says so yeah it's about the dlc but i'm going to be doing quite a bit of stuff within mallum on a farm in the new area in the new farm which we're going to be building so yeah like say order psycho it's four different auto stackers in the dlc one which i do need though it really just the 70-200 because the other ones are for either raft bales offered for round bales so that's is the one for me once that's done I then need to take over the extractor and take the extractor to the new farm and that is where we're going to produce of the long line of wrapped bales so plenty to do and if we do have time at the end as well we'll do a bit of work with the poplars now which one is - yeah 7,200 let's take a look here I'm guessing it is this one in the middle I think so after all I did do the first video this one here that's right okay so let's go over there and start picking up some square bales Ryan says I'm using every deal see yep everything which isn't so far this is the first one everything which is within the understand LC I've got so obviously we're not necessarily going to use every piece of equipment in it because some of it is to further even new today but yeah I mean it's there if I do need it okay so where does the money come from the money was added in just for the DLC I'm gonna be getting rid of the money again later I have got a lot of Australians watching me currently nearly everybody sang hellos from Australia I'm guessing it's morning to you that's a bit of reason how much does the DLC cost it's roughly $10 but obviously you'd have to use a currency converter if you are in a different country hello I'm Jay modding welcome to the stream I'm very well thanks how are you yeah it's 999 in euros and dollars somehow it's about seven pound fifty anyway here we are this is the field and I demonstrated in the previous video the the wrapper but I don't want them here I want them in the new field so that's what we're gonna do well this chat is live nning up we've got so many people from Australia Robert hello from Wales looking forward to this DLC so far it does look very good and thank you to you Robert so then what I'm gonna do is do one load at a time so we take over a massive load of bales I think 16 or something and then we wrap those bells and then come back for a few more and then when everybody wants to move on we can move on to do some poplar work with the fire baler not buying yourself just trying to get this she couldn't have to work is that your map or is that under the map what is my favorite trainer brands Massey Ferguson but I do like many it's not just math person welcome Michael thank you so much for dinner moderating yes obviously this is part of the DLC for anybody who's just joined one of the four Auto suckers Galvis well good to have you here in Australia it's currently 9:32 a.m. yeah I thought it might be morning it would make perfect sense yes it looks like we are picking up the user the owner actually is the same way around isn't it yeah just looks different it's a different type of pickup over the our keys in Auto stacker Simon hello Tiger love your vids from Denmark thank you so much Simon goods here that you enjoy the videos yeah friend reporter who has just joined this dlc it's not currently out it comes out on the 26th of March and it costs $9.99 in dollars so it's something like 7 pound 50 almost there we've got I think space for two more hello from New Zealand that is Hamish and say we're gonna lucky ones from nimrod yeah well most I think most youtubers who do pharmacy mr. got it hopefully they did the squad gaming thank you for that donation much appreciated do you have anything planned for your 500k special to be honest I really dunno what to do I keep saying this er I keep saying walking to and the really is nothing in particular different that I could do so I'm gonna have to keep thinking about it but yeah I really don't know right so we've got 16 bells what we're gonna do now is go to a new area which nobody else has ever seen before in its current state obviously the area we're going to is actually in the base game but yeah it is modified by me the squad gave me again it's been a while yeah but I know that you do post a lot of super chunks which is very kind of you why do I do my live stream so late that crops have been every live stream it is the only time we've got to do them because in the evening I am busy recording my for the following day so in this case have been recording the survival plane and the rest of them busy doing other stuff Robert were who finally got notification it's good to know because I know that YouTube has been not very good in notifications recently the other thing just not sending them out and sending them out about three hours after the stream finishes which really isn't much use to anybody right we've got beacons for this next 300 yards we must have the beacons on it's very important um hey Steve's mods hello Steve nods okay that's not my area actually that is my area yes this is the area I have just produced this driveway just here this used to be just grass and this was thanks to a viewer he mentioned it so here we are I'm gonna just basically drop it up here we're going to produce a long line of silage bells to the right of me so I should probably put them up the top here because what's gonna happen is it's gonna push the extract to further down so we start up here we should finish off down there that's is of course assuming that I've got this right otherwise I'm gonna start here and end up in the trees so let's just hope for the best right okay they do drop off with some power which is understandable now it's a tab through I've got this I don't think the magnitude will attach to the extract if it does then great but I don't think it will do actually oh they could do because it's got one of those fairly lightweight hitches good okay that makes it very useful hello from Sweden that's from William two beers from Australia there Holden man welcome do you use OBS stream yes I do OBS is exactly what you used to stream I was really a comment then but nightbot deleted it that does happen all the time yes this is the start of it this is the start of the first long sausage of silage mmm silage sausage it's gonna be as long as I can get it to be honest it's gonna probably have to side by side because the field isn't endless it's obviously got some limit to it but we'll try and do it to fall out for the field if we can do it's gonna be big very big actually walky games welcome hello from Ireland Ross hi dagwon love your videos is survive a role play on tomorrow keep up the good work yes it is Ross yep surviving role play is tomorrow and thanks to you a lorry let's cut in front of it oh that might have been a bit - yes over the top eating cookie dough ice cream and watching dagger a nice pitch right say I think but if I put this up here it should roll backwards pretty sure it's going to as if I start it about there then we should end up the far side if I've got it wrong it would start there in an end up in the trees so we'll soon find out my view is from Oh blimey no he's not from Oh blimey he's from Manchester I have just almost taken over the entire stack right so we need to unfold this that's done that was very simple yes what we need to do is grab the first ones I don't if I can't I'll push this and take you two at a time I doubt it but I'm gonna try it anyway because you know I tend to pushed up and I must apologize I can't pronounce that name but just thought I would be fair to do a soup chat once I was able to catch one of the streams keep up the good work thank you and I even Melin is it I must apologize I am horrific with names or even I'm not sure I must apologize but thank you okay somebody's saying wrong way Tyler's saying wrong way I'm just gonna think about this I am pretty sure that this is the right way so I'm gonna I'm gonna stay with what I thought initially and just do this of course it'd be obvious because as soon as it moves we'll know if that moves backwards thing great it's moving backwards great perfect so got it right so yeah three at a time is not what you're supposed to do she'd never do three my it was very easy at this rate we're gonna get this done fairly quickly I keep taking three just so we can speed things up a bit ah that almost went Aaron thank you for that and I evened is fairly correct in the top five of foreigners trying to pronounce max oh well at least it wasn't massively off and I got I made it top five nice oh I'm moving up before but you moved quite as much it is supposed to be moving though the problem I've got here is that I just got the bells stuck to my spine there we go right okay I am very well thank you hopefully everyone else is too then says Bell has stressed me out to be honest I'm uses it stuck in the bells so they they can't stress me out too but when it just takes it like that it basically takes it off the spike for you it makes it fairly easy it's put some lights on right I probably should have taken some of the top heavy weight off that but anyway let's just keep going virtual farmer welcome to the stream good to have you here it is yeah it's a bit busier than the other night for some reason I don't think YouTube sent any what it must send some out but not many notifications but it was good it's still a very enjoyable stream repair the money to Thomas says ah that's good yes I probably should do it's about half bass it's not it's not like really desperate so in a minute what we'll do is we'll jump out and take a look at what it's done you might be able to see anyway yeah that works you're not supposed to put through in but it is just gonna work you should just take it oh by the way today is the first day of me using the new law just take two u29 the replacement I got and thankfully it's good so that's really made me happy today because I've got to say I was disappointed with the first one so happy that the second one was good so there you go you can see we are now producing this long line I keep calling it a sausage but it's not even sausage shaped it will be a fries using the round bales Mad Dog hello dagwon from the USA like the vids your Puyo thank you so much and also Jimmy Anderson very name greetings from Sweden like what you got so far certainly yeah well obviously some some viewers may think you're just gonna say it's good because you got it break which I did I will openly say that I got it for free because I did and if I'm honest I would prefer the cross I'm something like class or a boat or something like that but as a DLC pursuing yes paid for from what I've seen so far it's a decent quality so I've got nothing bad to say about it I've put it that way and I do write this silage setup because it means that we can actually now unwrap the silage and put it into the mixer instead of just pulling the wrap in as well now you wouldn't put the plastic in the mixer that would be ridiculous not only would you be feeding animals the plastic but it will also damage the machine I should have taken that right let's just turn back to the John Deere here we go I serve three more actually do I have crop destruction I don't think I do no I don't good right every will bring some more in will get another few loaves yeah the bells are pushing the rapper backwards I think unless it is actually propelling itself I don't know obviously it does have Drive because you can drive it so it might be propelling itself if it is doing it's very clever actually because it's detecting then it needs to move so I really don't know you'rethe thought it just has rollers which allow the power to move yeah you won't have thought the bells would have the strength to move it so yeah must be moving itself it must be propelling itself backwards or forwards [Applause] that is a question I've had quite a bit actually and I'm going to try and answer it for you now basically this question has come up a lot and that is if you have produced a bail a wrapped bail in another way not through the the long line like that can you unwrap it can you take the wrap off and do it as you would do like this the way I do this is basically to find some solid pearls just to see if I can unwrap them if I was to have a guess I would say you can't do because obviously it's a different method but it is definitely worth having a go I need to be in the belt category obviously so let's just go for some round ones here if we GI them not too sure if I have anything over at the store we may have the teleport but yes I don't think it'll work but I can't say without trying now oh there's my bail yeah yes it doesn't come up with the option of opening it as you can see so I am officer gonna stick with my initial guess of no you cannot open a bail which has been purchased or made in another way but I'm not going to say for sure because I don't know 100% if I go to guess we can't have a wrapped square bail but yeah there we go it's basically it is this a modded map yes it is this is boxing David Marwa mana farm it's not what I want there we go there we go that's what I want right okay let's get the next load I still have forgotten to turn off the mod which is already doing the job the patch but it's fine we can still make out how full it is [Applause] Nintendo games they're shams out don't tend to do so hurts though otherwise everybody wants one so I just say hello to everybody is the best way of doing it - Wales hello everyone from Wales [Applause] yes I hope does answer everybody's question you had a query about the unwrapping of bales pretty much guarantee has to be from the line that we produce [Music] dorsen chalak hello from Canada thank you so much van hello from Canada hello Canada at PETA thank you to you as well [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] are you gonna collect all the bells not in this stream it'd take forever we're gonna do some just so I can keep demonstrating the rapper and then we'll probably move on to some some popular work keep the stream about an hour long or so so it tends to be [Applause] all right so we are 10 out of 60 [Music] I then if there's a limit to how many bells you can see produce in the long line if I was to have a guess again I would say it's endless but you never know it could be a limit because there's no exactly how it's working when you produce bail it produces it another a 3d file a model from what I can understand so I don't know if every time you had a bell it's another it's another model or if it is actually adding it to it I really don't know because I'm not a model and I'm not gonna try and make myself sound like a mother because otherwise I make my sense it myself sounds stupid so yeah I I'm just guessing that it's endless I really don't know [Applause] Jordan says why bother giving is the same size square baler stacker as the base game one that's falling well it's a different brand obviously I can't speak for Giants here but if I just go into here let's just take a quick look that one is round round square and square 14 and 16 yep so I'm just gonna say for that it's just a different brands you know bit of variety it's nice have a bit of variety just in pretty much appreciated thank you very much Justin [Applause] okay we've been sticking around 8,000 views for a while now so I'm much appreciate that - good to see so many of you in here watching me fail with some bales it's shooting my slogan let's just fail everyday we're failing Apache Kemosabe is it hello from Australia no count at California my screen is the long way from me hello from California thank you so much why don't you use the front bumper I could do again it's me I want to use I I thought the front bumper came for the buy available not entirely Shana [Applause] Zi Trang is it all ex exit rang say Chang thank you for your soup Chandler [Applause] Sean says dagwon if you buy a brass bow can you use the wrapper to wrap the bales I would have thought so yeah I can't see any reason why even be able to again can't save show without trying it but I can't see why you wouldn't be able to because it is just a grass bale just like these there's no difference dagwon failing while bailing TV there pretty much sums up yep that's about right I mean it attempt not to knock this stack over because I do tend to not four stacks over I just give myself a bit of space in tap through the telehandler maybe you can use a helper with the bio baler if you use the bumper it's a good point definitely good points I'd have to try it again yeah if we move on to that later I'll put the bumper on although actually I'm using the Challenger and all the cap and it probably doesn't even have the ability to connect a bumper but I went a four bumper would stop a work from working but you never know it could do FS gaming says Jones could have done a lot better DLC well you know it's extending the machinery range more branch or how if I guess the better and it's not although some things are no the same sort of thing like an autistic er something's new like this this is new and the the bio Bale is new so there are new aspects to the game I could I should be using the say tech side panel here I will do otherwise you gonna be listening to my mouse clicks all the time failing while bailing yep yep that's the new slogan surprise it took so long to be thought about lis because it happens in every stream but yeah that is definitely moving although I did assist it could do with booming out of it right okay so it's now time to drop off of this load I think at this rate we're going to do one one line and then we'll move on now if anybody who thinks oh no you just bought yourself in yes I won't be going until that has been cleared when it's pitiful happening I don't know actually MJ isn't chatting so you might have an idea but if it's with Giants then usually I think it's just in Giants time so whenever they're ready because they are thorough with the testing so just take a while and I I don't know how big the team is that does it but I don't think its massive so yeah it just takes time Jason and thank you so much for that three and one it's not the way to do it but it just is it's the way I'm going to do it and unless it knocks one off the back but you might hear oh it's gonna knock them both off right okay nicely held okay okay let's come over the other side good right put some more in there yeah it's definitely pulling itself backwards but whenever I assist it it does like to move more as if it doesn't have the power to move it so maybe is just the bails they're doing it he's played first why should ask pushing those bales must be propelled although it only has a single cylinder petrol engine do you prefer survival or 19 well this 5 series is on 17 but yeah I do 19 as well it's a gratis I like I enjoy doing both I enjoy recording survival on both of them and first week me I'm not entirely sure what you were asking there but yep it's enjoyable to do survival on 19 and 17 just tuned in what's going on at the moment I am busy failing with bales we're going to be putting some more bales into this wrapper and then we going to move on to the bio Baylor at least that's the plan Ronnie says there is a ram that pushes on the bales that is what moves to rapper I guess I could just take a closer look but thank you for the information okay good a ramen here son ramen question I'm assuming it is and that could just be the unfold for the rear roller thing here not sure anyway all I need to know is that it works and it does work so that is fine it's quite good line now the KLM channel says dagwon the Bell feeder sailor I like it oh oh the bail they'll fail er that's me I think man feeder to begin with that thing there but no the Feiler who is feeding the bail thing when you are low that you can see it push the final bail off oh yeah yeah there is that thing in that pusher yes that is actually shown in my previous video first you keeping it fairly straight - which is surprising because usually whenever I do so if it always goes off at an angle what does the bumper actually do what I'm assuming now I've thought about it I'm assuming is just for the the bails for the anneal stacking so if you've got a belt facing the wrong way and spin it around my god I saw somebody get really angry a few streams back about the way I say assume it's it's just my accent and I know that some people say as soon but here in the UK you don't tend to speed and light but just depends where you're from okay we've got three more after this one he's English she can't help it yeah you certainly can't help your accent when are you going to sell the wrapped bales when the price is at a great demand have at best things to do and I suppose what we could do as well is unwrap them or even not unwrap them on II would have to unwrap them and pick them up again with your to stacker and take them over to the VGA make a load of money when does the DLC come out comes out in the 26th of March as usual I have absolutely no idea how many viewers I've got because my you cancer has once again frozen it's always freezing I don't know why right the final bail just trying to think should we do another load or should I move on it's quite a good line to be honest but it it could be bigger I did say we're going to go all the way to the fence if that would be but I know again another walk here we get another load it's best things ooh get one more load or we could actually come back to it we could come back we could do a bit of poplar work come back to here keep some keeps us going with a bit of variety yeah so what I do is a drive this tracks back to the field then go across to the cat do a bit of pop the roof maybe 5-10 minutes cuz it is a fairly repetitive job and then come back to this because we might as well what will the DLC costs that's a question that comes up quite a bit it is $9.99 in dollars put them from first and we have to take a look at the front of the cat to see if it will actually support it with it being a tracked tractor I wouldn't Authority with support it depends if it has a front or a point linkage it is popular poplar yes yes you can pre-order it's cutting for that camera [Applause] it is a fairly good-looking auto slack alone what I would say as well with the auto suckers is if you forget the square bales because yeah the capacity is exactly the same we do actually have an autistic a design for wrapped bells which we didn't have before which is very nice and also a much higher capacity round baler because before we only had the argues in auto snacker and well that was that was small if it's very small eight bales is the capacity for that in fact I should have it here somewhere there it is the IRS's thing oh yeah the RQ sim was the square the earth is eight bales which was the biggest round we now have 24 24 bales which is very good [Applause] I'm sure levy say move back to it very soon right let's take a look at the front of the cat and see how it's being requested no unfortunately the bumper is not going to fit to the cat because it's got this weight block on so I can't be using the bumper but I'm sure you can imagine it yeah that's the way of experiencing it you just imagine what it looks like I stick it on a tractor later but you can see these buzzer should produce as four-way take them - I'm guessing you take them to either the sawmill or the BGA but yes or melon would be my first guess why does he cheat money the money was cheated just so we can and should buy all of the equipment for me to show off otherwise my first look video would be me saying oh I have no money but I want to show you everything but I can't do that would be ridiculous it would mean to show you everything in store there is a bail in my way then what you'd do is you'd offset it to the other side so you've always got at least attractors with between otherwise yeah the bells are always in the way or you could reverse back and off to the side that would be another good thing to do can you wrap the poplar bells with the extractor well that should be mentioned here I don't think so is it does say silage so unlikely also you wouldn't want to ferment or gypsum a thought just bring this in a bit this is the last time we're gonna have a bail in white Bruce p-please say happy birthday to my pal Erin he's 21 today happy birthday Aaron and thank you to you Bruce there we go sorted Nathan says yes I stumbled upon a dagger windstream tripped up on it it shapes upon the tiger industry we're here to use the anderson dlc to sip shots together nor f-14 - you really should mention the difference between the two square bail trailers since one is a stacker and one is a collector this is full yes our looking for that and the farmhand thanks for singing before midnight we chaps on the continent appreciate it well thank you for that incredibly generous donation there the farmhand I appreciate our two massively and also Dylan thank you for that right so yeah as let's be mentioned I'll take a look what is it collective one is this time I'm pretty sure they're both all his suckers see that it's one here it's round it's round that's round okay they are both all these suckers are me Felix just wanted to make a donation your vids are awesome keep it up with love from Sweden thank you so much Felix did I miss somebody before that I'm not too sure if I miss somebody thank you anyway I don't think there is a massive difference between them to be honest but now you've mentioned it I better take a look this is the other one Durst here yeah the both all these suckers they both autistic so yep they both collect alright let's get this back on track back on track yes attract tractor what a terrible joke that was been set off to the side so it's not gonna get in the way again it might just be me but I am NOT very good at controlling this baler chances are it is just me do you know if there are any Massey Packers coming out not that I'm aware of from at the moment do you like the cat I do yeah I think this cat is really nice I'm surprised that so many people appear to not like it it's got such a boxy shape it's just you know the classic boxy track to shape the stereotypical shape of a tractor I guess if you're just used to the modern stuff or maybe fewer if you relatively young and you've grown up with the modern shape stylish tractors yeah maybe that's why some people don't like it but yeah well it's 90s I think and obviously I was born in 90s so it means quite a bit to me these were the tractors of the time the big ones and now I can go back down and offset the way across and then you're gonna have fun watching me reverse it okay at least the GTA 9 is now a replace once it's not squeaking and denied Heidegger can't wait to use the new DLC keep up for great videos I watched him every day thank you so much Andy maybe see you in the service soon and at nor f14 to try the other one I'm hoping it doesn't stack I'm pretty sure they both do stack pretty sure I'm sure the old e is for forward his suckers we've got round yep hold he stacks well no one no one yep they all do they've all got the Hickory upper on the side I'm fully Ganic I believe this we're getting many bales won't 24 bales get to see if I to reach actually yeah I'm intrigued to see how it does unload them I haven't actually unloaded the round bales before it does it on two layers the 24 bales so it might just you know flip it up like he always does him assuming it does actually because it's in a way you can really do it but yeah it would be quite high nor F says one for two and no nor f-14 two says they all collect but not stack all right I will I'm off to I'm going to try these over the next few days I do need to look into the round bells what I can do actually is buy some round bells and try it that's what I do I do it I buy 24 round bales and try it once we have the next full load which is now yes this is gonna be quite interesting to see you've actually brought up a very good point here look at these bales though and look good very interesting right let's shut that off go back over to the store I should really have a tractor here since I'm gonna get rid of it again I'll just buy something like a John Deere we'll attach it to one of these big round bales square I do both keep everybody happy I do round first so if I go to the 24 bow-fighter which I think is this one here let's get the model numbers right because they all have different purposes right so that one is just actually mr. check I've got printed out a list of the function of all right so the RB 580 is for round bales the RBM 2,000 is for round bales we then have the stack Pro 7200 which is for square bales and the TSR 3450 which is 4 square bales so I've already demonstrated the stack pro 7200 so basically if wanna do wrapped it's the RBM Pro mm so what is the IBM 2,000 without the probe it is the only way of doing it which i think is this one here right okay I figured this out sorry too - boy this is a round bale RBM mm good so if I just purchased them mr. Koster says the rainbows are a stacking line they do not stack upwards David Koch's thank you for your very generous donation as well daga Wayne it's awesome is awesome thank you thank you very much David much appreciated if I go for these eight give three lots of these right okay so it's not a great deal of space but even so and when I come to demonstrate the other one I take it over to the field I've got a lot of tidying up to do because when I come back to the main series I can't have any of this stuff we didn't actually buy it and this may take a while so I'm sure dad's just gonna push back on it just keeps going through at a time that is quite impressive it extends just here to lift up one more from this and then I need to play some space there's the bumper coming through yes that will do just need to get this thing loaded up very quickly Dowler 80 tutors I didn't get a notification yeah I know YouTube's being a bit funny it alone for some channels is fine it's actually promoting them massively but for others it's just sort of maybe half sending out notifications and then gives up with the rest like you've had enough notifications now we're gonna promote somebody else sim are now I believe you are actually the viewer who mentioned the cut through two videos back which I have already done not to show you be watching from beginning but it was a very good idea excuse me or it's Tucker I could outshine load now but I think as we've already gone this far month I'll fill it up and in status 19 out of 24 and it's been quite a force killings I should send out a community post an hour before a stream I might have to kiss well it used to be fine they used to just send out the notifications anyway but now they don't seem to do that 22 this is exactly 24 so close but I can't quite get to it it's that one and finally if I can reach it I know to reverse back yes it's come to the stage where I have actually bought too much stuff so if all of you wondering how the stanchion loads that we're now going to be given a demonstration she like dump them in the field where should I put them some house I don't know here we go so some say tips up most say it doesn't it's tilting she's gonna slide them off in them so everybody said it just slides them off you are correct and that's actually really neat as long as they all burst and go everywhere it's settling that's pretty good I mean it's it's not super neat but that's perfectly good enough for a stack of bales I think only this one messed up so yeah I'd give that a nine half out of ten you've lost half a point because of this bale right okay so there's your demonstration of the IBM 2000 now I have had a request to use the the other smaller square baler wrapper thing not wrapper take your wrapper auto sucker so let's go just sort of doing museum press here everybody wants me answering to do with the DLC I can attempt to demonstrate it yet mr. Courson you were right put the bumper on probably should've done actually but I don't necessarily require it but I've demonstrated the woodchips a bit and also did a video on earlier so that's nice and I can also do some more work with that later in the video because they do own that tractor Jack says the stack is realistic because this is that is what would happen in real life situations have been in the Hanna level the grounds yep absolutely no problem with it all right I've left it a bit tight here how often do you stream and it's usually about once a week but this week a bunch done it about three times you know so we got the same approach again is she's gonna pick them up like that and I think it's gonna tell back the bumper is gonna be handy cuz yeah it would push around sort of driving into it with the front axle which is good just gonna tell it of damage are you late snow while you kind of I 52-minute sense is dream for it's alright you can also backtrack our lamb says if you put a bumper on the front you can bail in line without having to do it upset oh yeah actually that is true because yeah you could push it around can you nudge around so I've got 5 out of 14 currently on here Louie I'm reading the jump there's a lot of messages show the feeding kit yeah I'll do that later cruise director no more a farmer Andy again hi again tiger just a quick question could you ant the deck chair for sleeping model into multiplayer I'll definitely look into it is if it's a most perfect possible modern yeah Fidelma it's good idea unless all the players start lounging around deck chairs of course far more wood how should they I love your videos you're the best thank you so much fan wood it's been very good thanks hope yours has been good too Jack we Jack wing says Anderson do see looking awesome so far which they will bring out the class TOC yeah there's ash no confirmation or anything even any news of a class TOC but I think everybody's just sort of guessed that at some point there will be one so now it's so mentioned and so requests either him the shearing the Giants just got to look into getting it but if the kind of Licensing or something then it's something to be possible David Cox adjusts I playing at Morrow mana on console in my big rig gotta love technology that is brilliant really it's such a good map to I think pretty much everybody loves this map not everybody it might be a few but it is definitely up there with in fact it probably is the most popular map so far 419 right I need to put my into transport position was your favorite alcoholic drink hmm you're not gonna like me for this but it's Chandi yeah I don't I'm not a big fan of our yeah what we'll do is we'll get this loaded up into the in-line rapper when if your let's play starting again I'll be doing another lesson here on Monday possibly before the flying roy says there is a 24 square vostok isn't it yep oh it's using it earlier we've now moved on so you want to see that in action just you know roll back in the string and you should find it I do I leave the I left the engine running I think so this is the demonstration of tipping this one up I like to go a bit further and so yeah it doesn't tilt up it just pushes them off the back where is the the bigger ones 16 bout one that lifts it up so that's interesting different ways of doing it I suppose this is good for putting them into a shed which is fairly low it's got a really low roof and you can't tip up this is perfect drive forward slowly that'll help good suggestion and also don't drive into it see it's now rolling forwards should take that one yep actually I think it is easier to do two together instead of just one or three three didn't really work they sort of roll there Larry hi dagwon you are the best hope you can get to 500 cave but can you pre-order the DLC on console to my knowledge don't know if you can I did actually why actually there is a yeah if you gone the official website does tell you on there if it can be pre-ordered the console I can't but I don't tend to follow console stuff because I only play on PC a dad should have a console so yeah best place to find out is actually the official website sorry to be so unhelpful but thank you for your super chat no I do not live in a farm at least I don't have enough on my own JJ TV I'm from the UK Macclesfield I love the video you're the best thank you I am the Beast early yeah this is easy I actually prefer this over the other stacker and now I'm really close to finally Kate but it just it's bit bit slower than it used to be I used to get like three or four hundred subscribers a day and I stand to you just over 100 but it's still good ever since YouTube stopped sending out the notifications and slow down come on eat the bells well so far I've got a pretty good line here and yet you can do this with round bells as well you don't have to do it with square bells this one this one which one is it's the hybrid the hybrid X this one can do round bales and square bells the other one is only for round bales so this one is more expensive it is a good order to stack it for unloading indoors probably a pramana wouldn't wanna use it at all unless you're doing this outdoors because it takes up a lot of space but perfect for a low roof barn but that is another load cleared Jason thank you for that massive thank you very generous no message there but even so come on get back in Swan doesn't want to rap unless that's the end votes as far as we go nope so yeah I don't know I I think it's endless I don't judging by the length of it so far I can't see any reason why I wouldn't keep going unless of course you stopped it if you if you break it off then if that concludes it so yeah let's go get another load I've got to reverse out of here does it take loose grass or chaff no it has to be a bale pretty sure it has to be available because it's got nothing to to wrap it just it has to be compacted into a bow to work I've got quite a few bows to bring over to I think I've got over a hundred in total so it's like a never-ending job but I would say the wrapping process was still made faster by putting them in twos into the threes and yet Simha that was your suggestion to cut through there a very good suggestion because I think if I hadn't looked about I would have just done something very destructive and cut loaded trees down unnecessarily which would have been you know quite fun but at the same time kind of pointless it is a perfect good country and I am to subscribers off 497 thousand subscribers quite a long ways to goes five thousand really because it's ashli almost three dozen I've just hit it 497 but it could go down it's gone down okay four ninety six nine nine nine nine and eight I've lost two oh no this is why you can't really do a 500k special or anything and say you get quite a long way above it because if you do a special right you might get a gang who are all subscribed no unsubscribe them to go below 500 again boil rapid actually this is a good place this is the perfect audio socket for this shirt here you can't she get the other auto snacker lift it all the way up here but you can't get it into the corners like over here so actually put them across here with her face anyway let's go back to the bigger one weird I'm using the smaller one with the bigger tractor yes I am four three four so subscribers it keeps going down for subscribers above 497 I recommend I do streaming everybody just keeps hitting unsubscribe and re-subscribe which is I guess something which has always happened with everybody because it's so amusing to influence the counter if you haven't subscribed then it'd be great if you could do Wow that counter is going crazy he went from four 9700 seven all the way down to 496 986 [Applause] okay I'm losing them let's get back up let's see if we can hit four nine seven zero ten tip and get it there yeah everybody is now in something as I mentioned it everybody's re-subscribe yeah that would be a good thing to do we've got so many here I would yeah I think we should get the bumper I can really do with the bumper I've gone grab it that's true yeah the stream at the moment at least hasn't frozen so that's good because yeah in the previous stream is going to appraise in every 20 minutes or so which kept dropping down and reconnecting why am I not reading the chat I am reading the chat because I just read your message does anyone know anything about Mahindra tractors from Jake I think they're relatively cheap tractors are there any never light but yeah I think they're fairly cheap as in price no idea about the quality you know it's pretty neat it's like a bears just there all right so here is the bumper I know that quite a few of you have requested to have it so yes I haven't got the option on of having a front through phone and get to be you can fit one stick it on the back and take it over to the John Deere Bruce says do you think they'll fix the tractor sounds like add grass changes and stuff make it more real sounding all the farm I wear all the current tractors in the game are actually cords off wheel tractors I think because there's plenty of photographs on Giants is Twitter and stuff about them going out with microphones and all the recording equipment and recording off the real thing so I think this the sounds are realistic but us we know really grunting engine sounds I'm guessing they have gotten that diverse with the sounding but it's pretty good I mean I wouldn't never complain about sound the tracks I think they're pretty good EJ crazy why isn't pretty saying that I'm not reading the chat I'm reading it continually maybe some things aren't coming through right so the plan of action is to get another load done and then I think we'll get things wrapped up the bales on the street so we've got another 16 to go and we're going to demonstrate the bumper I'm not very good with bumper so I've never you've really use them before so I don't really know what I'm doing but then again I never really know what I'm doing so nothing really changes GAF says the bumper is for use with bio beds push poppers down when using light I did think it was but I've had the press to use it here too so we use it we use it for these right it's mainly on here because so many people have requested it to be fitted to the John Day but if a bail is in the way then obviously is gonna push it because we've got one up here which is actually have white angles perfect it does it's good it has multiple uses it might have to be lowered here we go perfect that's good it is it's just for the poplars and the bales whatever you want to use on do you have twitch night own although there is somebody on there called dagger Wynn who took my name I know from the uploading thing there's also an Instagram account which is impersonating me I don't have Instagram so if you're if you you know connected to anyone they're called eggwin it's not me I do not have an Instagram account space for two more how are you going to sell the poppers well somebody said earlier you have to put it into the wood chipper the Bayeux and put the bands that were chipping produce wood chips that might work that might be the way you do it but I always thought that you just took it over to the sell point you sold the bail so it's sir I need to do in the future I have that in the next episode of in the next stream we'll do a bit of trial and error because yeah it's quite a few days until this is actually released how old is your YouTube account this one is 2014 I didn't really start though until the end of 2014 but the first-ever YouTube account I had was in 2007 loafie w7 favorite FS game yours or mine if it's yours then great ie I like your suit very good at first 17 currently just because the more more mods but yeah 19 is definitely gonna rotate this map is called male Amana phone EJ crazy fish it is on mod hug [Applause] right so the final 16 bales going to the new area now this is quite a few so it's going to be going that wines gonna end up somewhere wave there but first let's tip this up at that six hours of workhorse it is yes it's done fourteen point three hours so far it does pretty much every job on the map but we do also have the little compact as well which I do like here it is nice little compact utility tractor okay we need the money - there it is yes wasn't doing this if you want to write any more questions and please feel free to we'll be finished after we've wrapped up literally when's version gets seasons and small mods will it outclassed something definitely yeah 17% appear at the moment because of the extremely good mods which is slow therefore it seasons and all the other mods but yep as this one grows obviously is gonna take and eventually he'll be way better than seventeen now one is the time is definitely recommended do you watch squirrel I have watched him many times before not watched him recently but I think he has just started to put some more videos on farm like a bomb says I agree seasons will complete this game how can a farming game be related without seasons yeah and stomach saying there I think they did try it or something but I don't know if they ran out of time or what I don't know the story behind it but there's something things because yeah it's just too close to the deadline to get all implemented oh now I've pulled it I've actually pulled it out of its socket and that's mess it up although it can yes that is good it can recover I don't know how far you go before it actually breaks you though how much is they'll say it is $10 $9.99 how did you move them you wouldn't you can't move them once they're like this what you have to do is I've got stuck again you have to open it up and then you can pick them up individually and sell them or do whatever you want if you if you open them you can then pick them all up begin with north east sucker I think and then either tend to the farm for storage or whatever although once you've opened them chants are you gonna use them I think where you tend to do is only open the ones you actually need so if you if you're going to be using them for feed you just open a couple use them and keep those as wrapped up and then you come back to them later unless he's getting done fairly quickly but yeah of course it's gonna sell them we can have to open everything yeah I've already shown the round bale or auto sucker and I was quite impressed thanks Ben yeah that's true try steering the rappers back in line there we go good suggestion because he is going a bit offset I wonder if you can actually push the bells back to the center again to make it nice and neat I think what we'll do is try that once I've done this and try and push them to make all nice and level because at the moment it's all a bit too you know it's a bit like a snake when it's an extra level it's gonna be tomorrow it's more morning I sure yeah but that's as if you're actually watching the UK UK morning this time you're going to feed the animals of course I always feed the animals although most this is going to be just sold for tea kitten double-o hello Darwin it's a beautiful day in Australia I hope you're going over you doing well and have a wonderful stream chatter - my friend Christian you watch it all of your videos yes again thanks tiger win it well there you go shout out to Christian there and of course you forty kitten EE massive thank you for your super chat there it means a lot and isn't it always a beautiful day in Australia I'm not sure right so there we go yes let's just try and push it I've been crashed into by the extractor still currently believe that it runs off a little single cylinder petrol engine 20 horsepower I could that you can you can make it all nice and straight if that's your kind of thing of course if you want to make a straight line of bales and you can tell the world connected together how long is left the oh we're gonna finish in a minute just time to play around meeting things up I could do this forever but I'm not going to 20 horsepower is twinsen there's pretty sure it's on a single we can see it the way it's going off to the side makes you think good is singly I mean it is that high horsepower for a single but it is possible briggs-stratton to actually make it 22 possibly 24 horse passing Lucinda that looks Mike Honda but can't say anyway we don't need to get into a debate about what cylinder the engine is through there might be twin anyway doesn't your mother if it is a v-twin right so that is my sort of first look video second first extremes thing for the Anderson DLC down below is a link which takes you to the Giants website once you're on there you can change your language it's probably default into German since that is the affiliation link but yeah you can pre-order it at the FPC and find out more information about it and yeah we're gonna leave it there so thank to everybody he was tuned in and obviously a massive thank you to everybody who has said given a super chat always means a great deal to me very helpful so yeah have a great rest of your day or great rest of your evening and for anybody in the UK I'm sure it's probably about bedtime unless you're on a night shift in which case I'm sorry to hear that anyway thank you for watching and I see you again very soon bye for now you
Channel: Daggerwin
Views: 85,195
Rating: 4.8639264 out of 5
Keywords: farming simulator 19, farming simulator 2019, farming simulator 17, ballincraig estate, daggerwin
Id: _b4HWBZ7Co4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 37sec (4777 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 22 2019
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