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oh hello everybody and uh welcome you caught me a bit on the hop i was just inspecting the inside of my tractor um what we're gonna do today is we're going to make some money uh no wait that's what i'm attempting to do every day well today we really are hopefully going to make some money in the pre or look at it a bale i missed a bale it's probably worth about 50p in the previous episode we cut and bailed this very small strip just here and we basically concluded that it wasn't worth doing because i made hardly anything at all from quite a bit of work we also discovered that we didn't really have attractive powerful enough to run the baler or the mower so i've done my research and i'm so pleased that i have only done this series once a week because it gives me time to really look into stuff and figure out the best way of going ahead with the next episode and today what we're going to do because i have worked it out is we're going to sell the baler sadly we might get it again in the future but to begin with we can't it's just not worth having um because it just can't generate the money which we need the bells are too small and we don't have the power anyway so what we're going to do is we're going to uh just to begin with sell some wood which doesn't make a change the reason for this is because we're then going to go and spend that money we need eight and a half thousand pounds on a different tractor we're gonna keep this tractor we need this tractor but we're gonna buy i think it's gonna be a fears and that tractor has the power to run the mower it does have the power to run the baler but the baler is just going to be too slow for us instead we're going to buy a loading wagon because amazingly the most amazing suitable loading wagon for this series popped up on mod hub just a few days ago it wasn't there when i recorded the previous episode and it is there now and it is just the right size and everything the price is just perfect so i'll just very quickly show you it it is just here it is a six it only cost 675 pounds i didn't change that it's very old as you can tell it's made of wood the passenger lw15 so you can change the capacity which will probably do i i think it's going to be worth doing by the look of it it doesn't change the price so that is interesting if we stick with the standard tyres go for the unfolded then that could be the thing to do it requires 40 horsepower which is fine because i think the fit is about 60. so that is all really really good i can't believe it myself so anyway just to begin with we need to sell a load of wood to be able to get the money for the tractor once we have the money for the tractor we're going to mow all this land over here as much as we own or as much as i can uh put up with because i don't know how much land it actually is but the mower isn't very big then we need to pick it up now i think we probably will have some money left over once we've sold a bit more wood to get a small windrow or a hay bob or something it would be uh definitely useful for when we are picking it up so i don't know how much of this we're actually going to complete today but i'm hoping we can certainly get it all cut possibly road up and maybe maybe we can get it all picked up as well i don't know uh but yeah to begin with we've seen us before so it is time for a very very fast well i supposed to do tend to be a fast time lapse uh of getting all this chopped up and loaded up and then when we sold a couple of trees we'll see where we are financially and go from there [Music] [Applause] is [Music] is just waiting for you to take a chance one thing that you should know all the bridges is [Applause] [Music] right we're close we are at seven thousand and eight pounds we have this on the back i don't know if it's going to generate 1500 pounds hopefully it does do but if not we have more trees to go at but it is not an unlimited supply which is pretty obvious really but i'm going to have to start to put some more trees in very soon now luckily we don't have we would have to pay for that sapling plants we can just hand plant them with a spade um so that is definitely something i need to do in the next episode of the episode afterwards it just depends where we are with the uh the money now this grass which we're about to cut it is going to be worth quite a bit and as soon as we actually have the facility to create silage we're going to be doing even better but much better because silage on this map at least is worth considerably more than just krauts the straw is worth next to nothing so i'm not selling any more strawbells because i need them anyway for the future let me get some animals and we have some placeable uh animal enclosures which would be fantastic to come with i can't wait to do that it's gonna be really good um but yeah we need to get the money first let's buy combine harvester first but i i did have quite a few people saying things in the previous episodes saying um there's a combined harvester which has a starting price of is it 15 000 so that would be good anyway we've got thirteen thousand and thirty three that so we'll go back for one more tree which i'll do really quickly and then we'll be able to get the new tractor and then we'll be mowing but yeah as i was saying no point selling straw it's worth more to keep same with the hay the hay bales that we have there this tree is huge i didn't realize the size until i cut it down uh wait where did i put my tractor just here now again we are going to be um clearing the place up as well in the future once i've cut all the grass around here it will get rid of all the bushes so that will really start to make things look good and my plan eventually is to actually plough up the whole area and re-drill it because then we can get some fertilizer on the grass and it'd be really good i don't think that we can fertilize this current ground i think it is just a a grass texture over the top of the uh the existing ground rather than a field so yeah we're gonna make what we can do out of what we've got oh that's close all right look up a bit more here yeah this is going to provide us with more than enough for the tractor and actually probably enough for the uh the forager as well the loading wagon okay that's me a bit crazy going on here that's just sort of perched we'll put that on top uh sort of there right okay let's go and sell them but yeah eventually we can put in a new track here there is an existing track but it's hard to see and just generally tidy the place up but at the moment the money is completely focused on the farm itself like new machinery and uh getting crops in the look of the farm currently isn't that important right this is going to be hopefully a few thousand pounds worth i didn't really want to cover the wood too much because we do all the time it's just like the way that you make the money at the moment but since there's only a couple of vlogs left let's cover it and then i'll buy the i say the new tractor is not new at all okay one more okay right we'll wait for the whoa how are we on ten thousand pounds it's pretty good well better than expected that was definitely worth it that was a big trade it was a really factory uh so right small tractors uh no i'd love to buy that but unfortunately that's a bit too new for us or a bit too big for us uh we're gonna go for this although that one is the same price and we have the luxury oh no we don't get the luxury of the cab we have to pay more for that well we could afford it we can afford the cab hmm this is eight and a half without the cab i think what we'll do oh no we can get a cab this one instead okay there we go nine and a half thousand pounds we can just under the tree because we need to be able to afford the loading wagon right it does seem like a bit of a loud is it loud it's a bit loud yeah i think well looking at my um audio mixer it might be just slightly yeah taking over my voice there sorry in-cab okay well yeah here we are we have our new home logo and steering wheel basic but still good this is gonna save our farm i'm hoping we could bring back the loading wagon now but i i feel that we should probably just make sure we have the money to survive uh so we'll just go and cut the field and we'll come back for it i actually need to take the other tractor up there anyway to refuel it and we might even have to take that one back up there as well just want to uh to refuel it too it just depends how much fuel we have after mowing but we have the mower it's in the shed let's get fitted it's not the most comfortable driving position ever but we can't expect it to be luxurious not yet one day when we buy our first new tractor that might be a while away i just noticed i can't actually see a pto shaft but wouldn't that be a bit unheard of not having a pto i would hope that we do have one i haven't gone and bought a tractor without a pto advice that would be quite something i'm sure it will be there maybe it pops out when it's required okay so here we are there's our mower in front of us just to the left and we're going to get it fit on there really shouldn't be any issues power wise well we'll soon find out just as long as we can actually switch it on if a pto shaft appears we're good oh there it is well it's plugged into something maybe i just couldn't see it maybe the lighting was bad right well let's head through here this is the road somewhere yes here is the road uh but we're gonna be focusing mainly over on this side and well we need to just first of all figure out where our boundary is that's a tree that i cut down whoops uh i think yeah i'm fairly sure that we own just up to in front of these trees it looks like we own everything but no we don't so just to put a boundary on it i think about here yes so if i just roughly follow this path i'll turn the beacon off sorry i don't know if you could hear me then was it a bit loud it looks like he's a bit loud looking at my audio mixer and whenever he goes into the yellow usually it's difficult to hear me if he goes into the red then you won't hear me at all who's his faint drone in the background but in cabot is in the green so it should be okay it is actually a fairly large bit of ground but dealing with it is going to be the trickiest part i think before we buy the loading wagon we should buy a windrower uh that's why i didn't want to buy it straight away we need to get the priorities right i could go a little bit further that way but i don't want to [Music] be actually on the boundary because otherwise we'll get the constant message saying you don't own this land okay so we're gonna do like a rectangle shape currently we'll do that section later but let's just get back to the start we have some big rocks some big boulders on this map i wonder if i can sell them well seven miles per hour definitely beats the one prior that we had last time we're going seven times faster not bad [Music] where do we start is it over there oh yeah we've got some logs in here somewhere i i have missed some i'm sure we'll find them i'll turn just before this tree yeah this is going to take a while this is not a very big mower and it is actually quite a big section of land i didn't realize we owned so much anyway in just a second when we meet back up with it i'm going to put it onto a time-lapse and we'll see how far we can get um but yeah i think now that we have the bigger tractor once we've sorted out the loading wagon and the wind driver we're then gonna have to sort out a combine harvester and a bigger mower from his bigger mowers really do take the power so combine harvester next okay so we have marked out the area let's continue i don't know how long it's gonna take but we will soon find out [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] cuz it is going well uh i thought it would take a while and it is doing uh we're just approaching 21 minutes that it's been going for uh we do have the real mo mod installed so it's actually cutting down the thistles and the unwanted weeds but if it sort of catches the edge of the mower it leaves them i think the the weeds are a bit more sense not not as sensitive as the grass you have to go right over them so that's why a few things are being left but overall it's looking fairly clean the cut it is good it is a very nice mower actually the powered side finger bar mower so i'm going to continue we'll get it all finished off um i would say it's probably about 10 minutes worth left to do which would mean that the whole job is just over half an hour which isn't too bad considering the size of the mower and the tractor but i am so pleased that we have a cab definitely worth getting your tractor with a cab we could have uh paid to have a cab added later but i think he would have been a waste of money well i suppose we do have a workshop so we could have fitted it ourselves [Music] anyway here you can see the piece that we have left here we'll get it done and then yeah i need to sell the bailout definitely to get that sold you get a windrower but to be honest i wasn't really expecting to get as far as this today i thought it would take longer to get the money so we are doing quite well but yeah eventually we need to get that windrow bought and also the loading wagon to the bed [Music] too busy [Music] yes that took just over 10 minutes there we go switched off uh so we'll take you back over to the farm and first let's have a look at it from above we do own more than this but this is a good suitable area for the first attempt of just picking it up with a loading wagon after all we do have a very long way to cut it it has to go all the way to the store basically it's got nowhere else to go and the capacity of the loading wagon isn't too bad but when you think about 15 000 liters it won't take very long to fill and i just think there's quite a bit more than 15 000 liters just there so i'm gonna put the mower in the shed we'll drop it off then we'll pick up the baler take it over to the uh the store we'll get it sold and then i'm going to take a look into getting a windrow see what kind of ones there are around price range and stuff i'm really hoping we can just buy one with the money from the bailer you thought we would be able to but you just never know if this was a normal series i would just go and rent one but i have banned myself from renting in this series it would be it would be too easy it would be far too easy so this series only no renting off we go um yes we do have a bail i'm just wondering if i can ram it back down there for transportation purposes no okay so how can i do it i might be able to wedge it right there it is uh no i don't want to go backwards why am i going backwards that's weird must be something the bale did right well we'll drop it in the cell point as we go past then we'll get this return sold and i'll go on mod hub and see what there is i'm quite interested in looking at the current price for hay and grass it doesn't change too much i don't think we are on the hardest difficulty so it's a fairly standard rubbish price that bell didn't move an inch except for just then impressive stuff really uh wow that was worth yeah definitely worth transporting for five pounds supposed to pay for the fuel um anyway as we're here we will actually get some fuel but yeah where is the return points or cell points i should say maybe in there i might have to go inside let's just get the fuel dealer first time i've noticed that shed okay it's a bigger tank so it's gonna be more expensive to fill still not bad though 24 pounds we didn't use much well really actually transporting the tractor to the farm mowing that area and transporting this back to here cost 24 pounds we have a price for it not bad we can afford it okay into here i think first time i've driven in here out there i would hope i don't want to accidentally sell the tractor that would be well ridiculous oh look at that it is the tractor and i don't have workshop tabber installed we'll just take the tractor out of out of this place we'll just put it outside right 2 43 pounds it's not too bad so the ones which we can choose from which i have installed are all brand new the cheapest being 10 000 pounds let's go and browse some mods that was interesting uh this one here came out the best for us it's a 3.5 meter windrow um which is because most were two point eight or three so it's actually a little bit larger the required horsepower is 50 so that's fine should be fine we can also choose between a deutsche or a vicom and we'll go for deutsch single or double axis i think we'll just stick with the basic uh and yet we'll have the uh the deutsche color so there we go two and a half thousand pounds not bad and does that leave enough money i think it does nope wrong 675 wow so we actually don't have to spend anything else at all to get everything rolled up and sold although we do only have 30 pounds but that's fine because we're gonna sell that grass now i think it might have been this one one of these could be used as a tether as well but i don't think i want to ted because it's going to take long enough just to rake and we'd have to ted and rake just depends on the prices uh so that's storage there 35 pounds not even worth doing um i always get confused between those two that one's the best i must be hey i suppose that must be grass um actually grass is worth less than straw currently silage really is the way forward right what a pickle i suppose depending on the price we could get a homemade stylish pit but it's going to be another week now until i actually do pick this grass up so we can decide what we're gonna do i could make some money from wood again yeah i need to make the most of it and really silage is the way to do that even silence isn't worth much but it is so much more than just grass or hay i don't want to do hey because you've got a you've got to tell it all and you've got to rotate and with the machine of this size it's going to take a long time with silence all we have to do but the same thing as if we're just selling grass but only we have to wait for a bit and also pay for a silage bit i'm going to look into the price of the homemade sandwich pit if it's cheap enough we'll do it i can't really see why it would be expensive because all it is is just literally some tyres and a sheet it can't be much okay so when we get back over to the field what we're going to do is we're going to just do the headland today because at the beginning of the next episode i want to get that headland removed i'm going to get it all picked up so that the swath which we create to begin with aren't going to be in the way and get them completely taken off so we're going to go around a few times i think we'll probably get two headland swaths because we've already got plenty of space around us it's just to uh to make it a bit neater really but i'm not as concerned now about the price of the combine harvesters it does appear that there is a a fairly cheap one out there and uh when we've sold the silage or the sorry the grass we're definitely not doing hay um yes then we can decide what we're gonna do because we can really just choose the combine based on the money we make from this uh right where's my track there's a track in here somewhere there it is and we're going to go round this way so it will be a total of four times around the field to produce two swats uh but yeah i'm so pleased that i went for the three and a half meter one anything smaller would have been too slow way too slow this is going to be easiest from third person view so that's what i'll do and i'll put you back on a time lapse [Music] my [Music] okay well this is the final piece of the second headland after this next time we'll be doing no more going around in circles which go up down and make it much easier the turning is always troublesome um but that is actually for today so i really do hope that you have enjoyed it um i really do hope that you've been able to hear me over the tractor i really don't know it might have been fine but um yeah i think although we don't progress that much because only one episode a week we are progressing and things are improving the next dilemma really is silage or just sell the grass what do we do it's going to come down to the price of the silage pizz i don't think we have one here i might be wrong but i don't think we do anyway thank you so much for watching everybody and until next time see you again soon bye for now
Channel: Daggerwin
Views: 565,487
Rating: 4.9457545 out of 5
Keywords: farming simulator 19, survival roleplay, farming simulator roleplay, farming simulator, farming simulator 2019, daggerwin, dagwin, farming simulator 21, farming simulator survival roleplay, survival roleplay series 3
Id: 8xqZIxIlwJs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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