SILAGE BALES!! | Marwell Manor Farm - Episode 4.5

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hello everybody and welcome back to morrow mana farm so yeah welcome to the stream what we're going to be doing is first of all write up the grass from before in the previous episode and I have here a very large winter and some strange grass effects just here that's some good grass vibrating how weird right okay let's move on so yeah loads to do basically I want to be able to at least rotor from bailiffs I'm hoping to be on lease a bail rapper as well we might be able to just start it but it depends how quickly things happen today so we've got to wait and see basically but yes welcome everybody as usual hopefully everything's working okay in the stream so audio and obviously video I think the video quality is fine so it's all good it's always the audio I worry about just in case it doesn't work for whatever reason but seems to be good because whenever I have an issue I tend to get about 500 messages saying oh your audio is not working so that's all very good anyway MJ modding welcome welcome to the live stream so yep the field is just down here the grass fair which I have previously cuts it did take awhile to cut and yes I did start to do it with just the rain mower it did help having the front mer as well so that was all a good help it really was apparently the audio is good so that is certainly a plus I wouldn't want it to go badly wrong right here we are just trying to read the chat at the same time of course I won't be reading the chat quite as much as in yes they stream because that was quite crazy I was really a bit too much and I was looking at it more than I was looking at the game so it's quite difficult to actually to drive see ya as avoid explained it is a very very large windra it is the largest one in the game hopefully it's gonna work oh good there we go there guys think I was trying to put on worker how weird beacons off we don't need to have the beacons on so there we go yes two streams in two days that is right yeah so this is going to be not only a big job but hopefully quite an impressive job because of the amount of money coming office if I was just to row it up and bail it it wouldn't be worth that much really you'll be worth a bit but not a great deal but because I'm going to go to the effort of wrapping it wrapping the bails it should mean that it's gonna at least triple the price hopefully in fact maybe even quadruple the price so I think it is just worth spending a bit to to get the wrapper I'll know look we have the voucher it's completely in the way I'm gonna have to start to move that because otherwise the John Day is just going to crush it thing is I'm trying to keep the hours down so I can't do too much it needs to go but actually needs to go back to the yard put at the moments and I'm a bit too busy so I'm just gonna put it here it's good Harry says you have he has a westward gazelle like mine I actually got rid of Mike yourself I regretted though Jamie beetle belong I have just received an email from you Ashley hey dagwon thanks for streaming again thank you so much for that yes I think it's be long be long no thank you yes I did I've just read your email and yeah practicing the pronunciation of your surname so hopefully I got it right that time but yeah thank you right Danny says I like your videos that's not Dennis from the survival series that is a different much nicer Dennis what time is it there it is 22:36 to give you a more precise time fix your camera by turning off the horizontal horizontal what's wrong with the camera soon as you do know it seems fine are you keeping voucher yes I'm going it's on long term lease guard a man Luke Luke hello from Ireland County Waterford love your vids thank you and yes always nice to hear where different people are from of course it's not necessary to write where you're from which is always nice to have an idea of where my viewers are from Felix thank you so much for that no message but thank you anyway right chief Noah says hey dagwon hello hello to water who has just tuned in we have 794 viewers so far apparently it is 17:36 for parker not too sure where Parker is yeah it's it's 1036 in the UK so this although it appears to be quite a big job I think it's going to very quickly be completed the job because obviously more we go homes the faster we get to the center that's how it works so yeah although at the most it looks like a huge field I don't think it's going to take too long to do this and then we can get on to the wrapping and baling of course the baling first otherwise I'll be wrapping thin air which doesn't tend to work too well I think it right to the edge I keep missing a tiny bit it should be exactly the right width actually so apparently I'm gonna get about 126 bells out of this it does seem to vary some players might have fertilize the field first so that will obviously boost the amount of grass Sparky or spark cycle hello Darwin greetings from Sweden just started streaming on Twitch today do you have any tips for a newbie I do I'll get back to you in a second snake and cactus thank you that hello from Texas snake characters you donated yesterday thank you again to you yes if you're going to get into well I should out of to me tips for streaming but as for YouTube oak do have tips basically thumbnail thumbnail is everything almost everything get a good thumbnail you're gonna get viewers I'll come back to that the crowd is ship 897 Andrews hello from Ithaca when you just finished watching of the ETS two single-player are you gonna get company in Lithuania country as ETS to a teachers to actually I probably will do because I really could do with expanding over there so that is a good idea I always need to get a garage over there because at the moment I just have to keep driving from my nearest location which is not Kelly that's where I started before I think it's Gothenburg I think but yeah definitely I need to go garage over there so yeah thank you for that Emil Hansen hi you from Denmark love your vids pretty sure you donate yesterday too so thank you again and you're getting back to the situation of becoming a successful a streamer or youtuber I can't say super successful because there's people Hill waiting more successful neighbor certainly the way I got to this stage was to do a really good thumbnail not necessarily click but I know I've done a few quick baby ones over the last year or so that just kind of boosts the views but to be honest it doesn't really boost it just getting a good one a good catchy thumbnail very important also a good description if you have a good description then when somebody sees it pop up in the subscription feed they can actually have a good idea of what the video is about but you don't wanna give too much away because if you get too much away then they might think uh no I'm not dressed in that you want to keep them wondering what's happening in the video but don't just be so vague that nobody has a clue so that's my second tip I can't give too many I should be charging for this unit and not really yeah they're just trying to think of a third tip yeah third tip is actually don't click bait too much if you get a click buddy then yeah just just do once in every a hundred videos or something because otherwise you can get a pretty bad reputation for it if I don't do it at all it's best not to at all I kind of got away with it in my most recent one which was the ETS two with the truck on fire but it's a promise the reason why I did that is because I was trying to be creative I just fancied doing a bit of work with the fire and of course I got carried away and uploaded it as the thumbnail so yeah not a good idea not a good ideas to clickbait just not not so hard advice but um yeah a minicam work Patrick Andrews thank you so much for that no message but all the same thank you very much greatly appreciate it and of course anybody who has donated I will be posting on the community page tomorrow to say thank you again because I always like to say thank you I possibly say thank you so much that it's actually annoying to listen to but I still believe you should say thank you to everybody right okay so we are progressing quite nicely some really good swats there we should be producing some pretty good bales how do you record your screen I do it with OBS if I'm streaming terrell assad added vines doing OBS with you video recording 2mj modding says just to let you know we have sent Peter Ville to Giants can't wait to see the last play that is fantastic news really good news I do the falter and of course when it's released I yeah I really can't wait to do the start of my let's play I am missing a few pieces here don't want to be doing that not a good idea whoa a Tusker hey dagwon are you ever gonna finish it sorry ever gonna play any Finnish Maps I read that in the wrong order there was I think I did do one for 15 I'm not sure if there are any for 19 but if there are I probably will be doing one yes I would thought it will be doing over the next two years but thank you so much for that incredibly generous donation this is the problem all I can really say is thank you and I really appreciate it there's not much more that I can say to make it feel like I'm appreciating it even further but thank you spark cycle thank thank you for the tip love that survival series like everyone else it really saves my weekends yeah I'm amazed I still can't believe how successful that series is I really find it astonishing it's FS 17 as well which you would've thought wouldn't be as popular anymore because 19 is out and you'd have thought that would just you know take its place but it doesn't seem to or unless it is just that one series I don't know if I was to do is just a standard let's play it probably wouldn't do very well I'm trying to improve it again vixx I know that I did let the quality slip a bit with the Survival Series and the reason for that really is because I'm trying to get them out every weekend and it's allowing me to not really person much effort in as I would like to really I should be doing only one a week but then if only do one a week it will make that one video better but the progress is going to be super slow Lin how I don't love your vids thank you very much Lim and Liam again Heidegger I love your vids thank you very much Liam that might be an accent actually I'm not sure but thank you for both of those even if you did overpay there by two pounds hey dagwon how do you do the Survival Series it's mostly done in editing but like I said there's not much editing done at the moment I do need to bring back some of that survival feel which I tried to do in the last two episodes but I still want to add even more back for example the eating and drinking I need to be able to do that again the reason why I got rid of it but it was because basically we had a house and I was just saying that I was eating in the house but it looks like my viewers do actually want me to do the eating and drinking by buying it from a shop they said it would just miraculously appearing in the house cancer is bail hey from from stupid Indiana USA stupid well that's that that's your words but thank you for that do you think I should start going from down the field where am I gonna get a bigger combine I'm gonna get it very soon as soon as I can afford it I'm gonna be guessing the class Alexian whoa Patrick Andrews you're my favorite farming simulator youtuber and as usual a massive thank you for that incredibly generous once again donation it is astonishing how generous some people can be just viewing the stream is enough for me to be honest I appreciate that as just as much as any super champ but obviously the super chance greatly gratefully received they really are anyway I think I'm gonna start to go up and down the field Harry's dog says I'll bet you get less than a hundred bales of grass even 100 bales is actually a lot that would be so many bales and I've got to move these with a telehandler so actually I'd prefer to have less than a hundred naturally it would be it would be astonishing to have more but yeah can you imagine how much moving it's gonna be the cloudy ship eight nine seven Andrews how can I join you at FS nineteen I would love to play with you basically I have the server which might be aware of the Detailers run my community page so the information is there everything you need the mods and everything official dagwon game server is the name continental Europe and the password is tractor although a case I am on there from time to time I don't tend to announce when I'm going to be on there because otherwise it would just be really chaotic really chaotic but I am on there from time to time under the name of dagger Wincy would know it is me so that is it really that is the way to to go on there right I should have not left the headland there James goad be hey dagwon I'm a big fan love the Survivor Series and the 135 so many people love the Survivor Series III think it's incredible do you think it would be as popular if it was transfer it's 19 I don't think it would be a Tusker again as a real-life farmer it's sometimes hard to watch your vids but I forgive you for your mistakes keep up the good work okay sometimes hard to watch my videos but here's a super chat Wow thank you yeah I know I I find it how to watch my own videos too I have to watch them unfortunately when I do the editing it'sit's tough it really is tough but thank you Karen a hole or how 84 whatever happened to the tamia truck build well the tummy the one is finished the the yellow one the Volvo FH 12 that's finished I even did the final episode in the Christmas special of last year the 2018 Christmas special but I'm gonna be doing two more actually the first one is a trailer the next one is a USA truck it is the obviously called Kemba now yeah anyway it's not a European truck but that is the the second project but first is the trailer and each each one tends to take me about a year so it's gonna be some time before we move on to the the truck unless they do that one just in my own time and get that into the video for when the trailer is finished we'll see oh I haven't even started the trailer but yeah the trailer will be done at some point in the very near future oh hi is that right hey you're my inspiration to start my own channel kohai games what do you use to create your thumbnails I actually use some old software Seraph draw plus I'll get back to you in a second Stine hey dagwon greetings from Norway I did this grass word yes sir got 150 bales yeah it looks like it's gonna be around 100 250 and thank you to you yes are you sir after all plus it is old soft right don't think it's even for sale anymore but I've just always liked that software it's very easy to use and it overall it's quite reliable but now it's been phased out and don't think it's as good cuz it does crash now whereas it didn't use to so yeah serif software which is why I grew up using most people think I use Photoshop but I don't garden man again mr. young should give you the john deere bluntly warren hello bunny warren you might want to turn off plants growth and tea Finch bank that is a very good tip and thank you once again for the incredibly generous donation from bunny Warren their plant growth it's off Thank You bunny Warren already off I could see the future Co hi again yeah that is the right pronunciation fantastic thank you and Chris hi dagwon is class coming to efforts nineteen it might come to efforts nineteen but it's definitely not coming at the moment it has been been said that it's not going to be coming out at the moment so I should think it will do in the future Bert's yes it doesn't look like it's gonna be the next DLC James says try adobe fireworks it's like drop los perfect for thumbnails thank you virtually heard of it that probably makes me sound stupid but I will look into it because my yeah that serif is getting old so yeah it doesn't need to be replaced with a bit more reliable software good tips very good do you have a dog in real life or in the game in real life no and in the game no there we go easy answer are you thinking of moving these of our series to air first nineteen yes but definitely not yet it's just way way too popular on 17 and not enough mods out for nineteen TVR to do it properly like the ambulance I could never have had the ambulance in the previous episode Michael hey dagger hope you're okay I'm very well thank you Michael I I'm pretty sure we spoke earlier I was okay then and I'm still okay now which is good very good hopefully you okay as well right okay Morgan you never get replied to you have done now there you go I get quite a few comments like that actually saying I never get reply to you you're ignoring my comments and it's the first time I've seen that person actually post something I get so many messages that it's just impossible to reply to everybody Andre thank you that hey I love your videos keep it keep your nice work greetings from Swiss them thank you and Kai Mayers it's that again pronounce correctly have you ever thought about making a series on FS oh wait no it's just unfortunately the mods have gone for it and yeah it's just not a good enough game it's a good game but it's just not good enough to do a series on yes I think you said both of you who just donated their much appreciated Andrew says are you having a good day I am very good some days usually our good day the day of rest are your multiplayer and why you're not reading them what no this isn't on this isn't multiplayer this is single-player and reading is that the message it I can't read them all I can't read all the messages unless I have just overlooked what you meant they're not C sure you should least the bear soccer well this is the thing if I get a load then I will have to yeah I'll just have to get one but I'm hoping to use the telehandler I've almost finished it look at these swaths are looking quite neat usually my work is not good do you ever swear on a video no no need to swear this is a nice relaxing gameplay no need to bring swear words into it oh god a man again this is my third donation great videos thank you and Bar None classics hi hello to you what happened to Peter Ville apparently according to MJ modding who has just been posting in the chat it is going to be really soon it has been submitted to giant so they're going to have to test it and then obviously approve it so hopefully not too long john robinson hey dagger love your videos i hope you enjoy this I certainly will pay much for that as usual appreciated very much that has been hectic it is now time for me to catch my breath Wow oh sorry we've got another one just as I was taking a sip of beverage guard a man has just sent through another super chance oh thank you garden man have you ever been demonetised sesnick no I haven't never been demonetised zero copyright strikes on the account so it's looking good my intention is never to have a copyright strike I always try and stay on the right side of every body so yeah I mean a copyright strike is a very serious thing I sell got whoa 1,500 viewers yes I can indeed now see my views it's not working through the stream deck I'm just got it on the screen that was more than I was expecting so thank you to everybody who was jus tuning yes and I had I think 700 on ETS 2 which was again very impressive what beverage are you drinking it is water yeah it's a very very extravagant beverage so yeah I can't be drinking too much of it yet water is yeah good stuff tap water - doing any better than that Tommy failed says - Ireland this chat is chaos I can read are you a tea drinker no no I don't drink tea but it's ok I get away with it cuz I'm not from Yorkshire I think if you in Yorkshire you pretty much have to drink tea don't you so many of these measures are want to read but I can't do cuz they're whizzing off the screen so fast some says I can't drink tap water makes meal I guess some people do have issues with something which is in it I don't know yeah you cannot filtered water caillou right so we have almost finished we do have I think a piece down there today but pretty much is it why not treat yourself with a beer I can't be drinking beer or doing the videos it could get interesting um apparently it's coffee in Yorkshire now I'm pretty sure it's tea but if you're from Yorkshire I'm not going to argue with you know the don't know not everybody in Britain drinks tea it's a myth it is a myth as I said though I think most in tea in most most in Hawke's you drink tea I'm trying to read these things but not everybody it again is a very stereotypical view and it's a very very stupid Terrier typical view to think that everybody in Britain drinks tea because he definitely don't but I would say a lot too actually are you gonna do a vlog soon I'd only do blogs but I do have to service the John there X 750 Reiner mer I've got the service kit which is pretty expensive actually the service kits right I have paid eighty five pounds for some oil and a couple of filters Charles Turner here's something to get and more extravagant drink thank you yes I can upgrade to bottled water instead thank you very much Charles I'm sure you're not implying bottled water though something a little bit tastier Finn says yep danga remember me from yesterday I do indeed yep cycling bredren do you visit any real farms not really no Hodge hello hodge podge is one of the farm managers Tiger thanks for starting about our long conversation about biscuits and cake in the discord earlier was very entertaining you're welcome yeah Mori sir was it for talking about a bit of food yeah so that was fun yes we we were literally talking about food and drink for one hour these are fun times that's that's what we do and now we're doing a bit of rowing does it rain in the buildings in nineteen No nope that is fixed so pleased if it rains I'll show you but it's not gonna rain today I don't think yeah I do actually I mean the only farm manager Hodge is the only family we've decided to go we just won because people don't really need a load so we've just got one farm manager on the multiphone server I think that is done pretty sure it is so it is now time to go and grab the Challenger stick the baler on the back I'm gonna get it bailed I hope it's gonna work okay James what would you run play survival or let's play I think I did for the let's plays record because it's easier but survival is still good weeps truck hello from the Netherlands hello nice to have you here yeah so yeah between survival and let's play I do like to do the spiral but it does take a lot of time and it's going to take me more time in the future when I improve it further and I might have to drop it to one Episode a week to improve it because of dearth of time to be able to produce high quality videos like really high quality videos unless of course you're happy with it already dilly dilly lights helped me pay for college go to GoFundMe and search Garrett's Hopkins it will be the first one my goal is ten thousand dollars please help me thank you that's must have come out of your new college from now I'm not too sure but thank you I guess that was like an advert for you there you go I have now said it so yeah not free advertising some advertising paid advertising Jaimie ah belie Bilan again going to be a while getting it the bells with Nutella I know it is yeah it's gonna be quite a job anyway I've just par next to the Challenger no the defense which is just here I just want to call it a challenger it's so annoying I really do I know it's offend but I want to call it a challenger couldn't they call it a fan challenger anyway yeah I think I've put the baler in here luckily I do own the baler I don't own the wind rush I just put it away I don't own it it's not a good idea let's just return that there we go okay yep the baler is in here good I could use the John Deere but I think having the extra power is gonna help they'll keep the speed up Karl Wilhelm hi from Norway love your videos what kind of controllers team use and did you get your new GPU which one did you get I did say but first of all thank you I did say if your episodes back I was gonna buy it that evening but I had a look at Amazon and I decided that I was gonna wait for a bit of feedback from the viewers because I found several I think you see is it mm seriously at 20 70 and then there's the 10 80s and stuff and they're like really similar but massively different in price like one was sick 600 pounds I think live one was 450 they look really similar so if that this is a really good time to discuss it are there any experts out here or here to give me a bit of help with the best one to go folks I do want to buy one in a buy one it's just I didn't want to waste more money you know because it's paid for by these incredibly generous donations and I didn't want to sort of say oh look I bought this one and then everybody says oh why did you get that one because they'll be like you just wasted your money you could have got this one which is only a bit more expensive and it's way better so if anybody knows then please do let me know apparently the 2070 over wave going to need G is it lead lead chief again I apologize for penetrations hamish car did you know that you can raise the rate roses separately if you press V straight away after pressing it to rate and I didn't actually thank you for the tip and Elliott I'm going to buy a PC my budget is 400 to 600 pounds I should get pens well I've always used if I'm getting a custom bill I've always used a place called computer planet my current PC is from computer planet I used to draw my own but now I don't because it didn't really end up being much more cost-effective and there they've got some pre-built or you can't custom builds well that is a good place to go to computer planet curly you carefully mokuba calm but I'll say got curly okay just google it that is my recommendation on where to go to they've got it all in the different price ranges and stuff say like 200 to 400 pounds and then 400 to 800 and then it's the really expensive ones which like four to six thousand pounds which is super expensive you need to repair the Bayliss it goes faster and it's pretty good but yeah I can see what you're saying I probably should repair it those incredibly generous donations from earlier are still sticking at the top of the chap quite rightly so let's see how quickly we're going to be producing these belts I think actually to donators ago the the viewer who was talking about the graphics card I think they had another question which I have to click off the video to see so I think what I'll do is reply to it if there was another question on the community page tomorrow Robin says if you want to play modern games such as Butterfield 5:00 shadow the tumor ago for the RT x 227 the other ones go for the 1080 or the 1080 TI interesting information there thank you very much John says - cumbria are you going to do more vids on your Massie faizon yeah I actually will ask you the Massey folks in I was gonna do a video on it very recently he developed this issue where it would bog down at full load just randomly and then you'd let it cool and it was fine but I think I've sorted it I think it is that's the brand new fuel cap which I put on it it's not venting the tank and it is building a like a suction mark round or square bells waiting for I'll definitely Square and gamer type vent and challenge are exactly the same thing finished just the European version for Angela yeah I know it's it's annoying though that summit called the Fenn challenger because I know that some viewers would probably get quite mad if I keep calling a vent challenger even though it's called the vent 11:49 MT but I think I really am going to call it the fan challenger because toss is essentially what is andrew says we subscribe to you to lead not to read that was a line from The Simpsons and the Maisie fun whoa hello from outback Australia d-did you ever finish the JD one-in-five bomber and of course welcome Edward was just becoming number no I didn't know the Maisie fun I have put on hold because I got quite frustrated with it which is unusual and usually do finish the restorations it was for some reason I didn't Iike wrote a comparison no form at all rusty thing like it had been pulled out the scene but no the John Day one-eight-five was the most frustrating thing ever because it had rounded off bolts underneath everywhere and they're all completely inaccessible I'm gonna finish it I still have it I'm definitely finishing it but uh it's been so annoying so I moved on to a different project which may be releasing in this weekend and then I'd probably go back to it very soon so thank you for that very very impressive and very generous donation now Matt rogues gamer do you have a cat and if so what's his name I do have a cat and its name is ivy and thank you now sons here my granddad died today look your vids it's very sad yeah it's always a very sad time when somebody dies it raised so yeah I do for Sophie anyway how we doing how are we doing I think these bells are flying down the back hope they haven't missed too much I probably have done you know like I always tend to miss a few pieces but we are on track because we've only been streaming for 38 minutes to do some rapping today's well hopefully I do get onto the rapping I do have a problem I do a problem and that is that I've run out of my data allowance so I don't if it's gonna do a video every day this week I'm not on unlimited internet because it can't be it's not because I'm too tight to buyers as some people have suggested I where I live does not have unlimited high-speed Internet spark cycle welcome to the membership so yeah I am basically trying to balance the videos keeping them shorter to be able to upload a video every day Robin Wilson thank you for that so it's tough I don't know I don't if there's gonna be a video update but I'm hoping there is going to be the renewal date is 24th so forget to the 24th all is good Edward I just became a member Thank You Edward now you'll have a different colored name in the chat and also you have a different colored logo or you have a logo Ashlee because standard viewers don't have a lego and yeah a new area on the discord would've opened up for you yeah I'm surprised how many pieces are missing it but this is the thing with Baylor this Baylor in particular you have to be dead-on because the worker width is exactly right and if you go office like in real life and it's gonna miss it so you do have to stay dead in line with the SWAT which is my only problem with the bay lights of ready to Baylor but it really doesn't forgive players there aren't perfect at driving like me so you do have to stay dead in line I suppose first-person view would make that easier I know we've got over 1500 viewers here Harry's dog says why is your bail allowed or is your voice soft yeah I guess my voice is soft Tommy says the better be a video everyday or I'm unsubscribing I'm guessing that was a joke yeah I'm gonna try and get a video out every day they shouldn't it should be not even noticeable Patrick again thank you so much for that how do I become a member but you don't need to because he have already been very generous but if you want to if you're not on a mobile device so it might work for mobile devices if you go onto my channel page you should see an option which says join and if you click on join it will taste like a membership thing Oh gal come gamer my top donator of all time I think pretty sure you are great stream see you later good night thank you so much gal comp gamer I don't hate it you're very very generous and it does mean a great deal it really really does now this is I'm gonna have to apologize beforehand but peer to peer at thank you to you there's no message but thank you all the same and yeah hope I have said that correctly I really do hope I have back to the question haritaki says sir how is your tap water filtered well yeah so it's all clean and stuff but yeah what I mean by filtered water is you can get these water filtration systems wait a second joke isn't it takes out all of the the nasties to make it completely pure water I don't use those things I just drink tap water as it is as it comes out of tap actually I don't know the benefits of drinking filtered water I'm not sure but yeah I drink standard water Jamie says watching from Island Andrew says trying to say toy boat five times really fast toy boat toy boat to about a little bit of it you're right I can't do it Ben sim good evening everyone Hodge ah ah I'm just reading out cut random comments here doesn't really work Casey - Canada great stream Thank You Aaron says whereabouts than you ki u dagger let's just say the Midlands area although it would appear that everybody knows anyway looking at the comments Joo ran Martinson download the update for the bail award it has a wider pick up ah does he really I should have done that thank you for the information I would definitely get that done Hodge didn't mean to type are apparently so I read that out for no reason at all thank you Hodge yeah this is good stuff slave to gaming says I can only drink filtered or bottled water normal tap water makes me sick so must be a reason and there must be something in the standard tap water which isn't you know compatible is that the right word possible with everybody you can make people Polly so yeah I'm learning yeah I'm actually learning stuff if you filter your watch it takes out the limescale so you don't drink it if water is hard then it's for you yeah that's true actually yeah limescale bad stuff causes no end of problems not too sure it does to a human though for those who are complaining about the slow mode it has to be on otherwise I'm gonna miss people's donations which I really would not want to do so that's why slow mode is on just to appreciate everybody's comments and stuff and to prevent the chat from getting too congested because it's already quite busy anyway I really really should have updated this to get a wider pickup because now I'm missing bits and I didn't want to miss piss gaming with Hyrule love your vids I'm unfairly banned from your discord server if you have been bands then best thing to do is to send me an email bagua and dagger in comm and I can look into it for you see the reasons why your bands and if you were banned for no reason or for a reason which wasn't too bad and might Bertrand ban you but if it was a reason if you're serious then I'm afraid the ban you have to stick but thank you for your donation just train the end of the end there then tip says you can have stream labs redacted donations yeah I know but I prefer to keep it personal it's always been my goal to appreciate everybody's generosity instead if you're saying oh look there's a donation that was fun wasn't it I'm not really appreciating what it was or how much it was so yeah I do like to read stuff out myself as a personal touch to it why such a big tractor well I wanted to keep the horsepower if I don't if you're the tractor would have done okay look at that that is the realistic dirt mod it's got the green in there heavy metal farmer Heidegger I've been substance FS 15 love your videos particularly survivors another viewer who writes these 5 series thank you heavy metal Farmar so yet loads and loads of viewers love these vouchers and I still don't really know what it is about it which is appealing I would like to know really because then I would obviously I can improve my other videos as well but it's obviously just got this charm to it and I think it's the map itself I don't think it's my video I think it's the map because the map makes it easy to do a video on just because it's so unique yeah I don't know I really don't know goodnight says Artur a good night to you thank you for viewing Hodge says is it bad to say I watch most of things videos while eating probably I probably view indigestion when you're stressed from watching me do some really horrific bailing Timothy what do you call a mouse with two legs that's gonna be an obvious yeah that's gonna be like a crack a joke in there enlighten me you'd have to do a super Chavo if you don't want to a mouse with two legs I have no idea do donations go to charity no they don't but I do want to do a charity livestream I've mentioned this the reason why I haven't done yet is because it takes quite a bit of setting up but what I want to do is probably I think it's gonna be an ETS to actually not in farming simulator because they can do a big drive across Europe with my subscribers and my viewers of course you have to be subscribed to view and we could do a big drive and then that can be obviously what we're gonna be doing in the video and then we can all donate if you want to of course I will be donating I think my charity my chosen charity would be cancer research so that is what I want to do and obviously the money wouldn't come to me first because well some people wouldn't have to trust that and yeah it would go through something like just giving Timothy you call it Mickey Mouse now what do you call a duck with two legs ducks do have two legs don't they I've never seen a duck with fall I'd call it a standard Doug I don't know it's good to see that Timothy is bringing in the jokes this evening you're doing the best job than what I could do that's for sure mark says I just looked and I didn't see an update for the baler on Mott hub maybe it was a version which was updated and published on these third-party websites and it wasn't a chien official update I don't know just putting a suggestion out it might be genuine yes so many talking about the survival roleplay michael says you doing the people's voices is funny when you've done gary turn our Gary Turner Oh Webster says Donald Duck that's not the same viewer finishing the joke their doctor oh hey lock the original here Timothy a Touche all ducks have two legs I got it right so it wasn't a joke is a trick question thank you oh go away Gary Turner Raj says yes I'd love to be a part of your charity idea yeah I really didn't want to do it I really do see how much money we can raise for charity because I know that some people who have us would think you know why people donate cents a dagger in hand stuff I just playing a game and then they'll be thinking why isn't it going to charity well yeah this is exactly my point we should be putting some charity we really should so yeah that's what want to do Admiral Carter new member and Timothy again well played sir healthy Thank You Timothy slow mode needs to be slower yeah it could do slow down up there now says hey dagwon are you a farmer if not why do you have tracts in real life no I'm not a farmer I've only got compact tractors which most of my viewers called right on mowers anyway so yeah they're just but for doing in a small piece of land for using in a small piece of fun anyway how we doing quite well you're not too much left to do apparently the speed has dropped so it doesn't be repaired yeah it does first became very slow I think what we'll do is head down to the bottom and I will get it repaired because it does seem to be going much slower so many missed pieces can at the land be fertilized pretty sure it can be if it's got a number which it does yeah it can be fertilized and we should see that on here there is a fertilizing map massifs simulation hi dagwon what's your daily job in a winter I don't have a daily job in some time it is ground work sort of thing gardening sort of stuff so not farming yes phenomenon seen and I also I repair and restore machinery as well which I do in the winter time yes fully it's actually fertilized yeah interesting yes for those you who think I just sit here playing the game all day and don't only play video games in the evening the rest of the day I'm not even on the computer Juran I bet you get 115 bells thank you for you super chat and let's see how close you are it's interesting one let's see if everybody else can guess and see how many girls within guess but yeah I need to speed this thing up this is getting slow this is getting very slow where can I see a picture of your face there are various videos I don't think one SID but yeah there are various videos on the extra channel and machinery restore the squad gaming hey dagger at me again at love your vids you're popping into every stream hello UV squad gaming so yeah I'm definitely seeing regulars now I really am one one thousand five hundred ninety bales that would be nice but yeah I don't think that I'm guessing that was a typographical error a new map member we've got Charles Turner Bentham says one through five be master says 115 mister courses one six eight family 106 one two five dead man 113 no 13 it says one two seven some Waris is 96 adam 4g63 it says 121 dark gaming it says 127 Qian says 123 Richard Hammond 33 Walker says hundred twenty-five this could go on yet all the numbers are there I can't read them all out but sir that was plenty so if I'm not mistaken all of these are in a bracket of 160 to 150 no hunt no 60 to 150 even I'm not getting you right yeah 60 to 150 that seems to be the range that's a safe one George says you're going to get more than one bail yeah I agree I think you're gonna be right right let's see if we can get this speed up 8 miles per hour currently what we're gonna do is hello is to the workshop get things repaired forget are turned off there right off we go actually before I do this let's just get rid of that bail are the last bells got stuck man you've done 10 FS I love watching your Survival Series do you think we will ever get to meet mrs. younge yes I would have thought so mr. and mrs. young living the farm house for anybody who doesn't know and so far have any ever seen mr. young so you're mrs. young will be seen I'm sure Timothy why shouldn't you tell a secret on a farm I'm guessing this is another one of your jokes I have no idea you're gonna have some in likeness if any of the viewers know then please do say in the chat this is the very nicely laid out workshop just drop it off and we will we will see condition was it already that low admiral Carter high like your vids keep up the good work and you play world of warships no do it do I play world of warships no I don't know but thank you for that and Timothy again because the potatoes have eyes and the corn has ears we've got a true comedian here we really have you you should take over the stream it could be even funnier or it could be funny um yeah this is good it's nice to have a comedian it really is so here we go let's go hang on where I've just seen something about my Walsh accent Jake says dagger I love your attempt of the Welsh accent I'm Welsh and I think it's a great time oh wow phew I thought was about to get told off to such a terrific Welsh accent Robert why aren't you filling your Sarge blanket the main reason why is because it'll take me a very long time to empty and I want to do everything with Wales because of spent the money on Baylor so yeah this first load is gonna be bailed the second load is going to be put into in silage bit I will be doing inside pit so yes that would be a bit later on in the series spark cycle see you again thankfully soup chat have you seen a new iron dire and yes I have I did a video on it today it's gonna be published tomorrow so stay tuned for us the problem I've got is I don't know how to pronounce air era Islands idea I struggled with it but I think we've got it closed Karen says I missed your Welsh accent attempt please do it again thank you I did do it again actually two episodes back Saturday's video if you haven't seen it unless that's the video you're talking about anyway we didn't 12 March brat we're doing 12 there's a big improvement Rupert says dagwon have you seen chainsaw 100 time lapses of him and the silage are you friends of your life yes we are and yeah I did I think I yeah I did see the video of the compacting I think that was two days ago air is how it's pronounced I think that's right yeah the compacting shows 100 video yeah pretty sure I've seen the video it was done with the Challenger this traction face defense challenger RC blitz says it was my birthday Thursday happy birthday for Thursday or from Thursday Sam says can you do a return at Gary turn on the survivor roleplay I did kind of bring him back problem is I can't do his accent or his I can't do it I tried to speak like that and honestly I can't speak like that so I just stoked with the news and stuff and to be honest he makes me sound kind of weird so I I just didn't want to do I couldn't really sense inside that I think people would start to get a bit concerned about me if I did do a sentence in that voice because it would sound pretty weird andrew is now sucking at some jokes what you call a camel hiding in tall grass camel flage very very good there dagger do you use chance of 100 in your survival roleplay driver Laurie no I don't know nobody else is in the salon roleplay that he's done purely with mods and editing for anybody who was interested if you don't to hear if you want to hear a spoiler if you don't hear turn-off you sound quick although it's not really a secret the driving of the other vehicles is all done with cosplay anyway the stream is now coming up to one hour long and I have almost finished I have ultimate finished very badly but I have almost finished the beylin missed plenty so I'm gonna start the wrapping today I'm gonna use the John Deere sunny says dagger don't you mean at the cat challenge not prevent challenger I knew it I knew I'd get something saying that yes I know I know as I explained earlier I appreciated by way but yeah I know I know I'm wrong but I'm just sort of stuck in a way of being wrong because these were always challenges in the UK and so very very recently when they change defense but only last year thing some I'm I'm looking at this I'm thinking yeah that's the Challenger but for some reason it's wearing vent colors which is what they are now they will fend so I just call it vent challenger as I said that must be highly frustrating for somebody who doesn't call it then challenger but that's just how I am annoyingly David thank you to you not not a Coldplay P Games it's actually cosplay it's been around for a while now it's very good more regular than school cosplay Co you are SC play and it allows you to basically record a track and it'll play a back for you and they will keep driving the track and you can do many different things it can compact and stylish Pitts it can do the karting for you it can even do some field work yeah it's not count challenge anyway yeah that's true actually who said that lonely stranger yeah it's a white coat so I care these days I'm I finished up here thing ham you're doing well except for the missed pieces been zip says did you try that guy in staring by mod n no having user no I'm deciding to wait for a fully released version because otherwise it could be an issue on my save game I have heard a few people say that it just cause a few issues really save game potentially not necessarily similar way for a forwards Tiger win can you sell milk on the map yes I think you can do I can take a look for you though how'd you find milk we're gonna be doing milk out cheeks I need to get some cows here you go we've got the dairy yep the dairy is waiting take note - which just poses quite an obvious thing when you think about it the end was meant to be a question mark so it's actually mod question mark yeah Thank You Benson yeah I haven't used it why aren't you using the bunker I'm gonna be doing boughs for this one but then I'm going to be doing the bunker next time the main reason is because I've just spent all the money on the baler and I don't really want to just put it in a shed and forget about it so it has to be used it also makes the job a bit more fun because instead of just going backwards and forwards over the silage pace I have to do the work of moving the bells and then stacking them and selling them and stuff so it's much more fun to me anyway yeah we've got just less than half an hour left in stream so I'm going to be wrapping as many as I can do I don't know how many I'm gonna get done but whatever I don't get done will be finished off in tomorrow's no not tomorrow's Tuesday's episode yeah grumpy Dennis I've just seen the comment that David says I get a kick out of grumpy Dennis well don't worry Dennis is still in the survival world play so I'm sure we'll be hearing from him again unfortunately [Applause] still a few guesses coming in about the amount of bales that is going to be I'm about to reveal Hammond ins beam we have almost finished Jonathan says grumpy Dennis is probably going to end up buying 20k field I think he is too actually because nobody else is buying it he seems to buy in my land or tries to buy my land he tried to buy the farm what is your favorite game of all time I'm gonna say and this is probably gonna be a surprise to most people Morrowind the older scrolls morrowind that game just does not age Chris Heidegger win again long what's your favorite ever map from all FS games love the vids keep up the great work oak field is mine so far well I would say to try to think about it that my all-time favorite mouth is [Music] called the park farm by poly belt it's gotta be it just has to be it's just so well done I'm not saying this helmet oh because they really are oxygen David his map set absolutely astounding but my favorite map yeah my favorite map is bullet Bill's one but only just very very close and yeah it could get overtaken potentially by another map in the future but that is my current favorite map anyway I am finished I do have a few pieces which have missed but nothing substantial so here we go oh farm boy Dave do you know if you want to do silage in the biomass you have to buy the biomass because your trailer will not tip I did know but I forgot so thank you for reminding me because yeah I could have I could have done that accidentally and how much does it cost I can imagine it's quite expensive where is it from here buying gas plant oh you have to buy the area of this area oh it's only 11,000 so it's not too bad I was pretty good yeah you should look the argonians cut the bales that's interesting interesting comment just give it a spell off the back there we go so here we go the reveal of how many bows we've got in the field this could be interesting I'm gonna go with 115 fouler Parma thank for that thank you for that a very kind super cutler 115 we've actually got 126 who said 126 did anybody say 1 2 6 of course this is all being recorded the super chats and the the main chat so if anybody did it will be in the history of the video and the video gets published you're gonna know we're all gonna know one two six did anybody get it I don't I don't know if it did spark cycle says he did this is interesting so anyway yeah I'm gonna put this back into the shed I'm gonna then get the John Deere get the the wrapper and begin wrapping Brendan says he thought he saw a one two six you might of them this is some horrific reversing yeah I think quite a few quite a few of the viewers said one to five so I bet you're all very frustrated I got the extra bail will combine their that reverse into it well rise there we go okay so into the next tractor which is the John Deere it usually is actually the John Deere is just my all-round tractor so it looks like possibly two possibly two viewers got it I think definitely one as Cormac says one to six to his brother so that counts that definitely does count it's just no evidence of it so well done anyway anybody who did get one t6r in fact anything close to that well done to you because that is quite a challenge but as we predicted it was between the sixty to a hundred and fifty Bell it was within that radius within that range I should say yeah pretty good the only bad thing is now I have 126 bars to wrap and yeah then 126 bells to move I think I'm gonna be using the auto snacker because that is quite a few okay so we have 20 minutes of wrapping to do the rest will be done in the time lapse in the next episode here is the wrapper so we can change the foil colour and I wish I could do a pose I think you can do a vote but I'm gonna set up I wish I could involve my viewers with this mmm I'm just going to go away for a second I don't if it's going to work there's going to be a few seconds of silence here I'm gonna very very quickly attempt to look at a way of voting for my viewers to note those on the rap colour I don't if I'm gonna be able to farm a power-mad challenger sells better in the US right okay thank you and thank for that super job yes prepare for a few seconds of silence I haven't gone away I'm busy okay so I'm gonna save it an attempt to get a vote on screen I don't if it's gonna work you probably won't - I suppose first I should have a look and see exactly what the colors are so got white black pink and green okay here we go I will see you in a second you did it work I've done if it works I really don't if it works I don't think you did but I don't know you yeah I'm pretty sure that did not work so what is the point I don't get it I guess that's to be put in afterwards it must be it has to be they have a vote so I don't know anyway we're here I'm just gonna pick a color because clearly the vote doesn't work so I have to think of a new wave to invoke cuz I really do want to do a vote I can see quite a few people saying pink Burling and I can see quite EP was saying green more people saying green so here we go let's go for green it's Lisa's so hopefully you enjoyed that very silent interval where nothing really happened yeah what I'd love to do it yeah it's a good point if I do on the community page then I can see obviously not now the next time I can see what's going on so that would be the place to do it it's got integrated someone said the super chat got lost but I don't think it did do and there's somebody posted while it went on to screen lots of short but gal comp gamers very high super chance to wear vomit Green Hodge says well it's a very very vivid imagination I would say apparently the vote did work what did it work you need to refresh you have to refresh the screen for it to work all right well I've got green so hopefully green wins otherwise it's going to be super fun if you refresh your page I'm not saying it's gonna work but it could work potentially [Applause] if anybody else has the votes let me know but yeah I'm CIN seen quite a few viewers saying it's working so it must be apparently the black rap as one over the green painting of whites 52% so there we go now I know for the future and you can have a vote midway through a stream but you've got to get a refresh which seems kind of annoying actually we're straw bale it's never going to work so if anybody who is watching this stream back after the streamers finished I don't know what that would have looked like I suppose the stream goes on hold the vote does appear and then I come back and say oh it's not working so it's gonna be very very confusing but for everybody live it didn't work after refresh so that is a good feature that is a good feature it's just obviously because first time I've done it I didn't know exactly how it operated I can imagine nearly everybody has now refreshed their stream Mikey says bye tiger I'm going to bed well thank you for viewing I'm in refinishing very soon as well it's now quarter to twelve so 15 minutes left in stream so whatever we can get done in 15 minutes basically yeah I finish at midnight midnight is my finishing time yeah I also should be noted I think I lost a hundred viewers by doing that putting on a whole page yeah I do like to do the rap spells but I think it has to be said that it's a job which must be time-lapse otherwise well we just sat here most the time not taking great deal it'd be more time to do some more votes I could do some other votes on other stuff although I dance I probably crash the stream [Applause] so if anybody who is actually looking at the face what is currently leading and why what percent apparently the the standard black rappers wears actually won by 44% over the other three what kind of clock do I have I've got a an analog clock on the wall and my stream deck has got a clock integrated into it so it's obviously way that's your analog with digital display it's a nice little mod which is in the stream deck mod section or extension section to be gaming HD hello from Australia yeah most people voted for the black rap but of course we're doing it with the green up because I've in think is working let's just see some more in these comments hello Connor the stream is really yeah well the chat is certainly quite and down think I have confused everybody with my horrific production work there the author my farmer says my favorite map of all time is knaves ball 4 FS 15 names well is a very good map it has to be said but yeah it was never in 17 officially and it was never so far it's not been in 99 wouldn't have thought it will be but it might be who knows it could be making a return that would be nice but yeah I want a thought so Jordan's off the bed good night Jordan and of course anybody else who is going to be leaving the stream early but I'm going to be finishing in 12 minutes time I'm not trying to wish the time away but I do prefer to these kind of things as a time-lapse because his very very repetitive trucker copy I hope is I've driven from Southampton to Edinburgh today that is a long way to go when are you gonna see a piece of Elle when it's released it's gonna be released fairly soon apparently according to mg modeling it has been submitted or it's gonna be submitted racing to Giants for approval so hope you're not too long Oscar says this comment will stroll away without being noticed [Music] what map is tomorrow my maps tomorrow is going to be a first video of the island map [Applause] so yeah this is fun it's a real stream killer wrapping bails are those people miss it yay for anybody who is actually not interested in this like said it's gonna be time-lapse it'll probably be the first thing in the next maillot mana farm video wrapping all of these it's quite a job it's gonna be a hundred for another hundred by end of the stream to do so it's going to be probably a one-minute time lapse out of thought walkers as I'd listened to you talk by like like what was the map on FSM scene where the water fairy that was was called Olaf minded video on it it was cold bunny Warren alone is bunny Warren their bunny Warren help please what is it called obviously called oh that's annoying me now it has a fairy dinner was it to me Ireland pretty sure I did it multiplayer on it was it in Norway map is it annoy I'm not sure now anyway how do they get the grape harvest Ahmad that will be 417 there are several different great purposes 417 if you type it in tucking grape and stir FSM team you should find it but be careful because some of those websites can be a little bit funny so well I'm not saying and get a virus but if you're gonna use and make sure you do a scan virus scan afterwards a dagwon at Raven port of bells burn are definitely Falls Brennan I think those was actually a pretty good map now when I first saw it I thought wow this is a bit plain and of course when you compare it to this map it is very plain but as a starter map by Giants is pretty good that's it isn't it spectacle Island that was it Sam our I'm Zhi I'm pretty sure you're right it's bets crime [Applause] at least that was when I did a video on I'm not too sure if there's another one maybe was pretty fun was one with the the fairy compatibility but also the bridges that I think I was one way actually had to go fire a boat you had to go on a boat to actually get to another Island you couldn't go over the bridge what do you think of the mice folks at 300 series and which I could converge because I would yeah I do I at 300 series and obviously yeah I'd love to how he converted actually dark under these trees put some lights on thank mean been here since 10k I love the videos thank you very much Bali dawn that seems to be the one which keeps cropping up I don't think I've played that map so that be the reason why I'm not remembering properly like I said oldest line definitely the video not sure FL this line is watching I don't think he is but he might be yeah so what we're gonna do is get back to the start and then wrap things up here because I don't want to bore you to death I really don't I prefer to put this to music and just get things done really quickly and yeah a lot of people talk about cheese recently there's been a cheese discussion in my streams in every stream so what's the cheese thing about I like cheese too but I don't talk about it how long is the ASEAN back on the server it's actually changed we're now running felsberg malty fruit but it probably will go back to ASEAN back at some point hopefully not too disappointed it's feet of all coming to console hearts good question I don't know I thought it was but I'm not going to say for sure it will sell mater when it's released which I think it's not really too long so hopefully next thing is you were telling me the moon's made of cheese and before anybody says no it isn't although does it ever make you hungry when you watch wallace and gromit and grande out so much cheese yeah the multi fruit map is going down very well although the Serbs never been full but it always tends to have some of the honors and obviously the the diversify if the different crops is always very nice ok so yeah we've got just I think one of CMO bells to do we forgot the crackers yeah I feel like I now feel like watching a look back wallace and gromit a grande oh I really do just to see the cheese and crackers [Applause] I can see the quite a few of my viewers where the same viewers who what on my string about a month or two ago talking about the earth being made out of various different ingredients anyway yes this is the end so I want to thank everybody who was tuned in this evening it has been a very productive stream Lowe's has been done this was just a cut grass field before so yeah are we giving you another big thank you to everybody who has donated of course some incredible donates in the streams even absolutely incredible and yeah thank you so much to all of you and of course it thank you to everybody who's just tuned in it really has been great fun and of course Thank You Timothy for providing the jokes it really was quite interesting and very very amusing so there we go thank you so much for watching hopefully you enjoyed the video and yes I will be returning it to Marla mana farm in two days time Tuesday finishing off this field and then we're moving on to the next job I need to sell these bells should make a small fortune from the amount of birds which are here they should ferment straight away so that's all good and yeah have a good night everybody see you again soon bye for now you
Channel: Daggerwin
Views: 96,319
Rating: 4.8979073 out of 5
Keywords: farming simulator 19, farming simulator 2019, farming simulator 17, ballincraig estate, daggerwin
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 21sec (5301 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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