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hello everybody welcome back to Lone Oak farm so today we're gonna be very busy with the sugarcane but it's going to be done in a different way it's going to be done in a much faster way although more unrealistic way this is mod which I discovered on mod hub and it basically is a modification of the new holland combine which sets it up ready for sugarcane which is obviously very strange because you don't harm the sugar cane with a combine harvester but because of this we have an incredibly big header I would have preferred to have like a modified version of the actual sugarcane harvested but that doesn't seem to be one it doesn't exist so this is the approach I've gone for there is a 20 meter working with elf the original but the header isn't 20 meters it just takes in 20 meters of crop which looks even more unrealistic than this but it's a good idea if you wanted to harvest large amounts of sugar cane quickly because it does take a long time anyway a shout-out to sketch co 6 and his brother I'm I'm told that his brother is not so well at the moment so a big shout outs of both of you hopefully your brother does get well very soon yeah best of luck to you both so yeah yes this is this where I'm driving this is the t9 700 it's a big machine as you can see I've got the dolly on the back because what I'm gonna do is attach it to the trailer for the sugarcane should be quite good I would like to actually have to I think we do have another dolly somewhere so if I can attach both the trailers that'd be fantastic but it is gonna take me into the lodge to set things up so that's why we have such a big machine this has replaced the John Deere we had that old John Deere with the the twin wheels or the dual wheels so it's a bit of a an upgrade very expensive upgrade and the other John Deere has gone to actually John Deere free at the moment I think which is unusual and usually do up John D's there's the other dolly anyway I've heard some positive things about these 60 frames per second very pleased to hear that everyone enjoying it yeah I think it looks much better - I didn't realize if it looks so good I suppose it was because it was a while ago that I last used it but the last time I did use 60 frames per second it did have complaints about it but that was a few years ago so things have moved on clear the internet connections have got better but I know there's gonna be somebody watching who's thinking yeah so I wish that the internet connections have got better because mine hasn't yeah I can understand mine hasn't either time to pay over the odds for the connection I have just because I'm doing YouTube the actual connection I should have is absolutely abysmal absolute awful so yes I'm sure there are plenty of people in the same situation anyway that is the first trailer all ready to go what I'll do is get the other trailer on the truck let's just get it set up there we go and I can put onto the dolly it's give me a little bit tricky to a couple things up to begin with it's my double dolly situation but once is done it won't need to be detached again for the whole episode but this isn't gonna take long so if you might be sitting there thinking I'll no-show again lots of episodes last time well this time it isn't going to take two episodes pile of rubble they operating about half of this episode maximum just depends how often I have to unload I suppose it's quite a bit of carting involved then it would be a different story so I'll put that there we do have quite a theme of orange vehicles here yes it was very expensive blizzard road rage which is a Mustang I believe now where's that star the star etre are there it is oh yeah we're keeping the Fen to another trailer which we could add to the long line I think two will be enough bloke especially as the last one is not very significant unloading them is going to be quite difficult especially if we go into the other place so yes in the might only way to be fold possibly combine could be fall just gonna get the other trailer attached to this which will be easier said than done okay perfect okay they're all couple together let's head off to the field quite a set up a double BS em trailers Wow yes we are gonna have to have the power luckily we do up the power and guessing buying 700 it seems a 700 horsepower setup you must be full and thing is assure Akane's it fills up so rapidly I've never connected two together actually yep it's 4:00 Eastern one past of the field maybe not even completed it and here's for goodness me but you can see the intake it's much wider and if we were using the case and whatever it's called whatsit Cola to check in a second though he did not complete it this ago look very strange wrong sugar cane coming out of the combine weird I just have to see this and that seems to be an insane amount Wow I think while I'm unloading he's gonna have to go and find something else to do because he has just filled up a trailer pretty much and yes I'm turning to tides unbelievable but it had to be done we had to get his opposite and we've already done a full in-depth way of doing it before with the proper approach so Dean with the combine is just the best way I think of the stage oh yes in the money which we're going to making this is going to be also quite unbelievable I look forward to it it's also going incredibly fast we are motoring on really we could do it like for trailers but to is just gonna have to do okay that trailer must before there we go second trailer it's also like a really rapid unload race as well look at that this is unbelievable came in the neighboring crop yes I think that's gonna be almost filling that second trailer so where is the best place to take you to sugar cane I must make sure I get the right icon on there three no four low note company yes I'm a little bit concerned about how to get in there I do struggle with just one trailer this is gonna be quite something two percent space remaining and get it done just get it filled up completely there we go okay hundred and forty thousand liters already that is amazing he's only going to get to about here the brown of the hill before his fault oh wow also a bit disadvantage with the speed here it is only a 24 mile fire tractor but I think well the void mighty tonight at the lorry could have potentially done it would have been a bit slow I think when I say slimy having issues with traction and probably steering it might've done it because I know they are very robust lorries but this is a hundred and forty thousand litres I don't know it might have been fine right the challenge really does begin I have no idea how this is all gonna make it round but there is one thing in my favor and that is the our own dollars that is gonna make it a little bit easier to get around corners are so close I was thinking that it's just I thought it made it but actually no it just clips the entrance come on is in it's in right okay it's gonna have to take everything unbelievably wide should be okay guessing out is gonna be an issue forgetting out it's gonna be next to impossible why we might have to go out the way we came in I don't think I'm going to make the corner yes I'm not gonna make the corner oh no you things just happen I suppose it's a good job they have this turning area I would have really struggled and also it turns out the reason why it just did base because of the dolly in between the two the rear trailing still needs to tip there we go should be better from this direction and then somehow I need to get out of there mm-hmm I'm looking forward to in fact that sticks on to a time lapse and then you can see thee hilarious exit unless it all goes to plan although I just can't see how I'm gonna get out of here [Music] right okay well you could have got much worse see it could be terrible but I'd said it's back up when lily and it was fine so here we are I am now awaiting the next load and because that was a full tank I can also see what the capacity was sixty thousand litres sixty thousand dinner every combine load which is almost a trailer these trailers are 70 thousand litres the good news is well you can see what's left to me we're not gonna be doing too badly I think probably just one more double load after this so empty both of these and then come back with two empty trailers and then fill both those begin pretty amazing stuff so in fact I think yeah the whole thing is gonna be just best on a time-lapse we'll just get the whole sugar cane hub is completed and see how well we've done that is sugar cane isn't it yes it is good the price is now gonna plummet over at Lonoke they'll own a company only problem is a Gris XJ sees a long way away so I think it would be the same star point let's get it all done let's see all of the sugarcane eaten up [Music] well as you can see this is the final piece and I think the combine is gonna be able to finish Chancellor's gonna finish while I'm at your unloading because I only have space for another 16% let you think how do you probably could get to the end be a look so we're gonna be filling up now so my siz will head off and get it all in loaders and then when we come back here we'll have all being finished all they're looking at that there isn't enough so I might as well head to the end there we can see this field being completed right so there we go the final piece and you can see it's still much too ill nicely as if it was done with the other harvester just very very quickly yeah it's the stuffed or stuffed by case okay and in it goes but it won't be all with it we'll still be something left in there okay so I'll head off once again this is my walk pretty much my final load and it looks like we've done quite welcome money as well [Music] yes if actually sort of perfected getting in here which is good it was quite troublesome the first time the the trailer the second trailer does tend to clever the second traders tend to clip but you know five motor not much of an issue I was all right except me crashing the tractor and if you detach just before you unload it doesnt do that weird thing so if I detach the second trailer around there and unload that on there comes back up again in a second and reconnect it finally the orange trailer as I said before this turning area just back here it's fantastic I don't know how to do without it all right that's almost finished good 27,000 pounds to every load pretty good now know that chance or a long way with another small trailer just to finish it off which means the harvest is now complete I just need to get out of here surprisingly not too tricky getting out good okay here is so thick everything he's got a friend Ben's pretty fast and it's not too much in there at all I think he's been doing some mowing and I where to leave this massive almost roadtrain style load of trailers I think probably in the trailer area returns just part on the long back here it keeps them out of the way and silage that must be ready now we are going to be changing maps fairly soon I'm not too sure exactly how many episodes left but I would have thought by the new year we will have finished Lonoke so if you have any more suggestions for what you want us to do on here please do comment down below I'd love to hear me and no doubt he's just around the corner cuz that fence is much faster than Thea New Holland areas right okay so like I say I'm pretty sure he's been doing some loving yep yep a swing cut okay so in the time I've been unloading he's managed to actually cut all this which is quite something so how are we actually going to tackle this that's gonna speak to him rice is being bailed and after all that work we have to go ahead tear into authorized personnel only hmm that's me ah yes let's go and have a bit of a bit of a rest ah that's good whoa the paperwork hasn't been done yet and cup of tea anybody beautiful is that I go straight to the workshop nice I do like that it's such a nice set up this whole lot can you go in the cupboards probably nos no good okay so and let's move on so this was it as give you a very quick tour of the combine as you can see is the CR 1090 but it has been adapted to be all for sugar cane it looks very similar you can choose any color pick pretty much any color you want it's nice system but it's going to be returned it was actually leased so yeah it was also an adapted header but like I say it's available from what hoster not mod hub and you can get it from there so yeah nice idea very nice idea so it means that once again the sugar cane is completed it's been completed I don't think we're gonna be half scenes again because we're over time but we have at least had to harvest sounds of it in the second one we didn't even have to spend any money on all time it was just very simply left to regrow so pretty much 100% profits except for the machinery now this needs to get back into the workshop we've customized this we can hopefully get it looking a bit better again now I did put those rope trap tie rope Road tracks on and the row-crop tires we usually just have it on the flotation switch I think the best option although y-type yeah white eyes looks pretty good well the thing I don't like is you keep getting this extended hub which I prefer to get rid of which is why I went for the flotation in the first place I don't think the flotation should've on here they a bit appear not and they have to go through to Trelleborg hopefully we can pick not from here oh no though they are right well you know case let's get up put back onto those and that's gonna be free so let's just get that customized there we go with the front way back on the front way should have been on it anyway really not to worry so I'm looking for a dolly I know where they are and also an Auto loading trailer because we have the silage Belgium ready to pick up I would imagine is quite cute I'm gonna be doing it for a little while few minutes but they do tend to add up fairly quickly for that tractor there it is very nice but it did cost six hundred and seventy thousand pounds I think it's not cheap it's worth getting I enjoy it I do enjoy using it I enjoy using all kinds of different tractors it's nice to have quite a turnover now it's the blue ones blue trailers so there's nothing new we have the news before but yeah they're worth quite a bit of money so it's definitely worth doing and if I ever get there I can show you the process I've just melted the wall but there we go it's this well I never did manage to fix it there's no what I do I can only install it reinstall everything it just will not pay on the Logitech Gaming profile so it's stuck it at 900 degrees which is fine freeze its - but not for farming to later ok operating the position here if I go the opposite way a bit the best way of doing things picking up straight away so I suppose I think we're just gonna be selling them yeah sell them to drop the field we already have loads of silage and we already have some cybele's anyway although we could store them for a little while and to wait for the price to increase but the thing with the BGA is Bryce tends to stay around the same figure all the time so we're not really waiting for much [Music] okay so just waiting for chainsaw to to continue a bit that I can see there's quite a few more bells appeared so that should be enough for me to go and unload over at the BGA but we're not gonna do it the same way as before because what happens if you if you overload it they go down the pit which you might think that's a good thing but they actually go under the pit and they're quite difficult to get out it is possible to get them out but it's a bit frustrating so this time we're gonna do it with a telehandler you just see me take the Toby handler over there and there's a much faster way of doing it yes so we're gonna have to just do it this slower way it's not too slow though it's just more the controlled way so yes the first load I'm gonna have to go and stack near to the sell point but not actually in the sell point it's pretty good though 34 boughs every time okay so there is the telehandler as you saw before managed to find a good place to put this oxen he's having a space for the telling hunger to maneuver but it doesn't want to be so that it's annoying thinking just about where edge back up roughly that although yes I'm not using the truck a mine maybe I should have been yeah but actually that's not too bad somewhere around here let's just see pretty little wall yeah I think that should be fine good back to the field it is quite a slow way of doing it using that bailar but it it's effective you do pretty much get an instant bailiff Siler jobs in real life you have to wait for it to ferment but yeah it's pretty good it's pretty good so let's continue the loading process take it out of transport put it into work mode and there we go [Applause] almost finished now that trailer is almost full so I thought it'd be good to get rid of these bells as well make sure ice will enable the haricot nice and easy and yeah I can we can take both because we've got the dolly although I don't know neither of them have a hitch so they're gonna have to go on separate vehicles there is space for three more on that one but obviously we have more than three here so I'll head off once again over to the BGA and get this load dropped off right okay so the hare is the first wall I think probably if I just double that wall up it would be the best way to do it or its stall to loading yes this is the best way of doing it no bail come back and walking the way now chainsaw through you can take the bail and I will put this over here it wants to be the closest boom once as close as possible as neat as possible and right good now for the final trailer and it's not even a full load well that's gonna be quite a lot of money and time is gonna have to be increased times 60 to begin with and then probably times 120 in a minute so we got it done just in time it's raining it's always raining certainly in the UK anyway though this isn't the UK but in real life in the UK it's always raining 16 more bales but that's going to be quite a bit of money's worth it's getting heavier so Jugal please do check out chainsaws video as well there's a link down below he's recording as well so you can see everything he's been up to and there will be things which will have been missed in this video he did all the mowing for example right so this is it this really is the final load still plenty here takes it off into process but I can control the time in a second um is it still loading it's still loading okay I don't like it and I forget to turn it off so picture this all the way back to begin with then once he's cleared these I can drop them off a bit closer just put them here for now yep how's he doing processing them perfectly quick enough that we could but it's time 30 with wasting time do like my class Terra Hamlet I think I've managed it a few times before pick about five in one go as well with the with the ground yep quite a few shiny it's gonna fit by quite a bit but not too much even 15s another thinking way lots of brain so almost ready to unload like a wall of bales put them a bit closer just also stack these again I've done it'll help but at least a bit closer it is just the final few bells now and of course a midnight we're gonna be able to see exactly how much money we've made it should be quite impressive it's just three more player three own but there's not too much like to process in there I either so it's definitely gonna be ready by midnight be quite a payment this place is gonna be really finding it hard after Tim had to run it have to pay us an amazing amount of silage and and of course yeah our pit is still four as well pit is still full of silage anyway that's it the final Bale that will definitely have grosses by midnight so there we go just have to wave that's empty and wait for the new day really 25,000 litres and it is 20 past 10:00 so I can pretty much say thanks for watching I'm sure you do want to see the end of this okay that's finished processing it's 11 o'clock one hour left which should only be a few seconds here we go I'm gonna guess it 150,000 pounds whoa two hundred and fifty three thousand seven hundred twenty nine and we're back at five hundred and sixty seven thousand pounds in the bank account well I think today's episode really has been quite successful that's something that's one thanks for watching and see you soon bye for now
Channel: Daggerwin
Views: 940,237
Rating: 4.8289943 out of 5
Keywords: farmer's dynasty, farmers dynasty, farm simulation, farming simulator, farm sim, fs, farming simulator gameplay, let's play farming simulator, lets play farming simulator, tractor, farming simulator mods, farming simulator maps, farming simulator english map, farming simulator 19, fs19, lone oak farm
Id: sWegKd_0ukw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 54sec (1794 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 19 2019
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