And we Have a Winner! | MasterChef Canada | MasterChef World

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then what are you doing for your dessert I'm  making a play on a cheese platter chef what   about you David I'm gonna make a very refined  version of my wife's favorite lemon dessert you   will have 60 minutes make us a stunning dessert  that could secure your victory we're neck and   neck I'm not gonna give up with my dessert  throughout this competition Lynne has been a   powerhouse with desserts and now I got to compete  with her and do a better one your time starts [Applause] there are six elements on my plates  one of the elements is black olive pistachio a   dark chocolate bread I have to get that bread  made cus from start to finish it takes an hour   [Applause] this dish is all about layers the  first layer is white chocolate graham cracker   cake the second layer cream cheese mousse with  vanilla bean and on the top are shards of meringue   and for a garnish I'm doing lemon curd this is  the deal breaker if this dessert isn't perfect   everything will be for naught with dessert it  is all about the refinement and I think dessert   is far less forgiving in pastry there's nowhere  to hide [Music] the desert I've been working on   in my head is very complicated and I will need  an hour and 15 minutes to produce it and I have   60 minutes chef walk me through each component  of desserts so the crust will be a sponge cake   and that's the foundation the base that will  be the base and in the center will be vanilla   peach cheese mousse wonderful that's what you're  working on right now exactly so does this then   have to go in the freezer yes into the freezer  which is gonna be the most difficult aspect of   this dessert just bringing it all together in  the time allotted maybe it's making your wife   proud with this new and improved version of the  dessert what do you think I hope so thanks David [Music] heather Lynn my chef can you walk me through  each component of your dessert please I have   pistachio brittle my mom cooks brittle and  she puts it in Gynt and that's what people   want for christmas I also have a marscapone  ooze this is an olive oil savory bread we   all love bread French people love bread right  yeah I'm making glazed apricots and that will   be served alongside shots with wood going  sounds like you've got a lot to deal with   chef and if there's anyone who can pull it  off everybody guess it's gonna be you Lynne   Thank You chef I'm working on lemon curd  every move I make needs to be intentional   I don't have the time to make mistakes  15 minutes there's 15 minutes left Oh what did he put in there heard he  just realized he didn't cook it I   stuck a raw lemon curd into the freezer I  need to cook that I am in full panic mode   he is really cutting this close  I'm not sure he's gonna make it here we go this is very very  key is really cutting this close   I see nothing nothing on faith  but Lin is almost finished five minutes yeah five minutes left oh  [Music] my goodness this is unbelievable so finally David is now starting the plate he's  starting to put together his dessert [Music] running around Lynne is already finished please still gotta put in Semarang on it's  gonna be loop in seconds if he poses [Music] [Applause] clearly I'm happy with myself this close  to the title of MasterChef Canada now it's   time for the most important tasting  of your culinary lives [Applause] David please bring up your desserts my dessert is a lemon curd parfait  on a graham cracker sponge base with   meringue are you as surprised  as we are that you pulled this   off no I wasn't gonna give up not  today no way can't wait to try it [Music] I really adore all the flavors the presentation  to me is unique there's so many textures happening   here you have crunchy from the meringue soft  from the mousse the cake is sensational flawless your David I am impressed you really elevated your  wife's lemon dessert here the star the show really   is this lemon curd because the sharpness and  the sweetness that balances perfectly this to   me is heaven in the spoon the mousse is light  and fluffy and delicate the lemon curd if that   had not made it to the plate this would not be a  successful dessert it's very well done thank you Lynn please bring up your dish my desserts a play on a cheese plate it has  homemade chocolate olive bread to stash your   brittle a marscapone mousse candied apricots  and my favorite cheese shots with Berkeley well then this is an intelligent dessert the  chocolate bread with the passaggio and the   olive goes very nicely with that salty cheese  and apricot that's delicious this is a plate I   would like to share my friends the mascarpone  mousse mascarpone can be extremely rich and   heavy but you are able to present it in a way  that delivered a feather enos to it my only   comment would be if a brittle because that was  the sweetest element I felt it was a little bit   of the odd man out but everything else is really  very very good Lynn you've done something very   very rare on this cheese board you've mixed two  ingredients that works so beautifully together   the olives and the chocolate it's actually  one of the most memorable things I've had in   the entire competition I would serve that  in my restaurant any day these return to   the kitchen while we discuss which one of you  most deserves to be Canada's next MasterChef all your lives you've cultivated your passion  for food delighting friends and family all those   experiences culminated in the masterful  three-course meal that you created for us   tonight but as you know only one of you can be  Canada's next MasterChef choosing a winner came   down to the smallest of details one of you  injured ahead of the other in presentation   technique and flavor that person will win  $100,000 this trophy and the life-changing   title of MasterChef Canada this year's winner  and Canada's new master chef is David [Applause] oh you did it I am the best home cook  in Canada right now and nobody can take   [Applause] Blin brought its big time I  truly truly am inspired by the work that   Lynne did tonight I'm not gonna give up  because there's always another role for   the finish line watch out Canada  you haven't seen the last of me   [Music] I'm a blue-collar concrete guy from Surrey  and I won MasterChef Canada it happened to me [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: MasterChef World
Views: 5,123,158
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alvin Leung, Claudio Aprile, MasterChef Canada Finale, Michael Bonacini, cooking show, dessert round, masterchef, masterchef canada, masterchef canada season, masterchef winner, masterchef world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 54sec (654 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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