Can the Emperor Kill a Chaos God in Warhammer 40K For the Greater WAAAGH #boardgamevlog #chaosgods

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what is up guys it's the sound Alchemist here once again with gers one and we're back at it again answering more questions from you guys in another episode of for the greater this is a video series where we answer the questions left by you the viewer if you have a question for us comment down below put question in front of your question CU we get those questions first it helps us filter through everything and also um it doesn't have to be a 40K question but we are a 40K channel so this question comes from Musa player 8947 can the emperor kill a chaos God so that's an interesting question because when you think about the chaos Gods they're not in the physical world right um unless you consider their desid their demons to be part of the chaos God in reality but when those demons die they go back into the warp and become part of their chaos God again so you're not actually killing the demon nor the chaos God so as of right now through or means there's no way to kill a god true but there are a few instances where that does apply so the emperor's sword does indeed kill the demons like their soul is extinguished and it doesn't go back into the warp so I guess the emperor could potentially kill the chaos Gods if his sword or if he himself goes into the warp goes into the different uh domains there you go domains of the chaos gods and then fights them but you're fighting on their turf they got all their Warriors and demons and whatnot there so it's going to be a very very difficult battle and the problem with killing a chaos God in the 40K universe is that it gets empowered by emotions in order to to stop the strengthening of a chaos God is to basically tell people in the real world to stop feeling and that's impossible or worshiping I guess too um so the rule um in the past was uh or no there a cabal the cabal wanted to kill Humanity through a civil war that was going to happen after the Horus heresy that was what they were you know what was it called prog prognostication yeah that was their Vision um but it didn't happen um what that would have done is killed off a lot of humanity so killed off a lot of that psychic energy the chaos guys would have been able to get in to get weaken enough where the Eldar the cabal would go in and basically wipe them out um but it never happened so it's very difficult because of that reason to kill chaos Gods right that's also another reason why the emperor was all about logic and science instead of like religion faith and belief because he knew that those emotions are going to power his enemies yeah little do did he know that humans naturally believe in everything um I was actually I was reading an article which means that I watched a Tik Tok that was saying that um people are replacing like the standard religion uh religions of the world with the whole like uh you know spirituality and and horoscopes and all that kind of stuff but we naturally gravitate towards that yeah cuz I mean you look up into the stars and you're like whoa and that was like what they were doing back then and how a lot of different uh deities like with the constellations and the pantheons of gods and stuff like that so next time if you ask me if I'm religious I'll say no I'm spiritual there you go we believe in the four chaos Gods we're chaos undivided no not really I would devote myself to one and everybody knows what that one would be slish them titties next question this one is by the dog player is it possible for a dead Marine to come back to life through a crout uh no so the whole thing is like if a crw eats something they gain certain traits they don't actually become what they eat however there are Shapers for that to make sure that they're eating and gaining the favorable traits so for example let's say a cruit um kills a flying creature and they want to have the wings however they can't necessarily pick out those traits specifically so they might just get like light bones instead of the Wings and so obviously the shaper doesn't want that so it's like yeah don't eat that yep yeah so it's not part of you're not consuming and turning into that thing what you're doing is is getting traits that might not even be what you imagine it to be yeah that's why the crew talks the crew hounds those used to be crew that ate unfavorable traits and became these almost like subspecies yeah which makes the lore of the cruit really awesome because then that means that in the past in crout society a shaper should have been like oh look they turned into like very beastial things kill them no no no wait let's keep feeding them this thing so now that we can control them which is just like psychological like craziness imagine two countries going to war and then forcing them to like eat something so they turn into beastial animals that's a doom you don't want yeah that's worse than like just dying yeah um but yeah it's pretty cool how they have that trait and now you could even play a whole crw army with the New Codex yes um the guill team box was awesome and now the new models just look amazing mhm although I do wish they would have integrated the the like dinosaur looking crouts M cuz those look pretty cool but now they got like lizard crouts and um some some of the actual cruit models have like fins and gills and stuff like that yeah so that's pretty cool too I do like that the is it the crout toes the ones that kind of look like apes look um less ape and more I don't know Mount like yeah they they definitely did like a whole redesign that looks really cool yeah next question comes from trappy Jenkins why did you break up the channel to make content for less than a hundred people so um the reason we broke up the channel is that we we noticed around the holiday season that um people tune in to watch a very specific thing because they subscribe for that reason right like if you watch a 40 facts video and you subscribe to the channel you want that 40 fact video and then when you would see a for the greater [ __ ] people would just not like it and they wouldn't watch um which would be no big deal but the algorithm um would then say well next time you post a 40 facts video um they don't see the difference between a 40 fax video and the greater the greater walk because they're it's it's a bot it's an algorithm um so then it would say oh uh the the you the viewers aren't watching this one the channel must not be popular no there's nothing wrong with the channel it was just that you know it's just the we have different content for different things it's the same thing as like back in the day when like your favorite like YouTuber would start a gaming channel or something like that yeah it's definitely you have to play a whole guessing game with YouTube it's like do they want long form videos short form videos shorts um different topics and stuff like that and eventually like you were branching out a lot of channels they get into this whole repetition of I have to make this type of video I have to do this type of thumbnail and anything other than that will hurt the channel because of the viewership and the algorithm not pting it out sending it to people who are subscribed because sometimes even if you're subscribed you might not get videos in your subbox yeah so you have to hit the notification Bell and even that isn't guaranteeing you'll get videos from a certain channel so it's this whole crazy YouTube game that you got to play and the thing that sucks is that that YouTube guessing game or or that whole thing is killing the creativity because then you end up getting burned out from CRE creting a certain typee of content and we enjoy these types of videos these videos are fun where we just kind of like goof around and in the last episode we were talking about who who would we Mary kill and what is it Mary kill screw yeah um and that's fun that stuff is a lot of fun if we would have put posted that in the on mind Syndicate Channel um a lot of people be like unsubscribe you guys are ugly yeah why are you showing your faces we're here for the lore yeah it's like okay well now we have we have a channel for you lovers of of of this type of content and if it's only 100 then it's only 100 yeah and it's funny because like sometimes you go to the main you know one my Syndicate channel it's like hey what happened to the Q&A videos yeah then we have to yeah we got to like send them over to here and Etc so that's why it's important to tell your friends post on Facebook and be like remember these guys they got a new channel go support them not just one two yeah we have a one mind Syndicate podcast Channel where we read the the what is it Horus heresy stuff the Horus heresy Primark novel and give our opinions on it so if you guys are into that check it out and it's not just the heresy novels we also have other topics on that podcast channel so should true yeah um the next question comes from the big one why do people waste time washing dishes when there are plenty of dogs and rats that will lick those plates clean for you U because that's how you spread what was the thing that was spread by Rats the black Bubonic plague yeah nobody wants to no scaven but yeah I think washing dishes and folding clothes are the two things that I just absolutely hate with a passion yeah folding clothes is a big one cuz it's like oh I'm done it's like nope there's that pile yeah and it's every day yeah it's yeah it never stops mhm um I wish we didn't have to do that somehow I don't know demon time Devin says when will Russ or that custodia guy Valor whatever his name is return it's brought up a lot about the wolf and The Omen to his return but still they never come so I think that Games Workshop screwed over by creating these like myths of like the wolfen time is when Leman Russ is going to come back and that's going to be the end times it's probably not yeah it's like anytime a Primark is going to come back it's supposed to be like the worst day of the Imperium the Imperium is on the brink of collapse and it's like well how well I mean yes and no because I feel like the imperium's always on the brink of collapse uh the return of gilaman was like oh abon's 13th Crusade almost made it to Terra and it's like when the lion came back it's like well a new demigod emerged and abdon allied with him and it's like oh no they're on the edge of the Soul system so now with like the whole wolf time that's the end times of 40K and it's just all these doomsday like narratives like it's not really a doomsday is it yeah no so when is he going to come back I have a feeling and we talked about this I think in the previous podcast uh all the prim marks that are in the workb are coming back all at once yeah but at the same time probably not because GW wants to spread it out and they want to milk all their releases and make sure that oh no Sal's going down Primark time true so uh and then Valor yeah so the whole thing with Valor is we're probably going to have to wait a few with a few more novels because it's been teased that he's the yellow King he's got his own Empire with like Space Marines with wings and custodies and stuff like that and his return will be a huge Revelation for the emperor so either when he returns it's either going to be like the emperor is a new chaos God or when he returns it's like the emperor is coming back uh through his Perpetual powers or something like that yeah but I think out of all the primarchs the one that I wish would come back is Ferris Manis as a dreadn how how they would bring a skull back into reality I don't know but do it yeah cuz like he's dead his skull is I think abdon has his skull in yeah in the heresy uh when abdon is fighting sanguinius sanguinius gets thrown into like a throne room and then like a skull Falls and he sees the numeration uh like etched into the skull and it's like oh that's my brother so yeah abidon had it last I don't know if he still has it yeah not abidon horse horse horse yeah no I think horse gave it to abon wasn't abidon like going crazy and like talking to it yeah those were the questions for today if you guys have more questions for us please comment down below thank you so much for hanging out with us and we'll talk tomorrow if you guys talk to your skulls tell that skull to put question before his question because we get those questions first and as always it's been the sound Alchemist here with kers one and we are out [Music] I always used to put my freedom first in any situation I knew I never had that much
Channel: For the Greater WAAAGH
Views: 2,093
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer 40k, warhammer 40k lore, warhammer 40000, wh40k, wh40k lore, space marine, space marines, spacemarine, chaos spacemarines, chaos gods, chaos lord, tau empire, tau, orks, ork, dark eldar, eldar, Aeldari, warhammer 40k q and a, Q&A warhammer 40k, questions warhammer, warhammer, fantasy, lore 40k, 40K, chicago, scifi, science fantasy, major kill, most asked questions, common 40k questions, ama warhammer 40k, AMA 40K
Id: uJVCT1xunCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 13sec (793 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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