Ancient Aliens: Tesla's Secret Time Travel Connection

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foreign [Music] Massachusetts the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is home to some of the world's greatest Minds key researchers are on the Forefront of innovation including the development of Wireless transmission of power less transmission of electricity has eluded scientists for years radio waves microwaves and even laser beam transmission of power have fallen short but in 2007 MIT researchers were able to safely transmit power wirelessly seven feet across a room a feed heralded as a first step to cutting the power cord incredibly a world in which all electrical devices would be automatically powered at all times requiring no charging or wires was envisioned more than a century earlier by inventor Nikola Tesla and by some accounts he was close to actually achieving that goal the ideas of Tesla for wireless power have only been briefly investigated by various scientists and the tests that were done by Tesla in 1899 to 1900 in Colorado Springs verified the fact that the use of Wireless was actually possible I went out to Colorado Springs to see if he could send electricity miles which is a tremendous achievement but he had a huge tout and there was 200 feet to the top his assistant was located at the laboratory and Tesla said when I give you the signal I want you to throw the switch and fire up the wireless system and Tesla probably walked four miles away Tesla inserted light bulbs into the Earth to see if his Tower was in fact creating a wireless circuit with the ground if so the bulbs would light up these light bulbs were being lit so he was able to establish that he could transmit electrical power over great distances but he did keep it a secret he even kept the mechanics a secret from his assistant who didn't totally know all the details of what he was doing foreign [Music] New York 1901. Tesla convinces Banker JP Morgan to give him 150 000 for the construction of a radio station but instead he uses the money to build a giant wireless transmitter he calls Warden Cliff Tower Warden Cliff who's 187 feet to the top but it also went 120 feet down into the ground Tesla had envisioned receiving stations which would look just like the warden Cliff Tower at different nodal points around the Earth she would jump energy by means of Wireless from Station to Station he even thought that he could eventually use the same system to jump power to different planets but Tesla's dream of creating a highly efficient broadcast of wireless electricity was cut short when in 1904 it's funder J.P Morgan discovered Tesla's true intentions to provide free power to everyone on the planet with lack of additional funding by 1908 the project was completely abandoned and in 1917 the tower was demolished no company no cooperation wants to give away its technology freely so Tesla was shut down so that the world wouldn't have free energy but just how was Tesla able to transmit electricity wirelessly for several miles when modern scientists can only manage seven feet Tesla credited his many inventions to the ability to realize them entirely in his mind will described experiencing intense flashes of light which were followed by moments of intense creativity and clarity he would see an invention appear before his eyes in almost holographic detail he said that he could rotate these Visions take them apart piece by piece and he knew exactly how he was going to build these inventions based on his Visionary experiences one of his greatest Creations is the rotating magnetic field and that came in a flash of intuition he felt that we were receivers that all impulses came from the outside and that we worked on these impulses so he doesn't believe that they come from dreams or innervisions he really felt that we were in a sense self-propelled robots some ancient astronaut theorists believe there may be another explanation for Tesla's uncanny abilities and mysterious visions they suggest the spontaneous episodes are proof that Tesla was receiving information from an otherworldly Source these images would literally burst into his mind somehow somewhere some connection was made ends the same way that biblical prophets received their prophecy Nicola Tesla was clearly in touch with something you have to wonder if extraterrestrials themselves weren't feeding him images of inventions that only he could understand Nikola Tesla felt there was a knowledge base located somewhere in the universe that all of humanity could tap into if they just knew how to properly tune their mind to this knowledge base [Applause] Colorado Springs July 1899. while testing a magnifying transmitter built to track storms Nicola Tesla claims he received some sort of transmission from an unknown source one night he was tracking thunderstorms 600 miles away but all of a sudden he heard these beeps [Music] and it was three beats in sequence and so it was mathematical and it didn't make any sense to him and the more he thought about it he thought that they came from outer space perhaps from the Martians foreign orbit brings it close to the Earth periodically about once every 1.8 years and at one of those Close Encounters he believed he was picking up signals from Mars he most likely have read a receiver that was sensitive enough to receive radio waves as we now know come from galaxies and lots of different extraterrestrial sources so he interpreted them as signals from ETS but perhaps he had an open Channel that we really still don't understand today Tesla believed it's absurd to think with the only intelligent beings in the universe if that's the case where are they in the intelligence hierarchy and why wouldn't they want to communicate with an intelligent force on the Earth Tesla reported this otherworldly communication and proclaimed his belief in extraterrestrials in February of 1901. in an article for Colliers weekly titled talking with the planets Tesla became obsessed with trying to receive further radio communications from other planets based on these Transmissions that Tesla was receiving he developed a theory that this extraterrestrial presence had been on Earth for a millennia that these extraterrestrials had been controlling Mankind from the very beginning how far did these communications go did it lead to the point where he was actually able to receive useful information that was helping him build his inventions many believe that this is what happened and that Tesla had Direct contact through the things he'd invented with extraterrestrial intelligence but the shocking Revelation was shunned by Tesla's scientific peers and led many to deem him a mad scientist so you have Nikolai Tesla electrifying the world literally then about the time that he had a falling out with JP Morgan a very powerful man he'd also had a legendary falling out with Edison another legendary powerful man then it came out that he was trying to perhaps signal the planet Mars and his enemies exploited this I think to try and discredit him Tesla talked about Adam's working like solar systems and that light could work as a wave and a particle Einstein got a Nobel Prize for saying light worked like a particle and bore and Rutherford got a Nobel Prize for saying that atoms were like little solar systems so why is he removed from the history of quantum physics when he really belongs at the heart of it so I think he's been unfairly treated by the physicists and part of the reason is his attachment to extraterrestrials was Nikola Tesla simply letting his imagination get the better of him or is it possible he really was in contact with extraterrestrial beings Belgrade Serbia housing more than 160 thousand documents the Nikola Tesla Museum offers rare insight into some of Tesla's future plans including what some believe to be drawings of spaceships according to historians Tesla began work on his flying machine in 1910 focusing on the use of field propulsion or anti-gravity It is believed Tesla had discovered that high amounts of electricity could actually create lift in an object throughout the 1920s and 30s Tesla continually talked about anti-gravity ships that could derive power from his Warden Cliff towers that were going to be broadcasting power he claimed these ships did not have wings or fuel they were completely Electric but were Tesla's designs truly the first of their kind or is it possible as ancient astronaut theorists suggest that similar Vehicles had already visited the planet in the remote past in the ancient Indian epics The Vedas we find references of vimanas those flying chariots that were used by the Gods in order to travel from point A to point B some of these vimanas were able to alter Direction at the drop of a hat without any effort so now reading this from a modern day perspective would suggest that some type of anti-gravity device was used you could link this from the ancient to the modern world with the modern UFO phenomenon and so the idea that Tesla might have worked on an anti-gravity device is very plausible to me depictions of flying machines in ancient Hindu texts like the Mahabharata really prove that Tesla had received otherworldly knowledge in order to design anti-gravity spaceships and if the so-called mad scientist actually did make contact with extraterrestrials is it possible he continued to carry out their wishes [Applause] the Singapore Air Show February 2014. an Israeli Arms company known as Raphael Advanced defense systems reveals details of a laser defense system capable of shooting missiles from the sky with a pulse of energy the futuristic military hardware is called iron beam concept of iron beam is that it's essentially a high energy laser that is designed to rapidly heat up the Target that it's aimed at we're talking about aircraft drones missiles anything that could launch an attack on a city could be literally destroyed in the Sky by INB ound sounds very much like Tesla's death ray this is exactly the kind of technology that Tesla was talking about in the 1920s and 30s of using these beam weapons to shoot down missiles and projectiles the war department sided with Einstein and oppenheimer's atomic bomb not with Tesla but now what we're seeing is that Israel is developing this iron beam technology because they realized that Atomic weapons were far too destructive is it possible that Tesla developed a Time viewing or time travel technology and that he became aware of these developments Tesla was once quoted as saying the present is theirs but the future for which I have really worked is mine did Tesla in fact see into the future might iron beam be proof that plans for the death ray not only existed but also may have even been confiscated and carried out by the United States government [Music] yeah there are those who believe that Nikola Tesla was not only in contact with extraterrestrials but was sent here to Earth by them to fulfill a mission and Usher in a new age for mankind one of the big questions is who is Tesla is he in a sense an avatar an enlightened being that comes to the Earth to help humans no one really knows exactly what's going on but I think all great artists in Tesla saw himself as an artist feel that they're instruments of a higher purpose and Tesla certainly felt that he was working along those lines there is an agenda for Humanity there is a plan and in every generation whatever power it is that's behind the plan sends to Earth certain specific Souls who or by birth more inclined and able to be receptors to the higher knowledge you have to wonder if Tesla was transplanted to Earth by extraterrestrials in order to Envision and invent all of these amazing devices if extraterrestrials put Tesla in place for a specific purpose did they accomplish what they hoped to achieve the answer may be no because if Tesla's Technologies had been openly acknowledged here on Earth we could have greened the deserts we could be desalinating ocean water with tabletop energy levels we could have a totally new and different world in which we don't have to pay for energy which we have anti-gravity craft in which we have teleportation technology and in which we truly have become a golden age here on Earth that has not happened [Music] please
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, Ancient Aliens: Tesla Developed a Secret Time Travel Technology?!, ancient aliens tesla, ancient aliens time travel, tesla, time travel, tesla time travel, ancient aliens tesla time travel, time travel technology, time travel ancient aliens, nikola tesla
Id: Q0YGGm72F1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 33sec (1053 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2023
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