Ancient Aliens: Secret DNA Code Encrypted in Ancient Artifacts (Season 16) | History

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zurich switzerland december 2019 scientists  john f ehrlich and robert grass announced   an incredible technological breakthrough one that  takes the unassuming form of a small plastic bunny   this seemingly mundane object hides an  incredible secret just like a living creature   the bunny has its own dna but how by binding  negatively charged molecules of biological dna   with positively charged particles of protective  silica ehrlich and grass were able to create the   world's first synthetic dna while biological dna  is relatively fragile this synthetic dna can last   potentially for eons in the case of the bunny  the scientists encoded the digital files used   to create the 3d printed object into the plastic  with even just a tiny snippet they can decode the   information inside and print a new copy of the  bunny which will carry the same synthetic dna what makes this breakthrough  particularly significant   is the fact that it has the ability to store  massive amounts of data digital computers   that you have in your cell phone  and everywhere in our world today deals with digital information zeros and one  zeros and one and that's how it makes calculations   now mother nature is more sophisticated on a  dna molecule mother nature computes in base four   atcg rather than zero one zero one zero one  and we can actually compute by hijacking   this base four mechanism that mother nature has  created and putting our programming on atcgatcg experts say that once this technique is scaled  up massive amounts of data can be stored in any   object retrieved and replicated presumably forever  these are great alternatives of storing data   because they don't need any energy for storage  they can just sit on a shelf and not degrade   once you actually encode data into  dna it's very cheap to replicate   so you can put petabytes of data into a droplet  of dna and then make a billion copies of it very   inexpensively and if you have a redundancy  strategy lots of copies is a good thing   dna is also very compact the amount of  space it takes to store the wikipedia   is just a few drops of liquid and those could  actually just be embedded into fabric or paper   and take up almost no space although dna data  storage is still in its infancy ancient astronaut   theorists believe it presents an intriguing  possibility is it possible that many out-of-place   artifacts discovered around the world have  much more to offer than what meets the eye   might they contain information within them about  whatever civilization left them behind there   are lots of natural materials that conduct  and can contain information today crystals   various types of stones even living organisms  so is it possible that extraterrestrials have   embedded ancient sacred knowledge some type  of material that if we were able to extract   this information there could be a wealth of  information ready waiting at our fingertips you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, ancient aliens, ancient aliens full episodes, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo video, ufo videos, ufo video clips, ancient ufos, ancient ufo video, ancient aliens history channel, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, Ancient Aliens season 15, Ancient Aliens se15, Ancient Aliens s15, Secret DNA Code Encrypted, Ancient Artifacts
Id: dTQc2qxakjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 56sec (236 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 25 2021
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