What James Webb Saw Near the Edge of the Universe | James Webb Part 1

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Thanks to NordVPN for sponsoring today’s video.   This is one of the most hotly  requested topics for this channel.   Even if you didn’t actively request it yourself,  you couldn’t have missed the buzz around the James   Webb Space Telescope. It is more powerful than any  other space telescope, including Hubble. So big,   it had to be folded up like origami to fit  onto the rocket that carried it into space.   So precise and sensitive, it has to be kept at  temperatures not much warmer than absolute zero,   to prevent its own internal heat radiation  from getting in the way of its sensors.   So expensive, it cost $10 billion dollars to make,  and so complicated it took decades to complete.   300 potential failure points stood  between it and proper functionality.   But now it is here. And it has an incredible  mission: to study planetary systems for evidence   of life, to understand the formation of planets,  stars and galaxies, and to peer out across the   universe to objects so far away, the light they  gave off has been travelling for almost as long as   the universe is believed to have existed. In other  words, the JWST was built to spot the first stars   and galaxies at the very edge of our knowable  universe, objects from the beginning of time.   And the first images have started coming in.  I’m Alex McColgan, and you’re watching Astrum.   Join with me on a journey as we look over the  early photographs coming out of the James Webb   Space Telescope, and see for ourselves the power  and precision of this engineering miracle. It’s   already promising to be spectacular. For those who  are new to this channel, we’ve already spent some   time watching the JWST as it’s gone from a work  in progress to a fully realised piece of hardware.   It was first conceived in the 1990’s, and was  originally intended to cost only a billion dollars   and to launch in 2007. However, numerous setbacks  and delays plagued the project, pushing it back   again and again. It was only in December 2021  that it finally launched, and it has been spending   the intervening months slowly unpacking itself,  powering up its systems, and testing its hardware.   It is a 6,500kg monster, with a sun shield  whose 14x21m dimensions are around the size of   a tennis court. Its mirror for capturing light  is 6 times larger by area than Hubble’s lens,   which allows it to pick up more photons  from further away to create crisp images.   It boasts numerous cameras and scientific  instruments, which allow it to see across   the infrared spectrum. This is a feature  that is vital to its unique mission.   Due to the expansion of the universe, all of the  light from the furthest reaches of space have been   stretched to the point that no matter what they  were to start with, they are all at least infrared   light now. So, the only way to see these light  sources is with an infrared telescope. On top   of that, infrared is better at punching through  dust clouds and other obscuring debris, giving   the James Webb Telescope the incredible ability to  see objects that are beyond the sight of Hubble.   I compare this telescope with Hubble a lot, as the  James Webb Space Telescope was originally intended   to be Hubble’s successor. However, given their  slightly different fields of view – Hubble can   mostly see in visible light spectrums while the  James Webb Space Telescope can almost exclusively   see infrared, and can’t see some visible light  spectrums at all – it’s more accurate to say   that the two telescopes compliment each other  rather than compete. They work together to form   a powerful duo, expanding our understanding of the  universe. But that’s not what you’re here for. You   are here to see what James Webb can do. Beginning  in our own galaxy, let’s gradually expand our   vision outwards towards the edge of the knowable  universe. You are in for some spectacular sights.   The first stop-off on our journey is  a place known as the cosmic cliffs.   The Cosmic cliffs, otherwise known as NGC 3324,  are a part of the Carina Nebula about 7,600 light   years away from us. These peaks you’re looking at  are massive structures around 7 light-years high,   and what you see here is only a portion of the  nebula as a whole. The actual nebula is much   larger, and contains a hollowed-out centre, where  the stellar winds given off by stars have blasted   all nearby dust away from them. What we’re looking  at here is the edge of this hollowed-out bubble.   Scientists are very interested in this region  of space for one very simple reason – it helps   answer questions about the formation of stars.  Thanks to the stellar winds in this zone,   dust and matter conglomerate together,  forming a birthing place for stars.   However, for all our stargazing, there are  still many mysteries surrounding this process.   How exactly do they form? What do the different  stages look like? It’s difficult to tell.   Part of the difficulty with finding the answers  is the dust itself, both vital to the process and   also a massive impediment to seeing it happen. It  wraps around the forming stars like a protective   cocoon, stopping scientists from seeing very  clearly what is going on at the moments we’d   like to see the most. James Webb fixes that.  Not only does this image provide more detail   than Hubble’s image, but thanks to JWST’s onboard  Miri, or Mid-Infrared Instrument, we can peel back   the layers of dust and see what lies within. See  how much clearer the image is! This will provide   scientists with data on the formation of stars for  a long time yet. So much for the birth of stars.   At our next stop, the JWST uncovers more about the  end of their lifespan. And for this, let’s look a   little closer to home to NGC 3132, otherwise known  as the Southern Ring Nebula. The image on the left   was taken by JWST’s Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam),  while the one on the right was taken again by   MIRI. This is a planetary nebula, although  technically that term is a bit of a misnomer.   While regular nebulas are birthplaces of stars,  a planetary nebula is not a place planets form.   Instead, it was just an unhelpful naming  convention used by early astronomers who noted   the round shapes of these nebulas and thought they  looked a bit like planets. The name stuck, even   though our interpretation of the name has moved  on. Planetary Nebulas like this one are formed   when dust and gas are blasted out from dying stars  towards the end of their lifetimes. Knowing the   chemical composition of this dust is useful, as  understanding what materials exist in the universe   helps us to understand what later waves of stars  might be made out of. So once again James Webb’s   ability to peel back the layers of dust to see  what lies within is invaluable. Compare this with   Hubble’s image to get a sense of the increased  detail that JWST is able to bring to bear.   From this scientists have learned that the second  star within this system still has not actually   exploded, so the formation of its own planetary  nebula is likely still to come. We can also get a   better sense of how the gravitational interactions  of the two stars stir the nebula, mixing the dust   together in fascinating patterns. Now, let’s  look a little farther out, beyond our galaxy.   If we want to see star creation, it makes sense  to find a location like this. 161,000 light years   away from us lies the Tarantula Nebula, so named  because it evokes the idea of a giant tarantula,   lurking within its silken web. Aside from its  obvious, otherworldly beauty, this area is of   particular note to scientists because of its  similarity to a period in the universe’s history   known as the “Cosmic Noon”. At that point,  which – to our best understanding – took   place about a billion years after the universe  began, star creation was at its most prolific.   It is thought that conditions there would have  looked something like this. James Webb has   been able to spot stars here that are only just  coming into being – a fascinating period of time   to study. Let’s look further out again. As our  gaze extends, we lose track of individual stars,   and start seeing things on a galactic scale. Even  here there are beautiful dances being played out.   Stephan’s quintet is a formation of 5 galaxies  (although one is not really next to the others,   but just looks that way from our perspective),  famous for its being featured in the film “It’s   a Wonderful Life”. It is thought that 4 of these  galaxies will one day collide. Indeed, two are   already doing so. James Webb allows us to see  clearly the brilliantly hot dust being kicked off   as these two central galaxies circle each other.  The gravitational forces here are mindbogglingly   intense. The energy profound. It is a dance that  is truly only appreciable at scales like this one.   This image was not taken at a single time, but  actually is a composition of almost 1000 separate   images that James Webb took and then scientists  put together, giving it incredible resolution   for picking out details. Let’s look farther out  again… until even James Webb is straining to see,   in an image known as Webb’s First Deep Field.  This image is taken from an area so small,   a single grain of sand held out at arm’s length  would block it from your view in the night sky.   At this scale, individual stars are almost  completely absent – most of what you see here   are not stars, which would be too small to detect  on their own, but galaxies. Here you can see the   fish-lens effects being created by gravitational  warping, as (relatively) nearer objects bend   light around them, distorting what lies beyond.  We can start to see the edges of the universe.   In this image is one of the oldest galaxies  we have ever sighted. It is so far away,   the light from when it was born at the beginning  of the universe has only just reached us.   Where is it? We are going to need to zoom in.  Do you see it? It is admittedly quite small.   By evaluating markers within the light given off  by this tiny red galaxy, scientists are able to   identify how far it has redshifted, and thus  how long the light from it has been travelling   by comparing it to normal visible light from  similar sources. This tiny dot was found to be   13.1 billion light years away. As far as we  know, given that the universe is thought to   be 13.7 billion years old, this is one of the  earliest galaxies we will ever be able to see.   Now, you might be disappointed by how small it is.  However, there is some room for hope. Compare this   image with a similar one taken by Hubble of the  same region: Obviously, JWST’s image is crisper   and clearer, giving more detail and showing more  objects. But there is one other vital distinction   between these two images. Hubble took its image by  staring at this patch of sky for 10 days, slowly   gathering every photon it could from this region  of space and compiling them into a single image.   JWST, on the other hand, took only  half a day taking its own image.   What this implies is that if JWST was able to  take such a detailed image in 1/20th of the time,   imagine how detailed an image it could  take if given a comparable amount of time.   In other words, this tiny little dot is  likely not the best that the JWST can do.   I hope these images have given you both a sense  of the scientific breakthroughs possible with the   JWST, but also just how beautiful the sights in  the universe are. Images like these blow me away.   Sadly, we are going to have to be a little  patient to see what other discoveries the JWST   might have in store for us. The JWST has only  just finished running through its calibrations,   letting its instruments cool off and making  sure everything is working perfectly.   There are queues of scientists fighting  over who gets to use it to do what over   the next 5 to 10 years of its expected  lifespan. Each second is hotly contested.   It will be investigating exoplanets for  signs of hospitable atmospheres for life,   unveiling nebula to find the origins of stars, and  will help us to understand the difference between   an old galaxy like ours and the young galaxies  that formed just after the Big Bang. With a tool   as powerful as the James Webb Space Telescope,  who knows what else we are about to discover?   Have you ever accidentally clicked a link to an  impostor website? Once, I got an email that I had   been hacked on a particular website and needed  to reset my password. When I clicked on it,   the website popped up and looked just like the  one I thought it was, but thankfully I noticed   the URL looked weird before I submitted my  password, so I realised I was about to get   scammed and so didn’t submit my details.  I’m now much more vigilant, I double-check   website names, look if they have a valid TLS  certificate, and look for the s after HTTP.   But these things aren’t always foolproof.  A great tool to have is a browser filter,   software that keeps a list of known malicious  websites and warns you before you enter.   NordVPN’s Threat Protection feature - as part  of the NordVPN package - does exactly that,   plus it hides your traffic while you  are online. Get an exclusive NordVPN   deal including Nord’s Threat Protection  at nordvpn.com/astrum to get a 2-year plan   plus 4 months for free with a 30-day money-back  guarantee. I highly recommend checking it out.   Thanks for watching! Be sure to subscribe for  more from James Webb. A big thanks to my patrons   and members, if you would like to support me  to make more videos like this in the future,   check the links in the description below.  All the best, and see you next time.
Channel: Astrum
Views: 487,217
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Keywords: james webb space telescope, james webb, james webb telescope, nasa, jwst, james webb discovery, james webb news, space news, james webb new images, edge of the universe, james webb big bang, james webb telescope discovery, james webb picture, james webb update, jwst update, universe edge, webb telescope, james webb new image, astrum, astrumspace, pillars of creation, james webb images, jwst news, james webb image, jwst new images, james webb updates, james webb telescope news
Id: d4H1wEE5IdI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 56sec (896 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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