Ancient Aliens: Da Vinci's Alien Encounter (Season 4)

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[Music] the north aponines italy here in the mountains just outside florence a young leonardo da vinci spent much of his time examining the mysteries of nature [Music] because his parents were not married he was excluded from the prestigious academies attended by many of his contemporaries [Music] in florence the platonic academy is reformed and this institute of learning comes about now we know that leonardo da vinci is not allowed to enter this academy this is a young man who's pretty much left on his own in some ways for up to 19 years traveling around the countryside he was looking at rocks he was studying birds he was looking at the flow of water he was studying mountains [Music] he was literally immersed in nature no other artists in the renaissance really showed that much interest in the natural world and the surrounding world [Music] he strives for knowledge he strives for information he is able to create a body of knowledge which is on par with the body of information which the platonic academy as a group of beings is able to put out it was also in the north aponine mountains that leonardo is believed to have discovered the cave that he wrote about in his journal [Music] the story of the cave it's very likely that it happened around 1480 since it appears that that's the moment at which this is written in the codex the fact that leonardo chooses to record this encounter with the cave i think indicates that it had a significant impact on the artist psychologically but although the exact location of the cave and the date leonardo discovered it remains unknown there are many who believe that it may provide the key to understanding the source of the artist's incredible genius and the answer to the mystery of what happened to him during his missing two years he goes inside the cave then he disappears and it suggests to me time travel portals he's opening portals or stargates and beaming to either the past or the future and then returning to the present time in history you have certain people like leonardo da vinci whose genius is just so incredible and the visions that they have in many ways it's like they're able to see the future and they're not going to just influence the world then but what they're going to do is going to dramatically change the world forever you have to wonder where people get this kind of inspiration and in the case of leonardo he was able to see things and invent them in a sense things that we weren't going to have for hundreds of years [Music] is it really possible that leonardo da vinci may have obtained his incredible creative and scientific knowledge as the direct result of an extraterrestrial encounter or might leonardo have fallen through a time portal one which allowed him to actually visit the future a future where robots helicopters military weapons and other amazing machines actually existed and which the artist would later try to duplicate [Music] some ancient astronaut theorists believe the answer can be traced back to work he did on the enunciation and the significance of his so-called disappearing angel leonardo and verrocchio's enunciation portrays the moment at which the angel gabriel has arrived and is telling the virgin mary that she's pregnant with the son of god what some scholars have speculated is that by painting the angel in the enunciation so that it disappears under x-ray he is telling us that like gabriel he is the messenger and then with his next painting we're told that this great gift to mankind has arrived and leonardo da vinci's contributions to mankind are truly a gift to the world you have to wonder if leonardo wasn't doing this because he was being encouraged in secret by some kind of extraterrestrial masters who were somehow behind him [Music] you
Channel: HISTORY
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, documentaries, history channel documentaries, ancient aliens, ancient aliens full episodes, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo, ufo video, ufo videos, ufo video clips, ancient ufos, watch ancient aliens, ancient aliens scenes, Da Vinci's Alien Encounter
Id: 7MozjTshUr8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 40sec (340 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 25 2021
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