Ancient Aliens: Biblical Encounter Linked to Alien Abduction (Season 5) | History

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the sinai peninsula egypt in the judeo-christian bible as found in the book of exodus moses receives the ten commandments from god after disappearing on mount sinai for a period of 40 days and 40 nights when the prophet returns to his people his appearance has drastically changed it's very interesting he had been around this god for so long his face was glowing and he had to literally cover himself because people were afraid of him because he had changed his countenance had changed so much basically his people recognize him but also see that he has physically changed and so this is very interesting because if you were to take it from a biblical perspective you would think that an encounter with god is something nice something phenomenal but not that it has physical effects in the case of the moses encounter what you have is something very physical something very specific suggestive that what happened to him is a very physical encounter with a deity an extraterrestrial being rather than what we would generally classify as divine if we look at it from the context of today's alien abduction stories you know was god coming down from the sky actually a ufo descending was he taken aboard abducted onto a ufo and held for 40 days and then returned i think you know if we look at it in that context we've got what sounds like a classic abduction could the biblical accounts of enoch and moses suggest an extraterrestrial agenda one were alien beings communicate messages of peace and harmony with humans northeast syria the kabur river according to the hebrew bible it was here in the 6th century bc that divine beings descended from heaven and made contact with a 30 year old hebrew priest named ezekiel ezekiel was by the river chabar and he said a great whirlwind came toward him he described it as a fire enfolding itself and out of the fire was the color of amber which is the hebrew word which means polished spectrum metal which implies that it's metallic and that it's spinning and it lands in front of him right directly in front of him and suddenly out of this whirlwind come for creatures in the bible the prophet ezekiel calls these spiritual beings cherubims and describes them as having four faces [Music] four wings and skin that's shown like polished bronze ezekiel says that he was taken up into the sky and taken to different places where he could see different things and then he was told some of the future things that were going to come [Music] but what in fact was the mysterious object that touched down in front of ezekiel and lifted him up to the sky and who were the strange beings that emerged and shared a vision of the future with the prophet he described as the likeness of a man but they seem to have different faces on them of different animals and some people have interpreted that as perhaps even like a spacesuit you know imagine the helmet oxygen mask that kind of thing could he have been actually seeing something that was a face but didn't look like a face normally looks [Music] he's got the best description of a ufo that's anywhere in the bible because he basically says that the thing looked like a wheel within a wheel a kind of a classic flying saucer description it is basically the account of a guy who's been abducted who has been told certain things and who's then returned to the place of origin it would be what we today would describe as an abduction account
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 457,189
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Keywords: Biblical Encounter Linked to Extraterrestrial Abduction, Alien Biblical Encounter, Aliens and Bible, Season 5 Strange Abductions, Ancient Aliens Loki, history, history channel, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, ancient aliens, ancient aliens full episodes, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo, ufo video, ufo videos, ufo video clips, ancient ufos
Id: dG6KD-p4cfk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 56sec (296 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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