Ancient Aliens: ALIEN DNA FOUND ON EARTH (Season 14) | History

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Paris France July 2013 [Music] scientists announced the discovery of an entirely new class of extremely large microbes called Pandora viruses up to 94% of the Pandora virus genome has nothing in common with any other life form on earth these very large viruses the Pandora viruses they have a very high frequency of genes that basically don't correspond to any other genes and and other organisms that we know of while seemingly alien and Dhirubhai races do share one thing in common with all life on Earth DNA those who endorse panspermia say that this supports a key part of their hypothesis namely that all life in the universe is based on DNA and therefore that life on Earth is closely related to life everywhere if DNA is presence throughout spice and we are a product of that day and I and the other species elsewhere in the galaxy are also the result of the same DNA then very clearly there's some kind of symbiotic relationship between all of us if all life in the universe is based on DNA then aliens would be closely related to humans is this why so many abductees report that their alien abductors are so interested in human genetic material many abductees have talked about how they were taken on board UFOs and subjected to medical experimentation witnesses talk about blood sperm eggs being removed for their bodies it's very possible that an alien intelligence is tinkering with our DNA to try to make us more compatible to them and that perhaps one day the two species will unite and they will no longer be our gods but we will be the Regals if aliens are using these microbes to make us more like them then obviously we're going to start to show signs of that sort of genetic physical evolution in other words our testosterone levels should go down we're going to become more frail probably gonna become more androgynous our intelligence is gonna be spiked some point out that these changes are happening already there are trends in the evolution of human beings right now sperm counts are going down sperm counts are going down by the way as the world's population is crashing through eight billion to ten billion maybe would become more like the aliens and perhaps that means that we're actually more compatible with them genetically if that path is the one that's laid out so you could actually look at the development of higher intelligence as again kind of a genetic Trojan horse that eventually leads us to a point where it's far easier for us to be crossed genetically with alien species you you
Channel: HISTORY
Views: 2,081,950
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, full episodes, original series, ancient aliens full episodes, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extraterrestrials, ufo video clips, ancient ufos, ancient ufo video, ancient aliens history channel, ancient aliens season 14, ancient aliens season 14 clips, ancient aliens se14, ancient aliens s14, ALIEN DNA FOUND ON EARTH, microbe, life on earth, The Alien Infection, organism, ALIEN DNA
Id: vmt9YoTivxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 42sec (222 seconds)
Published: Thu May 07 2020
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