Ancient Aliens: Mind-Blowing Proof of Alien DNA Found on Earth

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Paris France July 2013. scientists announced the discovery of an entirely new class of extremely large microbes called Pandora viruses up to 94 of the Pandora virus genome has nothing in common with any other life form on Earth these very large viruses the Pandora viruses they have a very high frequency of genes that basically don't correspond to any other genes in other organisms that we know of while seemingly alien Pandora viruses do share one thing in common with all life on Earth DNA those who endorse panspermia say that this supports a key part of their hypothesis namely that all life in the universe is based on DNA and therefore that life on Earth is closely related to life everywhere dni is presence throughout spice and we are a product of that dni and the other spacious elsewhere in the Galaxy are also the result of the same DNA then very clearly there's some kind of symbiotic relationship between all of us in the universe is based on DNA then aliens would be closely related to humans is this why so many abductees report that their alien abductors are so interested in human genetic material many abductees have talked about how they were taken on board UFOs and subjected to Medical experimentation Witnesses talk about blood sperm eggs being removed from their bodies and a try to make us more compatible to them and that perhaps one day the two species will unite and they will no longer be our Gods but we will be their equals if aliens are using these microbes to make us more like them then obviously we're going to start to show signs of that sort of genetic physical evolution in other words our testosterone levels should go down we're going to become more frail probably going to become more androgynous our intelligence is going to be spiked point out that these changes are happening already Trends in the evolution of human beings right now sperm counts are going down sperm counts are going down by the way as the world's population is crashing through 8 billion to 10 billion maybe it would become more like the aliens and perhaps that means that we're actually more compatible with them genetically if that path is the one that's laid out so you could actually look at the development of higher intelligence as again kind of a genetic trojan horse that eventually leads us to a point where it's far easier for us to be crossed genetically with alien species thank you skull number 44. discovered in 2012 it has a weight of 2.8 pounds 25 percent heavier than the average adult male scone it has a cranial capacity of 1500 cubic centimeters twenty percent greater than normal and it is missing A sagittal suture the connective tissue joint found between the parietal bones in all human skulls this is just one of hundreds of strange misshapen skulls that have been found on the southern coast of Peru dating back to 1927. it was at this time that archaeologist Julio Teo first excavated a massive burial complex thought to have been built by the paracas people who lived in the region from 800 BC to 100 BC Julio siteo was the father of Peruvian archeology and in the 1920s he discovered mummy bundles and in each mummy bundle was a person with an elongated skull they were buried in family mausoleums in some cases as deep as 30 feet into the Bedrock mainstream archaeologists say the elongation is most likely the result of head binding which involves wrapping the heads of infants while their skulls are still soft in order to change the shape it is a practice found in numerous cultures throughout the world that dates back thousands of years but why would people desire to elongate the heads of their children ancient astronaut theorists suggest that head binding originated with primitive humans who were attempting to imitate the appearance of extraterrestrial visitors but according to researcher Brian Forster the assistant director of the paracas history museum head binding would not account for the other anomalies that the paracas skulls exhibit about five percent of the elongated skulls that we find in paracas are so complex in shape and size that it's hard to believe that they're the result of any form of cranial deformation or head binding not only are they elongated vertically but also the eye sockets are much larger than normal there are two holes in the back of the skull called foramen through which blood and nerve flow occurred and also their jaws were very robust and among the largest of them we find skulls 60 percent heavier than normal human skulls and a brain capacity that is 2.5 times larger than the normal human brain but if these elongated skulls were not the result of the ancient practice of head binding than just who or what were these mysterious beings in 2014 Mna testing was performed on paraka skull number 44 which rendered surprising results some initial DNA testing has been done and the results according to the geneticists are quite startling there were certain segments of the DNA that didn't match anything known to be human what it suggests to me is that paracas could very well have been an ancient bloodline related to Homo sapiens but not specifically Homo sapiens itself when you look at the extraterrestrials walked on earth right Among Us personally I think it is quite possible that what we have there are remnants of the so-called teachers that visited Mankind in a remote past [Applause] Zurich Switzerland December 2019. scientists announce an incredible technological breakthrough one that takes the unassuming form of a small plastic bunny the seemingly mundane object hides an incredible Secret just like a living creature the bunny has its own DNA but how by binding negatively charged molecules of biological DNA with positively charged particles of protective silica Ehrlich and grass were able to create the world's first synthetic DNA in the case of the bunny the scientists encoded the digital files used to create the 3D printed object into the plastic with even just a tiny snippet they can decode the information inside and print a new copy of the bunny which will carry the same synthetic DNA what makes this breakthrough particularly significant is the fact that it has the ability to store massive amounts of data still computers that you have in your cell phone and everywhere in our world today deals with digital information zeros and ones zeros in one and that's how it makes calculations now in Mother Nature is more sophisticated a DNA molecule mother nature computes in base four a t c g rather than zero one zero one zero one and we can actually compute by hijacking this Base Four mechanism that Mother Nature has created and putting our programming on atcg atcg experts say that once this technique is scaled up massive amounts of data can be stored in any object retrieved and replicated presumably forever these are great Alternatives of storing data because they don't need any energy for storage they can just sit on a shelf and not degrade once you actually encode data into DNA it's very cheap to replicate so you can put petabytes of data into a droplet of DNA and then make a billion copies of it very inexpensively and if you have a redundancy strategy lots of copies is a good thing DNA is also very compact the amount of space it takes to store the Wikipedia is just a few drops of liquid and those could actually just be embedded into Fabric or paper and take up almost no space although DNA data storage is still in its infancy ancient astronaut theorists believe it presents an intriguing possibility is it possible that many out-of-place artifacts discovered around the world have much more to offer than what meets the eye might they contain information within them about whatever civilization left them behind there are lots of natural materials that conduct and can contain information today crystals various types of stones even living organisms so is it possible that extraterrestrials have embedded ancient sacred knowledge some type of material that if we were able to extract this information there could be a wealth of information ready waiting at our fingertips [Applause] March 2018. a scientific paper Sparks a sensation in the Press in it a team of 33 scientists including Dr Chandra wikramasinga claim that octopuses possess extraterrestrial DNA [Music] what we find in the octopus genome is just almost uncanny it has something like 50 000 G's compare that with the human which has something like 25 000 genes so the octopus in many ways appears to be more complex than the human and how did this complexity manifest itself there's ample evidence to suggest that he came from outside as scientists study octopi they're amazed at what they're finding and they're not seeing a connection to some ancestor of the octopi it's like these creatures were brought here in their entirety and put into our oceans octopus is a really fascinating organism the octopus's brain instead of just being centered in its head like ours is actually distributed and there are these marines in their arms as well as the essential brain in their head very Adept at changing their color to that of their surroundings really really quickly I mean almost it looks instantaneous to us some scientists have speculated that in the absence of humans the animal best suited to evolve into the dominant species on the planet is not another primate but the octopus and there is one ability in particular that suggests the octopus could one day rule the Earth it can edit its own genetic code DNA the double helix is like a zipper the zipper can be unzipped and then another molecule is created called RNA RNA transfers the information from DNA to proteins so the octopus have the amazing ability to edit their RNA thus they can make new proteins although this ability isn't fully understood it suggests that the octopus can rapidly adapt to its environment far faster than other creatures what RNA editing does is essentially mediated By changes the environment usually temperature for example camouflaging skin tool use the ability to edit its own genetic code is it possible that this extraordinary creature with three hearts and nine brains is not from Earth perhaps evidence can be found by examining mythological accounts from across the ancient world we have to ask ourselves is it possible that the Ancients were aware that the octopus is truly alien to this planet possible that the octopus is related to a race of extraterrestrials that visited Earth thousands of years ago or did our ancestors encounter intelligent creatures that were the result of alien experimentation [Music]
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Keywords: history, history channel, history shows, history channel shows, the history channel, documentary history channel, history documentary, documentary, history channel full episodes, history channel documentaries, Ancient Aliens: Mind-Blowing Proof of ALIEN DNA Found on Earth, ancient aliens, ancient aliens full episodes, ancient aliens clips, aliens, aliens video, extra terrestrials, extraterrestrials, ufo video, ufo videos, ufo video clips, ancient ufos, ALIEN DNA Found on Earth
Id: Mr11DbfZHXE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 29 2023
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