11 Legendary Flangers

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on today's episode I'm gonna talk about [Music] before we get going there may be some of you who wonder what is a flanger how does it work basically the origins of flange go back to tape machines when used to could put your thumb on the flange mechanism of that machine hold it down and kind of smear the note causing a modulation slight kind of warble delay like sound and then people put that into effects pedals and effects units using modern technology and basically you're mixing two of the same exact signal together and you delay one of them by twenty milliseconds or less and add a comb filtering effect and then you take the output and feed it back into the input it's a lot of information but that's what a flanger is and you can do some crazy stuff it is in the modulation category but it is a slapback delay at certain settings and all kinds of crazy stuff exists within different types of blanching circuits these are my absolute favorite legendary ones there's a lot more but these are all that I care about today and here we go the first legendary flanger I want to cover is from 1976 and electro harmonix it is the electric mistress flanger filter matrix that's a great name probably the best name you're gonna see here today I don't know that's up to you but this is an exceptional unit you have a switch up top which switches from a filter matrix kind of delay esque modulation into the flan gene it runs at 18 volts by way of two 9-volt internal batteries or power supply they have reissued this in several different ways this is a really nice sounding version I've seen people bicker about this not quite being like this and stuff but it's a really good pedal well let that just sit there and it's classic this one says Richard K Gibbs someone carved it in and if you want to call him his phone number is eight I don't know that that's a phone number that might be his social security number we're gonna need to move on and display the riff sorry [Music] [Music] number two on my legendary flanger list is not the DoD stereo flanger FX 75 - B it's a great flanger some would say really great and I personally think it's really really great but it's not legendary and when it comes to DoD in my opinion it is the DoD FX 70 from 1980 to the year of my birth and this edition has the soft foam foot switch it's a little concerning when you think about all the germs that are in the phone I try not to do that but what I do like to think about is the insanely good vibrato sound I can get out of this flanger turn two knobs a little and get classic flanking so it's super versatile and mine has the original battery door that's so rare [Music] [Music] [Music] number three comes to us from Japan like a lot of these so that that's an invalid point but moving past that it is the Pearl fgo one flanger yes Pearl the drum company made pebbles you didn't know that but now you do and I have the original box let's look at the box together it's important oh yeah look at that the top sounds spice effectors by Pearl if you look closely you see that Pearl drum logo here it is wrapped in luscious foam that is a few decades old it's not concerning at all I'm not I'm not afraid of the germs that are in the foam here it is it's amazing this flanger does some crazy stuff for 1984 like things that are way out there and we're gonna do that because it can and it's awesome [Music] [Music] next up comes from 1999 it is the danelectro psycho flange you have to say it like that you can't say so you guys psycho flange it is a triple thick flange impediment says so thick you could eat it with a spoon on the other side it says give it a spin the irony is it's not that psycho it's pretty normal flange ink at times underwhelming but when it is whelming it's really good and I'm gonna play that setting because it's a good setting not many good settings but there is this good setting and it's legendary because that setting is that good I hope that made sense [Music] next up comes from the late 70s it is the mxr flanger this is the reissue the originals had the built-in cable but this one sounds great it runs at 18 volts and I love this as a slow flange with some overdrive distortion I'm a big fan of this flanger all the flenders you're gonna see I'm a big fan but the way I'm about to play this I'm a big fan of [Music] [Music] next up comes from 1977 it is the Ross flanger oh I have the box what a crazy thing I get to show you the box I'm super excited now there's some hints on this box mainly because it says Fort Worth Texas now that's problematic because Ross was from Kansas but what we're gonna learn here as I open the box slowly oh wait is that the original manual warranty card yep that's what that is wait our two original stickers never used wow man that's so cool that I have that is it in the plastic come on this never happens the plastic man that is that Nick this is the original plastic Wow check it out okay back to what I was trying to say they were made in Kansas but this is the Black Edition which means it was made in Taiwan and distributed from Texas some of you need to know that because the original one is red I have it at home yes I have more pedals at home I'm just gonna play this it's very classic it's nothing fancy I honestly think it's a direct clone of the MX are you just heard but look at it and look at the packaging okay okay [Music] [Music] number seven is a Maris petal weight this is way too new but it kind of is a Maris petal because in 2004 Angelo the designer of Maris worked for line six and he designed the tone course series and in that series is the liqui flange do you see where this how this happened that's why I showed the Maris petal because this is like pre Maris this is before Maris was a thought or a dream it's really good I think it's legendary I think it's old enough to be legendary I think it's important enough to be that and the step and random features are crazy there are things in this flanger that I've never heard any other flanger do that's why it's on the list and that's why you need to try it out [Music] [Applause] [Music] number eight is a pedal I absolutely love I love everything about it I love mainly how it looks but I have to love how it sounds it's that demanding it is the 1982 eighty-two series of PS effects by Gaia tone it is the flanger and if you put the knobs in just the right place it doubles over that signal from the output to the input it does this feedback loop it's insane it's like a delay line gone crazy with flange een weird harmonics it's everything you want from a pedal that you never know you needed knew you needed it doesn't matter let's just listen to it I'm kind of running out of riffs like I had seven good flanger riffs so we'll see what happens here [Music] I could not do a flanger Legend episode without mentioning a boss pedal but it won't be the bf2 as great as it is and I think it is a legendary flanger there is one more legendary than this it is the boss bf1 and it has a very entertaining story according to inner workings at boss and stories they tell and just the things they talk about around the water cooler no one in Japan especially at boss Roland knew at a flanger sounded like in 1976 when they were designing this Ibanez had a thing going with max on but they just didn't know what a flanger sounded like but they were commissioned to design one and the head engineer started crying that is a real story I'm not making that up and it's fantastic one day I hope that there's a made-for-tv movie about this happening the guy crying maybe I could play that guy I don't know I have a lot of dreams that's one of those dreams but let's just play this it's classic as it gets and it's really important because it's pre compact series for boss and it looks awesome [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] number 10 on the legendary flange list is the Ibanez FL 305 and I do have the original box check out the moth here these are referred to as the moth series this is pretty old stuff arriving as Maxon Maxon made all of these Ibanez isn't really a company it was more of a brand that Maxon made all the products so you can actually find this exact pedal it just says max on right here it's fantastic 18 volts it uses a retic on chipset so if that chipset is destroyed in the pedal or broken it's impossible to find them they're so hard to find it's exciting because it does the best modulation sound look at that original foam just fallen out of the box I love having the box because the box is done things and the Box never gets any credit and I think that you need to start respecting the box that has saved the pedal so the pedal could be on the episode nobody cares about the box just me I'm running out of riffs here we go try to [Music] [Music] [Music] the last legendary flanger of this video is possibly the most legendary because it's pretty awesome it's used on a gajillion records they're getting harder to find and I hear people say it's legendary so I'm gonna trust the internet and trust all the people that I know it's fantastic it is the ad a flanger analog digital Associates was the company they made this from 1977 to 1981 mine has the power cord and that lets you know it's a later series the first ones did not have the power cord it's probably not a good idea to hang this vintage expensive pedal like this but it just feels good I don't know it was built in Berkeley California I'm completely out of riffs I've maxed out my flange abilities Nick can you play this next riff all right I'll get the stool [Music] before we go some honorable mentions and I mention of the twin twelve I just needed some dirt because just clean flange like eleven times is too much so if you hear any overdrive distortion it's the twenty twelve we tried to put it up in the amp so you can see when we turn it on here are Flanders that are legendary but I just can't talk about all of them we don't have enough time the SF ten swell flanger from the ten series it's magnificent beautiful color I know that's yellow it's not just yellow it's a good yellow the SFL won by airing on the stereo flanger it's made of plastic if you breathe on it wrong it will break but man does it sound good what it's working and this guy I've never seen another but its legendary to me because I think it's from Russia or Poland I don't know it's probably from America it has no brand name I don't know what's going on I'm pretty sure it's a copy of the mxr I just think it looks amazing stare at this five seconds do it okay not five seconds then you have the full tone choral flange super legendary really good I've shown it before I think it's on my favorite fulltone episode this guy the TC electronic stereo chorus pitch modulator flanger I play it all the time on the show too and then last but not least and it's been played a few times is the flanger with no name by love tone that is the honorable mentions moving on to record time today's record time has brought to you by 2002's The Flaming Lips Yoshimi battles the pink robots this is a fantastic album nick has actually plotted a movie with each song representing a storyline I've yet to see that I don't believe he really did it that's ok though and my favorite songs are probably one more robot symphony ego tripping at the gates of hell and then the last track approaching pothinus Mons by balloon is awesome and it has flanges on the drums there's a lot of really clever nice classy modulation in here things like Flanders and that's why I'm showing it because it has that effect and because you need to listen to it I think it's a classic record if you haven't heard it go check it out drop a comment below and then also let me know your favorite records that have some flanger on I don't care if it's overused I don't care if it's too much flanger I just want to listen to some records which landing and I need more in that folder in my mind so check it out thanks so much for watching this episode you now have your yearly dose of flange intake I know you feel better I feel better thanks so much for watching like this episode subscribe to the channel click the bell icon to get notifications of future episodes in the description below there is a link to become a patron of the JH s show you can help out as we archive and tell stories about all these cool things with the history of guitar effects I'd like to think our patrons they're being listed on the side right now it's like magic and also there is the JT show calm you can go get shirts and other things you really don't mean but you kind of want that's it for today go buy a flanger any cleanser I don't care what it is just do it
Channel: JHS Pedals
Views: 180,252
Rating: 4.9283905 out of 5
Keywords: JHS, JHS Pedals, The JHS Show, Guitar Pedals, Guitar Effects, Guitar Gear, Guitar Pedal Demo, Guitar Pedal History, Flanger, Legendary Flangers, Modulation, Flanger Pedals, Flanger Effect
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 46sec (1366 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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