An Overly Pragmatic Hands-On "Review" of Anime Swords

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take a look there's a little surprise in there for you oh I know I know which one it's the crazy serrated one right Y what the this is one that at some point I would like to test just to see what happens large serration like this normally I expect them to kind of get caught and stop the cut but uh it feels quite good actually it's just nice and light animalic aside but it looks more like a blade breaker well not breaker but catcher catcher you might even be able to use this as a um as an offhand weapon to to catch that would definitely work aggressively strike into the opponent's blade and just kind of hook it and pull it down and then throst her something like that that could totally work that's kind of what I'm thinking doesn't he use two of those he does he deal with them so that would actually make sense something for aesthetic value you can try this I was just going to get to the it is very pointy even though it's not very sharp okay they look cool but the chain of self-defeating this will be really awkward to work around constantly having that chain there it's like you I mean okay if I step in and cut I'm not going to stump over the chain as such but I also don't know how you would use it I haven't seen it in action so I don't know how it's used in the anime that I can actually kind of see some practical value in it cuz the thing is you wouldn't cut there anyway you with with a blade of this length you want to cut above it right about here so that's not actually a problem and this way again you can sort of C so I don't mind that and this actually saves some weight right there so that's it may look funky but I can kind of see that it's not really a bad design I don't know if anything in history that looks anything like that oh no I got you you throw it and then you pull it out of the opponent's Body by the chain M now we're cooking with brain power what is that I kind of see what happened there they took a small sword and then they duplicated the Rings and made them go all around which means now they don't work anymore for their intended practical function but it looks nice and you can't argue with that Aesthetics matter the most when it's fantasy of course they do so this makes practically no sense because okay now we've got all these extra pieces that don't add anything because you've already got this right here this is your guard you don't need that mix between aana and Rapier oh that's the idea I when I looked at it I was actually thinking small sword except like they are from One Piece as well saber me spadon kind of that's a vibe that I'm getting here the blade is is more like a saber but then you've got you know the knuckle guard and this disc here in particular it looks a lot like a small sord or spadon except they took the finger rings and just kept going with them so normally you can put your finger through it's not really happening here I have to say though it's much lighter than I expected I was thinking because you've got all this stuff it adds extra weight that doesn't really do anything in particular other than I can see like a very risky scenario where you catch a Thrust here through the Rings If you manage that that's great because now you've you've got the the opponent's blade trapped and you can pretty much finish them off but if you if you kind of mtime it or it's you miss it by just a couple of centimeters you catch the thrust right in your hand so there's that but um overall I was expecting this to be um a lot heavier than it needs to be because of that but no not really this this this doesn't add a whole lot I feel like if you took half those Rings maybe even more and turn them into a cross guard you you end up with about the same weight distribution the crossbow cross car would do more for protection but this looks cool I I'll give it that this looks pretty awesome actually I do not mind this at all in fact I like it a lot oh dear this might actually be my favorite so far of the ones we've looked at it's a hand in a quarter no yeah I like it that's that's pretty cool now this on the other hand also one piece I do not like this oh oh boy okay let me show you the problem see this that goes right in your wrist ouch yeah um okay I I don't know how this is intended I know it's anime I get it I get it okay I understand but if I grip it high it goes past the wrist just about I just don't understand why it's there because it doesn't do anything if you want to just attach the guard here it doesn't need to go through it really doesn't it just needs to stop there and then why not go all the way I mean there are some historical swords that do that that have like a a half knuckle guard so fair enough but I'm confused by this which is a shame because the handle is actually quite nice I really like the like the handle wrap in of itself the classic Katana rap I'm not a fan of with the way the knots feel this is actually pretty good I don't mind that the shape is good I mean it's an easy enough fix just chop this off and you're good to go that thing is just yeah what is what were they thinking it looks cool that's what they were thinking it doesn't though I mean it doesn't look cool I would get it if if this was a something to make it look cooler but it it just looks goofy I kind of like the proportions of this one as a as a short sword or maybe it's just because it's green but uh that's pretty neat it's weirdly broad but I kind of like it it's like a it's a mean little Chopper it's this kind of thing where um you would struggle to get past someone's defense if they have a longer blade but if you do they're in trouble it's pretty clunky for the size but what I was wondering like it's still usable something this short shouldn't be this heavy so it's quite a nice handle I don't mind the knuts on this one they they're softer than usual like they're not I don't notice them as much interesting and possible blade catcher here okay this is actually something that scares me hold that thing away from me will you oh yeah those are those are very pointy there it doesn't have an edge it's not sharpen but those those are mean I mean what would it need an edge for yeah you with this no you can't this is just pure penetration which is brutal because each one is like a miniature warpe personally if I wanted to redesign this I would skip that part you know the non- blackened that and just just have those be longer in the anime that's how it's done and in the anime it actually stretches out when it goes I mean I guess there's something to be said about this length because not as likely to get stuck cuz like if you if you hit a body with this and this goes behind the ribs that's stuck that's hella stuck yes one shot kill that's get another weapon but it is it's brutal and it would take very little effort it's just like you're dead for a sword this would be clunky but it's still totally fine like this is not this is not a terribly ridiculous weight I mean if you fought a sword with this then yeah you would be at a disadvantage just in in terms of speed and whatnot but it it's doable you know if you keep it moving I didn't realize that the Afro Samurai touchy was this strongly curved that is hella curved technical term let me see if I can if I can kind of show just how strongly curved it is this might be even more strongly curved than the shamire just the blade and then the handle is also curved so this is feels so weird it's so slicey what is even the effective reach of that it's like it's like here you you're pretty much at punching Distance by the time you can use it cuz you have more blade but since it it carves away so much it's not exactly a reach kind of weapon I don't know how this is supposed to work okay you can hold it here in which case you have a gigantically oversized ring Pummel but it's wrapped here so are you supposed to hold on to it like this what uhoh uhoh I have a stupid idea oh cuz this is a classic oh no yes oh no the helicopter of death this is a oh boy this is a dance Implement I can't really think of any other way to operate this they actually sort of I mean it doesn't really work but sort of I don't know [Music]
Channel: Skallagrim
Views: 254,076
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Skall, Skallagrim, over-thinking, over-analyzing, anime, anime swords, fantasy, sword, practical, realistic, real life, reproduction, One Piece, Demon Slayer, Bleach, zanpakuto, Seven Deadly Sins, Afro Samurai, katana, tachi, saber, rapier, smallsword, spadroon, pirate, samurai, cool, design
Id: CTNMz1nzSsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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