This thing is INSANE! Chinese Nine Ring Dao sword?! (It's not a sword!!)

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[Music] Shadow [Music] ver ratings I'm shad and greetings I am tyren tyren we have something weird today fun I would say fun this is fun it is fun but also weird yes this is the Chinese nine Rings Dow sword it's not a sword but that's the name of it uh from sword is I would just call it a two-handed d That's I would call it a freaking pole arm yeah I can too yeah like it's a pole arm this uh we received this and a bunch of other things from them as well and we're going to get around to all of them but this was the one where it's like it's going to be fun this is just fun we just want to swing it around like for our regular sword reviews we will put it in the rig we'll rate its cutting capacity and stuff like that this won't fit in the rig it's not the sword it's out the ordinary we're going to share our thoughts on it's it's quality but also its usability is it worth its price points we do have an affiliate link if you're interested in this as well as anything from sword is sword is is a sword retailer website that has a very wide range and they've sent us some ACT some really cool stuff yeah this was also sent to us from sworders it's another Chinese style sword which we funnily enough we both like we really like this one I'm I'm not I'm not a fan of the handle but the blade on this I think is beautiful this blade is absolutely Gorge this is going to be fun to review so that's this is also coming and we have they sent us two one to destroy which is hey like that shows some confidence like all right we know you're going to wreck one they sent us to you this is on its way though right that's going to be a more detailed review we're going to have some fun with this thing I actually really like these sorts of weapons I actually like these longer uh these two-handed I like them the issue I have with this one is it is heavy red donkey ously heavy like you can't I could maybe do four or five cuts with it and then I'm kind of like oh I need to take a rest for a minute which is not very functional I mean that's the thing I I I could not see this being a functional sword though it is sold as having battle ready option and it's and it has a full Tang we it's got like what the pins are here here and here and this looks like the ring is welded on so Full Tang all the way through it's incredibly sharp as well it is insanely sharp so this has come B already there are some really nice parts to this sword thing but at the end of the day for me it's just too heavy yeah it's too heavy too heavy but we're still going to have fun with it going a lot ofun test it uh maybe do some Cuts with it maybe do some other stuff but we just wanted to point that out because that is a negative thing about it but it's it's just because it's it's unwieldy but apart from that quality uh in terms of the fit and finisher things it's all pretty good and I actually like this sort of impressive things about it and if you wanted something as a display piece that you're not going to be swinging around as an example of a type of Sword in the past I just could not see that the historical versions of this would be this weight I think it's just the thickness of the spine it it's so thick it's so thick we're talking nearly a centimet thick of Steel it is 8 mil I think no that's more than that maybe we'll have to measure it right the other thing that actually I want to mention that really impresses me this blade is I don't like using this to it's for it's patent steel it's not they call it Damascus but it's patent welded steel and it looks gorgeous as a result the price point for this thing is up there what is it cuz I don't even actually don't know what it is do you want to guess uh for this this size I'm going to say th000 they probably put it about that yeah it's about 1,000 us so as a display piece right uh it has some things that kind of justify the price well I wouldn't even say it's a display piece I'd say this is functional for sure it is function you wouldn't want to use it though yes but like think about the $3,000 Katana I would say that is a display piece and it's not very functional yes I mean that got damaged on cutting which is something most people do when they get a katana with this I have no doubt this is going to smash through everything it's just a bit unwieldy so it might not we don't know how strong the blade is we will put that to some stress testing as we usually do I would expect it to hold together because the weight of this thing the amount of stress that this is going going to feel because of its weight is going to be orders of magnitude higher than a regular sword well I was originally worried a little bit about the Tang but now that it's a full it should be okay this is still a pretty steep transition but I think it should be all right depends what we do with it really well let's go and show you some other features about this thing actual picking it up and removing it but actually before we do let's actually weigh this in I have a prediction gosh I think this is too heavy for our scales 5 kilos our scales are Max out at like 5 kilos so 4 point we'll say 4.5 4.5 K I was close ridiculous that is ridiculous I think this may be the heaviest thing we have in heaviest weapon like this like got you even the Beck is nowhere near the Beck isn't even close our HB Birds aren't even close this is and it's all the blade is so freaking chunky even at the tip right that is at least 5 mil I think right there and it has a distal taper it is a beautiful blade though five mil thick at the tip I five mil Thicket the tip is crazy but at the same time I think it's B that way to just so it all hold together this thing's overbuilt all right let's put it to the test though let's go before we continue I want to talk to you a little bit about the reason why I love the medieval period and part of it is because it's part of my own personal Heritage this is the history of my family which is why the sponsor of this video is particularly appropriate which is my Heritage because when you want to learn about your own personal Heritage the history of your family the other half of it aside from learning about the culture and the way that they lived is also learning about the people your ancestors and my Heritage is the number one family history research service you'll get to build your own family tree and I'll even show you mine and discover your Origins you can also learn about new relatives that you never even knew about the site has over 19 billion records all at your fingertip and so there are some really cool features I'm going to be out to show you and if you're interested you can get a 14-day free trial on my Heritage through the link in the description below or in the pin comment or you can scan the QR code right there so what you see here is my family tree all the way here and then above me is my parents and then that goes to my grandparents on my father's side and then on my mother's side I currently don't have a photo showing who I am and so it's as easy as uploading one and I'm going to pick this one which is oddly enough it's me wearing my armor which might throw some people if they're going to a family history site and they see a guy in medieval armor that's dated that know he's actually alive but I'm doing it anyway so there we go I add my photo now if we zoom in uh at these kind of bare sections adding someone is as easy as simply clicking on them and then filling in the details and then you simply okay and you've added someone onto your family tree it also has some really cool features for instance if I click on one of my ancestors adah Rogers and I go to more or no I go to her profile C on a profile you can check out some of the photos right and this is an old black and white photo look at this they have an option to restore colors so if I click on this check out what happens and so they've restored some of the colors before black and white after actually has some skin tones and because my Heritage has over 19 billion records that thing called discoveries where you go to instant discoveries and it does this automatic search over its records for Connections in those records directly to you with the click of a button but in the first discovery I can add six new people to my family tree that is discovered just from those records and that's connected to my mother-in-law so if you are interested in my Heritage you can start up with a 14-day free trial through the link in the description below or you can simply scan the QR code that is appearing on the screen right now no stresses to give it a go and you can genuinely discover some amazing things even bring some of that past your own family history to life so thank you to my Heritage for sponsoring this video so holding this thing like I said the weight is just nuts right and I think I could like in combat brace it like this and yeah You' get some hits in but stopping this momentum I got to say though this patent welded pattern is gorgeous it's actually done pretty darn nicely I am glad that you brought up the weight of when you're actually swinging the blade around because that's where I think this becomes not very practical cuz usually even with like the the the closest thing I can actually compare to is the giant swords yeah the giant swords once you get them going you've got a lot of momentum in them but the moment you try and stop them like it'll literally pull you with it and I think that's why this becomes so unwieldy yeah yeah this is this is huge the next part I want to mention are the Rings yeah in my mind they're completely useless I've seen Shad monks use versions of these they're much thinner and they shake them in such a way that the Rings are making an interesting sound with the movements and stuff apart from the sound all all the neighborhood cats will come around yeah right it has no functional purpose if you say that it's like make sound to distract your opponents no just no see here's the thing how am I supposed to hit with it cuz I feel like an axe when I go over I want to bring my hand down here just the problem is I can't stop that so I want to hit more like this the problem is so you have control but then you have less power yeah and I can feel that pulling me into the ground yeah that's terrible and this is this is basically just a chopper yeah it's not really got a good thrusting point and so if I could ask you to move out of the way but like all right yes but then I can't really thrust back and if like this is so heavy it's harder and I'm reluctant look at all that to try and swing that that almost hurt my arm and so doing that at speed just not and so then you're left open because and the weight is pulling you like that I'm not saying this weapon isn't style weapon isn't effective this is just too heavy for you to really use it as a battle weapon when I see this I just think of like an execution that's what this is this is a decapit executioner like tool and honestly it would feel like the execution of swords from medieval history are probably a better comparison to this style of Sword where they were made purposefully to have ridiculously heavy blades to be like accidents yeah let us know in the comments if uh like this is not accurate maybe it's supposed to be lighter or something let us know because that would change everything I have to believe that the historical battle versions must have been you see what I'm saying like even just standing holding it I have to it's ridiculous I have to rest this or else I don't want to hold it having said that because it's so heavy this is going to be fun to mess things up with all right let's go cut some things and in fact to mess things up with we are going to be joined by ant come and say hi he doesn't like Ant-Man so none of you guys in the comments say Ant-Man now they will of course well I hope everyone likes my cool pants hey those I we mentioned them in AE another video I'm not sure it's before after this one but they're great pants yeah this cross guard sorry not cross sub but that's Japanese it's Chinese sub this ring guard this circular guard right this is solid with it like copper right and it is thick hey in this in this economy it's unnecessary it's just so heavy so with this being like uh over four times heavier than a regular sword I am reluctant to put my full strength into this because the more I accelerate it the harder this is going to be to slow down and I want don't want to throw out my back so I'm just actually going to let the weapon do most of the uh the force behind this and with the weight that should be ample also I said that I was worried about Rings getting caught on targets not going to get caught on this because the WID this blade is so massive the width of the blade is greater than the width of this and so it'll have cut through before the Rings even hit the back so uh this P noodles is a little big let me just trim it down to size that was [Music] sharp oh that was that was already from those swings that was exhausting this is such a heavy thing to swing around let's give it another go I will how did it feel though like crap I had a feel it sounded like crap gosh and it's so heavy it's engaging my core my my like ribs are feeling sore all right like usually with a sword you would you could just reverse your hands and do a back a cut I need to switch hands to do a a cut coming up Edge alignment is tough with this thing see those cuts are the easiest let's do horizontal that one's that one is ugly I hate this already ignment man yeah what am I gonna do I know you can't you have to switch hands on the back you have to either when you do this switch up your grip which I do not recommend M cuz you cannot it's to to look it's hitting you it's it's that's why it's a polearm that's the issue you have with polearms yeah I could do a I could do a switch you can do a switch yeah I'll do a switch Can you feel it in your core more no no no it feels all right um with a weapon like this they do have the added Advantage because they have such a long long handle you can while I'm pushing I'm pulling so I don't have to use too much uh more strength than usual it's just so heavy on my main hand because the blade is just ridiculously heavy [Music] [Music] I got that a little bit T is seeing that it's just as hard as it out was me you like to think my horizontal is are skill issues fluk right as Shad was saying that that was that was delicious that one this one is exhausting this is exhausting I've cut two pool noodles and I'm already like oh that was a little bit much it's so heavy that's crazy take a sword any day there we go it counts I don't care what you [Applause] say no no no no still counts no no no [Music] no all right let's swing this big dog of a thing [Music] hey okay really got to oh that was awkward challenging it's [Laughter] Hefty that is Extreme oh just that alone mate I am knacked exhaust you wow give me a sword like this just oh we lost a ring on it we lost the ring we lost a ring already lost a ring this is why this here cannot be as heavy as the historical version like it's too impractical you can't use it you can't you're exhausted after few swings so usually on our stress tests we uh do it to see how much the wood damages the sword but in this one I have a feeling we can legitimately you know observe how much this sword damages the wood so much so that we're not hitting our regular beam cuz we could break it we're doing it against a pallet and after I'm going to split wood with this thing let's see how much of an axe it really is here it goes [Applause] [Music] yeah it's a chopper holding together my technique here is going to be called using it like an axe which might actually break it [Music] [Music] is that the same spot again I have good AIM now you're flaking it [Music] n I'll be right I can't see I can't see I'm not used to it all right [Music] no Ah that's a good effort that's a good effort that'll do I think it'll do some damage on someone some things to mention right we're putting this under more abuse than any weapon really should uh so there's that and the fact that it's holding together this much is you know to it we are damaging it we've lost more rings I think we're starting to warp the blad some ripples yeah looking at that yeah looking down this way it looks like there are there might be some there but it's still holding together pretty well like with the force that we're doing in it I no we are bending it this way that is more bent that way oh crap at that wow okay you can actually see bit Gap through there now I mean with the amount of force we're throwing in though it's holding up it's surprisingly and I think Wood's a bit harder than a bot than flesh let's see if we can split some wood all right see if we can split this bit of wood now having said this is actually pretty dense pretty dense bit of wood don't you reckon that is not dry crummy wood that is definitely got some I think I think it's gum and gum is a dog to cut into it' be a lot harder than that pallet yeah yeah so unless we split it along the grain yeah but you're not really going to have much chance are you yep we'll see we'll see oh but bear in mind as well this is starting to move to keep an eye on that yeah stand back boys this might break it and I don't like I'm not sure it's wide enough to split it yeah I think it's going to get lodged in are we ready oh well there we go there we go there we go that actually that worked a treat 8 10 mil wide yeah still managed to split it fine the blade yeah glanced a little you gave it a shave going to go again surrounded by critics like YouTube comment section [Music] yeah that sucked okay before we do our finalie thoughts I do want to mention that it came with a sheath that is not the best quality it's just falling apart yeah it cut through it in transport it seems do you reckon that's what did it blade actually well these do look kind of yeah so yeah but even then it's not like the highest quality yeah no at least it came with something uh but okay this thing is dumb in terms of its weight I feel like that's the only issue I'm having here it is fun to cut with it's very robust it it had a wicked sharp edge the blade is beautiful I like the length of this handle it's just the weight it's so you know and I I do think I need a compliment it durability we uh put that through some serious stress and abuse then we lost the Rings as I expected everything else held together surprisingly well the blade like I want to get a really good close look at this thing I don't think there was too much damage on the Edge at least yeah I I I was thinking it was Waring but now I don't think it has I think we've uh no I think the Blade's fine I think it's just a tank uh which is actually like we said at the start to be expected because this is such a thick blade tapering down to such a thin tank it doesn't matter how long you got it I mean the force we're putting onto that blade is crazy crazy so it bent a little along this way and along this way but it held together still it's actually still solid and functional yeah and how did you feel how did it feel for you uh it's a heavy heavy weapon and uh swing it three four maybe five times and you got to sit down done exhausted yeah it's really not practical see that's that's my issue with it it's just not practical looks good on a wall like it look really good hanging up in a man nice I like that I mean the um patent worlding on the blade is gorgeous and there's some nice you know work on the copper too thick here I it's just too much I don't like about it but you might like it all right the reason why I don't think it's that bad is because if I was looking some for something like this like a two-handed dow or maybe even uh some sort of pole arm I would I'd rather get something like this that's overbuilt thany yeah so I'm I'm fine with it for that reason you know I would much prefer this over a katana that breaks on PVC well if just saying saying if I buy a weapon I want it to be functional if you want to split wood though perfect and you're having fun while steing it you know they make swords for that there you go I'm actually tempted to get one of those look I will say this has been fun somewhat but too exhausting for me and you know this isn't the only really big thing that we've tested we have the nochi that we've also tested which you can check out right here hope to see you there and uh stay tuned cuz we got more Chinese stuff to test as well beautiful actual Chinese swords not made in China they probably they probably made made in China proba were yeah this one was very very interesting uh do hope you enjoyed us giving it a thorough review and also be sure to check out my Heritage the sponsor of this video remember there is a link in the description below as well as the comment section and that QR code there if you want as well genuinely some very interesting stuff where you could learn a bit more about your heritage so thank you for watching and until next time farewell
Channel: Shadiversity
Views: 175,657
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bgAoPxX9aFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 31sec (1531 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2024
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