Our Baby Eaglet Hatches!! 🐦 Ultimate Bird Simulator - Episode #10

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hello everyone and welcome back to ultimate bird simulator we are here oh do we have another quest let's catch some fish and gather their scales okay we'll totally do that cloud no problem um oh my gosh now i think we have two quests that's awesome but we are back and we are here oh and that's really funny because i think skye gave us the fish quest and he loves eating fish oh that's too hilarious we are here with ultimate bird simulator with our fantastic eagle family and right now cloud our female is watching over their egg and i have some news i think it's a little bit of maybe a glitch but we have to wait 15 minutes again until we're able to hatch this egg last time we only had like eight minutes left so then i came back today and i was surprised to see that the timer kind of reset so we'll just have to keep an eye on that and we'll stick around today until our egg hatches for sure also there's a big ram so we'll try to ignore that but that's really hilarious so it looks like skye has actually given cloud a mission oh we lost the mission for the fur oh man we had a mission for fur last time that i thought was really fun um to collect enough fur to make the nest warm so you know what we're still gonna hunt down two mammals to gather up their fur and we need to go and do our daily hunt whoops and i think i need to actually lock the camera again there we go we need to do our daily hunt of another bird to let them know we're in charge we are the ones who rule this area is that a little mouse i didn't know we got mice over here too all right come here little mouse i'm gonna get you all right let's see mice are actually a little bit hard to snag can i shake this bush oh i can shake this bush oh shake it shake it shake it oh it's so cool now we've got some more fruit so i can shake these bushes is the mouse over here hey there you go all right got the little mouse he thought it was safe but it wasn't and so i guess a mouse could count as fur to put down in our nest and i want to hunt one more mammal because i just want to complete that quest to some extent uh so let's go ahead go go go go go go chipmunks and bunnies chipmunks and bunnies those will be nice soft things there's so many little run woodland forest creatures run from me or else you're going to you're going to be eaten where'd the bunny go ah there's the bunny all right we'll go ahead and drop the mouse and lower ourselves to the ground and come on let's get the bunny and nest wonderful now we've got some nice soft fur that we can line our nest with so there we go we'll go ahead and drop the bunny we'll eat it and i like to imagine that now we have safely gathered up enough fur that keep our little egg warm so our egg still needs about 12 minutes to hatch so we'll just kind of stick around the area where the heck there's the mouse i knew the mouse was nearby don't want to waste any food after all and we'll go ahead and eat the mouse and there we go so let's go and get some water to drink and there's a little bit of an offering from the crocodiles of course there it's kind of like we're farming the crocodiles they don't really know that we're collecting up their carcasses it's not like they're doing it on purpose whereas like last time we stumbled on two carcasses literally below our nest so i like to imagine one of the the other bird families the other bird flocks left us an offering since we're kind of adding a game of thrones style twist to these stories is that a fish right over there i'm gonna have to go see what that is that's interesting where is that it's a little bird and got it got it gotta get it gotta get it all right and now we've got our daily feathers to line on the nest too we're putting so many cool things into the nest it's kind of fun if you guys can keep track of what we're adding into their nest as like their treasury of different feathers and different scales and all sorts of things that we can claim as victory all right and there's a wolf in the far distance you guys see him is he going to be chased by are they are they like competing with the crocodiles let's go see what's going on over there as the eagle-eyed watchers of the land maybe i can get this fish too come on fish oh i got him i got him so there's one wolf and there's another wolf i heard the crocodiles just then are the wolves in the crocodiles fighting up up up up is oh my gosh she's trying to go after my mate rude what cloud what cloud no i got a fish you don't need to fight this wolf what's happening here mr wolf you do not get to attack my mate just so you know that isn't acceptable oh we gave him a couple critical hits awesome all right well this wolf i'm sorry for the wolf lovers but this wolf has clearly gone gone over the deep end if he thinks that he can get away with attacking my mate all right let's get up for a second can i lead him towards like the crocodile because that would be kind of awesome like bring him over to the crocodile you know what we're gonna line our nest with wolf fur now so let's wait a second kind of heal up let's he he hurt cloud he actually killed cloud oh i have no sympathy thankfully we haven't started doing the um the death rolls for the ultimate bird simulator yet that's something we're going to do in the future where if one of our birds ends up getting killed from one of the creatures then we will actually have to roll to see if they survive just like we do for the foxes it adds a really fantastic story element to it and it makes things a little bit more challenging but man i did not expect get up here fish so you really have to go for the surface fish if you want to get a fish um i did not expect that wolf to attack us so i feel no pity for it and i am fine with the fact that we have actually gathered up some of its fur to line our nest so cloud is going to stick around oh yeah you want to fight too get over here buddy get over here the wolves need to be taught a lesson is that crocodile dead or alive oh it was just pretending are they coming from me oh yeah the the crocodile killed the wolf well you know what i kind of feel like like skye is smart enough to use the crocodilians uh to fight sometimes all right let's back him up come here hey don't attack me there we go and let's actually see if i can swoop down i got it that's awesome and we can fly off and just leave the crocodile in the dust wow look at this this is a really awesome little spot where the trees have just sort of spawned in together all right we'll go ahead and drop it there we go and i have collected up more warm wolf fur that i can line my nest with poor cloud she's just gonna have to stay over and kind of tend to the egg for a minute i can't believe that that jerk of a wolf just attacked her out of the blue like that trying to take control of the forest we'll show him what for we'll show him what for all right so let's see there's some more warm fur that i can potentially collect for my family all right come here come here you all right we're gonna give it some good attacks what the heck oh i forgot i forgot when you do that you attack everybody i forgot when you do the growling thing it makes everybody upset at you totally totally just blanked on that all right we'll have to add in some crow there we go crow feathers incoming this ram is it dead it's it's it's unavailable it doesn't know what to do all right that's fine i'm just gonna i'm just gonna land now all right we'll go ahead and collect up the crow feathers brilliant blue crow feathers hopefully we won't have like the murder of crow family uh come and mess with us i feel like the falcons kind of are a family of assassins now that i think about it because the falcons showed up was it the falcons or the harriers last time they just showed up out of the blue and attacked us do you guys remember that while we were sitting in our nest like greeting the morning so they were trying to wait until our defenses were down all right cloud let's go ahead and get up and then can i get this fish yes all right another fish so we'll try to complete the fish mission and we'll keep gathering up more of the bits of fur to line the nest while we wait for the egg to hatch and we wait for cloud to feel a little bit better so is that two feces that's two fish down okay and we'll get back up in the air all right there's another fish and all right yes good perfect swoop we're not too bad at this we'll go ahead and land right here there we go we'll eat our little fish i'm very excited for an egg to hatch i was really hoping that would kind of happen sooner but you know what we're not going to complain let's dig around i think that when cloud's not around skye secretly likes to go around eating the little insects all right go ahead and get this ouch he likes to go around and just eat the insects oh we got an achievement what for destroying insects because he thinks they make good snacks but it's not very noble to be a bird that just goes around like killing off little ants that's not going to really get you a lot of a lot of fame for being an ant killer as an eagle so that's why he doesn't really talk about it very much and he tries not to do it when cloud is nearby uh so we'll go ahead and eat this and cloud has the excuse of trying to get more calcium back into her body um in order to lay more eggs so she doesn't need to have an excuse for wanting to is there a fish nearby apparently there's a fish nearby oh but they're in the deep water darn i don't think i can reach them let's try let's try along the coast i just need one more fish we should be good after that there's a little bit of an offering over here okay so we'll go ahead and land i just feel like it'd be silly to waste some opportunities to become stronger with like gathering up some of the carcasses cloud there you are and let's snuggle to the next level come on we've got this and our egg will hatch in like four minutes so almost there oh she's done snuggling cloud's like never mind all right come on cloud almost almost leveled up come on clutch yes all right it looks like cloud is leveled up too wonderful and let's see if we can find one more fish and then we'll go and we'll sit with our egg okay fish fish fish fish it seems like the fish are more populous back around the other side because i've noticed this side of the island doesn't really have any fish but then oh wait wait what oh that's a frog hey let's get it and gotcha we're getting really good at the perfect swoop but that makes me happy because that's how the eagles that's how a lot of the eels and uh falcons and the birds of prey will actually hunt too is they will go and swoop down on their prey and not really give them a chance to what's that it's a stick i got it i got it the whole stick i got it yes all right victory on the stick what about this skunk can i get him nope he dodged all right too much trouble to go back and try to get him again and let's see do i want this ram oh my gosh brilliant perfect swoop okay let's just go ahead and waddle over to it more more fur cloud my dear for our little egg which should hatch any moment now so let's see come here all right there we go and we'll gather up some of the ram and that's from pretty good experience actually all right there we go and let me know what you guys think about some of the challenges and stories that we could potentially be adding in like doing the the death rolls again the thing is maybe we need to like take on a lot of competitions though because the birds don't really need to worry about dying so maybe that'll actually make some of you feel a bit better because i know a lot of you guys worry oh there's our nest about the challenges we take on and what would happen if our animals died i just really like the challenge of being like okay and now oh that's so cool and now like the family has gone through this tragedy or the family has gone through that a lot of people forget that a bit of trauma actually can really really really add to a story so let's go ahead and enjoy some morning food we're still watching over our egg it should hatch pretty soon look how big look how big what the heck skye has become so big compared to cloud i forgot about how the size changes as the um as the animals go up to higher levels i forgot how there's a huge size shift so that'll be really fun when we're a level 70 hummingbird will be the biggest hummingbird of them all all right so let's go ahead maybe some fruits all right got some frogs to start our day but it is morning so we'll go over and let's go ahead and land for a second eat our frog we'll go over and see if we can complete our mission of getting all of the fish now there should be some good fish down around here so fish fish fish there's normally a few fish i think they're more over this direction they hang out in the little bay that the crocodiles live in so should have some fish showing up fish fish fish fish i need some fish also sometimes up look there's crocodiles hiding deep under the water so maybe somewhere around here see how oh there is a fish see you just have to like there and we got him so now let's go back to the nest it's almost time well we'll get our morning food and then we'll see if we need to challenge any birds that come near us all right let's go ahead oh there's another fish maybe i can snag that there we go as food all right can i get him no he's too deep okay and so up we go we'll see if we need to challenge any other birds is that a bird oh it's one of the assassin falcons got it so now we even have our morning feathers to line the nest with and there's a there's a noodle there's a bunch of noodles chasing the the moose so i wonder why the snake snakes are kind of they're they kind of are a bit cranky so maybe that's why all right and here we are we can land in our nest with the falcon we can come over we'll eat it really quickly and then we'll get the bit of experience from getting all of those fish and collecting up the scales and now we'll sit here and we just have a few more seconds before our egg is apparently going to hatch and i'm very excited oh and i'll roll i'm going to roll a dice to see if it's going to be a boy or girl okay i know what it's going to be oh careful skye careful all right so a careful cloud even i keep calling her this guy and i don't mean to all right so i'm gonna have to think about what we're gonna name it you guys have given me so many good names in fact i'm kind of nervous we i won't name it just yet because we're gonna we're gonna see what it looks like in fact that's probably important is to see what the egg looks like four three two one okay oh now you can make it hatch oh my gosh oh my gosh you guys oh my gosh look at that we had a baby bird we have a baby bird oh my goodness and its name right out of the nest is talons oh my gosh look look no don't push me out of the nest dad oh my gosh you guys talons care for your family i want to taste the rare golden berries we'll accept that but i think that's talon's saying that he wants the rare golden berries hang on just a second you guys you guys we're a little baby eaglet friend cheesy baby bird how are we even going to get big enough i think we have to stay right here and then be fed by our parent in order to grow big enough and and become a big eagle this is just this is the best dad dad i can't fly i can't move all i can do is sleep yeah look you have to stay in the nest this is so cute this is gonna be really fun too to be a teensy little baby and have to wait for our parents to bring us food so even though we are now at level 15 and we could move on to having and we can't even see i just realized we have our baby feathers in so we don't even know what we're going to look like when we're an eagle yet like a big adult eagle oh that's awesome so i know we want to move on to the hummingbird pretty soon but we're going to stay with the family until we can see what little talons who's just a teensy little baby attack 2 5'5 it'd be kind of fun if like when you have a new member born it was sort of a mix of the parent skills that would be kind of cool uh let's see so yeah talons and i think talons is actually going to be a male is talon's a male yeah i think talon started off as a male so we have a little boy i have a idea of what i would want to name him in my head but i think we should kind of wait so his baby name is talons and we'll have to wait and see uh what he's gonna look like as an adult but if you guys have some name suggestions i have a big one in my head that's related to sticks that you guys have suggested in the past but maybe something else will leap out at us and remember that's why we actually are thinking about doing the challenge let's go ahead and gather up a little bit more food with our parents here that's why we're thinking about doing the challenge where occasionally the birds may oh what's this dig up some bugs for a snack accepted that's why we're thinking about doing the challenge where our family can potentially sometimes die because unless we make it so some birds can leave now we can't have any new birds until we hit level 25. so just remember that too there's a reason that we add that in so that we can see rotation of the family members but for now we don't have to worry about that because we're just a little baby and i will see you guys next time when we will play as the adults feeding little talons here and hopefully helping him level up so that we can be a big bird don't push me out of the nest dad don't push me on the nest a big bird like sky and cloud and honor the skytree eagle family next time oh my gosh they're so cute bye guys
Channel: Seri! Pixel Biologist!
Views: 3,702,786
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ultimate bird simulator, bird, simulator, gluten free games, gluten bird, game, flying, eagle, hawk, owl, hummingbird, toucan, seagull, duck, mallard, lovebird, blue jay, stork, nest, bird breeding, eggs, hatching, seri, sims, pixel, biologist
Id: wQcGVEPrro4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 8sec (1088 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 11 2016
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