An Oppressive and Inept Government | Give Him 15: Daily Prayer with Dutch | Sept. 21

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hello welcome to giving 15 thank you so much for joining me the title of our post today is an oppressive and inept government i've not said anything yet on these posts about covid or the vaccines i will mention that today in this post never before in the history of america has our government forced us to comply with a mandate or not be allowed to work attend school travel engage in entertainment or eat in restaurants various state governors legislators mayors had already required masks to participate in public activities although they don't wear them when they do unsurprisingly we have seen much pushback against those mandates including lawsuits now biden has gone farther and mandated coven coveted vaccinations for large groups of americans many people conservative and liberal alike are expressing their disdain for these mandates on september 9th joe biden announced his administration's path out of the pandemic executive order in an outstanding article that addresses this intercessors for america states the mandate has become reality the federal vaccine mandate we were told would never be issued has actually just happened the biden administration issued an executive order mandating the vaccination of virtually most of the nation interfering in our private lives and intruding in private businesses this mandate is a power grab of freedom it is chilling how deep into our lives the federal government has burrowed just as shocking a large portion of our nation is willingly giving up freedom for the promise of safety or convenience why force americans to get this shot that is causing adverse effects and is not as effective as natural immunity after recovering from covet let's break down what has just happened what was in the executive order three actions are the bottom line mandating forced vaccines all government employees must be vaccinated in 75 days with no option to test out religious exemptions are purportedly still in effect however in new york all religious exemptions have been removed as an option all people who work with the federal government in any way must be vaccinated that means government contractors those who service medicare or medicaid patients those who receive any federal funding or touch the federal government in any way are mandated to be vaccinated companies with a hundred or more employees must force employees to take the shot for a totally vaccinated workforce still quoting from intercessors for america these mandates are said to affect about a hundred million americans ironically americans are being forced to take the shot but border crossers and refugees are not mandate mandated members of congress their staff and those who work for the federal court system are also not mandated you might want to think about that still quoting from them we've been patient but our patience is wearing thin those chilling words spoken by biden at the white house press conference where an ominous threat of an action against the freedom to choose to receive the covet shot can they do that many legal experts are debating the constitutional ability of the president's office to issue an executive order mandating a medical procedure for every american some say that even if vaccines can be mandated only the states could possibly do so the sweeping new mandate has triggered a flurry of activity in law firms and state houses across the nation as lawyers are hustling to push back on this edict from the administration and protect freedom there are several legal christian legal organizations that are dedicated to protecting our constitutional rights liberty council is one such group you can link to them here the entire intercessors for america special report entitled mandating government control can be found by going to their ifa or by click by clicking here you can go and see what else they have to say intercessors for america's camille solberg ifa governmental affairs director wrote an excellent article on september 18th discussing these mandates in which she says the bottom line is this will we be coerced into action or choose based on informed and freely derived consent today vital and needed health care professionals are being walked out the door and terminated from hospitals and clinics based solely on the fact that they refuse to receive a vaccine as a result there are reports of new rationing of health care services some hospitals are not even delivering babies anymore unconstitutional restrictions imposed on travel gathering in churches eating in restaurants without a vaccine passport masks and other mandates have generated an unprecedented number of confrontations and lawsuits liberty council again has been inundated with health care and other professionals seeking religious exemptions from the covet 19 vaccine mandate the same individuals who saved and risked their lives for over a year in hospitals serving those with covet are now being forced to leave their roles if they refuse the vaccine in a big answer to our prayers this week a new york court granted health care workers relief against the vaccine mandate liberty council founder and chairman matt staver said this is a great victory for all health care workers in new york who have sincerely held religious objectives to the covet shots on september 17th the epic times cash patel discussed a trafalgar group survey done for the convention of states the trafalgar group is a non-partisan and well-respected political survey organization the poll showed 72 percent of americans reject vaccine mandates in favor of personal choice conservatives are the most likely to believe vaccines should not be mandated by the government however even 59 percent of people identifying themselves as liberals agree cash says this doesn't mean most people are anti-vaxxers many he says many like himself may believe the vaccines are helpful but still believe individuals should have the right to decide if they are right for themselves or their family members and now to the fiasco on the southern border beginning around the 10th of september a huge influx of migrants began to pour through the southern border at del rio texas according to the valverde border humanitarian coalition the migrants are from haiti venezuela and cuba by friday september 17th while biden enjoyed his beach vacation the number of individuals gathered under the international bridge at del rio increased from about 2 000 to over 15 000. this huge number of people finally prompted the us and customs border patrol to close the international bridge there this is as bad as i've ever seen it there is no southern border it's pure chaos said u.s representative tony gonzalez of texas walking near the rio grande where the border patrol is containing the miter migrants prior to processing this despicable situation caused by biden and his administration is a true humanitarian crisis by sunday there were up to fifteen thousand migrants trying to live under the bridge local law enforcement and humanitarian groups are overwhelmed not equipped to manage this many people coming all at once over 400 border patrol agents have been sent there adding to the more than one thousand state troopers and national guardsmen sent in by texas governor greg abbott last thursday governor abbott took action when the federal government did not in a news article by cnn he said the sheer negligence of the biden administration to do their job and secure the border is appalling i have directed the department of public safety and the texas national guard to surge personnel and vehicles to shut down six points of entry along the southern border to stop these caravans from overrunning our state these using these people as political pawns as despicable these migrants immigrants he continues abbott continues the border crisis is so dire that the u.s customs and border protection is requesting our help as their agents are overwhelmed by the crisis unlike president biden the state of texas remains committed to securing our border and protecting americans end quote the federal government did finally gather about 3 300 migrants from haiti and return them back to their country on sunday they have plans to process about 3 000 more but the new york times reported monday the haiti government is asking the u.s to please stop the deportation as they have no ability to care for all these people one wonders if the millions of dollars our government spends daily on this problem might have been better spent helping the people in their country of haiti rather than in a tent camp on our southern border u.s customs and border protection recently released data showing that federal officials so far this year have encountered or apprehended 1.74 million unauthorized migrants in the united states this fiscal year pray with me please father it is painful to watch those who want to fundamentally transform america into a weak globalist nation the hypocrisy lies manipulation lust for power and ungodly plans of so many in our government are beyond disgusting they are evil we weep as we watch the dismantling and disintegration of our nation it is all because we rejected you and invited those who dishonor you and your ways to rule us we are now reaping the whirlwind but we still believe it works appealing to you from hearts of humility and repentance still works we still believe your mercy triumphs over judgment that your mercies endure forever we believe your heart is to redeem not judge that when you find someone to stand in the gap you do not have to release the judgment deserved here we are we're asking for grace and mercy not on the merits of our actions but only on the merits of the blood of your son jesus the savior of the world we know you delight to honor his sacrifice we know his blood on the mercy seat satisfies satisfies your justice and releases your love for the sake of that love for the sake of our destiny to take the gospel to the ends of the earth for the sake of billions of people around the world forgive and heal our land and we ask for that in jesus name and we pray it's not in your post but lord we pray for governor abbott for the customs patrol agents that they would be protected that they would have wisdom that you would intervene we pray for those people the children hungry thirsty nowhere to go this horrible situation created by our government please intervene and our decree today nothing but the blood of jesus for my pardon this i see nothing but the blood of jesus for my cleansing this my plea nothing but the blood of jesus oh precious is the flow that makes me white as snow no other fount i know nothing but the blood of jesus we plead that precious blood over america thank you for joining me i appreciate it we are we are making a difference evil is being exposed and a nation is turning thank you
Channel: Dutch Sheets
Views: 57,716
Rating: 4.9685388 out of 5
Keywords: An Appeal To Heaven, Appeal To Heaven, America shall be saved, Dutch Sheets Ministries, DSM, Give Him 15, Give Him Fifteen, GH15, Daily Prayer
Id: RTwsK24LoW0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 20 2021
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