Ranking EVERY Enemy in Tears of The Kingdom from WORST to BEST

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and Zelda they're good enemies and there are bad ones and in today's video we're gonna be ranking every single enemy in tears of the Kingdom starting off with our trash I only put three in trash because these are the worst enemies in the game the keys the OCTA rocks and the stupid wizard guys I hate all of them they don't even deserve a place on this list so I have to put them in the garbage they're the only three enemies in this game that I genuinely don't think have good designs or are cool to fight at all I guess the Wizards kind of have a cool design going but they're just annoying their voices are annoying their whole design is annoying so screw those three those three are trash so we get the like likes these are the guys that like shoot out the little things they hang onto the walls they're annoying they they have a decently cool design especially the fact that there's like multiple elements but that's kind of with anything any enemy in this game I hesitate to I kind of want to put them in true mid but I'm gonna put them in bad just because they're annoying and I hate them a lot those are actually pretty cool their design is sick I like the fact that they're an enemy that actually moves faster they have unique attacks and everything but other than that the weapons that you get from them aren't too crazy I wish they still had more boomerangs that was kind of their unique thing and whenever I fight them I don't get many boomerangs I don't know if that's just me maybe I'm being dumb but I'm gonna put them in true mid I think they have a cool design but fighting them isn't Fun Eric Cuda I really gotta say these guys are bad there there really isn't any justification for these guys they get one shot by every single weapon in the game they have like one HP they fly around and they they don't really do anything uh it would be different if they like chase you in the air but they kind of just do a dash attack that doesn't ever hit you like ever um they're just lame they're annoying they carry around the cobblins sometimes which is pretty cool but it's not utilized a lot so yeah they're just bad now for the our first big enemy we got the talus um the taluses are pretty much the same as last game the only thing they added was the new battle Talus and they I think they added a luminous Stone Talus um towels is a pretty cool design the fact that you can only hit the rock on top of them some of the fights with that uh like the ice one where you have to cool it off before you can hit it is pretty cool um they could be fun to fight but the talus is kind of annoying sometimes uh I really want to put the Talis in good just because it's a cool enemy it's like a cool mini boss that you can find on the map but I think I'm gonna end up putting it in true mid just because he's just annoying to fight like I don't enjoy fighting the tiles bro and once you get high enough level you could just Spam arrows from the air and just like instantly one shuttle so yeah true mid right there next up we got a new enemy tears of the Kingdom another new one the boss bakoblin now this is actually a really cool design um it makes the Goblins look a lot more chill compared to uh especially the first time you see one of those guys you're just like dang this is a big buck Goblin hey yo is that a helix he's leading all of them he can't be annoying to fight one-on-one especially when you're low in the game because he just kind of one shots you every single time um but this is the first one I'm gonna put in good I actually think the boss McCollum was a super good idea like works perfectly um he can control like a group of them he's usually in the big bases it makes the bases seem more legit because they have a boss and he drops good loot so overall a good enemy next up we got the Enix this is another returning enemy nothing really changed with the Enix um I think he maybe got a few more attacks but he's just a really cool he's imposing he's large enough on screen that it actually makes him seem kind of scary in the first time in the game and the fact that he didn't they didn't change much is actually perfect cause he was a good enemy in the first place so I'm gonna go ahead and put him in good next up we got the choo choo the choo choo is a pretty mid enemy obviously it doesn't take much damage to fight you're never gonna die to a choo choo unless you're like fighting an electric or fire one and even still if you die to a choo choo I don't know what to tell you man but the Chuchu are actually more useful in this game than last game because now that you can actually now you don't have fire arrows and electric arrows and all that what you got to do is use those choo choo jellies to make really quick like water arrows fire arrows electric arrows whatever you need and over the course of the game just Gathering these these guys up since they don't take much time um they're actually pretty good so instead of putting them in bad like I would have in breath of the wild I'm gonna put them in true mid next up we got the book coblin now the Goblin in this game is literally the same in the last game they added a few more things though Samba goblins can carry like little chests or little backpacks with fire spirits and other items on their back which is pretty cool uh the only good thing about the Goblins is that they're annoying and especially this white guy he's ridiculously hard to defeat even when you have like super strong and high level weapons but because it's just such a solid base anime design I'm gonna put them in good next up we have another new enemy we got the tree enemy I don't even know his real name I just call him the tree the evil trees um I gotta give it to him that's a really good design they don't pose any true threat in this game um I don't think I've ever seen anyone die to a tree just kind of that initial shock of dang this tree's actually moving it's such a cool design certain weapons won't hit it just like a normal tree fire weapons are super effective and we'll set it on fire a really good design so I'm just gonna put it in true mid next up we have another new enemy we got the gibdo I can't lie I hate these guys this is personal bias some people might put them a little higher I put them in bad the only reason he's not in trash is because he gives the give dough bones they give you the 40 power Arrow any any other character in this game with his qualities just put him in trash that's the only reason he's not in trash we have our horrible and another new enemy to the game I gotta say the horrible was something that I didn't expect especially the first time I walked into a cave I actually kind of jumped I was like whoa what is this thing um and I was excited to fight him until I realized that he doesn't really have that many unique attacks he just kind of goes on the wall and throws rocks at you so unfortunately I'm gonna have to put the horrible in true mid and finally we have the moblin the big bakoblin um I really want to put him in good because I think this is the design for both the bakoblin and the Malden are very good um there's just really good base enemies especially the scouts um they can be annoying to fight sometimes especially if you're not using a heavy weapon they never fall down and they have infinite HP but the rewards that you get for defeating them are really good and they're just like their actual threats to link which some of these enemies like the arakuda the horrible and the gibdo those guys aren't which is why I put them in true mid or even bad but the Bible it does really well all four of the people that I put in good so far they're all really good at just making you feel threatened like maybe accept the Helix in certain situations but they all can deal big damage to you and the design is really cool so yeah next up we have the constructs another new enemy and basically the signature enemy of Tears of the Kingdom um unfortunately for the constructs I'm gonna have to put the construct in true mid I'll put it at the height of true bit because the designs are just very very cool however they're not really fun to fight all of their attacks are super laggy and they're the new they're basically the new Guardians in this game except not really it would have been cool if we got a weapon that was super effective against constructs or something like that but the fact that we didn't made the constructs a little mid but I will give them the credit for the design the design the captains the level up system that they have for the constructs is really really cool which is why I'll put it at the tropical treatment it's right outside of good but I can't put it in good because they're just not fun to fight and the rewards that you get for beating them they're just not there our last character we got the yiga clan I'm kind of including the small yiga Clan uh Master Koga and the the big one all at once because they're all pretty much the same fight if I was to talk about master coca I would say his boss fights were pretty interesting they're very creative um and the Yuga Clan are kind of the same thing to buy uh to fight I'm gonna put the yiga clan in good now we're gonna move on to the mini bosses in the actual bosses of the game so first off you have I'm going to talk about the Gloom hands first so Gloom hands are basically comparable kind of to your new Guardians um they're the kind of scary Overworld boss that can appear at any time type thing that they're just in certain areas of the map they'll chase you you know they're very dangerous um and I gotta say they're very cool I'm gonna put them in good and I have to say Phantom Ganon is our first best enemy in the game the introduction of phantom Ganon how they do it after Gloom hands you know you'd expect Gloom hands to just be like oh this is like a really creepy enemy that you find in the game and then after you beat the Gloom hands it turns into a phantom Ganon that attacks you The Phantom Ganon attacks are very cool the fact that he can wield different weapons that makes it a mini boss fight in and of itself and spoilers you know when we do that five Phantom again and fight that's easily one of the coolest fights in the game um but yeah Phantom getting it's fun to fight drops good rewards you know entertaining fight entertaining enemy makes the mood really ominous so yeah that's easily our best um one of the best enemies in the game so far next up we get the Lionel another classic I'm gonna put him in best lionels are fun to fight they drop good rewards the design is sick there's literally nothing else that you could really ask from an enemy except the Lionel next up we have the frogs now the frogs is really interesting um I didn't fight the frogs until after I beat the game I think I landed on him one time in the depths um and I was a little scared because I didn't realize what it was I just saw a boss meter appear and it was completely dark and I couldn't see anything so I couldn't fight him is it really cool for especially for the boss of the depths in the dark he's really ominous so I'm gonna put him in good next up we got flux constructs now these guys also are very good designs I really would like to put the flux constructs in best the only problem with them is that what you get from for fighting them is kind of mid you only get a few you stuff from them you don't get anything too crazy overall just solid design very very nice um it looks really nice to fight him the theme is pretty cool only thing that's not putting them in the best is what you get after fighting him so it doesn't really make I don't when I see one of them I usually would avoid them rather than actually fight them next up for our final Overworld boss we have the Glee lock and I have to put the Glee lock in best there's no way that I could put Glee lock any lower than the BET one of the best enemies in the game such a cool introduction such a cool enemy to put in this game it matches perfectly with the theme of this game now that you have more variety of enemies some of the locations where you would find say a Lionel in last game you would Now find a Glee lock and there's different types of glue locks obviously you have the Thunder Glee lock you have the ice Glee lock you have the fire glue lock and then you even have King lilac who is all three at once everything about the fight and the design of the character is good so I it's just the best I have to put in best colgar is a very cool design however the fight itself is pretty simple I'm gonna put colgara in good just because I think the design for colguero was really nice it's meh it's it's it's okay next up we have marbled gova which is the fight in the fire temple um marble gromo is kind of annoying I didn't really like the fight that much I have to put Marvel's going through mid there's nothing that really stands out for him to me next up we have muktruk um this guy was annoying I can't lie he was annoying to fight but his boss fight was actually pretty interesting like the design of Muk truck with the sludge and all that the shark it was a pretty cool fight the design is really what carries him because I didn't enjoy his fight at all so I'm gonna put him in good oh do I want to put him in good or do I want to put him in true mid I think I'm gonna put my truck into cool drew me just because of the design but the fight was not enjoyable at all I hated the fight it was stupid okay next up we have Queen gibdo now Queen gibdo oh man oh if you watched my stream you would know how much I hated Queen gibdo I spent an hour doing this fight and it was super frustrating for me because I would get through the first stage pretty easily and then that second stage it would just fall apart I was sitting there for an hour trying to beat her and the worst part is is that once I beat her I didn't even feel happy bro and I know that makes it sound like she's a true mid but the design for Queen gibdo the fight itself with the Thunder arrows the ability it was a good fight I cannot lie it was a good fight so I'm gonna put Queen gibdo uh in good even though I really want to put him in true mid it does Stand Out To Me Above marbled Goma and mukshuk um and then finally you have seized construct now C's construct is a cool idea poor execution kind of thing I think I really don't want to put this in good like I don't think this is this is not a good enemy um I I think I'm gonna put it true mid this is the only one I think on this whole list that I would alternate except maybe the construct that I would alternate between good and true mid but I'm gonna put it in true mid just because of my personal feelings um but yeah that's just how I feel you got the Ganon fights and I'm raking them by their individual phases so obviously now we have first phase Ganon now I will put first phase again easily in the best tier and the reason is because of the atmosphere when you first walk into the fight the atmosphere is like really dark nothing no sounds are happening except Ganon just slowly walking up to you with this sword it was perfect perfect for the start of the fight now second stage this is the stage that frustrated me second and third phase because I was stuck at second and third phase for another hour I can't deny that it is also another best the design for ganon's second form was very true king Ganon another very very sick design nothing I can nothing I can say against even though it was frustrating it was still fun to fight Divine dragon's design was very very good however okay it's not trash it's not trash however I the fight itself was kind of lame there was no talking there was no dialogue for instance in the last game when you fought true malice Gan in his little horse form and you flew around with the bow of light you had Zelda talking to you the whole time it felt very climactic especially at the end of the game for a fight however in this game you're just kind of flying around on Zelda's back you know you're you're jumping down onto Ganon the attacks aren't gonna they're not actually dangerous you're in the sky you know you can't die really unless you unless you die somehow to the Gloom you're not gonna really die on that final fight so for that reason the design itself puts it above bad and trash you're not gonna put this in batter trash and honestly the the atmos and honestly the atmosphere of that final fight just what I was feeling after beating Ganon after beating phase one two and three of ganon's fight I was so happy to just have like a calming experience um so I can't not put it in true mid either so I think I'm gonna put demon dragon Ganon I think I'm gonna have to put him unfortunately and good and I hate to say unfortunately because I did enjoy it um but I have to put demon dragon Ganon in good and with that out of the way this is my full Zelda tears of the Kingdom enemy tearless make sure to let me know if you agree or disagree with this list in the comments down below as always make sure to like And subscribe thank you guys for watching as always and I will see you guys next time [Music] [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: PKG
Views: 250,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pointcrow, point crow, tears of the kingdom, the legend of zelda tears of the kingdom, totk, the legend of zelda breath of the wild, breath of the wild, botw, pointcrow tears, pointcrow tears of the kingdom, pointcrow zelda, zelda, new zelda, breath of the wild 2, botw 2, glitch, glitches, playthrough, tears of the kingdom playthrough, totk playthrough, walkthrough, tears of the kingdom walkthrough, nintendo, nintendo zelda, pkg nintendo, zelda tier list, totk tier list, pkg tears
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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