An Introduction to Hebrews: The Knowable God - Part 1 (Hebrews 1:1-2)

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church i'm gonna ask you to stand right now if you would and open up your bibles to hebrews chapter one hebrews chapter one together tonight we'll go as far as we can oh no we're gonna fly on this book we're gonna really really move on this one the book of hebrews rather than right now tonight as we've kind of eaten up some of the time rather than get much into the introductory part of it we're just going to read two verses together and go as far as we can on them hebrews i'm going to ask all of you that are here tonight if it's possible i do not want to take you away from your church if your church that you attend is dependent upon you then you need to pray about uh maybe not coming on wednesday nights here but if you have the ability to do that and you're not gonna in any way uh leave the the church that you attend in the lurch then then you're fine you're great but i ask all of you to be very sensitive to this request all of us don't know in our lives catholic we have catholic friends they need this wednesday night teaching the book of hebrews like you can't even begin to imagine because almost everything in this book will be new to them because for some reason i think i know the catholic church avoids studying this book verse by verse because if you study this book verse book verse by verse you will wake up to the realization there's only one priest and and he's not a man and he says you come to me with your confession directly and you confess to me and i will set you free and i am not only your priest i'm your atonement and i am your attorney i am your judge i am your defense i'm everything okay and his name's jesus and you'll meet him in a whole new light whole new light church uh hebrews chapter one i'll read verse one if you'll read verse two in our responsive reading together hebrews chapter one god who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets father speak to us your truth during the journey of hebrews dear god in heaven save souls open our eyes draw us closer and may we become so intimate with the one who loves us the most that we would find ourselves every single one of us completely completely transformed the truth that transforms in this book will cause us to be different people and how we need that in this time we love you god and praise you in jesus name and all god's people said amen amen you can be seated book of hebrews presents as you can well imagine jesus christ as the one and only throughout the entire book the book of hebrews will take jesus and shine the light of his person shine the light of his ministry shine the light of his work and not only that by virtue of so many analogies or types in the book of hebrews in fact there are books you can buy regarding typology found in the book of hebrews because it's all of listen it's all about jesus it's all about jesus in the book of hebrews fulfilling the old testament references to atonement forgiveness sacrifice blood uh innocence for the guilty in ways that the book of hebrews shines light on the old testament which allows us in our 21st century to understand the old testament so much better so if you just think about it and i should have done it as a prop and put on like big sunglasses because the book of hebrews is like big glasses and you look through the lens of the old testament and then all of a sudden the taking of the dove and sacrificing it and laying it this way and the blood right and the entrails of the animal laid out and the priest washes them and performs this thing and it's one thing that you and i read in the book of leviticus and we go why am i reading this book and it makes no sense to us listen i'm not going to mention his name but you all know his name but a friend of mine who's jewish says the priesthood in the old testament was just a it made it made up a bunch of glorified butchers think about it if you were a priest in the old testament you were bloody all your life cutting this taking the blood putting it over here sacrificing this pulling this apart bringing this it was crazy right until you look at the book of hebrews and then you find out that all of that stuff that we thought was nothing speaks of exact detail regarding christ atoning work for us and you're going to learn about that in this book every way in all of scripture the prophet from the bible for us when we read it is to see the centrality of jesus in the bible that is so vitally important and so we're going to be seeing some things by way of getting ready for this church you might be blessed by a few things here hebrews chapter 10 for example verse 7 says behold i have come in the volume of the book it is written of me to do your will o god the author of the book of hebrews there in 10 verse 7 he's quoting psalm 40. in psalm 40 it speaks about the messiah if you're jewish tonight you know that already us gentiles we're just figuring that out that psalm 40 announces that it's the messiah who says behold or lo i come and in the volume of the book in the volume of the book it is written of me did you get that everybody it's written about me the messiah jesus so how do you know it's jesus because the writer of the book of hebrews we don't know who the writer is by the way if you say what do you keep saying the writer we don't know who it is most people believe it leans toward paul highly possible but for some reason his name is left out maybe there's a purpose to that and i believe there is but will you note this what's the name of this book the book of what book of hebrews is written to listen jews who moved out of judaism and into christianity or as jews say it today they don't say they're christians a jew who comes to christ today says they are believers i like that by the way they are believers everybody's a christian these days satan's probably a christian right i thought you were a christian this guy robs a bank and what i thought you're a christian you know what listen forget about that title if you're a follower you're a follower and it's obvious if you're not a follower you know what you run around and hide behind labels and so when a jew came to know that jesus is the messiah they became believers and so it's very very possible that the authorship of this book as it speaks to the hebrews we're talking about hebrews who came to know christ as messiah but we're going to come to passages of this book church that's going to blow your mind because you're going to be challenged for years maybe decades in your life you've been told oh that verse or those verses that passage that teaches you can lose your salvation and it's right here in the book of hebrews and it's the exact opposite those verses that some have used against you to think that you could lose your salvation it's the verses that are warning the person who was a hebrew leaving judaism and now follows jesus but doesn't really wind up following jesus decides to go back to make animal sacrifices they don't lose their salvation they never had their salvation they they warmed up to the things of god they got near to the truth they instead of drinking in the lord the word that they are guilty of is that they sipped they tasted of the heavenly gift they didn't eat it up the book of jeremiah says that you and i as a believer when we find the word of god we eat it up did you know that that's one of the signs by the way of a real believer a real believer so amazing because if you get in between them and a bible you're going to get they're going to bite your finger they just that's one of the beautiful things about being around new believers they devour the word but there'll be those in the book of hebrews they're they're guilty of hanging around church but never being truly converted john chapter 5 verse 37 john 5 37 says that the father himself jesus said who sent me has testified of me listen to this jesus is speaking the father he says has testified of me what a statement the father god almighty has sworn an oath and as and has upheld who i am he says you have neither heard his voice at any time nor seen his form but you do listen to this verse 38 but you do not have his word abiding in you because whom he sent him you do not believe you search the scriptures for in them you think that you have eternal life and these are they which do testify of me that's jesus speaking is that a tremendous statement are you guys here jesus was speaking that to those who weren't believing him and believing the scriptures and i love the fact that he says listen okay it's obvious you're not listening to what i'm saying and you're not believing who i am you ought to at least pay attention to the one who sent me oh and by the way you're not paying attention to him either so maybe you ought to read the word like you guys are scholars and boast in the word because that very word testifies of who i am jesus says this remarkable but the book of hebrews and the supremacy and centrality of the biblical account of who jesus is colossians chapter 2 verse 16 tells us so let no one judge you listen in food or in drink or regarding the festival or a new moon or sabbath somebody asked me that on sunday pastor jack should we not be having church on saturday i said no well somebody told me that we're wrong here because we should be having church on saturday not sunday and i said well were they jewish no well listen i said go to colossians 2. so listen to this next verse you get you get caught up in things about well this and that and all this and thing wait a minute colossians 2 verse 16 and 17 verse 17 says these things which are a shadow of the things to come but the substance is christ you want to know what the sabbath is first of all if you're jewish okay then you need to be concerned about the sabbath but if you are a jew who comes to follow christ guess what and those of us who are gentiles every the bible teaches every day is a sabbath for the believer every day there's not a certain day did you know that if you want to go to church and worship god on monday god says right on if you go on tuesday and wednesday all of you you're not sinning by being here but a legalist will think so no and the bible here says in colossians 2 that as we get into the study of the book of hebrews that it's all about jesus christ that all the rules and regulations were shadows but the substance is christ that goes from religious practices and just the constant following of rules and regulations and all these things man-made things or even let's give it credit even things that came from moses because the book of hebrews is going to tell you that moses gave you the law but christ came and set you free with his own blood and righteousness the law could never save you but christ's savior the law says god is holy and jesus comes and says i will take you who are unholy and make you holy by my saving power it's absolutely amazing you're going to learn in the book of hebrews that even the temple itself in jerusalem was made after the pattern which god showed moses that was in heaven you know the ark of the covenant just think right now if the ark of the covenant can you imagine imagine if i pressed the button and the ark of the covenant came up here we found it we found it tradition would say get back get back don't touch it i understand where you're coming from if we're living in the old testament economy and god's glory is associated with the ark of the covenant don't touch it you're going to die you saw indiana jones remember what happened when that german touched the thing that nazi guy touched the ark and he just melted right there in front of you right that was right on if it was the old testament but do you know if the ark of the covenant popped up on this stage tonight did you know you could come up take pictures of it touch it nothing would happen to you did you know that nothing would happen to you why because it's only a shadow the substance is christ if there was a temple still standing in jerusalem did you know today you could walk right in there you could walk into the holy of holies you want to know why it's not holy of holies anymore the lord has left the house it's not about a building it's not about artifacts it's not about things like that and i know that that challenges our traditions and some of you are going to have a hard time in this book with traditions versus what god has said but just remember this the substance is christ don't pride yourself in your religion and in your deeds humble yourself before him who is mighty to save and watch what happens it's a world of difference one is laborious tough hard and you have you sometimes have a good feeling that because you had a good day but most of the time it's such a heavy load to bear and you listen if that's if that's your life you have a view of god that he's always upset at you about something and if he's not really upset he's just he's not happy either and you just like you're kind of like walking on glass all the time on the other side because christ is the substance there's liberty and freedom in your life now listen to me when i say liberty i mean i'm not bound by my desires anymore my flesh and its desires every day take a more distant back seat the old man is dying my old man year old man you have an i don't care how young you are if you're christian you have an old man inside of you that's what the bible calls them the old man see i'm only 19. you got an old man inside of you if you're a christian that old man says things that you're not supposed to say and he thinks things you're not supposed to think and thank god you have a struggle with that old man because now you're born again the spirit life wars against the old life of who you once were but listen that relationship is not based upon your performance it's based upon christ's performance and instead of listen ins instead of you saying really really it's all based on his performance not mine well then i like this liberty let's live it up you don't know what i'm talking about then you have no idea what i'm talking about you're still over there on that side of the podium because over here is where you find out how much he's crazy in love with you over here is when you find out that what he's got for you is way better than what the world of you can ever muster or put up and when you find out that when you just give up a little bit he winds up showing you what he wants to do with your life and it is so can i use this word it is so intoxicating that there's nowhere else to go and i see people who struggle with their relationship with jesus but they're still trying to get high on the world they're still trying to get a buzz and a feel but they'll be religious on sundays or maybe even on wednesdays but then they still to cope i need this to cope little do you know that when you come over here with all of your problem and dilemma because it's a love relationship anyone who loves someone else doesn't want to see the one that they love go through hardship and the lord wraps you up on a daily basis hey listen for some of us who are and just perpetual state of god i need you he walks me by the hour by the hour and there's no greater way to live it's free it's liberating and it's it's like walking with a friend on a trail or maybe along the beach or whatever it is he's amazing in hebrews chapter 10 verse 1 hebrews 10 1 there the scripture tells us for the law having a shadow of the good things to come and not the very image of the things so the law is a shadow pointing about something that's better listen everyone you need to hear this the law of god found in the old testament is righteous holy pure and good are you hearing me just think of the ten commandments if any person any culture any city i think every city should have the ten commandments you know when you pull into when you drive from diamond bar to chino hills and you go through grand avenue out there in the country isn't that beautiful out there and uh you're driving along and it says welcome to chino hills you know what we should do i think we should do this if i was if i was the dictator i'd have every city in america have this town welcome to welcome to mayberry and have had the ten commandments posted on both sides of that sign you say you can't do that yeah that's our problem [Applause] yeah yeah you're right we can't do that we'd rather have people murdering one another and ripping off one another and sleeping around and beating up and drunk and are you hearing me i mean you kept with the 10 commandments up somebody might feel bad about what hello about what well you can't put the ten commandments up because people might read them thou shalt not murder we don't want to quench anyone's first amendment right right think of it now i'd like to do a big social experiment post the ten commandments entering every classroom for one year just one year may god may god touch school boards across the land that the school board would say things are out of control we're going to do a huge experiment we're going to put the ten commandments back up in class like they were in 1961 and maybe junior might read it and respect this teacher can you imagine what's what's the harm because we sure ain't doing good now the way we're going on that one but that's not what i was going to say i was going to say that in hebrews chapter 10 right in the middle of verse 1 it says they can never listen uh image of these things can never with these same sacrifices which they offer continually year by year he's talking about earthly priesthood make those who approach perfect or complete verse two for then would they not have ceased to be offered for the worshipers once purified would have known more consciousness of sin this is what jesus does jesus when he comes into your life he removes the guilt i mentioned guilt earlier tonight he removes the guilt from you you know that thing that you did six years ago he removes that from you you know that thing that you're hiding and hoping nobody finds out he removes it he removes it an earthly priesthood doesn't have the power to do that listen you could go in the foyer tonight after service and say pastor jack i need to confess a sin you can tell me whatever you want to tell me i can't do anything about it i'm going to get i'm going to get mail on this next comment right here i do not say this to be mean i say this to be purely theologically accurate for your betterments it is this you confess to a human about your sin you're still guilty of that sin it didn't do you any good he has no power to forgive you because it wasn't his blood it has to be the priest's blood for you to get forgiveness from the priest everything of the old testament was pointing you toward a high priest remember the high priest the aryanic priesthood aaron but did have you read about aaron's life they were types aaron simply wore the high priest clothing and we'll get into all the parts in the future of all the intricacies of that why those stones and that order and why 12 of them why did this gown have to be made out of this why did his hat his miter have to be of a it's all a shadow of jesus each of those things speak regarding a work that the messiah performs so when you say father forgive me for i have sinned jesus said shh don't call anyone on earth father you only have one father and that's your father in heaven call no man on earth your father wow first john tells you that if you confess your sins to god he's faithful and just to forgive you paul told timothy there's only one mediator between god and mankind and that's the man christ jesus it's not listen it's not billy graham it's not the pope it's not it's not uh charles stanley dr david jeremiah it's not me or anybody else and you should say you should say hallelujah there's nothing like flying nonstop flying direct right why get off at destinations and lose your bags fly straight to jesus when you pray pray straight to him when you cry out go straight to him when you confess go straight to him we're going to learn a lot in the book of hebrews i'm telling you right now it's going to be fireworks on wednesday nights because we need these we need these i'm still reading hebrews 10. i'm not finishing this we're never going to get into i've got points i've got data here i've got verses tons of them so verse 4 says hebrews chapter 10 verse 4 4 it is not possible that the blood of bulls and goats which take which could take away sins therefore when christ came into the world he said sacrifice an offering you do not desire but a body you have prepared for me translation all of the animal sacrifices of the past only covered up never took away the sin christ comes into the world and says speaking of the father you've given me a body what was that body for think now why did jesus come into this world with a human body yeah you could say it i'm hearing it sacrifice then john chapter 1 verse 29 john the baptist said behold the lamb of god who takes away the sins of the world god provided his son a body that's the plan of redemption for god to die in our place what an act of love there's no greater display not that just a man would die in our place that's something but god would do this for us is absolutely awesome so with the time we have we'll start i'm going to regret it and we'll repeat it next week so we're looking right now and we'll be looking at this for a few weeks is the fact that we're talking about the noble god and i want you to write that down to the top of your notes the knowable god every chapter of the bible every book of the bible every page of the bible is an articulation by god announcing i'm knowable god has gone through great lengths to produce for you and to preserve for you this book called the bible think of it the bible here we are in the 21st century and we're still talking about a book and the truth of this book cannot be quenched it can be destroyed it can be outlawed doesn't change a thing why because god is knowable in the book of hebrews we're going to find out how incredibly knowable he allows himself to be he's personal he's knowable first point is that he's personal the god of the bible is personal and we see this in chapter one verse one when it says here in hebrews 1 look at there it says god who and i just want you to write that down god who this immediately challenges us to realize that it's god who initiates the conversation between him and yourself and i want you to think about you right now how has god reached you ask yourself this question in your own life can i articulate how god has reached me because the bible teaches us that it is god who and i want to deliberately hang right there with a question mark not god who like who he is though he is knowable this is the god who initiates the conversation with you god transcends all things that are to reach into your soul that's why the life that you and i live we need to be so awake we need to be so uh dialed in listen dialed into everything about life please listen if you're watching or you're here tonight and you feel like your life has been so dumbed down and so uh numb because of the world that you and i are in now in life this time i want you to know something don't let the narrative of the world define you don't listen don't don't let it happen to you there seems to be this sucking sound of a vortex going down a drain and people are swirling in hopelessness and there's nothing we can do and we're hearing things like this listen look i'm an old guy i can tell you this right now people who think they don't need to go back to work because the government will pay them listen they're falling for a demonic trick it's not a political trick it's a satanic trick we're living in a satanically energized age here's what will happen to you god from the beginning told adam work in the garden there's meaningful benefits to that when you are no longer producing the human psyche that have been that you've been created by god listen god's active you've been creating the image of god and when you sit around literally listen if you sit around and you just press the remote or you just put on your slippers and you go from one room to the next you look out the window and you get a check in the mail and you say i could just live like this it is a death march don't do it don't do it i'm pleading with you i'm not kidding if you'll your mind listen your mind will start to calcify your mind will start to harden you'll have no motivation you your life will wind up being worth nothing and you'll have zero self-worth listen i hope i'm wrong and what i'm about to say i'll probably get a phone call from media tomorrow but i'm telling you i don't want to be right on this if we keep people sequestered and they have no reason to get out of bed brush their teeth or comb their hair listen you and i have seen nothing in the way of suicide numbers that compared to what's coming america will be a suicide nation if we don't get back to work because god made you and i to till the garden to build things to do things to make our life matter that's what he's put within us and right now there's a thing there's a violin being played and money's coming out of it and and you're just getting lulled into this cancerous world view it's satanic and he's going to inject you with his bite in the not-too-distant future and that will bring you into state of coma you'll just become a toast in your life and then the money will run out it will run out and you'll be so lethargic you won't even know how to get a job you won't know how to interview nobody wants to hear this anymore but it's pure truth i'm telling you right now satan's on the march and this is an energized culture thank god that he initiates the conversation he's speaking to you tonight and he's saying listen i made you to live a life not this i made you to be somebody not this the god who is is the god who initiates the conversation and i love how the opening chapter of this book to me is reminiscent of genesis chapter 1 verse 1. look hebrews 1 1 says god who and we'll hear how he spoke to us do you see an apology with the hebrews 1 verse 1 no do you see any apology with genesis 1 verse 1 in the beginning god created boom don't you love that first book of the bible can you imagine just some another never heard about god why don't you read the bible well i'm an atheist so what why don't you read the bible if you're if you're an atheist then you're safe if he doesn't exist then read it for fun and the he turns to the first page in the beginning god created the bible just says it there's nothing pc about it right think about it well not is that is that proper is that proper talk that in the beginning god created you think god cares honestly do you think he cares i don't know how i feel about that he doesn't care in the beginning i created that's what god says i don't know how to put it there was a beginning i did it i was there and it happened well we want you to say you're sorry can't say i'm sorry i'm god and i did it are you guilty then of creating everything guilty i did it in the beginning god hebrews opens up god right from the start god initiates the conversation he reaches into the souls and to the minds and the hearts of people to bring life he does this it's beautiful and by the way in both of those opening statements of those great books of the bible there's an assumption that people know that god exists isn't there an assumption the bible assumes people know that god exists that's why i believe the greatest number of people who come to christ do so at a very young age children the greatest evangelistic outreach taking place at this church is not its multiple broadcasts or it's outreaches and missionary work you know it is it's those buildings that are behind this building children's ministry amazing that's the biggest every week evangelistic outreaches children are coming to christ every every week because you know why because they're smarter than us we're all polluted and clouded with junk a kid looks at a bird god must have done that they have no problem with it have you noticed that they get it they get it but i love the fact that the bible assumes everybody knows that god exists i'm not exactly sure i may be wrong i'm not sure if anywhere in the bible i can find an atheist i find pagan worshipers right i find people worshiping poles and carved images i find people worshiping the stars and the sun in the bible and again i'm not kidding i may be wrong but i don't think i've seen an atheist in the bible somebody even caesar it's a god rome worshipped all these gods somehow not too long ago our insane culture concocted what they thought at the time was some sort of a soothing balm against the concept of god and somebody said we're atheists and i actually don't think i've ever met an atheist now maybe you're an atheist here tonight and you can't wait to tell me that but i got news for you i won't believe you you're going to try to tell me that you're an atheist and i'm going to tell you i don't believe you you say i don't believe in god i don't believe in you you want to know why because every atheist i've known when they get cancer yeah when their baby gets kidnapped [Music] pastor will you pray i'm serious being an atheist is a luxury you can afford it but not for long because when life happens yeah i gotta end i gotta tell you i'll leave you with this i i'm told to never say this because he was a horrible man but i don't know i'm just gonna tell you i don't approve of the man but for some reason i just loved the guy and i was so sad when he died but you guys remember christopher hitchens don't listen don't go to youtube filthy language just terrible he was a brilliant man atheist toured the world debating believers and crushing them it's kind of until he met up with a i think he met up with he never recovered from his meeting with john lennox he never recovered after william lane craig got done with him frank turek debated him but most of the time he crushed the believer in god but christopher hitchens if you ever listen to him rant and rave about atheism number one he never had one answer not a one he only had critiques and his big angst his big critique was i don't know why god allows this in the world and if i were god i would never would have allowed vietnam if i were god i wouldn't allow cancer on the earth and if i have you ever heard him he's he's was furious about how god was running the universe and i listened to i don't know how many i might have listened to 100 hours of him talk over his lifetime and it dawned on me that guy's got great faith no i'm serious it's like one of the few original thoughts i've ever had in my life so let me have it for a moment and we'll wrap it up it was wait he's got great faith now it's wrong but it is great so how do you mean every time he went to defend his atheism he drifted off of it real quick because it's got no answers and everybody knows it's foolishness and then then he would spend 90 minutes attacking how god runs the universe how can you attack someone who doesn't exist who are you upset with god i thought you're an atheist oh and that's true in your life it's true in your life the man or the woman who you know who says they do not believe in god ask them why don't let them get away with it ask them what for their own soul ask them why why because if i were god oh are you hearing me people god is personal we're going to learn this in the book of hebrews he initiates the conversation in your life listen to him when he speaks he's the authority not us he's got the answers we have the questions father lord creator god we ask of you this night you would speak to our hearts by revealing to us more and more your nearness your presence there may be a person right now who knows so much of their shame and their guilt and they might even be the person who would say this all sounds nice but i'm so bad god would never have me lord will you do what you do because i'm praying that prayer first because that was my life that was me so lord i know that you know how to persuade them i pray that you would begin and initiate the conversation with them with that person lord i pray tonight for the man or the woman the boy or girl who's struggling with religious performance versus the freedom that's in jesus and i pray lord for them that you would initiate the conversation with them father there are those here tonight no doubt always in our lives we're asking you for guidance asking you for answers we don't know what to do do we go left do we go right do we stand up do we sit down is it this or that lord i pray that as they seek you that they would not jump before you say jump that they would not move before you say move that they would wait on you i know that every bit of their fiber is going to be screaming got to give the answer now or we got to do it today or whatever it might be but you're going to say in that still small gentle voice wait be still and may they sense you initiating the conversation [Music] so father we ask you lord tonight that you transform us as a church i'm praying dear god in fact church will you will you stand and join me in this prayer please um i can pray it by myself and i have the faith to pray it but i don't want god to answer the prayer and you not get to enjoy it so we're going to be in this one together okay father i'm asking you that you would do something here on wednesday nights that cannot be explained i'm asking you father with my brothers and sisters tonight that as crazy as our world looks well lord that you would do something wonderfully crazy in response in our lives [Music] lord we give you ourselves tonight i'm asking you to just take over wednesday nights lord if it's your will will you teach us wednesday nights and lord if it matters to you we'll we'll do wednesday nights lord if if nobody comes but lord if you want to do wednesday nights into every home and every town and community lord if you want to take what's going on here and just please do something so authentic that that hell itself couldn't stop it that no demon could hinder it that no devil lord could resist it that whatever you're doing in these last days god that it would actually cause there to be an awakening in california and that it would sweep out what out east and down south to the tip of the keys of florida all the way lord to the tip of the aleutian islands in alaska we'll throw hawaii and midway in there too and guam and god we just pray that you would take and you would do an amazing thing that would start right here we're not asking for any reason but for you to be glorified we are lord we will confess we are jealous for you we want you to move in our lives we are satisfied but we're not we're not looking anywhere else you have quenched our soul but we're not satisfied because we want to see you do something radical in our lives we want to see you move before this show's over god before you wrap things up and before you call us up out of here god we want to see you move we're going to see your glory god sweep across california may people be convicted of their sin fall on their knees and say jesus be merciful to me father god that you would just take over and do such great things in our state lord even today you know what i'm talk you know exactly what i'm talking about when that person on the phone today made that little funny laugh about california as they sat there in washington dc oh california it's gone what there's nothing that can be done with california well lord i know you heard that because i heard it and i'm asking you lord in jesus name that you would just prove this nation wrong when it comes to california you made it you own it god we pray that you would move mightily
Channel: Real Life with Jack Hibbs
Views: 155,954
Rating: 4.9266324 out of 5
Keywords: hebrews bible audio english, the book of hebrews, jack hibbs hebrews, the one and only series jack hibbs, jack hibbs hebrews sermons, book of hebrews, audio bible, hebrews, jack hibbs latest, real life with jack hibbs
Id: kEu0aUEwsbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 21sec (2901 seconds)
Published: Thu May 13 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.