An Interview with Morrowind's Dungeon Master | Seelof

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[Music] well I guess there's no better way to begin than just by the simplest way which is to remember July 23rd 2018 that was the last episode of the Morin M interviews with rubberman and ever since we have all been wanting dark elf guy doing these things again and because of the Mastery month I got to to meet him and we started hanging out and he gave me the tremendous honor and this immense responsibility of Reviving those series and I chose none other I guess to introduce that man and I'm going to have to put some sort of special effect on my voice some sort of booming Echo because this is like the calls him the dungeon the ultimate Michael Jordan of dungeons but jokes aside just a beautiful beautiful man and a very very cool guy without further Ado it's very very exciting to bring marn mod interviews back today February the 9th 2024 ladies and gentlemen we have with us here the mighty seof how's it going my friend hello I'm doing okay you know me that was a nice introduction yeah you know me again yeah yeah you know you know me I am no dark elf guy but I'll promise I'll try my best and I have his original questionnaire here we talked about this changing a couple of the questions some of them became outdated but his questionnaire has such a Bernard pivo actor Studio vibe to it right it's such a classic that I will stick to it mostly but we can also introduce a couple of new questions and just let the conversation flow cof and I know each other a little bit already I wanted to start slightly different and I think the first thing that I wanted to ask you because I think you and I are close in age when did gaming came into your life for the first time when was your first contact with either computer games or console games uh that would be all the way back in my childhood like in the '90s basically I was playing a lot on the Game Boy and then later on the Nintendo 64 um those were basically my my first contacts with gaming Mario Mario Land one and two on the Game Boy um the Mega Man series I played a lot uh stuff like that that was fun I love the fact that you mention your childhood and you reference to the '90s and I just made a fool of myself what a beautiful way to start this interview right saying that you and I are close in age when I was born in 78 yeah not quite well in my first contact with video games was Atari butk thank you I'm old you're not you just have a beautiful booming voice I I pegged you for an older guy but for you listeners out there you yeah this is a trend with seea a lot of things we assume about this man they turn out not to be true so okay the 9s did you first start playing marind in terms of the Elder Scrolls or did you play other Elder Scrolls in general when was the first time you started playing one of those no morrowwind was the first ell Scrolls game for me I had never heard of the ell Scrolls series before that didn't know anything about it I just uh I just read about mwind in a in a Gaming magazine here in Germany and I thought the game from what I saw in that article that I read looked pretty cool and I wanted to play it so I started playing morwin pretty much at its release not quite because when it first came out um I immediately made my mom drive me to the store to get the game and when we when we got back I I installed the game but I realized that it was in English um which back then was a problem for me because I was only in I don't know 8th grade or something so my English really wasn't that good so um when I started playing I really didn't know what to do what the game wanted me to do so I just started running around um somehow I made it through the um the character creation process um entered CED ran around a bit didn't know what to do and eventually I was I came across a weird creature which uh turned out to be a Gua and it killed me and so that's when I decided that maybe I should wait for the German version so I returned the game actually the next day wow I got another game instead and then I tried Mor wind again a couple months later when it came came out in German that much English that just uh that just it was just too much for me I couldn't handle that at that age you heard it here first listeners the mighty seof actually returned his original copy of morwin what a sin but who am I to speak on that yeah the you and I are just Heretics compared to dark elf guy in his ilk these loyal people that have all the memorabilia yeah I give my original copy away but that's beside the point you're the star here today sir I still have it you do oh you are a better man than I am yeah for sure I mean I don't use it but I still somewhere lying around here on the Shelf good awesome speaking of that so you started as a pre-teen playing a little bit and how long was that Hiatus because the next question will be how long did it take you after you first started playing morn for real before you sort of got the itch to mod the game oh that was a long time so I started playing in 2002 when it came out I played it basically all throughout the 2000s then at some point I lost track of the game I lost interest played some other games and I rediscovered mwind in 2014 or 15 something like that um because somehow I don't I don't remember how or where but somehow I stumbled upon a few screenshots of the game online and it looked very weird to me it didn't look at all like I remember the game to look and so I did some research and so I learned that there were all these mods that would that would basically overhaul the visuals in fact what I what I stumbled upon was was mgso which apparently you not allowed to talk about anymore these days um yeah and so that that was basically my my my door back to the game because I thought that would that looked so interesting and so differently from what I remembered that I wanted to that I wanted to dive back into the game right and that's also when I when I got the game finally in English cuz my English had gotten a lot better at that point um yeah so so I started playing again in 2015 or something and that's also when I got into modding a little bit but just for myself I like to use house mods for my for my characters so what I would do I would download house mod from the Nexus and then tweak them a little bit cuz I was never quite happy with with um how these house mods used to be so I always twed them a little bit and that that that was basically the start of it right eventually I started making my own own house mods from scratch then I somehow got into dungeon delving uh dungeon building um but everything just for myself didn't release anything didn't have an interest in releasing anything and and well I was also watching Dark guys Mor mod showcases a lot because I was always on the lookout for more mods CU I wanted to play um and somehow over time that kind of inspired me to to want to make a mod that was good enough to be shared with others but until that time came that was when did I release the first mod in 2019 or something oh I have it here we'll get to it real real soon you are the dungeon guy right you are so recognized for doing Dungeons and you're very good at it do you remember what was the first thing that sort of drawn you into modding it was it your first mod experience and I am very curious also why dungeons basically I can answer that question the question by going back to two two different points in time so when I was just modding for myself I like to give my characters powerful items but I didn't want to cheat okay so I would just build the Dungeons and put powerful items in those dungeons nice oh this is awesome and so I would I would get so I could play the dungeon and then get the powerful item and then I would be happy so that was fun that was just that was when I was just modding for myself but when when I started releasing mods I didn't really think of myself as a dungeon modder so for instance my first mod ever released wasn't the dungeon mod the second one was but even after that one I I didn't really I didn't really think that dungeons were my thing but I started working I started working on the library of EV overhaul at some point and to me it was just that just the library of EV and I was making that and it was actually pretty painful because of all the books that I had to place on those shelves I I hand placed all of those didn't copy anything from anywhere else in the game so that took a while and I was showing screenshots of it on the Discord server and when I was almost done when I was almost ready to release it out of the blue rubberman approached me and he said to me that he had this book resource that he didn't have a use for and and he asked me if if I wanted to use this if I wanted to use it for the library when of course I said yeah gladly um so he gave me the book resource and of course it looked amazing he had even written a short text for it to go inside the book as amazing as it looked I I I saw a problem there and the problem was that the book looked too good oh okay for the rest of the books on those shelves so I thought that I couldn't just put it on the Shelf with the other books and let it collect dust basically that didn't seem right to me so I figured that I had to make a quest and well to go along with that Quest I built Dungeons and so that's how I got into dungeon making I I I don't know I don't know if I would be making dungeons today if rubberman hadn't given me that book this is that's kind of kind of a funny thing to think about this is amazing I mean rubberman being rubberman just it's so cool to know that he has a role into giving us the Mighty Sea love this is amazing rubberman wherever you are we need you back you old beautiful British guy I mean come on how cool is a guy that has also a son that is like another cool modder in the community oh forget about it I am just a rubber man Fanboy um you if you want to talk about going the beginning oh yeah of your very first moner June 1st 2019 this is when you hit the ground running my friend and you changed the community forever I have talked with a lot of people preparing for this talking about you and you were like a nuclear bomb that exploded in the community M dark mentions you as a sort of like one of the pivotal moments in the community like when seof came but anyway enough blowing smoke up here behind June 1st 2019 the title is so appropriate given your style a walk in the park but I don't suspect it was a walk in the park for you to make this one this first one right no it wasn't um do you remember why this one particular was actually pretty tedious yeah I can imagine yeah why I made that particular mod um I don't know I just as I said I had slowly transitioned over the years to somehow find the inspiration to make a good to make a mod good enough to be shared and I guess somehow I just landed on those empty green garden areas in the temple in the mall Temple Courtyard I guess I just thought those looked extremely boring and let's make them prettier yeah the very first comment you got in your modern history um as far as Nexus right because we we were going to cover this extensively and the next question is actually about this but you you were already very active in the community but I love the fact that the very first comment of a mod that true release is just one word neat like this is amazing like and it's by a person we all love and Clay killer but people were w't expecting what was going to come next I love that the next question is just so easy for you to answer but how was your experience with dealing with the community from the beginning you and I agree with that notion right seof that we need to break this myth about the community being insulated and elitist it is anything but right yeah it's it's not elitist no um back when I first started out moding uh I was was very shy um I I I actually didn't get a lot of help because I didn't ask um I wasn't really that present in the community at that point in time uh when I made the that first mod that mold Temple Courtyard overhaul um I did that all by myself without asking for any help but I do remember that that the after I released it there was an issue someone had an issue a user um something with the sounds of the Torches that I placed and I couldn't figure that one out so I actually asked and it was it was Abbott was able to figure it out and and point out a solution to me so that helped um yeah but but I was very shy but over time I got more comfortable talking to people and um yeah over the years I have received help from so many different people repr prank most of the mods that I have made uh after the barandas overhaul which was my second mod most of the mods I made after that I I couldn't have made without without the help of the community there was always someone had the hand in what I was in what I was doing as I said as I said earlier the story with rubber man and the book which was the thing in the first place that got me into dungeon moding uh then I made new Aluna be and Melo helped me out a ton with that with this with this um skeleton hanging from the ceiling and the the quest behind it and the animation I remember Stripes also did a lot in in terms of questing because back then I didn't know anything about about scripts now I do a little but back then absolutely clueless so stripes helped me a lot then I made of X and dwarves and obviously great and seven had a big hand in that one with the with the um earthquake mechanic which he introduced well in most recently uh CIA prior where I had help from like I don't know 10 different people or so maybe more I I don't know the top of my head more than that but yeah probably more um so many different people helped me um and that's just that's a really nice thing to see and I'm extremely grateful for all the help big and small um yeah and to your point um the the mor mod Community isn't elitest at all every everybody is extremely helpful if you have a question just just go ask over on the Discord server someone will know the answer and help you out I'm sure extremely helpful and really really kind and nice community so you have a very concise body your work in these uh 5 years but you also uh worked in some amazing group mods this is one of the things that I kind of wanted to bring it up because you were very thorough and honest and and and grateful in your special thanks session explaining what everybody did by the time of recording this me S sof invited me to help play test the last update that they're doing with the Skeleton King which is the final boss in kadura PRI and that fight alone is such a Showcase of teamwork yeah absolutely like cir PR is the perfect example as we said Pro more than 10 people helped me out you're you're referring to the boss fight that we're currently working on and when I say we I mean it's just super duple who's doing all the work amazing guy yeah um he volunteered he he he he came to me and asked me if if if it's okay um to to make these special boss mechanics for the Butcher and the Skeleton King in calra PRI and originally he wanted to to make it as a patch as an optional patch but I said Well if you know what you're doing if you have cool ideas we can just introduce it into the main mod that will be more fun the more people get to play it and so for a while now I don't know two weeks or so we've been working on that well he's been working on that and I've been giving feedback um and have viously also sent um the latest ESP to you and to uh another person to aret to receive some additional feedback and yeah it's going well and well there's another three people right there to help out with the mod well so the list is growing yeah so speaking of the list is growing when it comes to the events regardless of how early you join how are the events playing a role as you grow into a mod of getting you exciting into mod is that such a thing or have they helped you like say get you excited um um so I've always been a fan of both the modathon in May and more moding madness even when I wasn't a modder myself because I was always curious about the mods that would come out of those competitions especially um the madness competition because those mods uh would usually be pretty Grand in scope and and so that made it particularly interesting to me uh since I became a modder I've always enjoyed the modathon the most I think because the modathon is just so crazy there are so many mods being released by so many different people uh you get achievements you get prizes um every day the Nexus is flooded with so many mods and um in in fact I have been able to release a mod myself every modone since I well since I became active in the community the um the mold mold Temple card overhaul was released for modathon my first mod and I kept that streak and I hope to keep that streak uh with a little mod that you and I are planning uh because I don't have anything else this yeah oh it's happening but usually yeah but usually I I use modone to release uh a big project of mine so last year it was CA prior the year before that it was of and dwarves before that it was the library overhaul before that it was branda's overhaul and before that it was a walk in the park between EGS and Ry you just made like a silly little irrelevant mod new lunab holy crap you just pulled that off yeah that one came in between yeah yeah just slightly irrelevant mod it's just anyway well the next question I already know the answer it's probably going to be a two-letter word but what the hell do you do any planning before you start a mod sea if yes how uh no I want the bet with myself I don't I don't do a lot of planning now for those of you playing the home game out there dear listeners SE off is a very instinctive animal right I generally just go in I I just go in with a general idea basically yeah um and I see where it takes me um well for for cira PRI for instance I well I also didn't plan anything but the idea was a little more concrete and that I knew okay I want to make this prior and I want to make a dungeon underneath and I'll need a quest line and let's just make a main quest line consisting of three quests let's let's keep it simp let's keep it simple because I don't like writing quests um so in that sense there was a little bit of planning going on there but in terms of how the dungeon turned out I didn't plan any of that um except that I knew that I wanted to somehow um evoke the feeling and the atmosphere of the Diablo games Diablo 1 and 2 in particular uh that's all I knew knew going in um other than that there was no planning at all I just I just like to see how how things turn out when I when I work in inside the construction set any other uh games outside the other Scrolls realm that have influenced your way of modding or your style or Aesthetics let me think so I guess not really but very recently I've well not that recently like about 1 and a half years ago I started playing Modern video games again before that I I wasn't really playing any modern games I was on playing the old stuff like for instance Diablo I but since then I've played a few games here and there that I thought had pretty neat level design going on like for instance uh The Legend of Zelda breath of the wild uh and most recently elen ring elen ring in particular I thought was very inspiring and I definitely want to do some stuff uh when I get back to modding that I saw in Elden ring um but yeah I haven't I haven't gotten around to that yet there's some stuff in in that game that I want to try to I want to see if I can make that work in in moral wind that could be fun next question I think it relates a little bit with the fact that all of us have to deal with stereotypes right I'm from Brazil I have to listen to some good old questions about being Brazilian and the same goes for Americans and you as a German gentlemen I must say that and I have checked this with so many people like most of us have pegged you for this before talking to you and knowing who you are given your Forum handle the style of your modding we begged you for this old German goth guy locked in a basement dungeon modding listening to Bow house and some German goth Punk but you're anything but that in that sense would you kindly answer sir do you listen to music while you mod and if so what kind I I like to listen I like to listen to more atmospheric stuff I I like to listen to to game soundtracks or movie soundtracks or something the Skyrim soundtrack is really good to to get me in the mood um when I was working on Cala PRI I was listening to the Diablo I soundtrack all the time um because that was very fitting stuff like that yeah most mostly mostly those soundtracks the next question would be regarding something that uh we came a long way way when it comes to the tools that we have at our disposal and uh cssc came about in the past few years and it changed the landscape for vanilla developers and also openmw as well but um just to keep in line of bugging good old no Cascade yet again do you see right now working with the cssc you still miss something in there is there something that you would love seeing implemented in there um I'm probably the wrong person to be asked that question as you might have guessed from our previous talks and from the workshop that we did I'm not exactly a person with the most technical mind I usually just take the things as they are so when so for instance when this CSS came out to me it was a pleasant surprise but I didn't need it because I had made my piece with a vanilla construction set I mean csse is absolutely awesome and makes all of our lives so much easier but but I would never even have gotten the idea to to somehow upgrade the construction set because I was doing fine yeah so um yeah I don't know I I don't have anything on my wish list that question was kind of on purpose cuz I wanted I wanted to sort of get you in the mood so we could talk about the fact that when we were doing seop's workshop and everybody was sort of leaning on because seof got sick and it just added up to the hype and the drama but everybody was sure that he was going to come up with some amazing super secret tweaks in the cssc and just amazing private nothing this mother trucker works with the vanilla camera sensitivity default which for most of us like it's impossible to operate that thing and yet the mighty SE of navigates those narrow corridors that that this humongous dungeons that he does the man is a raw creature you're not the guy to pay attention to that but actually apart from the cssc you have used other modding tools right to help you out uh have I uh G7 sphere tool comes to mind for one oh oh something like that yeah yeah absolutely uh the the sphere tool yeah true I've used that plenty of times yeah that's that comes in very handy when you when you're hit bashing something certainly use that a lot of time a lot of times especially with CA PRI um yeah absolutely very helpful um could come in handy I remember um when I asked Vegeta for help with CRA PRI um actually it was his idea because he saw some screenshots that I had posted he saw I had I had assembled a few of um corpses hanging on chains from the ceiling in inside The Priory building and he had the the idea that it would be cool if those would be animated and they would actually be swinging a little bit so for that to work I had to go inside the game use g7's tool extract the the the objects basically that I has that I had assembled and I send it over to to vegetto and he did all the rest he he optimized the meshes he made the animations and so that's how that came to be so that sere tool from G7 very helpful absolutely the next question actually is so many years have passed and the the landscape changed radically but you and I also talked about this I think during Mastery month and with we talked about this with many other people is that we're not the sort of people to sort of have a dog in this fight and I'm I'm talking about vanilla versus openmw like you are the the type of guy that understands some of the differences as much as you joke with yourself that you're not very technically oriented but you do know your stuff and so we Tred to you try to support your mods for every type of user when it comes to openmw now and the way that the landscape is is right now because you're pretty much a vanilla player and a vanilla modder but have you ever tried openmw whether as a player or have you tried to fire up that Construction Set uh I'll be honest with you I haven't okay um that's not because I don't appreciate it in fact if I were to do another if I were to do another playthrough of morrowwind I would probably use openmw but I just I just don't play the game anymore moded the last time I played morrowwind was I don't know five years ago six years ago I I don't even remember and so what I have on my computer is just very basic vanilla install with mgx and morwin code patch I I absolutely respect the hell out of openmw I respect the hell out of mg exe um the discussions around those two platforms people rooting for one team or the other I don't have a stake in that at all I don't care amen like whatever works for you whatever works for you that's fine with me I try to make my mods um compatible with both platforms because I feel that the type of mod that I make doesn't need to be exclusive but I absolutely respect if uh someone who makes who someone who wants to make a mod that will only work with mwc and MGA e i i i totally respect that um because because then it makes sense because then that's the main feature like I don't know ashall or something right and the L as far as I know you probably couldn't pull that off in openmw these days maybe someday but not today right so that makes sense but the type of dungeon the type of mod that I make I I I don't see a point making that MW is exclusive because well why would I it's just a dungeon mode anyone should be able to EXP that Amen brother in terms of talking about everyone how much do you use the community to get feedback and motivation for your mods if at all um so I I do like to post screenshots whenever I have something that I feel fairly confident with um and if if someone has feedback if someone has suggestions for it um I'm absolutely open to hearing that um though when I when I spec specifically want to get feedback and differing opinions then I mostly go to Mero server and ask around there um well because mostly m is always around and G7 is always around and a zero R zero is always around and all these amazing moders oh yeah so so there's a Hu there's a there's a huge density of just quality moders around so if if I if I specifically have a need for feedback then I mostly go there speaking of our beautiful brother MD we came a long way since uh DG wrapped it up a rubberman and o came about Tamal data evolved and uh openmw became like I just wanted to go back to that previous point because I agree with you so much I for one am a stone cold openmw user right I play it on it that's how I came back to it and it just looks so absolutely amazing but I also have my mwsc installed and I have a beautiful time with that you know ultimate fishing I mean all of those amazing mods but anyway uh I wanted to ask you after o Tamal data of course always honorable mention to the wonderful London Brook and his Outlander resources but is there any other resource that you like to use because I know how much o changed your life sort of like it's it's actually kind of the thing that broke the camos back for you right after came about and you said like I got a mod right yeah OAB was definitely a big turning point for me um before it came out I had only released one dungeon mod and several since it was released um it has definitely made my modding life for one easier but also a lot more interesting and exciting I probably wouldn't be modding as much if o didn't exist so a huge game changer definitely not just for me like I think most content mods these days require OAB right and for good reason so in terms of other resources I pretty much only use temp real data but not that much I think I have two mods maybe that require it but basically all of them or at least all of the dungeons require OAB and other resources than that I I just use on a case-by casee basis another mod has nice resources that I want to use and they have open permissions um then I will use them but it's really on a Case by case basis right so for instance for new illum for new illum I use those those Corpus assets that were made for um the corprusarium experience I believe it's the name made by vegetto and random pel mhm um I used those for instance and they did a good service even though they are a bit heavy on the performance um oh yeah stuff like that seof qualifying something as performance heavy now I heard everything our resident king of high ref in this case because because I've gotten so many complaints about about about the FPS issues in those last two cells of the dungeon right and that's after I split the final cell in two because even for me when I when I made that mod originally it was only five cells and the fifth cell the last cell was pretty much un playable so even I acknowledged yeah okay I have to do something here wow I split the cell in two and that made it better um at least it made it playable in my book but I'm but I'm still getting complaints to this to this day about the performance in particularly the last sale just going back to the past real quick your very first mod your very first dungeon do you still have that ESP laying around somewhere or do you don't even remember which one was the first you mean the first I ever made not the first I ever released yeah you ever made uh I probably still have it it's just that I don't know which one actually was the first right I have a folder with these esps once I made a dungeon on a snowy icy Island somewhere in the in the ghost sea up north a little bit north of salstein I made a small island and I made a dungeon underneath with some smugglers in it and then deep beneath those Smugglers hide out I know there was some sort of some sort of old castle or something and then underneath that there was some DC ruins of shi gorath or something nice that that was a weird mod I can imagine one day I'll take a look at it is there anything you have had to give up to mod like playing more games or possibly your social life um in terms of my social life not really but it it certainly contributed to me playing fewer video games I guess oh yeah because well the time I would usually use to play video games I instead used for modding and at the moment it's it's the opposite because at the moment I'm on a bit of a Hiatus for modding because I need to recharge my modding batteries I've been burnt out a little bit from last year right um So currently I'm not modding at all but instead I'm just playing video games because the next question would be something like for me that now that I know that I'm a little older than you just maybe a decade or two but I think for right right there we go not not that much but jokes aside I think because you and I we click on so many things and a lot of our friends we have been talking about this the Prejudice that gaming as a hobby still has in our society right I'm here in Brazil and you're there in Germany and uh I mean all over the world but at the end of the day I love when you say something as simple as just it didn't impact my life at all because this is actually the case I think for all of us that are investing ourselves in this hobby whether we're rookies like me or a veteran like yourself or a monster veteran like Denny or dark of guy uh and uh milk your dark MD I couldn't have asked if like for a better person right he's just like a beautiful father an amazing professional so there's really no big mystery to this folks for you listening out there you don't have to sell your kidney and abandon your family to be a sea off or milk your dark this is an absolutely feasible Hobby everything in moderation and everything with responsibility right ma'am absolutely I have nothing to add to that in that sense still talking about a little bit outside the the world of modding are there any skills you've learned from modding and if so have you been able to use these skills elsewhere uh I don't think so I can't think of anything folks we have to remember we're talking to a Linguistics major here right so yeah I think right yeah yeah I I don't know I mostly deal with language in my in my work life uh yes sir yeah I don't know maybe maybe attention to detail would be something oh oh right I don't know if I had that before I started modding or if I learned it by modding right but attention to detail can certainly come in handy when you're dealing with the language absolutely abely amen sir amen coming back to modding you you talked a little bit about the other games that you enjoy and everything is there any other game that you wish you could mod that don't have that sort of capability yeah Elden ring I would love to mod Elden ring or even breath of the wild I mean there are mods for Elden ring and even for breath of the wild even though it's for Nintendo but I guess you can somehow hack it and play it on your computer on an emulator or something um but but I I looked into it a little bit but it's seems very complicated because there's nothing like the construction set for it uh in terms of mods and modders any mods or modders that currently have your attention in the community that you're paying attention to this is just a leading question for us to bug milk your dog to work on lonia but okay we'll pretend that I'm not asking for that reason I'll just let seof answer spontaneously you go brother you should get on that right and he will you heard here first hot news directly from yes dark elf guys Channel 2024 is going to be a beautiful year on that front but yeah other than that didn't I see mer and some others talk about it oh yeah on the Discord yeah children come to Discord Discord where it's at hot news all the time yeah but Jokes Aside like do do you pay attention to like any other projects or or particular models that you enjoy not any particular Modas or any particular mods but I make it a point to go to the Nexus every day even if I have nothing to do there nice um just to take a look at new releases um yeah I I don't know mods come out every day um so recently we had for instance the dgas ER overhaul from Aion I thought that looked pretty interesting oh yeah um Vegeta and random pal have been releasing a bunch of stuff if I remember correctly um for the B arena for instance pretty cool speaking of V did you check tyrants the V city of Swords so ballsy I just loved it oh yeah I saw that I saw that too yeah that looked uh interesting so good that looked like a brave approach but the the guy has the Magic Touch I I've I've actually downloaded and played It Anyway beautiful beautiful mod um in terms of types of mod you even though you don't play it anymore you were like you know your Morin is still to this day after 20 years is there a type of mod that you haven't run across that you will love to see even if it is not like I don't have the patience to do that but I wish somebody made that um I don't I don't think so I don't know I feel like after 20 years we've seen pretty much everything and yet in a weird way nothing if you know what I mean like there's so much more you can do but but I don't really have any specific in mind I mean thank you for saying that I I me here with you is just so beautiful the contrast I have one silly little mind that deals with natural interest for grados and it's been more than 20 years and nobody done that I'm like my God this going to be possible so yeah we keep finding these things right yeah true yeah yeah but see I'm I'm not I'm not that clever like I I don't those those those are the types of thing the kinds of things that I don't I don't really pay attention to be frank with you those doors those gred doors have never bothered me at all right but I see the point of your mod it's a very successful mod no good reason it's just nothing I would have ever thought about Geniuses like you usually don't pay attention to these mundane things leave it to people like me that's okay like that it's fine oh my beau my beautiful friend honestly again Jokes Aside reverse that question is there such a mod that you ever saw and you went like H I wish I made that right like kind of when a rock and roller listened to the Beatles or something like that um probably um let me think so so the first thing that comes to mind is meros leoa or whatever way you pronounce it right right um that's an epic mod definitely unfinished but epic something things haven't changed you know we ended up the M MoDOT interviews everybody complaining about lonia and here we are again 5 years later still waiting milk wink wink roll up your sleeves brother yeah right yeah yeah uh let's get outside I'm sorry go ahead I don't know yeah no no I was just saying like like I I can't think of anything else off the top of my head I had more time I could probably think of more getting outside of morwin for a little bit have you ever tried any of the other Elder Scrolls games ESO Skyrim Oblivion blade Arena I played I played Oblivion I played Oblivion and Skyrim but that was a long time ago but I will say that I enjoyed both of them even though it seems pretty popular these days to to hate on Oblivion at least right but I enjoyed it yeah same for me uh I love this question it was asked so many times in the past and that's the million dooll question right here it's impossible to answer and yet the most important one despite Oblivion in scy being released after morrowwind many people returned to and or have stayed in the Marin M community in your opinion what do you think make this community and the game so unique in regards to the game itself I mean I I guess what what makes it unique is just the world itself it has such an alien feel about it it seems very strange entering ven fell for the first time and even and even on replay it's still very strange it's a strange world but that kind of makes it that's kind of the appeal of it so it's very unique in that sense it's just so fun so fun to explore if if you look at Oblivion in particular um Oblivion is very generic in its World building very generic as I said I enjoyed the game but it's very generic and Skyrim is more well it's basically about the Vikings right quite quite familiar but Morin was just different or is just different so I think that that's at least part of its appeal in terms of communities but I've never really delved into the communities of Oblivion and and Skyrim but I guess what what what makes the modern community so so special to me personally at least it's just we talked about this earlier just how nice everybody is there's no I mean sure there are discussions happen everywhere but but everyone is so helpful and nice there's no real rivalry going on everybody's willing to help out and it's just it's just a fun place to be do you think if anything there is something that the Mari M Community should be doing in order to continue to expand and grow in the coming years um stay as it is I guess yeah right it's been working pretty well these past I don't know 10 years or so the community has been growing since 2014 15 or something pretty much since um dark elf guy arrived with Mor moding showcases oh yeah um I'm pretty sure there's a direct link there um though it's probably not the only Factor but a big one big one for to I mean he drew me in he drew me in without if dark guy hadn't been around with hising showcases I probably wouldn't be modding today oh right that's an no-brainer same here in for most of us right yeah yeah Den as well I her tutorials so state of course pretty much D Den is also doing a lot of a lot of the heavy lifting in the community definitely oh beautiful for matriarch just if we can keep the spirit up the spirit of helpfulness and generosity and kindness I think I think we'll be in a good place beautifully said my friend this is the question that even before meeting you I was just like darkov guy needs to interview seof because I want to hear this from him but uh the last the second to last question and I always love that question is there any advice you like to give to buddy new moing moders out there looking to release their first mod how about that um good question um I guess Don't Be Afraid just go for it if you enjoy it then you've been doing everything correctly um having fun is the most important thing about it um just don't be afraid release your mod um just see where the chips fall is that the saying I think that's how we say it just uh I mean if if you enjoy it just keep at it keep practicing keep getting better engage with a community if you need help or feedback or whatever um and just enjoy yourself that's the most important thing that's all I do like I I don't have a manual for these things I just do what I enjoy and it turns out pretty well so far oh absolutely you are very loyal to your own style right that's the most important thing every model that succeeds has that sort of trade even lar it's important to to find your own style I guess yeah yeah doesn't matter if it's St rebuilt you or Tyrant doing the V city of Swords it it just doesn't matter really find your own style find your own voice yeah well yeah we're coming as we were saying as we were saying during the workshop there are there are many different ways to make a good mod even many different many different ways to make a good dungeon mod which which is my area of expertise I guess but my way is certainly not the only way um um everybody has to find their own style and if they enjoy it just keep at it which doesn't mean that you shouldn't be open to feedback that's that's not what I mean but but like you you have to find you have to find your lane so to speak see what you enjoy and then just stick with it try to improve upon it be open to feedback by all means but but you also have to know where you draw the line leave it to a Linguistics major to put it beautifully I well Amen brother that's that's it right there well I guess this would be a wrap but as usual because we're maintaining the tradition here carrying the torch for our beautiful friend d g is there anyone in the community you would like to give a shout out to um other than myself I know you love me I'm your favorite modder so thank you okay it's yeah of course of course putting me on the spot right here um well there are so many people I could give a shout out to I right there's uh M your do who has always been very kind and helpful to me greatness seven the same vegetto um all the people who helped me over the years um d i i don't even I don't I don't even remember all the names of the there's too many I've been helped too many times by the community I can't think of everybody stripes skipio who wrote the music for CRA PRI which I thought was extremely awesome super duple who is currently doing the boss Mechanics for CA PRI super excited for that um um ruen vanar who has done some voice acting for me and and uh created new armor sets also for CRA PRI um uh my teammates from secrets of the Crystal City during the morrowwind morning Madness competition in 2022 um that was a fun competition last year as well with Ruffin and Billy fighter and an Roa and Katya also a lot of fun um so many people and you as well of course herwicks because you're a very nice person I like talking to you I debated asking you this question because in your particular case you're bound to leave somebody out don't forget dark gu there was so many you're leaving like for example this granted it's a smaller mother just haven't contributed all that much doesn't have a lot of technical talents but he's struggling which is Herm Chan like this he didn't do much for this community right right I mean it's not that relevant you know especially in terms of technical skills but yeah he did a little bit of coding for you as well on the C prior thing yeah the legend ladies and gentlemen he he did uh he did some troubleshooting he did some troubleshooting there were some issues with with what you would call I believe distance scrolling distant texture scrolling or I I believe it's called um I'm I'm no expert I'm no expert but um there were some issues there and and he was able to um figure it out basically also shout out to him yes well my beautiful beautiful friend sof thank you so much for having done this what a way to bring this series back yeah thanks for having me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Morrowind Modding Showcases
Views: 2,909
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Mod, Morrowind Mods, Morrowind, Modding Showcases, The Elder Scrolls, TES, Nexus, Morrowind Nexus, Morrowind Modding Showcases, Action Role-Playing Games, Role-Playing Games, The Elder Scrolls Gameplay, Mods, Mod of the Week, Fantasy, RPG, Dwemer, Vvardenfell, Dark Elves, Quests, Morrowind Modding Interviews, 2024
Id: HnmAbCsKZXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 45sec (3225 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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