How Chocolate Is Made Inside Cadbury's Chocolate Factory | Chocolate Secrets Unwrapped | Spark

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Cadbury is garbage chocolate now made to optimise cost and prioritise profit.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Viper_NZ 📅︎︎ Apr 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] cadbury is a national treasure and one of the world's biggest chocolate makers in what's been an extraordinary year cameras have been allowed unique access inside its secretive willy wonka world where real life umpa lumpers toil away to feed britain's insatiable appetite for chocolate the whole point we're here is to make delicious moments of joy and that might sound a bit corny but that's what we're here for while some production lines pump out vast quantities of old favorites i love premix we make about 300 million a year others are busy creating brand new flavors strong orange smell very refreshing sometimes successfully whoever invented this is a genius but not always it's not perfect things can go wrong this year the company faces its biggest challenge for a century to dramatically cut sugar from cadbury dairy milk you've got a brand that people are religious about and that is really really nerve-wracking [Music] they're throwing everything they've got at the problem from computers who've learned how to taste when you chew into a product this machine actually tracks what you're perceiving in your mouth to the most finely tuned human taste buds in the land can we have a show of hands so you thought it was more bitter okay that's quite a consensus there when the new version of dairy milk hits the shelves will cadbury hold on to its place in the heart of a chocolate obsessed nation you know when i started this project i had dark hair if i if i don't take my help you'll notice it's now great [Music] welcome to bourneville a village four miles southeast of birmingham [Applause] the cadbury chocolate factory has occupied the same site here for 140 years churning out chocolate treats for a loyal british public it's still britain's most popular chocolate maker with a dedicated fan base from chocoholics to chocolatiers cadbury's caramel crunchy 12 creme eggs little egg of happiness i do really like a twirl i do like fruit in that oh yes a bit of fruit and a bit of nut in my chocolate and it's just an addiction that i never really grew out of the company's most important recipe has remained unchanged for 114 years the top secret formula for cadbury's dairy milk but its main ingredients are not so secret sugar milk and cocoa so you have it then marry the creamy milk from shropshire with the cocoa from the shanty green and brown britain and africa it's still britain's favorite chocolate people love dairy milk for the nostalgia of it because they were given as a child and it was that first or very early taste of fat and sugar and milk mixed together and once you once you get fat and sugar mixed together with a little bit of cacao you are hooked [Music] this precious confection starts life just as it always has in a building called the chocolate block from here the liquid chocolate runs through the entire factory like blood through its veins if you look around you have a number of stainless steel pipe work without the chocolate river that you see in willy wonka our chocolate rivers are in these pipe work so basically you're walking through it every day it's above your head or it's to this side of it any one time although the recipe for dairy milk hasn't altered not everything has stayed the same at cadbury nearly 10 years ago the entire company was bought by an american food giant the factory has been massively upgraded in a bid to be one of the most efficient chocolate makers in europe as you can see we get quite a lot of bastard every minute um which turns into the tons and tons that you'll see in the shops how many per minute roughly we would roughly get about 400 bars a minute coming up it's a lot of chocolate as much as 500 tons can be made in a single day and it all comes to a massive central warehouse near birmingham piled seven stories high with chocolaty treats [Music] staff here battle temptation on a daily basis i do like chocolate so there's plenty of chocolate in the canteen there's plenty of chocolate in the office and you can eat as much as you want most new people spend a week trying to avoid it and then they go for it and within 10 days they put half a stone on with the nation's waistline bulging food manufacturers like cadbury face a problem new government guidelines mean they're now under pressure to provide reduced sugar products [Music] for cadbury the challenge is huge the vast majority of its chocolate bars are more than 50 sugar a bar of dairy milk 56 grams of it per 100 is sugar it is a frightening thing it's like if i had to change something radical about my iconic product and i've got a few iconic products i have to change one massive thing because i was forced to by society by media and it changed it i'd be frightened if my sales would plummet so much it would be detrimental to my business the man entrusted with solving cadbury's sugar problem is chocolate scientist adam harris just hold on to handrails when you're coming up guys in the bourneville factory's experimental pilot plant he's working on a hush hush project to make a version of dairy milk which is 30 percent less sugar we're now going to put some ingredients in here that are top secret of course you can't look inside the buckets because that's where the secret lies [Music] he's meddled for two years with the sacred recipe and thinks he's conjured a solution replacing sugar with fiber sugars in chocolate for sweetness it also provides like a scaffolding within the chocolate you take that scaffolding away the chocolate falls down you have to replace it with something else and we're replacing that with fiber adam may have managed to replace the sweetness of sugar but a mouthful of fiber doesn't sound quite so appetizing the really critical step in the process is about how it feels in the mouth so if you have big so if you have a spoonful of sugar and put that in your mouth you feel the grittiness um versus a spoonful of icing sugar in your mouth which is quite smooth and what we're trying to do is get to that nice smooth texture with reduced sugar chocolate that's even more critical if we don't get this right that when you eat this chocolate it isn't going to melt in the mouth how you'd expect it to melt with a launch date looming adam's new recipe is now ready to go into its final testing phase this is a baby right that me and the team have been working on for over two years and you know with any baby you want to look after it and make sure you take it through and and allow it to grow up in the right and proper way it's currently in the nursery and we're just about to release it to the big school and as any parent knows that's a really like scary thing to be doing hopefully my baby is going to grow up nicely and be loved by everybody in the marketplace if it's not i may have some nights of crying while adam is busy removing sugar from dairy milk production of one of the sugariest treats that cadbury makes is running at full tilt [Music] a million cream eggs roll off the line every day i don't know where they go you mean if you look at the belt just it's just like a waterfall cascade of eggs but i'm glad they do keeps me in a job the formation of the legendary cream egg is another process normally shrouded in secrecy the yolk is actually part of the cream so it's exactly the same cream but with a bit of colouring basically [Music] so we only put the yolk on one half and then when the molds close together we get a continuous show center i love creme eggs we make about 300 million a year so i think that works out about six for every person within the country so somebody eats a lot of cream eggs [Applause] cream eggs are best eaten when they've been in the fridge can you hear that oh i've got it all over there i mean i've definitely in a whole box you know when they did the six box definitely in that in one setting a child who puts away one of these in two or three minutes is consuming their entire ration of sugar for the day it's an enormous instant sugar bomb and it's really best not to think about it while the same tiny sugar bomb is being wolfed down around the country in a small town in the midlands it's undergoing a strange transformation [Music] it was quite manic for the royal people were going absolutely mad for us i had a customer come in and i was telling them how nice they were and they was like i was come on try one so they tried one about 10 minutes later to come back and they was working in a warehouse round in the top ten basically you unwrap it roll it in the flour dip it in the butter and then drop it as gently as you can into the pan are you worried about the mars bars and you hear about the snickers but it's like a cavalry's cleaner you think it just completely spoiled it but it doesn't it works better if it's double dipped it just gives it that extra little bit of firmness on the outside when it's done makes it a little bit easier to eat as well without it squishing all over your hands and everything i think that's basically it when it's cooked cream eggs done now i haven't actually tried them myself i just kind of thought they might be a bit too sickly [Music] [Music] um [Music] to the quiet toast in the bourneville factory's pilot plant chocolate scientist adam harris has spent over two years struggling to reinvent cadbury dairy milk by taking out 30 of its sugar we're working on something massive that is very very new for the chocolate world this is by far one of the most difficult things i've ever had to deliver in my career you know you've got um a brand that people are religious about you know until people are buying this in the marketplace i'm gonna be worrying about it there's just one more ingredient to add to his secret formula this is beautiful cocoa butter a couple of gallons of pure fat while adam's team cook up a 30 less sugar prototype other umpa lumpers have been given nearly five million pounds to put cadbury products under the microscope and feed them into computers in one lab a researcher samples chocolate and breathes out chalky fumes into a state-of-the-art machine capable of measuring what she's tasting when you chew into a product in your mouth you sense it through your nose this machine actually you know you can breathe into it and it tracks what you're uh perceiving in your mouth [Music] upstairs is the department of mouth feel where dr chi hai masticates for a living so the average consumer chewing times around 20 seconds dr hay has a phd in the science of chewing [Music] most people will fight at the beginning and then changing side using tongue from side to side and other people put a chocolate in their mouth and let it melt [Music] only by seeing how the globules of fat sugar and cocoa arrange themselves on his slide can dr hay unlock the secret to the perfect mouthfeel that will make cadbury products irresistible and irresistibility is what cadbury has been selling us for decades from bribing naughty school children [Music] to seductive women enjoying chocolatey mouthfeel being used to resolve a sticky situation we advertise creme egg every year because you need to remind people that it's back it's a product that's only a market from january until easter every year so it's important that when people are going into the shops they're like oh yeah i remember that i'm gonna pick one up and try it again haven't had one in a while this year the creme egg campaign is a glorified nationwide easter egg hunt using white chocolate eggs some with golden tickets worth up to ten thousand pounds it's kind of like the lottery like i don't think that i would ever actually win it i don't go out specifically with the hope of getting the white cream egg i mean it's always in back my mind obviously because maybe this time i mean obviously somebody has to but the chance of actually finding it i think is is pretty low probably better off actually buying a lottery ticket right so get the chocolate on first for the white cream egg hunt 5 000 eggs will be needed maggie and parmeseet have been given the task of producing them we can't make them in the factory because the production run will be too small everyone is individually made in this little room this is the fondant the sticky gooey stuff that goes in the middle right that looks about very sweet yeah the filling is mainly sugar like their milk chocolate twin handmade white eggs on one of the most sugar dense treats cadbury produce they're also one of the trickiest to make you do the white one okay i'll do the yolk palms my um sorcerer's apprentice even though she's worked with chocolate she hasn't actually handmade them oh we need the hairdryer after an hour of meticulous crafting the final touches are added before parmesan can attempt the trickiest part of the process line it up properly marrying the two halves together disaster that's a definite disaster that's 36 out the window now 36 and gone now yeah that's it turn it turn it an hour later and they're ready to try again yeah getting closer to go [Music] quick [Music] even when it goes well there are still casualties on the battlefield you're constantly counting eggs just to see how far you are it's like am i near that 5000 yet while maggie's careful eye ensures only flawless eggs will leave her kitchen in the factory the human quality control team has been replaced with the beady red eye of a laser scanner [Music] it is amazing it will never let a bad bathroom it will reject before rejected video they are really good [Music] it's just made a tiny little imperfection there if i was looking at it i wouldn't have spotted it because they're going too quick so i wouldn't have spotted it but even with the new technology expensive mishaps can still occur [Music] we've had a bit of a pile up on the floor at the moment so things can go wrong on this line it's it's not perfect things can go wrong just kind of clean that's not supposed to happen we'll clean it all up and then we'll empty it all out and we'll start again okay sounds like a plan well this is a lot of money going in the bin because obviously it's four ways so obviously you can't go anywhere near the customer so into the red bin and the pigs will be [Applause] [Music] happy though machines can be fallible cadbury's owners american food giant mondelez have invested heavily in them spending 75 million pounds automating and improving the bourneville site now it only takes four people to turn out 400 bars a minute i know we're working with newer equipment which is good but we have less people on the plants you know it's back in the day we had more people and it just seemed easier nowadays around 2 000 people work at bourneville in the 1950s there were five times that number to accommodate its workforce the cadbury family built bourneville village a kind of chocolate box utopia with schools shops parks and [Applause] they homes a dentist they had a physiotherapy department they had a doctor they had a nurse they looked after you so well i think the magic was everybody that came in was welcomed into the family yes and it sort of drew you in i think you you you failed like this magnetic pull it came from the top that people were important and the people were what made cadburys yeah it became your life cadbury's became your life on my shift alone there was 24 people per shift that was not including management that was just us little worker bees actually making the stuff that it turned out now it's you know across the other side of the room there's another bloke working and if you want to talk to him you've got to get on the phone because he's too far away to talk to mr mandela or whoever it is the chief of the whole company would like to walk in press a button and at the end of the day all the chocolates come out but and that's what it's getting to we have had to change the older people have had to change it's a change or leave yes we got taken over by the americans i know they've made their mark on the plants and they want to do it their way over in the pilot plant the reduced sugar team has managed to produce a new version of dairy milk in liquid form [Music] now is the moment of truth for adam can he get it to form into solid bars [Music] so i mean the first one off the line is never never the best one so on here the chocolate hasn't quite flowed to the corners and we got a few air bubbles the team adjusts the temperature and then crank up the vibration to try and get the new recipe to spread so the shock is not flowing how we'd like it to flow in the mold which means you've got lots of crystals in there i don't believe it's the chocolate that's causing us the issue this is new and different chocolate so you know we're learning by doing you know any job in life you want to make sure you try and do the best in everything you do and we're no different from anybody else [Music] cadbury's constant drive to keep people buying their products has this year taken a new turn a colorful televised ad campaign promoting a competition for the public to come up with flavor combinations for a new chocolate bar melanie fuller a primary school teacher from manchester is one of the finalists i entered the competition back in the summer and when i got an email saying i'll be shortlisted i actually thought oh maybe we're gonna get a chocolate bar in the post um and then all of a sudden i've got having a phone call from somebody from cadburys and they're saying they're gonna make my chocolate this is a huge thing you know i am going to go to bourneville like charlie the chocolate factory um and go and have my chocolate bar made we had 220 000 views on this uh enter the competition and obviously went through a kind of judging process and got to three finalists of what you in a few months time the public will vote to decide if melanie's recipe is the winning flavour it's meant an awful lot because when i entered the competition i was doing it by my mum's bedside my mum was very poorly we were talking about the different flavors the raspberry my mum really wanted the raspberry because that was her favorite fruit and we talked about how there wasn't any other chocolate bars we could think of that she had raspberry in there i love the school it's a small school getting the packaging right will be crucial to the success of the raspberry bar i've been kind of um wanting to get some little hidden details in there that you you know you kind of know about not necessarily everybody would see my mum was her favorite color was purple hence purple butterfly that was her thing you know it would be great to have some things anything that you know that i can say to people well you know this smile and look can you see that it's good that we can get a bit of hair in there hopefully it's going to come out yes it is a prototype of melanie's bar has been confected in the factory kitchen [Music] thank you make it really well [Music] in the pilot plant adam's having more success molding his bar but it won't be ready to try until it's been through the cooling tunnel [Music] this is a bit like waiting for your baby to be born you know it's going to come out it just knocks your way it's not so bad they got nice they've got a nice really nice shine to them on the surface we've got a good snap it's got a romeo that's reminiscent so we can be daring milk so that's great you gotta love chocolate try something nice snap good that's good it's good now phil that's all you want someone to say that's good it's good it's not just adam's colleagues who are enjoying the finished article [Music] in the labs the computerized tasting machine is also rather enjoying his new bar so 30 less and this is the standard dairy milk the profiles are consistent so we've definitely managed to retain the signature flavor that you would expect we think we've got the perfect profile now good free indulgence but what does guilt-free indulgence look like in london cadbury's design agency is hard at work creating a wrapper for the sugar light bar the challenge for lead designer acer cook is how to make less seem like more design is limitless it's infinite you can do anything and in this case we believe the right thing to do is all of the indulgence with none of the compromise so you're not getting less you're not getting a diet product i want something with all the indulgence but with an additional benefit i'm not taking away i'm giving you more [Music] each time acer creates a cadbury wrapper he seeks inspiration with a pilgrimage to the purple palace [Music] when you work on a brand like this you feel a responsibility to understand the thoughts of the people that have gone before you really and it's figuring out what are those elements in the kind of dna of the brand that you've got to keep [Music] keeper of the cadbury archive is sarah foden in here we've got some of the very early ever dairy milk packaging is this actually a recreation then or is this the the original from 1913 yeah dracula's still edible no do you want to crack it open no i'm not going to try it that flowing shape has always been there the whole time right in there you know from the scroll originally which kind of denotes quality to something which represents milk and kind of give stand out and then you know the idea of that representing the milk has kind of been embraced but you see it recurring so much through the entire history of the brand so that's why that flowing shape is essential i think [Music] in the past cadbury have been so confident about dairy milk's appeal they even run a surreal ad where they didn't mention the bar at all relying instead on a purple background to tell viewers what it is they're selling [Music] but the new untried reduced sugar version he's going to need all the help it can get in london acer and his team are trying to make the bar feel irresistible to health-conscious chocoholics this is an area where we started to think about inverting the whole pack and it goes into a white bar with a purple mark you can clearly see that it's better for you it feels a bit more kind of milky if you like which is you know an important element of dairy milk but is it too diet is there something missing does it feel indulgent enough do you show cues of sugar in order to talk about the sugar reduction it's not the right thing to do you're focusing too much on the bit that you're taking out after three months work and hundreds of versions the new bar is looking as appealing as they can make it we've refined the shape of the curve to be more sympathetic to the dairy milk curve the teal color that we came to in the end connects to something slightly more natural which works for what this product is you're gonna be upset uh [Music] one rapper that's definitely not revealing what's inside is the one wrapped around the 5 000 creme eggs that maggie and parmigiate have finally made they're transported 150 miles to an undercover operative whose job it is to hide them as you would expect it's the same weight and size as a regular egg and then inside there will be a congratulations you have found a winning white egg and in this case this person has won 100 pounds okay team cheers what a lovely day to be dropping eggs like a cross between willy wonka and the easter bunny jeremy stern travels incognito up and down the country depositing prize eggs in supermarkets and corner shops [Music] the practice has been dubbed reverse shoplifting [Music] well we've done thousands and we've never been caught because their main worry is people stealing somebody putting an extra 65 piece worth of chocolate on their shelves can't rank highly in their in in their priorities just kind of get into a rhythm of doing it yes that's it nice big smiles in london the competition to invent a new chocolate bar is reaching its climax melanie's campaign to win the public vote is in full swing the winning bar will become a permanent fixture on shop shelves [Music] that's that is so cool i really like that i really like that picture is it i've not seen one this big and so close because i've had so many pictures from friends going i've seen you on a bus stop i've seen you out in town and uh but look it's like it's like that's so cool you know i sometimes i do go into supermarkets and accidentally go past the chocolate i always say and just go and see how they're doing really quite exciting when i did the competition i actually did it with my mum when she was in hospital and she was a butterfly person she was purple and so we bought these and said in the eulogy i said you know be like bob be positive be happy and so i told cadburys about the butterfly and obviously i'll wear them all the time and a couple of weeks after i'd been to bourneville i got a phone call from somebody at cadbury's and they said you know we listen to you and and what they've done is they've put a little tiny butterfly on the back there and it's hidden it's behind the city behind the fold so it's secret and it's there for my mum and and i can't you know every time i see that it just makes me feel really really happy um it's very very special meanwhile on an industrial estate in the outskirts of reading a showdown is about to take place it's time for adam to offer up his bar to a panel of expert tasters the comparison they're making today is um cadbury dairy milk against the new 30 less capri dairy milk cadbury's iconic bar has been the nation's favorite for 114 years can adam's new version really match up a disaster would be you know if we saw massive differences away from cadbury dairy milk [Music] the tasting panel are a hand-picked group of ordinary people with extraordinary taste buds [Music] right welcome ladies um so your first sample is one three one their verdict will decide if adam's prototype will ever see the fluorescent light of a supermarket shelf it's a moment of truth adam's reduced sugar dairy milk prototype is being blind tested against the original the panel don't know which one is which so what did we think of that sample what were the most outstanding attributes did you find sweet sweet for me it was very milky anything else smooth smooth so the texture of an icing sugar yeah um in the mouth and you're in agreement with that it's a language that would expect to hear for that product so we'll see if we hear the same sort of things for the next products what do you think of this sample ladies i thought the texture was different yeah in what way michelle i thought it was more adhesive okay a little bit just stuck to your palette yeah get stuck to the palette right okay yeah i picked up it was more bitter can we have a show of hands so you thought it was more bitter okay that's quite a consensus there so would you say that this second sample differed quite a lot um it was more mouth coating and adhesive okay thank you ladies i think that when that in well um i guess as i expected to go so we saw some differences between the two products which you know we'd expected to see you know you see a slight difference in sweetness a slight difference in in texture and that's what happens when you take away some of the sugar so these are the things i didn't hear anything that i didn't expect to hear which is which is always a good story to have i think and which one did they try first i don't know if i should tell you that james i think he was quite quite exciting i really want the consumers to find that out when they when they try it you know um so i'm going to leave that hanging with you [Applause] hello welcome to the clean line how can i help lovely stuff bear with me just a second the white cream egg campaign has started to produce lucky winners fantastic um so when was it that you purchased you've eaten it all good stuff was it was it delicious so i just got back home from school um from a long bike ride against the wind i collapsed on my um chair toby comes in and brings me two creme eggs why does he do that because he's a very nice brother yeah and he got me those two cream eggs and so i opened one it was an ordinary um chocolate yeah i ate it and then i opened the next and i go mom dad a white cream egg and then there's a thing around her mum was like there's something around it we unravel it and there's this and we read out loud and on the front and big words says you have won 50 pounds i'm going to share with both of my brothers because i just want to be a nice brother just as he was a nice brother to me thanks to cadbury winners like fred will be 50 pounds better off a lucky few will be thousand pounds better off but the biggest winner of all has been cabaret themselves where do you want everybody it's been a record-breaking year [Music] the white egg campaign has achieved more sales this year than any other since creme eggs were first produced over 50 years ago so really good results i think we absolutely smashed and i'm really glad to see that yeah guys whilst britain's gobbling down more high sugar cream eggs than ever before at cadbury hq the new 30 less sugar wrapper has won the approval of the marketing team i think it looks lovely i guess it's really good whenever i look to buy a treat it's got to look tasty and it's got to look nice and if it doesn't look any of those things then you wouldn't buy into it i would say this is probably the biggest piece of innovation that we've ever had in cabaret's history because you don't change the recipe because it is so important but the requirements today some consumers are looking to really cut down their sugar levels so it's important for us to be able to offer a choice to them after extensive testing with expert tasting panels the new reduced sugar bar is finally ready for launch there's 90 odd pallets in the warehouse today depending on how well the launch goes i'm expecting it to be flooding in and flooding back out again the new bar is bound for supermarkets up and down the country [Music] adam and his team are going to see how their offspring is doing now it's out in the real world yes beautiful place that's amazing [Music] oh my god just stand back and look at that that's wicked no it looks great it does doesn't it you feel a bit of relief slightly emotional and is it 30 less calories as well as 30 less sugar that's the reason that there isn't there's a small calorie reduction so it's sort of a slimming bar this is this isn't about um this is about giving our consumers choice um to allow them to have less sugar in their their diet if they so juice while adam and his team are aglow with parental pride very satisfied what do chocolate superfans make of the new bar it smells exactly the same similar texture yeah it tastes like coffee and it's like a it's not disgusting and it's got the sugar in it so it's better for me what do i know it was less sugar if you haven't told me possibly not the original is better but i would say this could get addictive and could and be better yeah you could make money you can make money to cadburys yeah so the sugar inside the chocolate is reduced what about the calories no so the calorie is a little bit it's only just a little bit so how does that make sense well you would assume it means it's more healthier but if it contains the same amount of calories but less sugar i don't get it i don't get it [Music] look it's like that's so cool [Music] you
Channel: Spark
Views: 1,534,052
Rating: 4.8875909 out of 5
Keywords: Spark, Science, Technology, Engineering, Learning, How To, education, documentary, factual, mind blown, construction, building, full documentary, space documentary, bbc documentary, Science documentary
Id: cnvT5Bvq13M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 7sec (2767 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 11 2020
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