An Incredibly Fun New Way to Play Bloons TD 6

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hey guys tyler here the new blue c6 update brought something really cool they made a custom browser for odysseys and at first when i saw this i thought this would be going to be kind of stupid like what you pick five maps and the restriction of towers but it's way cooler what you can do i think this whole service gives example is basically chain five custom challenges together meaning you have to beat them back to back with a specific set of towers that you choose before the whole thing so there's like tower restrictions overall and i guess there's shared lives but how imagine it goes is you pick your crew and because it's extreme mode for those who don't know odyssey is basically you pick the towers and as soon as you place one of them they're banned i assume from the whole odyssey so i have to kind of plan out all four challenges ahead of time which seems like it could create some interesting setups there's also slots for powers i'm gonna try not to use those so we're looking at infernal round 63 bloody puddles around 33 so camos 42 uh more camos on quad and sanctuary new map being round four um no monkey knowledge half balloon speed on some of them slower balloon speed on that one let's form our crew we can have only these monkeys at these upgrade restrictions so this one doesn't even really have much of the challenge of choosing your crew it's all about when you use the towers and are you going to save your towers for a future challenge or burn it on this one so this is around 63 i believe it's half balloon speed and only 8 500 so this screams boomerang especially because i have speed we get more glaives and red hot rangs especially we could try it like i might as well see if we can beat this with one tower we want to be as conservative as possible with our tower count so we'll have this uh touching as close to the front as possible and close to the back as possible it's half balloon speed so i have to imagine this guy's decent here um but it's probably not gonna be enough no it's not we need something that's a little better against ceramics so we're still gonna do this guy because let's be real he's insanely good but i gotta figure out what i can burn i'm gonna try a ballistic missile sub because this is supposed to be good against ceramics um i'm not gonna get full map range am i let me just do twin guns instead yes doesn't have full map coverage set this on strong maybe this will still help a little no it's not so good when you can't hit it right in the beginning what if okay here's a different idea what if i go for this with the advanced intel have this on strong and then get the boomerang and maybe try to afford 402 over time yeah i mean we're a lot strong already and red hot rang should clean things up yeah yeah that's looking really good now i'm not gonna waste any more towers these two should be handy enough one challenge down but now again we have fewer towers to take on the next challenges that's what i like about this it's actually unique 5 out of 7 crew remaining but the crew going away is only a hallmark of extreme odysseys which is what i'll be playing for the most part extreme odysseys are really interesting when they came out i was still on my big break from balloons but i did come back to play it just to see what it was like and i thought it was very interesting but too easy i remember just having way too easy of a time on it i'm like uh why bother but this now that their custom challenges are way more interesting so it's around 33 but they're half speed balloons right so can i just get a dartling with camo is that restricted it's not i think i'll just do dartland gunner here hit both paths i'm pretty sure my targeting will be fast enough i mean it's not gonna be perfect but should be fine faster barrel spins pretty big maybe faster swivel or focus firing i think i want faster swivel yeah and powerful darts and then i'll see if i can beat it with just this i'll take it nice and slow just kind of go back and forth the yellow balloons are of course the scary parts oh but they're not too bad right now oh except when we miss oh geez okay it's not too bad now just don't miss too much actually it's really not that bad i'm panicking over nothing i think we can get through this with one tower yo ultimate goals beat this whole odyssey with towers left over oh son of a we're missing too much we're missing way too much get it come on it's the last yellow do i restart from here or the very beginning oh just from here okay let's try the other dartling gun i have to get camo you have to get focus firing laser shock it can't afford laser cannon so faster barrel spin honestly this might not be that bad like i'm worried about the slow rotation for nothing yeah it's not that bad yeah we get through this pretty quickly okay it's nice that it's forgiving because honestly it would be a little bit tedious if i lost this and had to do over the first one again even though i knew how to do it plus that would just be like more annoying for challenges that may require a little bit more luck so this is this is nice very simple way to do it next up round 42 on quad this is a really cool feature i i bet there could be some really interesting challenges that only benefit because of it being an odyssey only taking advantage of the shared towers between challenges and the shared lives this one does not take advantage of shared lives but still so around 42 it's a regrowing camel round here's the thing after i beat this i've only round four left how far hard is round four really what i'm thinking is if i could just use these three in conjunction to beat 42 i'm pretty happy because i'm pretty sure sniper monkey is gonna beat round four so ten thousand the camos worry the me the most because i have only one tower with real cable detection unless if this could the actually might decamolize am i gonna do that am i gonna do one of those blue antonium reactors with airburst i could try that why not and then get a little ninja over here oh i can't get seeking shuriken that's huge i'll just do double shot because then i could get a druid here's how i'd like to do i'm going to put the druid up here it's complicated why i 15 20. can i afford can i afford this 950 1300 1550 son of a wait it's fine though we can definitely afford this we get money during the rounds yeah one snipe those one shot him yeah the reactors do we elites like five lives okay hold on hold on hold on i have a feeling this sub thing i don't see why it wouldn't work but it's just it's not quite it's just having one and a half things of camo detection is just unfortunate okay i've saved the camo detecting tower i mean i guess i could have saved dartling for this oh well hopefully that doesn't bite me we're gonna again try with a little bit different micro here's how it's going to go then i'm going to leave this on first in the beginning and then i'm going to have it be submerged when camo's come honestly i mean the camos are just the hard part there's no denying it the camos are going to be really really really really bad for us let's get caltrops here all right that's a lit nope i feel like i might have to restart the whole thing unless here's a different idea let's go for a balloon jitsu ninja instead of just the thirds here and then that means i probably can't get a reactor sub that's okay it's just a shame right sniper doesn't have camo i could get a reactor or i could just have submergent sports submergence of sports and a one-shot druid so here's what i'm thinking this ninja can solo any camo rainbows that come by here and the ones that come by this path can be one shot by the druid oh but here's the thing regular balloons that come by here are going to really suck well let's try this and then this and then we'll just hope we're decent like the anti-rigger is at least nice we do one shot some stuff so it's not it's not too bad oh no oh come on let's try this again maybe just don't unsubmerge the dude i'm gonna have to beat this with dartling and i swear so far so good come on those ninja shots okay the ninja needs to have seeking sure can be off so it doesn't snipe anything the druid should be hitting this time i got no um seeking shurikens on the ninja just so we don't get any weird snipes from across the map maybe possibly nope all right one more dumb idea and then i'm out of dumb ideas we're gonna put this guy here it's gonna be a 302 and i'm gonna just do some submerged timing to get the camo rainbows that come by through here just don't miss those and you're golden um let's get heart of oak if i can help it just again do not miss those camos there we go there we go there we go and the ninja can handle the rest just anything that comes from the top oh there we go we beat the challenge certainly one way to do it i actually thought it was gonna be way more micro than it was but uh happy to say that it wasn't and we got round four remaining but it's six thousand dollars to do it and we saved us a sniper i swear if i like didn't read the fact that it's round four with only camo i would be very disappointed in myself but yeah it's on the new map it's a cool looking new map i'm probably not gonna do a video on anything but let's just get our sniper and let's beat the hardest round in the game it's uh it's basically infernal on crack and with that we can beat it maybe there's some universes where it's actually hard to beat round four you because you used the sniper earlier or some other reason but we did it and we beat the odyssey a time taken a minute 51 speed run time or anyone someone can make a speed run odyssey it was a cool one i enjoyed it let's uh let's check out another one have some fun with these
Channel: Aliensrock
Views: 74,023
Rating: 4.9760652 out of 5
Keywords: bloons, bloons td, btd, tower, defense, aliensrock, strategy, video game, gaming, bloons tower defense 6, bloons td 6, btd6, aliensrock bloons td 6, aliensrock btd6, aliens rock, aliensrock50, challenge, custom challenge, challenge browser, new update, strategy game, puzzle game, 26.0, odyssey, custom odyssey, odyssey editor, extreme, extreme odyssey, game mode, new game mode, new game, brand new
Id: ywgKfdBmAfs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 37sec (637 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 05 2021
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