An Idiots Guide To Fief Management In Bannerlord!

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if you want to turn your thief from this to this then you have come to the right place in this video I will show you everything you need to know to fix your thieves and turn them into tax collecting machines I'll cover loyalty security and prosperity fully unlocking your thief's full potential so let's dive in so we'll start with a newly taken Thief that has low loyalty and lowlevel buildings to be able to build anything you will need more construction to gain more construction you have to raise your loyalty as construction is directly affected by loyalty if your loyalty is 25 or below then the thief will be at risk of rebellion if you're inside of the thief then it will never Rebel so if you have low loyalty make sure you don't leave the thief to raise a loyalty the only thing you can do is cancel all building projects and activate festival and games this will provide this much loyalty per day and we have to be run into around 50 loyalty then start building the fairgrounds it says it will take this many days but as it is building your loyalty will decrease and in turn so will your construction so unfortunately you'll have to keep switching between Fairgrounds and Festival in games to keep your construction up eventually you'll finish level one of the fairgrounds when the first level of this project is complete it will get easier and speed up the process of completing the next level so keep switching from Fairgrounds to festival and games until you've reached level three of Fairgrounds now you shouldn't have any problems with losing loyalty or construction before we move on some helpful tips that will make it easier hire a companion with the same culture as the thief and place them as the governor this will give a bonus to loyalty if they have 75 in leadership 50 in riding or 150 in Bow you can also give them these perks that raise loyalty by one per day some policies in your kingdom can also be helpful if they can be voted in forgiveness of debts will increase loyalty by two per day and tribunes of the people will give one per day so now loyalty has been restored the next thing to focus on is security security can be improved in a couple of different ways having high tier troops in your Garrison will increase security but also consumes a lot of food and wages walls are very good at providing security but take a long time to build especially if the thief is a new conquest but militia is going to be your best bet they require no wages and consume no food basically free security so to build up your militia is quite similar to loyalty activating train militia will increase militia production by three do this until the point where when you turn it off you're still in a positive militia growth then start building the militia grounds once it's complete switch back to train militia repeat this process until you've reached militia grounds level three and you should now have high security keep in mind that unfinished quests and Bandit bases around the thief will decrease security so so make sure you complete nearby quests and clear out Bandit bases around the area now on to the most important part Prosperity which basically translates to dinars the higher your Prosperity is the more Dinars your fief will make so like security Prosperity can be increased in a number of ways building the aqueduct will directly increase Prosperity building the orid will provide food for the town which increases the prosperity and finally finally Village Hales will increase Prosperity gain by also providing food so to maximize Prosperity you'll need to upgrade all three start by building the Orchid this will provide food keep toggling irrigation on and off whilst building up your Arc to level three this will upgrade the villages to their maximum half output each Village will be at maximum halfth output when they provide 18 food to your Thief make sure you kill any looters in the area as when they capture your V Villers you will not only lose money but will also decrease their halfes the best way to stop this from happening is to organize a small party set them to defensive and let them roam around the area killing any looters in sight once the orchids are at level three now you should focus on the aqueduct build this up to level three and it will add a flat Prosperity gain to the total now keep pumping irrigation out until all Villages are providing 18 food once they're all at Max switch to housing and wait until your Prosperity hits maximum now your Thief should be a tax collecting machine I want to give a quick shout out to Ben henthorn for coming up with a name for this special guy and that name was grmo which I think fits him so well and if you want to know how to start your very own kingdom and put your theves to work then watch this video here and I will show you how thanks for watching peace
Channel: Eazy Merked
Views: 5,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, bannerlord 2, bannerlord gameplay, bannerlord guide, bannerlord mod, bannerlord mods, bannerlord review, mount and blade, mount and blade 2, mount and blade 2 bannerlord, mount and blade 2 bannerlord gameplay, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord 2, mount and blade bannerlord xbox, mount and blade warband, mount and blades, mount and blades 2, mount and blades 2 bannerlord, mount and blades bannerlord gameplay, mount and blades warband
Id: ftKA3MEfzJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 31sec (331 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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