Lakota Has An OUTLAW Strategy?! | Age of Empires 3: Definitive Edition

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welcome ladies and gents to another casted game and this one is primarily looking at something very very scary indeed but before we do anything I've already noticed that I actually do not have the sound enabled there we go and without further Ado let's do it so we're going to be looking at an outlaw Strat it's kind of wild I know Outlaws with Lota what what does that kind of mean so basically kind of think of a German MC build but kind of make that native make it native and you've got what this is going to kind of be I'm I'm very intrigued we are going to be looking at the deck very shortly and it is of course with L Inquisitor also known as Anan quite well known to be playing with mercenaries and the like in the game so it's good that we uh that we have him so hopefully we're going to be able to learn quite a bit here elen welcome to the stream welcome everyone if you're watching this on YouTube if it does make it YouTube Welcome welcome welcome so we have L Inquisitor here uh on the north side of the map playing as loto in the red and on the south side we have my good friend passi still playing this game he hasn't uninstalled it for the 15th time or whatever here he is playing as the Brits in the cyan and elen thank you so much for the follow welcome to the firm hang on a minute BB you're on holiday in Jamaica and you're watching my stream what are you doing good sir you're in Jamaica my friend there shouldn't be any twitch watching happening I appreciate it I appreciate the commitment but oh my that is that is something else anyway let's have a look here so this is the outlaw Outlaw let's have a look here oh my Lord look at this ladies and G we have the basically the silver smith here or the astute trading where villagers gather coin from the tribal Marketplace is faster and the yield from them is higher we have three sets of coin costing units in age two w we we also have the linkx Pelt trade here more valuable lyx pelts enable villagers to gather coin from the marketplace 20% again so we' got 20% here 20% here and 20% yield and we have the F trade where you can exchange all of your food for coin as well if you need it we also have Earth Bounty which is a UC coin Trickle and we get an increase of gather work rate for estate so this is pure pure madness here so let's have a look at Inquisitor he's opened up kind of the normal way the one that I've recommended in my first five minutes guide we open up with a TP we're going to be aging up here one Village or less on 13 Villages and it's going to be the chief and tribal Marketplace double Market places going down here ladies and gents so I think honestly Le Inquisitor here is pretty much just going to be be gathering coin nonstop and he's going to have just a few vills on food here to just get villager production that's the way that I see it I may be wrong but he needs to get his first card in and I think he's probably going to be able to send it immediately potentially is going to be his first card and passy here on the other hand is going for uh it's not for a VC boom no we got just the three settler kind of just all veils on wooden transition going to be getting as many Mana houses down here as possible and he's going to be grabbing himself a 90 wood treasure very very nice for him there let's have a look at Lan quiser does have the first card available we don't actually see a Trade Post here at all ladies and gents no Trade Post has been opened up yet which would be quite an interesting one to do if you can do it because that's just going to help you get you know further cards you know um you know and we do see yes the chief is getting you that that wood shipment which is the one that I I recommend in my first five minutes guide to get the 400 wood age up and now what we're doing is we're going straight into four axe Riders here okay interesting and we're going to be dropping a native Embassy ladies and gents so this is your Saloon equivalent for the for the natives and you can recruit Outlaws here all SES May recruit native Warriors from settlements they are allied with African cives can recruit Warriors by forming alliances when aging up so with the native here you could potentially take native settlements on the map native TPS and we are going to actually see a TP okay that's good that's something that I mentioned so that 400 wood he's going to be using some of that for the TP and to get the native Embassy and immediately going to be getting gun running coming in here and immediately is going to be going for the renado we're going to see how how much these renegado cost it more population for one of them but doesn't matter with Lakota this is a great thing about going like Outlaws or mercenaries with Lota is the fact that you don't have to build houses so it's such a benefit and now we're seeing for Cav coming in and we can see the renegado here 110 coin each and they are a skirmisher unit so it's going to try and get in as many of those War Cav coming in here so yeah you can get gun running you can get gun running from the Native Embassy in Age Two it seems and I think the gun running is the one that enables you to create mortars is that right later on instead of getting the mortar card so we are seeing aute trading so we're not actually going to be seeing a unit card coming out here a military shipment we are going to be seeing basically the silver smith we're going to be getting 20% bonus for our tribal Marketplace and we're going to be getting 20% yield as well but look look at this he's got 13 villagers on coin only three on food here to continue food production and the look Inquisitor here is basically just keeping passi in his base and we can see passy here Walling up here quite effectively going to need to do that against ax Riders going to be dropping a Barracks down in the bottom right part or bottom part right next to the map here is going to be losing a villager does lose an ax Rider though and now we see the first batch of renegados coming in here and he's just going to continue with the renegados to create the outlaw you need to pay 700 gold for gun running I see gotcha so that is a big investment isn't it we need the guide for TP TP market and and 15v fast AG although it might be B hard to manage at low levels but even 16v fast age is fine yeah this is the problem so the way that I'm doing these guides is I'm not going through every single variation I'm kind of just going for the most sort of popular or standard and also the easiest one as well there are obviously loads of variations uh some CS have more variations than other than others look at this we got 13 renegados and now we're going to be shipping 700 coin here so we've gone for a lot of Eco now a stew trading and the chest of 700 and he's just going to continue making these renegados it's amazing and this is going to go really well against passi because pass is going full musk here we can see pass is now going to start to get the musas and we're going to see these renegados in action they're going to be able to do some serious damage here 18 range as well and they're actually going to be really clearing up the musk here and I love the ax riders coming in here just to tap just to tickle the Musketeers to snare them so the renegados can keep charging and boom we're going to be seeing that in action right now and some H here are going to be a potential problem remember we do have the extra 4.4 movement speed here thanks to the Explorer and that obviously Explorer has gone down going to be in a little bit of a sticky situation but there's so many renegados here they they nearly one shot the hus here and now we're seeing our next military shipment guys the chayen Riders they are going to be good in melee against H perfect and now common chiros which are the Dron type units so this is unfortunate for Inquisitor here is just going to be losing quite a few of these which is really unfortunate maybe should have waited potentially but it was kind of unsure maybe didn't Scout potentially whether or not there was going to be a stables there did he see the Stables he did not he did see a building at the back there so now the Comm cheras are coming in they're going to be able to to deal with these SARS a little bit better I think yeah these CH Riders are going to be good so score not looking amazing for Inquisitor right now because of all those units such high value like 110 coin each and there was like 20 of them so you know that's like 2,000 coin over uh getting lost there which is which is really unfortunate we do have another card available what are we going for are we saving for Cowboys potentially all the cre cre allies would be good no we're going for tala soldiers okay quite a good one Thea solders is going to be able to clear up the Musketeers well we do have the chain Riders here as well and we don't I don't actually I actually can't see what units are available from the Native Embassy right now for Inquisitor so we are going to have to see that but don't worry the car soldiers are going to be coming in very shortly but they seem to be doing a pretty darn good job against the remaining Musketeers here anyway and passy here is just continuing to play H2 no plan of getting into age3 here at all and we do see some long bowman here which is really not going to be good for uh for passi here to be honest because these two toa's Lance Cavalry coming in here now yeah Anan or Inquisitor whatever you want to call him ridiculous [ __ ] C for bastardos like you oh no pass's getting mad he's getting mad at the Lakota Outlaw play I mean it seems quite straightforward doesn't it I mean I I do see that mercenary play the macro is very very basic you just need to be able to create Villages Lakota doesn't require houses you don't need to worry about wood all you need to do is drop some tribal Market places and remember I believe tribal marketplaces are free aren't they they're free now pretty certain they are and yeah there's there's not much really involved I I think maybe Inquisitor here might want to drop a market maybe get an upgrade potentially who knows laming with a lame C says cavelli cavelli I mean kelei sorry yeah the Cowboys are really going to be good here oh I've just seen that upgrades your common cheros to Cowboys I've just seen that so all of these guys here are going to get upgraded is there anything else here um that's a really good one cuz it adds extra line of sight and the ball ey charge attack that's insane and he's also got Cav damage as well and if he needs to age up then he that's the only that's going to be the only tricky thing if he needs to age up now he's got 24 Cowboys here and um there's a lot of musk here however he needs some cre trackers as his next C maybe needs to keep up with those renegados and that's exactly what he's doing and pass he's having none of it he's continuing with the musk production he is reading the room quite well here folks he is he is responding with a correct composition but I mean when you've got this many Cowboys it it can be quite scary and the raiding aspect is huge as well and and the issue is is that Brits are going to start to struggle with food on this map they're going to have to come out of their base and there is this food here this is the next hunt so pass's got to really protect this as best he can we see those renegados there's not enough quite there yet he probably needs 20 of them to be in a decent position but I mean that's a lot of units and I think he's just going to get straight on top of it needs to be a little bit careful here not too sure what the micro was there to be honest hasar are easily going to be going down here quite easily getting dispatched and now we are going to see those nine cre allies ladies and gents they going to be coming in and it's annoying that I can't see what he can make here can't see what he what he uh what he can build from that native Embassy cuz I myself always get confused with natives Outlaws and mercenaries and depending on the map I believe mercenaries change mercenaries part some of the mercenaries are map dependent so Outlaws I I don't entirely know yeah so that's pretty much all you get isn't it the pistoleros commos ragard and the captured mortars yeah if you go gun running you can get captur mortars so that is that is one of the only ways of getting real decent Siege with Lakota is you can either go for the age for Mortar card which is this one here Advanced captured mortars or you can build a native Embassy and then you get the gun running technology in age3 and you can then make mortars in age3 rather than waiting for age4 and any enough of that we're seeing the Creed trackers they're out they're out and about look at them Absolute Monsters High HP and we now have some skirms for Anan now the only issue with Anan here is is always with like whether it's mercenaries whether it's Outlaws it's gold you're going to run out of gold at some point and you need to end the game relatively sharpish you don't want to be playing like 25 minutes into the game because you start to run out all your gold and you are screwed so that is the only downside of of doing this kind of strategy uh we are going to see a fantastic engagement here by by Inquisitor a lot of skirms on the back line here and these long bowmen are holding their ground though that we don't seem to see any kind of Lance Cavalry to Carlo soldiers are gone nothing here to clear up these Longbow and passi is managing to hold here and Eran going to be getting the Cavalry damage here 15% damage extra and he is only building from one native Embassy I'm pretty sure you can build more than one let's have a look I'm pretty sure you can right yeah you can build three so maybe he might need to do that cuz he's stacking up so much coin and he can't actually use it to to get anything out so maybe building a second Embassy might be the way forward here okay so now PCI continue with the Longbow [Music] production and yeah I think he's looking pretty good he's just going to continue in H2 he's managed to secure this hunt which is really really nice there's some Hunts on the left hand side here he's probably going to have to go across at at some point Inquisitor on the other hand what is he doing he's now getting a Corral down so he's actually going to start to get some ax Riders I think it's definitely needed and he's starting to get his hunting dogs in as well so starting to differentiate just a little bit from The Outlaw play yeah just a little bit I mean we probably knew that was going to that was going to happen right at some point that he he was probably going to deviate from that at some point because it's just the gold it just can't hold up forever and he is going to try and NAB this front coin here passy going to continue in ag2 here he's not having it at all he's he's not comfortable even thinking about aging up just yet he's on 14 Mana houses so he can build couple more Mana houses here to get his Eco going 46 FS for him Inquisitor actually on 39 villagers how's even possible 39 16 minutes in yeah yeah I guess yeah this Link's Pelt is going to be great 20% extra for gold Gathering as well so absolutely huge passy going to make the decision to move forward here is he going to Siege this tribal Marketplace down no not going to bother with it going to go straight for that Trade Post no villagers on this side yet oh no there are there two villagers I didn't see them okay a lot of troops here though a lot of ax Riders which is going to be very scary against these long bowmen so he PR would be comfortable maybe getting another batch of ax Riders here to really just even out the composition here because that's a lot of crossbowman that passi has there 20 Longbow sorry not crossbow Longbow four settlers coming in now he's running out of cards he's used all of his cards and inquisitors here is going to make the connection and he's going to be going in look at all the renegados on the back line here and finally the ax Riders are going to be able to get onto the front line is it going to be enough are they going to be able to push through that musketeer front line and get to where they need to get to Lowman trade just so well against all of this however they are slowly getting eaten up here and there's still so many renegados and cre trackers taking down these Longbow here and looks like these Musketeers and the Army is unfortunately going to get cleared up here for passy but uh very interesting build all around and we do see another batch of ax Riders ax Riders like he should have trickled these ax riders in a little bit earlier I would have said um but a crazy crazy style of Lakota that I've never seen before and I don't know whether or not the benefit of having this is simply because it's unusual so the benefit of of this Strat is it's unusual people aren't expecting it so you can catch people off guard I don't know whether or not it's actually VI fully viable you know what I'm saying it it does make sense the population you don't have to worry about building houses stuff like that you've got to give it you got to give it a try uh passy in chat here he's not happy at all he's he's quite upset of course he's only going to showcase the one I lose but not the rematch in which he gets wrecked well that's just how it is we got to Showcase different strats unusual things trying metacraft understand are some of these things actually viable are they not and also it's kind of fun watching you know for a Caster's point of view and from an audience point of view it is enjoyable entertaining to watch different ways of playing a Civ and probably if you get beaten by this it's probably not the most entertaining thing for you the most enjoyable thing passy is the only one to see him [Music] win might as well FF and get rifle Riders yeah yeah but like you know we're just you're just trying different things out just enjoying the game exploring different Avenues of cives you know and some some might work and some might not you know and uh this one is very very interesting and I think that it could be very good against someone that is just not expecting it at all and I think there's probably other ways that you could go about this as well you could try and get a market a little bit earlier so you can get that extra coin gather rate a bit earlier potentially also dropping a second native Embassy I think there was quite a lot of gold backed up and uh potentially later on getting a second native Embassy could be quite good um but yeah there we go welcome linhard glad to have you here hope you enjoyed that one guys uh some of you did some of you didn't but you're just going to have to lump it that's all I can say uh we got 25k here economy for PCI yeah so obviously a head in economy here for the Brits and uh yeah really really enjoy I enjoyed that one that was really that was really fun fun and [Music] interesting
Channel: Widgie
Views: 2,206
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Keywords: update, big update, latest update, ag eofempires 3 aaupdate, aoe3de update, age of empires 3 update, pup update aoe3de, widgie aoe3de, age of empirexs, shotel warrioir, shotels, shotel warrior ethiopia, shotel, warrior, ethiopia, ethiopa, ethi, ranked ethiopia, guide rush, rush guide, lakota 1v1 ranked, maste rclasss, guide, aoe3de, best gide, tips advice, aztec, master class, British, brits aoe3, brits guiude, swerden, swden 1v1 ranked, sweden guide, india aoe3, india, india ranked
Id: 7WKIcR3KpG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2024
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