5 Bannerlord Mechanics That VETERAN PLAYERS Know

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all right hey guys welcome back to the video and today let's talk about five Banner mechanics that all seasoned veteran players know about let's get right to it first you can actually change your perk selections for any skill for your main character and any other character that you have in your party at the time whether a companion or family member it's very easy to do so and you can do this in any single town in the game so all you have to do is first see what skill you want to obviously change let's do writing for example right so let's say I want to do a Nimble speed and I want to do well strapped instead of full speed and veterinarian right I made a mistake or the game is progressed and I think that that will actually work better for me right so go to any Town go to the arena go enter the arena and talk to the tournament Master usually spawn right in front of him now you want to go to the fourth option that has to do with teachers and can you help me find one right then you have two options well you're only gonna have one option if you have no companions or family members in your party but if you do you're gonna have two options first one is for your main character and the second one is for any other you know um members in your clan but they have to be in your pardon for this work so as you can see if I click the second one I can change from the two guys that are currently in my uh party but I want to do my main character so let's pick the first option let's go in endurance then let's go on writing which is the one we want to change and now he's going to give us a price now this price is calculated uh like this right so the price that you're going to pay is 40 Dinars per level you have in the set skill okay so we had 104 Riding so it's 104 times 40 which gives us this number right here so the more the more uh skill levels you have let's say I have 300 riding I'm gonna pay a lot to redo that so the longer you wait or if you do it later in the game it will cost you a bit of you know Dinars but it is worth it if you do want to get a different Park that will obviously pay off in the long run so let's say yes I'm sure you pay the amount you say thank you you leave let's leave and let's go back to our uh character selection and as you can see now we can re-pick our perks so we had if I'm gonna say we have full speed so now we're gonna do uh Nimble speed pretty much just do the opposite that we had very simple very easy second you can actually get the tournament prize without winning the tournaments now uh this is kind of a way to gain the system a little bit the devs have kind of tweaked it so it's kind of not as successful as before but you can still do it so what do I mean by this so whenever you join tournaments if you have any of your companions and or family members as you can see I have about seven right over here uh in your party they will also join the tournaments and if one of them were to win let's say you lost in the second round or you lost in the first round if one of your companions are to win then all of a sudden you will still get the prize in your inventory so you don't actually win the tournaments you don't get the Renown and all the extra stuff but you do still get the prize now if you pick good companions with very good fighting skills and also if you want to um armor them up it will increase the chances of them winning said tournaments but I would suggest you don't arm them up because if you have deaths enabled in your campaign they might die not but not because of the tournament but if you're traveling and you get into a fight there's a chance that they can die so just make sure you have good companions with very good fighting skills if you're looking for good fighting skill Companions and you don't know what their um surname or last name is I have a good companion video for you to watch it's gonna be down below in the description but let's go through the torments I'm gonna show you exactly what I mean so let's go to Arena join the tournaments and as you can see um within all of these guys that join the tournament are my companions they're all over the place so we can skip through this let's join it let's quickly win this is one of my companions so whenever you're in a fight like this you kind of want your companions to all survive as much as possible so the robber I don't think is mine but I think the leopardous is mine so I kind of want her and me to go to the second uh stage because the further your companions go the bigger the chance that they have to win if you are to lose okay so whenever you're in the starting stages make sure you take out you know the troops or you know the people who aren't inside of your party and make sure the people inside your party go farther and again this won't work in every tournament but it's kind of like another safe cushion for you skip this and now we're going to be in here so we want to take out the green guy first and I think these two are on my side so where's the green guy let's go over here yes we have to take him out here we go there it is alrighty so unfortunately at this time we didn't get it but there is a chance that my companion could have won and gone to the last stage and then all of a sudden even if I lost this one or if I won this one guess what either way I would get the prize but again it doesn't happen in every tournament but in some tournaments you will get to you know even if you lose you will still get the prize go [Applause] the last one oh [Music] my God that was close and there it is but again as you can see my companions did make it all the way to the second pretty much second to last stage and um you know the more companions you have the more family members you have and the better they are eventually you will get into the situation where hey I might have lost but guess what I still got the prize at the end because one of my companions won it for me or family members third staying on the topic of tournaments if you didn't know you can actually get a passive plus one Renown per day if you are the top pretty much tournament master or tournament uh player whatever you want to call it so as you can see right over here there's a leaderboard whenever you enter the tournament right under enter the arena and as you can see it shows all the heroes that will participate in tournaments and their victories now if you were to climb up this list um and get to the first place as you can see you will be considered the champion and you will get plus one renowned per day now you don't actually have to get the most victories let's say for example I got to 25 or even 20 victories right and then let's say over time some of these guys died off in battles and also let's say my ax slipped and uh you know hit their neck all of a sudden your 20 wins if these guys are all eliminated makes you the champion just a thought fourth you can actually follow people in Banner Lord and what I mean by follow is all you have to do is just um click on them once and your character will forever follow them instead of having to constantly um click where they're going right and our councils again it's a little bit different and it's a little bit different buttons but on PC how you do it and on Console I'll show you how to actually figure out what button it is for you let's say for example we want to follow this guy right over here right so as you can see whenever you hover over this um it shows you all of his uh stats all the way at the bottom you'll see it says press left alt plus left Mouse button to follow now on councils I'm pretty sure it tells you exactly what button to press to follow as well now why is following important why would you want to do it well there's first there's a quest called escort Merchant Caravan where um you have to follow a caravan and if you use this it's a lot easier than actually having to keep clicking on the map exactly where you want to go and also let's say for example I want to follow this guy see if he gets into any battles and once it gets very low I can attack him right and it and I don't have to keep clicking to keep running after him or you can follow big armies I know there was a big favor over here uh right over here you can follow a huge Army until they get low to attack them or see where they're gonna go see who they're going to fight and stuff of that nature so let's say I want to follow this guy I'm going to click left alt and left Mouse Button as you can see now I'm following him I don't have to click anywhere else I don't have to do anything else my character will always follow him unless he enters like a town or a castle then it's going to reset and you're gonna have to follow him again but this way you don't have to actually consistently keep clicking on the map fifth a good way to see what will sell very very well inside of any town is to go to its production now how do you go to his production it's very simple go to the trade menu and I right here at the top next to the name you want to go to this Hammer now this Hammer is going to show you two things it's going to show you the villages that are connected and what they produce and also the shops in the town that will uh produce Goods as well okay so things that sell good in the town are things that usually are not brought in by Villages as you can see Hogs and Hardwood and also stuff that's not produced in workshops inside the town now as you can see a Tannery is listed a wine press is listed and a wood Workshop is listed so now if you're wondering what do those create well here is a Nifty list that I made for you guys just to use as reference so you know exactly what each shop makes so you can see what to you know pretty much choose to sell you want to sell stuff that they do not produce because that means that they are in low Supply because stuff that they do produce and stuff that the villagers do bring in technically they're always going to have a constant supply of it so the price will stay low so if you want to sell something for very high you have to get something that they don't always have being brought to them
Channel: STAN Games & Tutorials
Views: 16,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bannerlord, mount and blade, mount and blade bannerlord, mount and blade bannerlord tips, bannerlord guide, bannerlord tips, bannerlord companions, bannerlord coop, taleworlds, bannerlord best start, bannerlord best start build, bannerlord best start guide, bannerlord workshop, bannerlord top workshops, bannerlord economy, workshop, modding, how to make money in bannerlord, bannerlord features, bannerlord facts, bannerlord mechanics, bannerlord top 5, bannerlord top 10
Id: jOIJmJsC9zo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 41sec (641 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 16 2023
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