LIVE RESUME REVIEW 🚨: HR Recruiter feedback on a real example resume | What NOT to put on a resume

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hey guys how's it going I am actually just about to start a resume audit for someone who won a resume audit off my Instagram competition yeah Congrats Victoria so I wanted to record this so that I could share it with you guys and you can actually come through with me my thought process and put yourself into the head of an HR recruiter and look at this document and think to yourself okay so what kind of things are going through my mind from an HR perspective when I'm looking at a resume and this is absolutely not to like dig down on what Victoria has created or anything like that but it's literally just to give loads and loads of help tips and tricks so that hopefully just she can make those strategic shifts that she needs to make with this resume to start getting the bites because what's happening with Victoria is that she has been going for some jobs and in the sort of marketing communications art direction that kind of sphere so a more creative sphere she's a really creative talent and she's not really getting the reaction or the response that she has been hoping for so she's one I resume audit with me and I'm gonna jump and really soon so I hope that you guys find this really interesting and even though I'm focused on Victoria's resume or CV right now I'm sure that you can actually relate to many many of the things that I'm gonna share here and I'm sure you're gonna get loads of value out of this in terms of updating your own CDs or resumes as I go so make sure that you've got something to take some notes with but before jumping in I just wanted to share with you guys that down in the description box I am going to be giving away this bad boy so the killer resume check sheet it's a freebie that I have you can click the link in the description down below to grab your copy so what it does is it goes through and it really died 6 like an example of a really great resume and it goes through part by part and it tells you what's working well with it so why does it work well and some key tips and tricks are along the way so this is another really really good resource which is going to cover probably even more than I'll have the time to be able to cover today in the resume audit so I'm gonna review this resume and and give you as many concrete examples as I possibly can and I hope that you find it really really useful but don't forget to grab your colorism a cheat sheet as well in the description box and so shall we just jump in then and you know I love doing videos on resumes and tips and tricks and all that good stuff you guys know me but there's nothing quite like actually seeing someone's real resume and actually being able to sort of pull it apart and figure out what's working what's not working so firstly let's just jump into the first impressions okay so I'm a recruiter I've opened up this resume and what's the first thing that comes to mind so I'm like okay so the designs really nice so I can see it's a nice simple slick design i love the fade-out you know on the sides down to white I think you know obviously I've blanked out sensitive information for confidentiality purposes but overall I can see it's a nice clear sleep design now it is two pages and my my preference is just to have a one-page resume wherever possible however Victoria does have over 12 years of experience now so I usually say if you've got less than 10 years working experience it's one page less than 20 years two pages so given that she's got 12 12 years of experience I'll forgive her but I think there are different formats that you can use we can believe it or not get everything onto one page and this is because and this is linked to my first impression as well a big first impression I have is like whoa too hard like I have to figure all of this out by myself like she hasn't provided a summary for me or a profile or a and I just a little snippet at the top presenting herself her experience how many years experience does this girl have I'm gonna have to go through and I'm gonna have to talk to late using the dates and and you know what makes her qualified for this particular role again I'm gonna have to sift through and I'm looking at the some of these paragraphs here information so I'm going to read through these big paragraphs to try and figure it all out myself so this is tip number one which is just the number one mistake here that's not on this resume is that it doesn't have a summary section at the top so this might be called personal profile it might be called summary and might be called about me but it exists there's the main thing and it would really pulled together a summary of who Victoria is and what's a sort of brand statement what value does she add and of course I've had the time to kind of read through this resume beforehand and so just sort of something very quick like that I very very quickly jotted down that that Kate server came to mind was award-winning creative with 12 plus years experience in art direction graphic design and marketing communication my speciality is designing disruptive brand systems that help small businesses turn their ideas what did I put here oh that helps small businesses turn their ideas and stories and to engaging content for their consumers and then she could head down the bottom okay zones of genius or asking me about dot dot or something like that it doesn't even have to say anything at all and then puts like words keywords just summing up her key zones of expertise what are the five things that she's known for what are the five things that she does exceptionally well and then be like boom boom boom five words along the bottom and just by doing that straightaway she's done like 75% of the work for the recruiter because she's summing up okay who I'm Who am I what value right do I bring what's my thing what am i known for what am I really good at so that's what the summary section serves to do and it's missing from this resume so that would be the first thing that I would say also and when you have your content contact information so your phone your email that kind of stuff so she had it down the bottom here obviously I've blanked it out but that's always it's always good to have it at the top and as expected I would say to be up the top as well so that's the other thing I would say about this area here your upper third is key if you've got your summary your contact and for your name even under your name you can have like a headline that that uses keywords or sums that are almost like a LinkedIn headline like that upper third is just the most important area and what we've done here we've just gone straight into employment now jumping into the employment so what have we got going on here so I'm seeing that the very first role that she has she's at marketing so in this role you can't say this cuz I blanked it out but she's actually what she's been doing is she's she's worked for small businesses and corporates and all that kind of stuff for her career and quite recently she's actually decided to be her own boss and and become a freelancer and and consult for various businesses now she has decided that this isn't something that she wants to keep doing she tried it out and she's like you know what I actually miss been able to bounce ideas of colleagues and that kind of thing but the point is is that her first role here she's actually self-employed now what surprised me is that she suffer poor employee and she could literally choose any job title she wants she could be CEO and Founder she could be whatever now she's going from art director role and it seemed in this role that she's been doing graphic design and art direction and marketing consultation so if you're going for an arts director role then you want to say that you're an arts director consultant or you want to say founder founder and head of art direction or something like that you want to make sure that this represents a level of role that you want to be going for because marketing consultant quite frankly that could be for me any level any speciality and it actually sounds quite junior for someone who has 12 years of experience so I just show me that up and like all of my resume advice that I would give is that's fine so self-employed freelance business providing graphic design art direction and marketing consultation cool rather than saying clients include like unless a huge natives unless the household names rather than just naming them I would just say give me two to three achievements that you've achieved for these clients what did you do for these people what did you do for doctor bonds Garret or Hoover so what did you do for these people what were the outcomes what was the action you took and what was the impact what was the action you took and what was the result what was the action you took and what was the and when you're thinking about the impact it had try and think about you can think about either tangible results so quantifiable results like well I sent out ten monthly emails and they got five hundred and twenty five clicks like you could you could actually make it quite changeable or you might have to sort of play the a game of dominoes and then like okay so I drafted a new email newsletter and thanks to that email newsletter more people had information about what we were doing and thanks to that I actually there were actually some customers that came in and said hey I heard about this in the newsletter so I'm giving you a call can I use the promo code already there and it resulted in sales how much were those sales worth well each customer is a hundred dollars and we had five of them so it resulted in five hundred dollars of sales and this is you know X percentage more than last month you see what I mean you follow the breadcrumbs to see okay so what impact does my work ultimately have on the success of this business on sales on numbers and all that kind of stuff and I'm sure you'll be able to find something so what I would do I would keep that first sentence but then I would be like boom boom boom give me two to three probably just because it's been quite a short period of time for this one you don't want it taken out too much real estate we gave me two to three bullet points achievements accomplishments some sort of impact that you've had okay and that advice is gonna go you know be be true throughout so here it's just a lot like I'm not even as a recruiter I'm not even gonna take the time to read that so you've done incredible things but there's an it doesn't count for anything if no one knows about it and no one's reading it so what I would do here more so here is kind of like you've got this huge Bank of everything you've ever done or everything you've ever achieved for that role what I recommend to everyone to have is have that Bank have almost like well like that master resume or that master spreadsheet that has all of your accomplishments and all of your experience and all of that kind of so all this detail but your resume it's the movie trailer to tease okay it's not the feature film so what I want you to do is think what are the three things that I've done here or three to five things maximum I'd say like each role would have maximum maximum five bullet points research shows that recruiters only usually read the first one or two anyway so maximum maximum five five bullet points and again there are two months our accomplishments it don't tell me what you do don't tell me develop and implement branding and marketing projects that sounds like you were responsible for doing that but did you do it did you do it well how did you do it what were the results you know this is what's coming through my mind so three to five kind of yeah solid accomplishments because recruiters want to know can you do the job and are you a high achiever every company wants a high achiever so that's what you're kind of going to be doing and to tighten up these experience sections and again you would gonna give the sections that count the most the most real estate so because you're going for in this example she's going for an art director role highlight the art director relevant skills and accomplishments from this role and here you were an art director for ten years so maybe up here around a marketing communications manager maybe you're only going to have two bullet points and then for the art director role you'll have five bullet points even though it was further down the experience list because you want to you want to their eyes to be guided you want to guide them through your story in a way that's picking up the most interesting work and see and you've won awards and stuff but and that's incredible that's why I started your your summary section that I just quickly drafted like award-winning creative today you're you are award-winning Victoria that's amazing but the chances of that being seen a probably five percent so again bullet points short snappy sentences with action results action result action impact think about it like that and again you don't need to list all of your clients unless that's really impressive impressive clients that's really must know detail but just tell me what have you done what have you achieved what makes you different how did you contribute all of those kinds of questions that's what I'm looking for so you've got a really differentiate between being able to say okay this is all the stuff that I did and what do I need this recruiter on this role what I need them to know that I've done so really really being very very highly selective and that another thing that I wanted to say is that I would always put your job title here usually would be here where the black is and then where you worked underneath because again job titles are gonna be more interesting to recruiters than where you work I mean unless you're really like you're working at Facebook or Google or Nessa or something like that where you just you just want to claim it and so you know I'm working to these companies and always put your job title at the top and then where you work underneath now when I see things like this and the class instructor role I mean it went on for four years and that's great and so but is that interesting again is that interesting for a recruiter to know for an art director role or so you should you just focus on this role and this role and maybe this role the reason I say that is because the game charisma doesn't have to have absolutely everything you've ever done and you can use it in interviews and cover letters and talk about your experience and all the things that it bought you but ask yourself is this proving that I can do this job and if it's not you might want to say to yourself do I even need it really do I need it this is my this is my film teaser this is my trailer my movie trailer doesn't need to be in the trailer okay moving on moving on so now I'm on the education section so I mean this is excellent you've got your masters of art and integrated marketing communication really cool again I would just I would almost just have that and your school name and not necessarily this extra information I might say like you know masters of an integrated marketing marketing communication with honors but they don't need to know all the kind of classes that you took it I think it's your your story is quite cohesive and that you've got you've sort of studied in relevant fields and you've had experience in relevant field so the people who are looking at this resume are pretty likely to understand what you might have studied that in your Bachelor of Fine Arts and visual communications and your integrated marketing communication given the roles that you're applying for they get it so all of this these classes are probably superflip superfluous information that you don't necessarily need to share okay so and and plus like experience outweighs education when you've been working for 12 years so again all this extra detail okay it's good to have on your LinkedIn I would definitely have all of this on your LinkedIn but on your resume mmm I mean okay if you've got the space maybe but it's definitely not needed and by cutting out that by by by cutting out this by putting out this just two to three bullet points here and maybe five bullet points here and maybe one or two down here you can come to see how you can actually get this resume onto one page so oh yeah now in terms of your community involvement this is really cool it shows that you are into your extracurricular and giving back to the community and all that good stuff so that's really cool however I mean there's a front like you know seven years ago and 2011 to 2014 anything that's finished and I just I just scrap I just wouldn't have that on there anymore again all of this can be on your LinkedIn but not on your highlight reel on your resume so I'd maybe just pick out a couple that you're really proud of that show exceptional leadership or are very relevant so for example maybe there's something to do with artists as is relevant to your field so you might want to keep that and maybe this one here's your more sort of like showing that you've got a you've you you have a real community dedication and leadership but I'd maybe just pick up a few and you could say yes something like extracurricular highlights or something like that or community involvement is fine as well now this is like the least interesting thing for a community of recruiter it's good but amy is cool but it's not it's not telling me yeah god she's so she's so qualified for this role so that would be the the bottom of the page I mean that's the last thing you'd want them to see and whether you do get this one to one page or not but it's going to be the last thing that they see what they'll want to see though are these skills skills I just thought like this is a lot again they don't need to know every single thing you were humanly capable of doing I'm not sure they need to know that you are good at Microsoft Office like Word PowerPoint and Excel to be honest as an app director firstly it's a given I mean it's thinking I see you using that if you've got have you've mastered that Adobe Creative Suite and stuff I mean pretty obvious to me that you know the Microsoft Office suite um what I would do is really again look at the role you're going for and been like which of these really matter these are all the skills and keep them in the bank as I said keep them to the side but which of these skills really matter and shift the dial for this role that I'm applying for and what I would do is make them vertical so categorize them almost to be like creative tools software you know just to try and lump them and so maybe three or four categories and just sort of make them vertical lists because there is just too much visually to look at from a recruitment perspective it's yeah it's just a lot and again what do they need to know what do they need to know really and maybe and they also which of these keywords are already implied and already used in your experience section right so how can you how can you weave these skills into your experience in a way that you don't have to relist them over here and the skill section as well I'm just trying to help you sort of tighten it up a little bit and make it that much more succinct now the other thing that I wanted to say is that given that it's a creative resume and you know you've you've produced a lot of content you've produced lots of visuals examples and all these kind of things my question to you is how could you make this resume more interactive so up the top I would like to see a link to your firstly to your LinkedIn because everyone should have a link to their LinkedIn at the top that also with your contact information and say you know check out my portfolio or do you have a personal website because as a creative I mean especially as a business owner I sure we do so with with links to those basically and I mean if you don't have one really like a trick that I love is that I use this software called canva for basically everything and if you put like portfolio let's say say portfolio presentation okay they've got a template for anything everything so you go through and maybe one of these will speak to you and literally okay how do I see all of them there we go look at this 26 different options for your my face out of the way 26 different options for your pitch dick so like there's nothing stopping anyone pulling together a portfolio with samples and cool screenshots and and and things to show off their work show off what you've done you know give us some examples of some take a screenshot of some Instagram accounts and be like ooh this Instagram account and you know from 20 to 200 followers you know or plus five hundred percent in just six months or something like this give us some some results and some examples of your work so we can see your style it's when we're not got a creative I mean I want to I mean the words count but I want see it you know so that's what I'd also recommend for you my face back over here just want to check that I haven't forgotten anything else that I wanted to say oh yes the language needs to be in the past tense so developed implemented that kind of thing and don't forget to use those power power verbs as well lids designed creative all of that kind of thing I don't want to see any supported or facilitated or anything like that oh yes and then in your education can please like you can remove your high school that there's no no point net being there anymore it's a now as soon as you superseded it as soon as you have a bachelor's degree high school goes off after resume oh yeah I also noticed that you put your full address on here maybe that's the norm in the US but I would never do that for privacy reasons and just yeah I found that quite interesting so what I would do is just put your your your tap your city or your state or something quite broad but I know that you're also opening to to move so I would put like your city and then put in brackets mobile or geographically mobile or something like that just so they know that it doesn't like that it's not strange if you've applied for a role that's not necessarily in your hometown yeah so I know that's a lot so I'm gonna stop it here because these are I could go on and on in terms of like little details and silly little things that you know that unleash the perfectionist and anyone but if you if you implement those changes I promise you your resume will be getting so many more bites and I wanted to show you an example of a resume that I created with someone and it was just in a way of because people like that I could never get my resume into one page but if you look at this one for example it's on one page and they've still got so much information about their career highlights and they managed to put everything on there so they've got their profile they have their their case studies you could have your key skills and then your career highlights you know so just I mean and because you're in the u.s. you don't actually need to put a photo so you could save some space so maybe think about having a template like this where it's either in two columns or you've got sort of a lift sort of colored bar coming down here with some sort of key info like education and skills and and community involvement for example and then you've got your career highlights all down the side it is possible to get a resume on one page for sure absolutely for sure and yeah so I'll stop here Victoria congrats again on winning the audit if you guys are watching on YouTube let me know what you found the most interesting down below and otherwise all the best and please let me know what your resume looks like when you've shimmied it back up and I'd be happy to give you some some more feedback as well so thanks so much guys for watching and stay bat us and we'll see you in the next video oh and before I go Pete yes this is huge how did I almost forget this if you would like to win a resume audit I've decided that I'm gonna give away a free resume audit every single month so when you comment down below in your commenting under this video use the hashtag badass koreas hashtag bad us careers in your comment like at the start at the end it doesn't matter but just so I know that you not only did you when I comment that you wanted to enter the draw to win a free resume audit just like this one so again use hashtag badass careers and you can win your free audit so yeah otherwise stay go stay and stay badass guys and I'll see you guys in the next video on the Vettes korea's youtube channel ciao
Channel: Badass Careers
Views: 2,847
Rating: 4.9230771 out of 5
Keywords: resume review, resume audit, get your resume noticed, powerful resume words to include and avoid, mistakes in resume writing, common mistakes in resume writing, how do i fix my resume, how to make your resume fit in one page, how to make your resume stand out in 2020, resume dos and donts, resume dos and donts 2020, resume writing tips 2020, resume tips 2020, resume writing 2020, resume tips and tricks, how to write a professional resume in 2020, free resume review, cv advice
Id: bz_ekQO0duI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 15 2020
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