An extra Eye, An extra Ear, An extra Heart | Joseph Annamkutty Jose | TEDxSJCETPalai

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[Music] listen to this very carefully if you want to make this world a slightly better place to live try to develop an extra-high to see the unseen an extra ear to hear the unheard and extra heart to fill the unfilled i'm joseph and negative jaws and RJ and I do a show named straight from the heart it's an evening show and I talked to them about life stories and Archie's role is to connect with people and my way of connecting with people is to tell them stories I tell them things which they have never heard I tell them things in a different way so that they look at things in a different way I gave them emotions so that they they feel things slightly better today I'm going to do the same thing I'm going to tell you stories just three different stories Story number one it's about masala dosa I did my MBA from one of the below institutions from coaching and my dad was kind enough he took a lot of seven lakhs to teach me MBA but the Lord was in my knee out of the 120 students of MBA batch 8 only one boy couldn't even clear the internals of mathematics that boy was me thank you my parents were shell-shocked even I was shot seven lakhs loan in my name so I went to my max teacher and said teacher I just need two marks to clear my internals if I can't clear the internals I won't be writing the university exam that means I won't be getting any job from this college she said no I begged the game teacher please just two marks Joseph no maybe you can talk to the director I went to the director's cabin and said dear ma'am have have a request for you Joseph please come she gave me a very beautiful smile she asked Joseph what is it ma'am I need two marks ticularly the journals I know that could you please give me two marks no my future I won't get any job Joseph no you were like a joker you were making others laugh now all are laughing at you you are not serious I was like a rebel I was like okay fine so what next Junius will come you will have to rewrite the exam max with them at the same time you will have exams of second semester you're gonna struggle Joseph I know it's okay I left the place there was one friend you know we all have the very close friends we wake he's a slightly dramatic he went to the max teacher and said dear ma'am we all breathe the same air give him to mas then she said you stand and breathe as much as you want I want him to much that's what she said that evening I went home as soon as I reach my hasta tution my mother was about to prepare a cup of tea I said mom today don't what he please sit she was like what he said dad don't go for a walk today can you please sit I have something for you what Joseph there's a listen to this carefully that I fell in Max Joseph just don't do your usual kidding stuff no I am serious I felt that means I wouldn't be able to write the University exam I am not sure if I get placed my sincere apologies my mom struggle to cry like any other mother my dad was like okay I'm a good lead on don't prepare tea Joseph come let's go out then I thought he wanted me to take outside and scold me he asked me to follow him I went behind him he went to a restaurant named Hotel runs I was afraid what's happening what's going wrong then he said two cups of tea and one masala dosa then even I got confused whether a good distinction but I failed so I looked at that and said can I failed this is why I know I know you're struggling Joseph why you are giving that fake smile I know the pain that you are having deep inside why are struggling while you're faking it you like masala dosa right till that moment I was not crying even when I begged to my teachers for too much I was not crying there was something moving inside my heart he asked me to take to have the masala dosa I made a small piece dipped it in check me put it in my mouth then he tapped on my shoulder and said Joseph your parents are they with you just don't worry you failed that's okay it's not about how many times you fall in life it's all about how many times you rise after the fall that was the moment a small teardrop started from the corner of my eye that's my lips I fell on to the masala dosa my dad told me don't worry we are all there with you struggle work hard so time went by juniors came I was the smartest among the batch I welcome them welcome to the world of opportunities study well rock then I went and brought internal exams with them they were like hi Jetta why you are here why you guys are here it's our exam even I have to write it yes see you couldn't tell the internals no I couldn't so the other day you said just walk you know yeah do tell stuff like this but I couldn't clear it I feel embarrassed you know but you know what happened I started to read a lot work harder I wrote in journal exams with them second semester completed that time different organizations company started to visit alkylation so they asked give was the first semester March it based on that will select students when you decide to work hard God will appear in front of you in different ways that year it appeared in the form of mg University we didn't get our first semester marks card then then the first organization that visited was scan core ingredients limited they said ok if Mark sheets are not available let everyone sit let everyone sit so even i sat with them there were five different stages I cleared all of them and towards the final stage there were five of them they would select one and I still remember the question asked by the interviewer now Joseph tell me what inspired you the most said I don't know if you believe this it's a masala dosa that inspired me the most come on Joseph do you want impresses is that a cooked up story no no it's a cooked up matzah Ladouceur that helped me then I told them the very same story which I told you just now after two weeks they published the result on the very same notice board where I saw my name in the red ink Joseph couldn't clear the internals on the same notice board can core ingredients limited selected a young boy named Joseph K juice Tony doesn't end here you know when you decide to come up in life after failure you know who is more enthusiastic God you know what happened on that same note is born there was another announcement cast your word for your best favorite senior cast your word for the best outgoing student the batsman's can note the juniors can vote the teachers can bought all these juniors knew only one boy who roared exams with them they're all water for me I became the best outgoing shouldn't off and be a bad seed that here I have a picture here yards and that was the guy who bought me masala dosa and that's a 3/4 know de mundo he's very your guy the first sentence which I told feeling the Enfield I was down I was broken then my dad came to me and told Joseph we are there with you he felt my heart the only boy who couldn't even clear the ink journals in the history of that College was the first boy to get pleased in an organization and you know what that's written that little mister fire said and do you know who gave that to me the director who said I'm a joker that's a chilling story number one ends here still number two and multicolor pain when I was in fourth standard I was like as a really serious boy I knew I used to make comments in class I used to disturb my teachers there was one teacher who wrote a letter to my parents telling please teach your boy some manners he keeps on commenting in my class and I find it very difficult to conduct the class I was like that there was another teacher her name is Elsie one day she was teaching us moral science and she taught us guys do good things if you do good things God will bless you with good health do you know mother Theresa at this old age she's very strong when I stood up and said I beg to differ she was like she was a surprise come on just what is it yesterday's newspaper I read mother Theresa is hospitalized I don't think she will last for long this was a command I made her eyes was we're like like this Joseph and she started to laugh she couldn't control her laughter and that day she called my mother and told please ask Joseph no to make any comments in my class I can't control my laughter on the last day in my foot standard my teacher and she came to the classroom with different set of award certificates and there was this multicolored pen she gave certificate to the student who scored high in high marks and best enthusiastic boy such kind of awards and to its end this pin was for teachers favorite student she announced my favorite student in this class's choses she called me I was surprised me she went told my mother that I am disturbing then she said the small thing Joseph you are a very talkative guy I know what I love taking classes in your class if you are there inside keep on talking you can become a public speaker you can't become a great entertainer do you know what job I'm doing no I'm a radio jockey do you know where I am now TEDx I I owe a lot to that teacher when one teacher found that I am a nuisance another one told Joseph you have something inside you not sure it last month I got a letter on my table at home dear Joseph I'm gonna retire from the long service of teaching on this 14th I want you to come and speak a few words and that letter was from my LC teacher and I went there I shared the stage with her I took a selfie and I told all the students and teachers there guys for a student the greatest blessing one can ever get is the love and happiness that your teacher gets when they think about you and the greatest blessing and who is the greatest teacher a good-natured Talks a better teacher explains but a great teacher inspires and he is man me when are they so that I'm a nuisance she saw them seen story number three hmmm is sorrow that's English name she has a Chinese name as well make sure that you don't spit on other's face when he pronounces it she who we that's of the name is pronounced and we give them English names so that he can call them easy for example if you are going to die and you want a glass of water before you die if you call she grew we I need a glass of water you will die before that if it is Sara sir I need a glass of water drink died so I wasn't saying off for one year the camcording credence limited where I got placed they send me to China I was there for one year after one year's work I was returning home but I was not happy Sara was there to drop me at the airport I was very sad then Sara asked me Josefa why you are not happy nothing my friend is getting married huh you should be happy no no no she is my girlfriend oh you you can't be happy but sad I wanted to make me laugh bring a smile on my face before before I left the place she's a classic listen it's a beautiful sentence if you guys are going through a breakup you guys are having a very bad relationship take this deep breath and take this Joseph someone leaves from your life that's only for someone better to come someone leaves from your life only for someone better to come every breakup is a wake-up call after all it's not a breakdown its breakup and that woman Islands man she said something after that Joseph be happy that you loved somebody be happy that somebody thought you loved it's a beautiful feeling right it's not about a long-term relationship it's not about owning somebody it's just the fact that you know you love somebody sincerely be happy about it you've got a smile Joseph convert your pain I know it's a struggle some process I know there is a deep pain inside of inside your heart convert the pain how you convert the pain I wrote I bought her I started a blog named buried thoughts the first chapter named angel at the age of 27 I wrote the autobiography or the biographies name is buried thoughts I dedicated my book to that girl that's how I showed my love if you have a I mean when you face a breakup don't go to Facebook and put a post some people cheat and leave you that's so pathetic man that's very old old stuff if you are if you are having a breakup don't put posters and tell that person see this is for you though that's a different way if you're going through pain convert your pain every breakup is a wake-up call then I smile with a smile I went back to India the next day I attended had wedding with my dad and mom she looked me the most beautiful in that day my dad was there my mom was there I wished her good luck and came back the breakup was beautiful that's how we see things differently the first sentence I told you try to develop an extra eye to Syrian see an extra ear to hear the uncle an extra hard to fill the unfelt you know what have you ever played the game called connecting the dots there are different dots you start from one door to the other you don't have any idea what kind of pics are you you can again but you have to move I said when you reach the last dot you'll get a picture life is like connecting the dots whatever that happens in your life is a dot you don't know why a breakup had you don't know why you failed in the paper you don't know why that person ditched you you don't know know why they didn't select you these are all dots but you have to move on what can you how to break up that's a dot move on to the next dot again it will you move on success more freely and more on your deathbed when you connect that last dot you will get a beautiful picture and that's called life that is life and what you need to connect the dots hope you know what the best gift a person can do to another person is hope when they are hopeless this is my favorite chord hope is a good thing maybe the best of things and no good things never dies same concluding my speech as a knowledgeable I do is I try to connect with the people every day I'm trying to develop an extra so that I can see the unseen pain in your eyes I'm developing an extra ear so they can listen to your problems I'm developing an extra hard so I can feel those emotions try to develop an X I X I your extra hat give hope to this thank you [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 2,772,086
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Life, Communication, Connection, Failure, Hope, Life Development, Relationships, Social Change, Success
Id: 68PY0O7XH7o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 20sec (1100 seconds)
Published: Thu May 17 2018
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