Maximize Performance Through Law of Attraction | Arvind Rampal | TEDxYouth@DPSMIS

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Oh [Music] good evening ladies and gentlemen good evening I think we can all agree that having goals in life is really important right we all have been told that ever since we were a young age and the process seems simple enough we set a goal make a plan work on it stick to it and eventually it will all work out right we all know that that's a little easier said than done now I've set many goals in my life I've set many goals and I failed many times I've failed so many times that the only comfort I have is that knowing that there are millions of other people just like me in fact statistics say that 8% only 8% of people who set New Year's resolutions actually follow them and out of a really small population of people that actually do set goals 80% of them fail at achieving their goals well it does serve to make me feel better about myself it is still quite worrying and that is why today I'm going to provide you with a tool to achieve your goals in a more consistent and confident fashion and that tool is known as the law of attraction now what the law of attraction states is that whatever we think about we bring about that our thoughts have the power to influence our reality and our world around us we've all grown up with quotes along the lines of whatever the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve or whether it's whether you think you can or you can't either way you are right Henry Ford said that this has permitted itself in the self-help industry for decades however it was only about ten years ago with the release of a book by Rhonda Byrne called the secret that the law of attraction took the world storm it sold 20 million copies worldwide and was translated into 50 different languages and the reason I believe for its success was because we can all relate to the idea that somehow or another our thoughts do affect our daily lives we might have experienced something whereby we've been thinking of an old friend that has not we've not met in years and suddenly he calls us out of the blue or we need to be here oh we think of a song or one of our favorite songs and we said I really like to hear that song and somebody just turns up on the radio oh let's say it's even more desperate let's say that our favorite band has arrived in town and we want to go we want to get tickets to go for the concert only that it's sold out yet the desire is so strong we really want to go we really want to go and we just know that we're gonna go and go for it the next day at work lo and behold someone can't make it and hands us their tickets these coincidences are something that we really can't really avoid or we currently deny the same place another another reason why the law of attraction is so popular and has been featured on CNN or The Oprah Winfrey Show or fills our our bookshelves in the self-help section is because major icons in the industry actually testify to the effectiveness of the law of attraction in their success these are just some of the big names Jim Carrey for one he said that he spent hours each day visualizing leading Hollywood directors offering him roles in movies that he had never landed before but he just spent hours each day visualizing and imagining it this was when he was an absolute nobody in Hollywood and no one was even taking him seriously at the time he went to such extreme lengths whereby he even wrote a check for himself for 10 million u.s. dollars and it was dated three years in advance he wrote it in 1992 and it was dated in 1995 and he said for acting services rendered 10 billion US dollars and exactly in Thanksgiving 1995 he received a check for 10 million u.s. dollars for his blockbuster office hit which was dumb and Dumberer now they all testified towards this seemingly series of coincidences that led to their success that led to opportunities and how did they capitalize on it or what do they actually term it as a word and that's called the law of attraction now if I was to summarize the law of the attraction into one key principle if I was to distill it into one key principle that would be to live in the state of your goal fulfilled living in the state of your goal fulfilled what does that mean usually when we set goals our goals are set at a point in time which is far in the future there's a place where we are and there's a place that we want to be and in between the space between where we are and our goal there is a series of actions a series of events that we need to go through in order to achieve our goal more common than not we have the impression that those things that we need to do to achieve our goals are going to be hard it's gonna be strenuous it's gonna be filled with lots of challenges and we just have to muscle up man up and just go through it this leads to the use of a lot of effort willpower force determination and what then living in the state of your goal fulfilled what this principle talks about is that it turns this whole concept of goal-setting on its head living in the state of your goal fulfilled states that basically if you want to achieve your goal in a more faster effective and confident manner what you should do is that you should bring that future state of yourself having already having it the goal already fulfilled if you can bring that state that way of thinking that way of behaving that way of acting that we are literally being if you can bring it into the present and embody it in the now you will achieve your goal in a far more effective way now I wanted to test this principle for myself yeah so here I am I want I was going to undergo a weight-loss journey and I was obese at the time by the doctor standards I was 11 kgs overweight I was 71 said 1.4 to be exact kgs overweight and the doctor said that I to lose 11 kgs now I had gone through his weight loss try to go through a weight loss journey before and it failed each time I had signed up for gyms I had a personal trainer I tried many diets and it all failed so I thought you know what what's the big deal right let's give this a shot so I said okay if I was gonna use the principle of living in the state or my goal fulfilled what would I do so what I did was I started to imagine what would it be like if I weighed at my ideal weight what would be like if my family and friends saw me the next day what would they say what kind of clothes would I wear what would my diet be like how my shed you'll be each and every day how much confidence would I have I tried to formalize and create and really crystallize this image of myself in that ideal state of my ideal weight and I and I really try to be as visceral as possible to make it real and before I went to sleep each night I imagined and that vision and I brought it and embodied it into my very being and I went to sleep in that state and when I woke up in the morning the next day I was that person I just had to imagine as if I was being reborn and I would just embody that state the very next day so after tuned after three months literally I dropped 11 kgs and I surpassed the goal of what I'd already said to do and and what was so interesting and was so different than the last times I actually had done this before was that for the first time in my life there was no indication of force there was no inner drive for willpower to strive to to exercise or to avoid certain foods or to to say no things and and I was it was like previously I was trying to lose weight there'll be an inner voice saying that you know what you know Arvin you haven't eaten pizza in like two weeks you know you've got you've got you've got it you gotta have this one you google and then other things you know no I can't do that no I thought so those none of that force and it means such a huge difference in terms of the level of discipline and motivation required to achieve the goal that I was astounded in the beginning I do admit it seemed kind of awkward yeah so I woke up and I went around as if I was this new healthy person and I was saying no to donuts at work and I pushed away the soft drinks with my lunch which I usually had every day and it was I felt like I was acting like it wasn't real I felt like I was lying to myself for a while but that was just in the beginning after three-four days it just became normal I just normalized that state of being and what previously would be affirmations we've all heard of affirmations where you say like oh I'm a healthy person I am self-conscious I I love salad you know you keep trying to tell yourself that hoping it really becomes real now I didn't have to do that because my affirmations turned into actual inner self talk it was just like I was talking to myself yeah you know what I'm sorry 6:00 p.m. I can't go out guys I've got a workout to go to that's it I just embodied that state and made it real now this is interesting so you might say hey you know what Harvin that's great well done but you know what that was a fitness goal what about those kind of goals where you have no control over the outcome one of it's a job promotion what if it's a you want to win a competition what if you you want to land a dream vocation what about those kind of goes when you can't control the food that you put in or the exercise that you do what about those goals this is the work so I want to share with you two other stories what do you see before you is August Sophia August so fears from Istanbul is one of the major landmarks and years and many years ago I saw an ad for tourism in Astana and in Turkey right and I had this desire to visit Istanbul and I didn't have the money at a time nor did I have the leave to actually go on like my leave was done for the year that's why I was like okay you know what but I'm still gonna apply the principle I'm still gonna believe in it as if I'm there right so I read up about Istanbul August Sophia and I said read up or everything I could about Turkey and suddenly and and and and no long after that a friend of mine gave me a game that game was called Assassin's Creed Revelations to be specific guys all right and that game was set in a historical setting it was set in ancient Constantinople which is where Istanbul formerly was and in that game I was exploring the Galata Tower I was our swimming the Bosphorus reverses literally exploring the city of Istanbul in that game it was a 3d dimensional game and I was enjoying myself and and enjoying the game as it was about two weeks after that I was in the office in in the staff room the in the staff pantry actually and I was just having an off topic discussion with a colleague of mine about the Middle East about Turkey about exploring business opportunities and I just sort of mentioned the word Istanbul and passingly and later that day my boss calls me into the office and he says hey Arvin we have we've got this project upcoming in Istanbul I overheard you in the pantry talking talking about it do you want to go do you want to handle it and that's when without a doubt I knew that something magical happened before I knew it I was right there in Istanbul in the Hagia Sophia I was literally exploring those things that I experienced in game in real life now just to give you an idea guys this image here that you're seeing is the 3d in-game graphic of the Argus Afiya and this is what it looks like in real life pretty realistic now yeah so it only occurred to me years of years before years after that that if I didn't have that desire if I didn't have that that interest or that that undying desire to actually visit that place or if I didn't actually embody that game in in that way by living it out I probably wouldn't have had that conversation with that colleague at work which probably wouldn't have led to my boss hearing it and then I wouldn't have landed the project in the first place I only was able to piece them put the pieces together later another story I'd like to share is about a very close friend one of my best friends from from Singapore and years ago he had an intention to become a mover and shaker in the hospitality industry and he had no real I mean his educational requirements weren't the best but he went into work with a major hotel chain as a very junior member of staff but with the intentions to grow and be senior management that was his goal and I remember him telling this to me so clearly so he actually was so when he joined that hotel he was working at the front desk and he was so low on the chain of command that he didn't even have a business card that even give him a business card but what he did was he went out and he printed self printed his own business cards which was against company policy by the way but he did it because he knew where he wanted to be so he just did it he even wore a suit to work each day at the front desk and his colleagues were laughing at him and putting him down and saying what this guy wanted what's he doing you know wearing a suit to work he walks front desk but he knew what he would what he wanted and sooner rather than later when things were going wrong when customers had problems who did they turn to they tend to the guy in the suit and he was able to fix each and every one of those problems soon enough management took notice and they promote him to manage him but he wasn't satisfied yet he started writing email he told me that he told me I said I'm saying what is it incredulous he started writing emails to himself with a signature of the position that he wanted and he started sending it to himself so he could see it with that email signature of the job title what he wanted with his name and he did that to get that visceral feeling of being in that state of the goal fulfilled ten years later exactly a decade pretty much he became CEO of not just that hotel but the chain of hotels which that hotel belong to now thank you now how does this work guys all right so we have a part in our brains called the reticular activating system all right it's a part of our brains that serves as a filter for information which our brains can absorb and it discards things which is things that is not important so our brain can only take in so much information at a single point in time whatever it finds useless it just discards it's the reason why sometimes if we wear a new shirt or let's say it's a yellow shirt that we wear and we go out and we see we will start to notice everyone who has a yellow shirt on that day or if we buy a new car will notice that model everywhere we're driving on the road so when you start to live in the state of your goal fulfilled your reticular activating so you're oh Ras for short we'll start to notice small little details smaller details that turn into coined coincidences and actually become orbit and it transforms those into opportunities for yourself to achieve your goals so you think it's meaningless coincidences but it's not it's opportunities disguised as coincidences that your brain picks up upon now the media and an advertising industry has known this for decades they spent billions of dollars four minutes of our attention purely to sell us products that put us in that end state of us using their services or goods and they know that it works they sell us the product because they know that if they see if we see the end the end state of using the product will probably buy it car salesman takes us take us for test drives you know vacation clubs asked us to use the hotels for two or three days and tested because they know that if we have that feeling of driving their car while we are while we're test driving it we're probably going to buy it so it's it's been no mystery that we can actually convince others using this method but for some reason it never occured that we can use it to influence ourselves to achieve our goals just think about it for a second now they're essentially three ways to live in the state of your goals fulfilled the first and most important step although important but the first step is to crystallize the goal and make it as real as possible you wanna clarity is key here you're gonna have to know exactly what you want and you have to formalize that in your mind so clear you start asking the question what if let's say your goal is to be more confident you say or it'd be like if I was confident how would I react to people when I meet them if it goes to be CEO you ask yourself questions like what time would I go to work each day how would I react to problems at work how would I communicate with my staff however I communicate with my clients so you keep asking questions how would people speak to me what would I wear what would I eat what would I do and you start to get that character and you must really flush it out so it's so real and then you bring it and you embody that very state of being the best time to do it is right before you sleep at night when your mind is clear and the first thing after you wake up alright the second step is you need to think speak and act as if you are that person because there's a very high chance that if you do this you will be and this is the part that requires that initial stage of awkwardness in the beginning remember you we have all been pre conditioned by our by our upbringing to behave in certain ways it takes times to undo that but the more you start to think speak and act as if you are that person the more you would have bitch'll eyes that new state of being and you'll start to transform the world around you the third step is you'd be able to measure your progress by your reactions to the world around you and that this is really important but takes a while to get in if you start to measure your progress and how well you're doing by how you are reacting to the world around you that's where how you know you're making progress so for example if your goal is to be a triathlete or someone that's very physically fit how do you react to a piece of pizza that's lying in front of you if your goal is to be and an aspiring entrepreneur right or one of the top entrepreneurs in the country do would you really spend your weekend binge watching Netflix probably not so the more congruent you are with how you are reacting to the world around you especially when circumstances don't support you like failure its fit is an event failure or is it feedback that's another important one so the more congruent you are with that version of yourself that future version of yourself and your reactions to the world around you the faster your goals would manifest and that's the important thing to measure yourself now what I would like you guys to do today when you go back is to go back and really crystallize and create that and ask yourself what is that greatest and grandest vision of who I have Who I am for myself what is that greatest highest possibility of my human potential that I can be and you really crystallized that goal and make it as real a boss as possible afters of which go back think and speak and act and really embody that new state of being in the not at a time in the future not when you start your gym training program or take whatever steps that you need to do but now and third start to measure your progress but by your reactions to the world around you and with that you go out there and you build your dreams thank you very much [Applause]
Channel: TEDx Talks
Views: 67,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TEDxTalks, English, Education
Id: fg7Dlkrl_BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 37sec (1357 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2018
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