An evening with Carl

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the yard is always a popular place to work and visit this year Carl has been host to his oldest childhood friend it was gray him being kids in the Channel Islands you can now run riot really dan Hammond shared some of Carl's earliest adventures with horses Harlan I used to do tours around the island with horse-drawn carriages so we sort of grew up with them really and that was how we earn our money during the summer holidays was taking people around the island I mean there's no cars over there so it's strictly horses and carriages and they can use tractors for haulage otherwise it's some chances pony or a Mew push bike it my adventures with dad in the early days were absolutely fantastic I mean we were you know a very naughty pair of kids we always wanted to ride everything I mean I remember my first ride on South but I got given was a donkey and he was called Jacko I was 11 and Dan was probably 10 and we decided to make money that we would take Jacko down to the beach he knows 200 foot above sea level so 260 foot so you know it was really like difficult to get down to the beaches they were concrete steps and they were literally like this the last bit all the way down and time got the front end I got the back end and we literally carried him to have the steps like this all the way to the beach it must have looked so odd he was such a wonderful dog and he just became a cardboard cutout and because it had taken us so long we only had like a couple of hours on the beach to actually make our money so he did his work there we had every child on the beach on him everything was always a laugh he's always had a very good sense of humor usually laughing at someone other than with someone and I think you know that's certainly his humor comes through in his riding you know how he can humor horses into doing what he wants it's important to always try when you're assessing a horse to wait long enough for it to be relaxed so you can actually see it in a natural way of moving rather than a produced way of moving an athletic horse will very naturally be supple and fluid in the way that he moves his joints and that's something you have to have a little bit of an eye for when you're watching us that we have a look at how they go back let's just have a look at them looking at a horse trotting loose particular two-year-old what's difficult is to try and see through the inevitable tension that they have any horse with good conformation can of course and a certain amount of movement be trained to be a dressage horse I mean I suppose with the breathing you know determines slightly which job they're going to do and you know a lot of very smart dressage horses I'm sure would jump very well but nobody knows it just as a lot of good jumping horses have made great dressage horses so there's no real set rule to - which ones will do what it's a question of ranking them in and seeing I suppose it's the most important thing and being I'm getting claustrophobic difficulties I've never actually been kicked in the field by young horses but I have read like hell 11 when I was very young and so I got picked up by my hair by horse webs in the field when the rezident my granddad to like pacify me by telling me that the horse actually thought that I had straw on my head and that's why it picked me up by my hair with a great cut missing I never really thought of it like that so he's got the breeding he's got the looks because he's quite bold as well and quite inquisitive which is good I want a brave horse don't mind a sharp horse but as long as it's brave and you can see quite interesting considering he's been a of a mums that's them said little bit of life and then I've got to do seven years word to see if he's any good it's all dad for me I suppose now you let's just do that and get the lines a little bit softer first shoulders to the right yeah very good now let him carry the weight behind and then you step forward to the halt bad going do it again you need to correct him by stepping forward not sideways as soon as you make the turn inside Hein between the front legs straighter good don't stop him quite so suddenly let it step forward so that he's lighter still crooked go and do it again quarters are over there as front ends over there Pat the horse kick yourself either you're coming in on the wrong leg for you or you need to just learn to ride forward one more step into your hole go and do it again it's still crooked we'll look behind you and his hind legs are over there and the front ends over here so that's like a straight entry and a crooked hole and as I'm the judge at sea today I'm not giving you a very high mark so three times we've had a crooked hole so let's start with the shoulders to the right better good okay and now we're gonna get enough lovely extended chart I mean as I say if that isn't a 10 I don't know what is lovely easy bound to chop coming back the final center I'd and it wasn't 10 extended trot was 1/10 it there Carl looking into the stand he'll have known what that noise meant I mean and that really shows how easy this horse is he connected car can even look at the crowd in the middle of the championship Grand Prix he's aged above 80 percent Richard but I'm not surprised and and look how easy and unstressed the horses are doing it it's the most inexperienced Grand Prix horse in this championship and it looks like it's having a Duke dog around the table and it's so well deserved for the nicest guy in this championship and the most modest guy and I think he's fantastic for him to have a horse like that in his life and it's come at this moment as time just coming up to the London Olympics next year and of course such a great supporter and mentor to Charlotte as well you
Channel: Nic Howell
Views: 165,774
Rating: 4.851613 out of 5
Keywords: An, evening, with, Carl, Hester, H&C, H264, 640, x, 360
Id: rJ--8ZCotN0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 28 2012
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