Dressage Masterclass with Carl Hester and Charlotte Dujardin

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[Music] normal schooling sessions at home um take about 40 minutes and uh this evenings will take about 15 if you're lucky so um there's quite a lot to talk about but I'm first of all um going to introduce the horse and he's called B and he's Charlotte up and com Grand Prix horse behind vro and he's a hanovarian a German Horse by brightling so if you know about breathing he he's quite well known Stallion brightling and he is owned by Anna C con and myself and Charlotte uh we all have a little piece of him spread it all out a bit and we came across him when he was 3 years old and and uh he was with a A friend of mine a girl that I helped and um he was a very sweet three and four year old now if you ride you you will probably know that three and four year olds are very sweet and five and sixy olds can be pretty difficult when they start to find their strength and they start to get personality and his personality was quite large and um he decided that he didn't like other horses which is quite difficult if you're a competition horse as you can imagine so he did get a few frights at a show where somebody ran into him so he was quite nervous um when we got him uh with being other horses and um a few people had fallen off him now we sorted that out by putting him in a very small field with three other horses and he used to walk around the edge of the fence like this uh try to keep out the way but of course they uh went and made sure that he did become friends so he now likes other horses and in fact yesterday was very funny because warming up here you can imagine at Windsor on a non dress Arch uh time he was working in a small Arena over there with 12 colored cobs and uh that gave him the surprise of his life but he did uh seem to like them so I think we've made progress as you can see his Chestnut and if Charlotte didn't die her should be Chestnut so redhe heads uh do go together so he did meet his back when he met Charlotte and um he seems to have really come on the right side of good so we're very excited about him he's 9 years old so this is quite young for coming to Grand Prix we're hoping he's going to do his first Grand Prix in a couple of weeks as you can see he's rid in a Snapple Bridal and all horses um should be able to go in a Snapple Bridal before we progress to a double Bridal which you will see uh all the horses this evening in uh for the Grand Prix classes so the exercises that we use um uh we're going to start in Canter and you will see Charlotte doing a leg yield in Canter now we use a lot in our train because it's a suppling exercises you don't see leg yielding caner in a test but what you'll see here is Charlotte just riding from one side of the Arena to the other and if you're looking from the front you'll see there that she bends the horse to the left he's going to the right if he was bent to the right it would be a half pass now she should be able to go sideways across this Arena changing flexion so this time we're going to do a leg yield to a half pass to a leg yield and it really is for you to see the sort of Suess that we expect a dressar horse is supposed to be a gymnast and here is the leg yield now she looks through his ears in the half pass so when you see horses tonight doing the half pass when when we're sitting on top what we have to be able to see is the letter through their ears so that tells us that the front of the face is turned in the half pass so you shouldn't see any twisting or tipping and Charlotte let's half pass to the right so here she's ignoring my instructions and leg year building that's quite normal if any of you know our relationship and now she's doing it in her own time which is also part of our relationship so there also you can see the horse now doing Flying changes so the leg field is nothing to do with what's in the test but it is suppling so Charlotte do a circle down there and then should we do some zigzagging up the long side now in the Grand Prix a zigzag is the horse cantering six strides to the left six to the right and back again and Charlotte's going to do it on the long side now why do we do it on the long side because here we can tell if the horse is even both ways 1 2 3 4 straight change over two three four straight change and back three four straight change four straight change so we know Charlotte can count to six that's good news but I don't know whether you saw something happen here and the horse she was almost a little bit late with her Aid and so he landed a little bit flat on that one four straight change good three four straight change so look how we just try to see if he moves evenly to the left and evenly back to the right again and does nice clean F changes this was a lot better let's do a circle down there now we'll try and show you um on the center line a zigzag so all of the difficult movements that you see uh in a Grand Prix have a coefficient of two so they have that coefficient of two from five judges and that's because their movements are difficult so let's have a look at as if Charlotte was in a Grand Prix she's going to do three strides to the left to start straight change 2 three four straight change and she's going to move up the arena looking for even bends on both sides so she finishes it she goes straight she does a change she turns right and hopefully you could see there a clean nice zigzag and when it has a coefficient of two on it you have to also remember that it's important not to make the mistakes now we're going to have a look at the Flying changes here so in tonight test you will see flying changes every second stride and flying changes every stride so we'll have a look at the two temp you changes first so 1 2 3 look at the ground that she's covering here she's being very brave because she's not in a competition but there's something you know this might be dress but when you do um a a test the judges will reward toward you if you're brave so there's no good just going without mistakes you also have to do this look at the push forward the lift no mistakes and I think we can give that a round of applause there for [Applause] that okay do a circle so you'll see if you're looking at it from the back or the front as well you know how important it is that the horse also is straight so this is a training demonstration and so Charlotte decided to do them on the wall because if if we do them on the wall the horse really learns to jump in a straight line so now the one temp every stride we'll do them on the wall to start with so again she has to move her legs every step she's covering the ground again and this feels when you're arriv Rider this feels a little bit like you're sitting on a trampoline you get that really nice bounce up off the floor and the trick is not to wait to see if the horse is done it because if you wait to see did the horse do the change then you become behind the movement yourself so the horse has to fit in with okay let's give him a little walk a minute when you're ready Char and I say that and I look the other way and then she'll do it you see so so I'm quite good at train I'm better at training the horses than I am the Riders as you can see here and of course because she didn't give it a break she made a mistake stake so perhaps if she uh concentrates again here when you sit on the horse as well like like charlot we haven't really talked about a rer but there you can see the ones on a diagonal he's not leaving the line and now he can have a little [Applause] break good so the horse has three Paces he has a war walk he has a truck he has a caner the caner in the gr Prix has a lot of movements it has pirouettes it has the zigzag and it has these flying changes you've seen and um we'll do look a little bit in a minute at the truck so that's the horse what makes a really good dresser horse you know it has to have good Paces it has to have quality in other words you know do you look at it and say wow so it has to have personality and they also have to be brave because as you can imagine going down for instance the tunnel last year uh at the world games in Normandy when we warm up well you can see out the back there we have a very small Arena to warm up and it's very peaceful because you're all sa in here and uh at the world games last year when we're warming up it just tells you what sort of temperament your horse has because it's very peaceful out there there's you your wife your husband your girlfriend your boyfriend or all of those if you're busy um and there're the only people that are with you and then you come down a shoot uh into the football stadium which we had at the world games and there are 20,000 25,000 people um who don't keep quiet and you know whoever wrote a dress us test you know what's the first thing you have to do Halt and stand still that's a great movement isn't it when you when your horse is electric you come through this tunnel it's all been very peaceful and um your horse has to stand still that's the first thing and not move and yet it has to be excited enough hot enough to do all of these movements that you see because these aren't lazy horses that do this they're very um trim trained uh and sensitive horses so it's quite something to have a personality that can deal with the work and yet be able to do this look on a long range not worry about the surroundings and walk and if you see the horse in the walk here this is a pretty big walk so when when the judge is again looking for an extended walk we have to see where the front foot comes down to the floor and look at the hind foot come over where the front print lands that's called an over track and you know he walks with a very big overt track so let's have a look at a caner perette now Charlotte and the caner pirouettes are Again difficult we do them on a center line so we have to turn up the center line here a to c and you have to do six to 8 steps or you should do six to eight steps um to make a really good pouette but Charlotte's going to do um a working pirouette first so a working pirouette is about 6 to 8 m um on a circle and she's just going to move his H legs towards me so you can imagine that you know a horse in a full Canter pouette really has to take his weight behind and that's called sitting so all the weight will come back on his hind legs when he does it uh is smaller again because he's only 9 years old this year we try not to do things that are very difficult too often because we want him to keep thinking it's easy so Charlotte's moving him to the right and then I don't know if you saw that there and then she turns his front towards me and she she pushed him to the left so then she goes back into a shouldering so that moves his H legs underneath his tummy because when you see a really good pouette the hind leg stays underneath the tummy it doesn't go to the inside and then she comes back to the right again and now you can go out and maybe when you're not going around me so I feel so dizzy you could then go a little bit further down and then let's have a look at the caner pirouette so if you do a working one and then do a pirouette then do a working one so here he is in the working one and now she's going to sit down as she gets to the center line and now turning the front around the hind legs one 2 3 4 5 6 now she goes to the bigger Circle again so we do something difficult and then we do something easy so that he always finishes the exercise a little bit easier and that gives him that really realization that you know he doesn't give up when it gets difficult so that's a very nice working cette let's do the one on the left hand side so if you ride yourself you'll know that horses like humans um can also be one-sided you know some horses are a lot easier to bend to the right than the left and um I find that most horses actually are better bending on the right hand side than the left so when you ride on the left rain you tend to work a little bit more on suppling and on the right rain straightening so here you can see again now if you photograph that imagine how his hind leg um if you look at that you'll see that he has to soften there and he has to carry his weight down don't look at the whole thing just look at the bottom for a minute and now she's pushing him out again and now she's going to bring him back in again and now make a small one so now look at her turn the front so she's turning the front around the back not pushing the back to the inside and that very nice and now go to a bigger one again and you know I can have to say you know there's a lot of skill involved in doing that as well you know I mean Charlotte is not an average Rider she's a very good Rider and um you know what makes her good well that's core strength so that's what we're going to talk about with the rider this is your core strength how you sit on the horse because if you find when you're sitting on a horse you hold yourself on with the RS or you squeeze it with the legs then you will find that you are not independ dependent so you need to be independent of the horse so that means that Charlotte has to go to the gym I go with her and watch and make sure she does all of her exercises properly and uh that's why she's so fit right one transition to truck Charlotte we have to finish in a second now so we're just going to show you as you can see we are running out of time there's a lot of things to explain with the movements but we'll just have a look at the lovely Balo truck and you can see what makes the the truck beautiful on any horse and I think it's the moment of suspension so if you can teach your horse to have a moment of suspension and there you can see Charlotte doing a few steps of Passage there um that will make him a really goodlook horse so if your horse isn't blessed with great looks I know we all think our horses are beautiful but uh if when you teach them to really have suspension then I think they all become beautiful let's have a look at him on one diagonal he's going to do an extended trop for you so you can see that and then she will finish the session how you should always start so an extension here on the diagonal should be a maximum truck so look at the ground he [Music] [Applause] covers okay let's stretch his neck now Charlotte so you can see that there's a lot of potential he's an exciting horse he's got a long way to go if he's going to catch vro as you can imagine it's not very nice for them uh but anyway it's raised the standard for all of them and U hopefully you never know you never know if you got a gold medalist in your yard do you you have to have a training system and um hopefully follow it so thank you for watching I'm sorry it was um quite brief but uh hopefully there's a few things in there I'm sure you will all be practicing your dressers tomorrow and uh thank you for uh listening to us this evening well my lords ladies and gentlemen tonight's Friday March the 15th put it in your di because we have been truly privileged to of the great in World dress house and that is no exaggeration [Music] from
Channel: DressageHub
Views: 238,991
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Keywords: dressage, carl hester, charlotte dujardin, training, master class, lesson, grand prix, schooling, equestrian, horse, how to, olympian, dressage hub, dressage training, dressage lesson, charlotte dujardin riding, carl hestor lesson, pony, charlotte, masterclass, hester, riding, dressage clinic, dressage training system, valegro, dressage news, dressage today, dressage (sport), horses, best dressage rider in the world
Id: 2Y9TccAX4J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 56sec (1076 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 26 2016
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