When Geoff met ... Louis

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At 2:40 he says he nearly had a train mix-up at Hermannplatz because the train on one platform was not the same line but opposite direction as the train on the opposite platform, but was instead a different line. But that's not how Hermannplatz works, oder? It's just U7 downstairs and just U8 upstairs. I want to guess that he's probably thinking of Mehringdamm.

EDIT: at 15:08 he confirms my theory.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/daveliepmann 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

That is quite possibly the geekiest thing I have ever seen.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/never_been_to_matrix 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

This just makes me miss Berlin so much! I loved the trains when I went but I would love to see more of the system

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Massive-Gas 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2020 🗫︎ replies

Lol, I know so many people who love the closed system in cities like London with turnstiles. And the absolute tube nerd just prefers our open system here.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/BecauseWeCan 📅︎︎ Jan 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] it is Sunday the 27th October is checking 2019 years that I completed part running zeona Norma alphabet challenge let's say it in Poland to do that we state that weekend in Berlin and I remembered plan I knew that my friend Louie lives I've been here a year now indeed video and so I thought I had time to write to train to ride the you bomb and you can tell me everybody learned in a year of living so you're okay with the underground I'm at the other end with the Paris Metro tracks and now with the German metro system it's a way you're gonna take this too right now against a Kleist Hayek which is literally the name of the station means the triangle of tracks and it's a very historical place for this for the for how the network grew builds was built and evolved the doors are very similar they make they make the same sound as the Paris Metro slightly different sound in Paris is to continuous sound [Music] I realize we've come from a lower level we only on the YouTube and this is to you the you one and three but what's what's over here this is the remains of a viaduct because the what is now the e 1 into u 1 & 3 sorry and the you two used to all link here in the station which was which is called the triangle of tracks and there was a derailment in 1908 potential this violet there may be on the other one Osiris was demolished which led to them rearranging the station in a sort of crazy double decker above ground station which is actually quite stunning and this is the link that existed blue lines and now there's offices on them some reason [Music] so we are nonlin got bats which is an important connection station this station has a lot of width platforms we have one line and a total different line on the other side that happened to me last night I cover that in the station I would look it up in post the name of the station is flashing up on the screen there but we came in at a station and I assume that the one on the opposite platform was like the other direction but it wasn't my friend Matt I was with where no no that's our train he realized we were ran across and it departed just in time so it was that a bit of forward thinking there so that happens a lot on the u-bahn yes [Music] so that to me look like an older style train how many types of rolling stock are there indeed well on the on the climate puff outline so the one two three and four there's four different types and they are not even consistently used on the same line so on this on the same day even here if we wait on the platform you can have four different types of trains go through which is very different to like London tube lines and Paris metro lines where you know people recognize their tube line or the metro line with the type of train it's not the newest you don't know which is newer but they're all way new a bit sad that you don't know your Dinah types of training I still don't know what what the exact name is the Bakerloo line is what year it is seven well I want to say 73 right it's not 72 pretty sure it's 73 gets bigger than he is oh that's 73 in the Bakerloo 72 you think I know is it mirrors at the Brandenburg Gate all right it isn't all train to all about trains I think it's just to prevent graffitis as well and also it's kind of the the major landmark that signifies the unification of the city and the country so we've come to Wittenberg klutz I can see it already a lot of people on Instagram this monument you have to go to Vidhan birthplace Jeff - very deliberately find that why is it here Loic wick history go 52 long transport executives gave this to the ubon board as I suppose a sign of friendship between the two cities I mean this back in those days was West Berlin so you know that is also quite interesting that it happened in this side of town and it's very well kept up but you're going to take it to a station which famously wasn't the line started in West Berlin and then it ran through East Berlin and then across the mall again indeed underground so what do they do did they call it you couldn't get out at least alleys but inside were some lines which they split in two there was an East line and a West line and there were some lines which were mostly in the West but with a tiny dip in the East and they went through close stations that look by the East German army well which is crazy today be soldiers based inside relations and the straight ones come underneath police I just sent a message to my friend kite high cut cut this is the moment I sent you a message on slack going what's the germ of escalator and does it have a little meeting role tread I guess I will play meaning rolling stairs makes sense right look what's just mad you're saying this is a nice old man this is a historical map which I would assume is pre-world War one so free one-on-one I think so we should check though there's no date this is the poshest ATM in Berlin look look at the woodwork she unique cash is king in Germany in cash anybody [Music] it's right and running you'd know English French person line Paris where does the RER rod on the left because it's paired to the national rail trains in France which actually were built with running our long layers how long lives exactly there's an expression so notice for the u-bahn is and they put maps on the ceiling so my camera's map the grammar now see you is this during the crowded commute you can look up at the ceiling and you can see the map you to get out okay we're on the train going to talk tickets real quick you're saying that Berlin when it has a and B which a bit like London's 1 to 6 and in zone see sort of the equipment about side of London zone basically yeah so you can get away to do anything but you've got what kind of ticket I've got an NB monthly plan amb monthly pass but here's the brilliant thing imagine in London if you've had a monthly cup Oyster card what does it relate to do at weekends this allows you to bring 1 adults and I think extra weekend so right now Jeff miss plane ticket for nothing I could have traveled with you exactly okay it's the same after 8:00 p.m. on a weekday that's amazing that's 63 euros a month the other thing is the weird thing is and this is the most incredible thing about Berlin metro system there's no ticket barriers there's no barrier gates nothing you're just trusted but just trust me but the thing is I think I'm in like 15 years of cheap travelling in London I've been revenue inspected on on a train at the gate line is happening times but on the train once in like maybe my entire life but here how many times would you say you'd be revenue inspector to handle this it happens sometimes several times a week it's insane okay fine because I had been fined why should you find because I wasn't it yeah how about just to play how much five sixty years Wow okay she's basically a mother okay they trust you but they do do a lot of heavy Revenue inspector and they are all in plain clothes may not see you in coming and they arrive like three or four of them but they have a badge do they she'll do ID yeah okay they have this machine and they check this because this they can like change is ADA hunter I'm gonna TfL hi could you watch my videos would you ever consider just getting rid of the oyster color and all barrier gates and just having like like a Berlin style we trust you system [Music] London is that the closest match Twitter Berlin New Bern on the ground [Music] let's deploy it's book you want is it generally can't come does any pretty much all night 24 now it means you get a phone signal I've been getting at least eight signal but they've actually told the proper view they describe the camera oh hell you said it was the most Charles Holden desk type absolutely sorry I went with gay hair thing for a concert and I turned back onto my steps leaning back at education because like my goodness this feels like it made me a child in the station [Music] what the heck is that is the Euclid ubon Museum of Berlin but it's only open on the first Sunday of the month what's in there in three words old maps signalling box and old cabs of trains [Music] [Music] so we come to olympia snowe xian study on look at it and you think it's very Charles Holden it could be awkward or Southgate are nice growth would you like her should we get a nice dramatic still in did you notice that that's less so we're heading for the s-bahn station which neatly segues from the u-bahn system into the s-bahn system but we'll talk about that when we get our network the other network and there's a third one - there's the region's exactly when we get on the train [Music] [Applause] why should that be a cab here well because we're at the rear of a unit units on the s-1 are two carriages and so under this little thing either you can open it with keys and there's a little mini cab where you can drive the Train backwards it's so weird I feel like the DLR yeah kind of like the Allah on an s bomb train yes this barn is what it's basically more like most people think it means suburban so it doesn't really it's just historically another of the city you know transport networks and it basically runs alongside national rail tracks but only serves Berlin and nearby Brandenburg and there's also regional trains would you think I said that there's a national rail yes they definitely augs they go quite far okay but here's a great thing think of cross rail do you think cross well matches regional or s-bahn the closest I think I think espan in the sense that it very much Crossrail has by design it's been meant to look and feel you know TfL around all right everything so I often compare cross rail cross probably is to the RER in Paris but here in Berlin you compare it to the s-bahn yeah do you like yes but whatever ESPO no no I actually prefer the sbox do what do you want to learn how to do a poll on YouTube let's do that if you point above your head go put whole is now appearing you didn't like them oh yeah you've got to follow it no there we go now boat s barn or you barn for your favorite Berlin line [Music] it was like you want to say something about the nice traction current noise so some people in London love the sound of the Jimmy line stock I find I find this one similarly satisfying listen [Music] as every nice progression [Music] does that scratch your train nerds yeah yeah train noises Oh big thing on the s-bahn can hear my cold by the way still got it monthly good we're coming in to help that off I have been here before so I know what to expect it's the most is a training temple most architecturally stunning engineering masterpiece of railway Ness station building ever and you're gonna have what do you call it a temple yeah the temple is to train them as a train temple and you see the tracks down there can you see the Herricks down there how many levels over here there's two railway levels and there's many intermediate levels with all sorts of shops and services that's me that the crossroads of like east-west axis and a north-south axis look at how high this is this makes me nervous like I can't I can't actually tell how high we are it must be I don't know 20 meters like the nearest britain has or London has is maybe said paintless I said papers this multi-level multitrack multi railway so many people there's a lot there's a line above me right now there's a line below me right now it's it's it's huge there's a bridge here no let's go to bracket [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] back onto the unit six yes gonna hit for where I change last night indeed and then we'll go down no cause that's where I'm staying I'm just quickly one last thing to show the seats were sitting on have the most liked and each city has like their theme and this is probably the most famous or maybe infamous maquette than Berlin classic classic design classic so we'll leave you with the show thanks very much thank you thanks for your Berlin to great fun I know go away by now tchau tchau no BC C oh the John way yes juice there we go [Music]
Channel: Geoff Marshall
Views: 162,044
Rating: 4.9548359 out of 5
Keywords: berlin, u-bahn, Untergrundbahn, trains, underground trains, tube trains, berlin metro, metro system, wittenbergplatz
Id: UzXWJzKt6Ig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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