21 American Slang Words You Need In 2021 | Go Natural English

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hi everyone off the rip let me say welcome to go natural english my name is ryan and today i'm talking about american slang words if you miss part of that off the rip is a term which refers to the beginning or the start of something so for example i could say lebron james dunked off the rip which means he dunked at the beginning of the game this summer i was working with british people and i would use terms like off the rip that they didn't understand and they would also use words in terms that i didn't understand for example i remember they said are you taking the michael you take the molecule and i thought this was really funny but i didn't understand it and i think it means to be joking or to be kidding but anyway today we're not talking about british slang today we're talking about american slang hi everyone before the video starts i just want to tell you about our newsletter every single week go natural english is sending free fluency tips directly to your inbox learn english faster improve your accent have better reading comprehension every single week that's what we're giving to you for free sign up with your email in the description it's the first link click on the description click on the first link and there you go so for sure you've heard slang before it's everywhere it's in music in movies in social media uh spoken all the time between friends and between people between native speakers slang is super useful because it helps us to connect better it helps us to sound more natural and slang is also important to recognize because it doesn't have it's it's a word that everyone might know but it doesn't have the definition that everyone might know so make sure you watch all the way to the end to find out which words you do already know and which ones you don't and leave a comment and let us know which ones you think you can put into your day-to-day life and hey if you like this content and you like this video consider giving us a thumbs up it helps build the community and helps us keep this channel going for you and if you're a real savage subscribe alright let's get after it so the first word that we learned today is to get after to get after something means to start something emphatically or start something with a lot of determination or focus mindset so david goggins he has a challenge where you have to run four miles every four hours for 48 hours this is pretty intense and i have a friend carlos who did this challenge and at the beginning he said ryan let's get after it he wanted me to do it with him but i didn't do it you can say man i love english i really want to learn let's get after it next up number two is a real one now you might think a real one so it's not fake kinda in a slang term a real one is a person who is really loyal or genuine a good person so for example i could say my friend forrest summers yeah he's a real one and that means that he's really cool he's really awesome he's really genuine guy next up number three savage so earlier i said if you subscribe to the channel then you're a savage and this would mean that you're a really cool person or really awesome now savage has several meanings and different definitions depending on how you use it but most of the time if you're calling somebody a savage in in a sporting event or as a as a noun like you are a savage you're probably saying to them that they are really cool or that they're awesome savage could also mean somebody who is uh super direct or overly critical about something so if you know me you know that i love working with kids and when i've worked with kids a lot of times we sing songs especially for esl kids and in these songs we combine words with actions and there's a song called 60s party and one of the words and actions is flex and we say flexi flexi flexiflex flexi flexi flexiflex and it's really funny but normally we associate flexing with showing your muscles showing off your guns but flex in slang is a way to show off something else if your friend had a big watch lots of diamonds on and and it was shimmering say whoa man he's flexing look at that flex so there's also a post malone song called go flex where he says man i just wanna go flex gold on my teeth and on my neck so he's saying that he wants to flex by having gold on his teeth and gold necklaces all right next up is dead i'm not talking about somebody who has ceased to live when you use dead in the slang sense you're saying that something is really funny or hysterical there's an old vine of a famous basketball player named kyrie irving who uses these two meanings of the word dead in a in a video and it's something like this he i'm says and then it cuts to this so he's using both meanings so if you say i'm dead it means that you think something's really funny and it made you laugh number six is tripping now if someone's tripping that means that they're acting crazy or seeing some foolish things if my friend freddy came up to me and said ryan i just saw a pink elephant in an avalanche i could look at him and say dude you're tripping now trippin can also refer to somebody who has taken way too many drugs and is having a pretty crazy uh reaction to it so just be aware of the difference if you've been saving up a lot of money you've been looking forward to buying a dream car you just did it you just got a new car you can say that i just got a brand new whip now we all know that whip is the thing that you might use with a horse if you're on a if you're riding in a horse race and whoops there's a whip or indiana jones you know but a whip in a slang term is a car now whip usually refers to a nicer or a fancier car but if you want to be kind of funny or cheeky you can say for example to a pt cruiser my brother used to have a pt cruiser and he would say call it his whip and it just sounds funny because it's not it's not that cool number eight is a word that we've probably all heard of and it's chill so if somebody views it as an adjective and you call somebody chill that means they're really agreeable they're laid back they're nice they're friendly and if you use chill as a verb so to chill it's saying do you want to hang out so if i'm in the park and i see my buddy hey man you want to chill you want to chill after you're finished with your workout do you want to hang out you can use it like that so next up is a word that is used a lot in hip hop culture in certain movies floyd mayweather you could definitely say he has a lot of these and it's bands now bands is a reference to rubber bands which is referencing when you have a lot of rubber bands wrapped around money so if somebody has bands it means they have a lot of money and so floyd mayweather he usually carries around a million dollars in a backpack so you could say yeah floyd has a lot of bands so if you have a lot of money and it's wrapped up or if it's not wrapped up you could say yeah he's got bands and speaking of money another term which refers to wealth or a large amount of money is loaded so for example if i knew someone who knew someone who had a mansion then i could say man that guy is loaded if if my cousin scotty had a private jet and a yacht in dubai i could say yeah my cousin scotty is loaded so loaded as a general term for wealth it's most appropriately used in situations that's not referencing a famous person so for example i wouldn't say michael jordan is loaded he is he does have a lot of money but i would just say he's wealthy loaded is more like referring to your neighbor uh someone who's not necessarily famous so number 11 is ghost now we all know ghosts paranormal activity to ghost somebody using it as a verb means to completely stop talking to somebody usually without explanation or without telling them what happened or why so for example a few days ago i was supposed to play basketball with a friend but he never showed up he ghosted me and he didn't tell me until afterwards number 12 and 13 are fun because they look like they would be opposites but they actually mean the same thing so if i'm down to do something if i'm down for something that means that i'm willing to do it if my friend fufi asks me hey ryan do you want to come to sweden i can say i'm down for that but i can also say i'm up for that so i'm up four and i'm down for mean the same thing hey ryan do you want to learn german later yeah man i'm down for that yeah i'm up for that both work both sound natural both are good number 14 is becoming really popular especially in gaming circles and in a lot of streams it's sus now if something is sus i think you can probably guess what it is suspicious sus means something that is shady or suspicious shady also means suspicious pretty much for example in the game among us it's a really popular game going on where there's 10 people and one person has to try to kill the other people you have to give alibis and if one of the alibi sounds kind of bad you can say dude that sounds sus or carlos you sound sus right now another example could be if microsoft called my grandma and said ma'am we need you to send us 500 of google play cards i would say grandma that sounds really sus don't do that so when i was in middle school i was always the shortest boy i had harry potter glasses i had a snaggle tooth i was really shy i was afraid to speak in front of people and overall i was pretty goofy now i'm still goofy but you might say that i had a mini glow up or a transformation i lost the glasses i fixed my teeth i have more confidence in speaking so i had a mini glow up you can also find glow up used on social media and other things like that where people are comparing a photo between now and from maybe 10 years ago a throwback thursday it'll be them how they look now versus how they look then and they'll say oh look at the glow up or something like that number 16 is bet now i'm not talking about wagering money or you know going or gambling or anything like that that is a word that has a couple of different meanings so let me give you a few examples if my brother said to me ryan i can beat you in a race i would say bet now this doesn't mean that i want to challenge him for money rather i'm saying to him i don't agree with you let's let's find out let's see so if he says something negative or challenging then when i say bet that means that i disagree with him or that i want to do the opposite of that or that i think or that i don't agree with him if he says something positive for example or something that i like and he says hey ryan do you want to go eat after the game i say bet and that means yes i agree so if he says something positive then when you say bet it means you agree with it if he says something negative and you say bet that means you don't agree with it so remember earlier when i said i'm dead and i referenced that kyrie irving vine so there's another way to say i'm dead and it's i'm weak if you say i'm weak that means you think something's funny and something that made you laugh i have a friend forrest he's always saying goofy jokes and making some funny faces and silly accents yeah if he was doing his arnold schwarzenegger impression i could say oh man i'm weak all right so this next one isn't really a thing yet maybe after this video we can start to build its popularity maybe you've heard of the term okay boomer which is a reference to the baby boomer generation and it's kind of derogatory it's saying that yeah this person's out of touch or it refers to an old person that's just complaining about young people they say okay boomer and a lot of times it's people from generation z the the kids that are from born after 1998 2000 something like this they're called generation z a new term that i've read in different articles and online on forums like reddit calling these guys zoomers you can call people from generation z a zoomer like i said it's not that popular yet but maybe we take it there so number 19 is a combination of two words and i want you to try to guess what they are so when i say sheeple what two words do you hear hopefully you can hear sheep and people sheeple this is a somewhat derogatory term that refers to a group of people that just follow the word of someone else without really thinking for themselves and it's a reference to how sheep just follow the shepherd if you're playing a video game with a group of friends and you have to vote somebody out and one person is making a claim against you and everyone else just agrees with them for no good reason you can call them all sheep oh man you guys are sheep and then you get eliminated unfortunately but yeah cheap and it's kind of derogatory so you know make sure the way you say it and who you're saying it to make sure that you're comfortable with them so that it doesn't come across as combative number 20 is sketch now we might know sketch as a rough drawing or maybe a blueprint for a house or an architect might draw a sketch but sketch is actually the short form of sketchy which is slang for suspicious or maybe ominous so if i'm walking around at night in the woods with a friend and we see a house with a chainsaw in the front i would say yo this is sketch let's get out of here sketch is kind of like sus i would say that sketch refers to a place or an environment rather than a person person can be sketch yeah it feels more natural to call you know a dark wooded area or a street with no street lights that's really sketch finally number 21 is cap if someone is capping that means that they're lying if my friend jasper called me and said ryan i just won 2 billion dollars i could say dude stop capping and i'm saying to him dude stop lying cap can also be used at the end of a sentence to mean seriously so for example i love pepperoni pizza no cap so if you say no cap it's like you're saying i'm not lying or seriously or i really mean that i can't wait to play tennis later no cap those are our 21 words if you made it this far congratulations hopefully you learned a few new words that you can incorporate into your day-to-day life and if there was a word that you weren't quite sure about or you need extra examples leave a comment down below let me know down in the comments what your favorite word was that you learned today or if you have any questions about any of the words and if you want more english learning material from go natural english you can sign up with your email link is down in the description and if you want to keep learning english you can check out one of these videos like why you should stop saying what anyway that's all i have for you guys today i hope you enjoyed the lesson have a great day and i'll see you guys next time peace
Channel: Go Natural English
Views: 58,801
Rating: 4.9511666 out of 5
Keywords: American Accent Training, American Accent, Go Natural English, american slang, american slang words, american slang words for 2021, casual english, english lesson, native english teacher, american english, english vocabulary, english slang, english slang words, english slang phrases, american slang phrases, english conversation, english fluency, english speaking, speak english, learn american slang, slang, casual english conversation, slang words, learn american english
Id: whpmEpDxJA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 30 2020
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