An Elden Ring Time Travel Theory

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ever since I first laid eyes on the lands between I couldn't shake a certain feeling this world has clearly seen better days most areas and major landmarks are in complete ruin which gives us a sense that these places in times past were incredible representations of their respective cultures and what they believed in however I have never been able to shake the feeling that some of these areas the people and creatures that inhabit them and the Landscapes surrounding them gives off this vibe that they simply don't belong here obviously I haven't been able to explain this feeling or I would have made a video on it a long time ago but I received a theory from one of our community Discord members pixel perspective that has finally started to put into perspective this uneasy feeling that the lands between are not just in ruin but completely broken in more ways than one before we start be sure to understand that this is just a theory to start conversations and debate within the community as we have done on this channel since the game first came out obviously a DLC could release and completely discredit every theory that has been made here and that is the beauty and mystery of this game that keeps me coming back for more so respect each other and discuss what you think in the comments make sure to subscribe like the video all the good YouTube stuff to help out the channel and with all that said let's get started I have long observed the lands between this world is in dire need of repair and death indiscriminate I believe this moment with Melina is one of the most important pieces of dialogue in the entire game it's the culmination of all of the hard work it took for us to reach this new height literally it is the highest point in the lands between and allows us to look down and observe the world we just traveled and struggled through to reach this moment and through all of it Melina was with us she's what started it all for us and we'd likely be wandering the lands between with no purpose if it wasn't for her offering us an accord to help her reach the ERD tree and in return she would play the role as finger Maiden to turn the runes we find into strength to Aid us in our search for the Eldon ring but as we can see the lands between is in complete disarray and it's likely been this way or a very long time if we return to Kali in the Church of Ella after speaking with melna at the gate front to Stormville Castle we can find who he later come to know as Ronnie waiting for us he casts a spell that puts kale and his donkey to sleep and then beckons us over to have a short word with her this way tarnished may I have a word now Ronnie first introduces herself as Rena during this first interaction which is obviously strange however it seems like many people don't put much thought into this notion but little things like this are vitally important in Elden Ring's story these types of details tend to bother me in a way that makes me try even harder to understand its purpose and intention within the overall Story the name Rena is mentioned elsewhere in the game a tower adjacent to Ronnie's home is called Rena's rise what is even more interesting is that the area that these towers occupy is called the three sisters there's Ronnie's rise Runners rise and sullivas's Rise however it's pretty clear that celavis has just recently occupied this Tower during this time working under Ronnie and is of no relation to Ronnie herself meaning he isn't likely to be considered one of the three sisters so this brings up the question who is the third sister now this is where the theory starts to get interesting so bear with me here it seems fairly obvious that the second Roundtable hold we find in leandel is in the present timeline and the round table that Melina brings us to is in the past in Landell the round table is identical to where Melina takes us but is obviously dilapidated the biggest source of proof to this theory is the description of the coded sword which is found upon the throne of the two fingers in the Landell version of the Round Table hold which reads as hidden sword once granted to the tarnished of the round table by the two fingers a formless cipher comprises its blade which deals holy damage that no Shield can repel Champions would gather at the round table hold in days long past when the two fingers were masters of oration their flesh Yet full of vigor the fact that the lore of the weapon meant that it is a cipher which is usually considered a key to unlocking a puzzle shows us that it is a significant clue in understanding The Round Table's history along with this the cipher Pata can be found in the main Roundtable hold which description reads the same as the coded sword but in addition says the furtive inscription appears to hang in the air the language of light spoken by the two fingers now along with all this information here is the main Theory the events of the shattering actually fragmented reality itself making different times as well as different realities but lied into itself I believe some characters are aware of this phenomenon but most are not it's not a secret that many believe that Ronnie the witch could potentially be Melina and time travel would highly support this since Ronnie's real body can be found at the top of the car in the Tower and has been long dead Melina could be the younger version of Ronnie and there's a few things that support this Theory the first is obviously Ronnie's ghostly figure that shares the same closed eye as Melina and the symbol underneath her eye has similarities to that ghostly figure next is the similar fashion of when Ronnie and melna disappear it's really hard not to see the similarities of the blue aura when they do this it's a small detail but very important nonetheless finally they both seem to be the only characters in the game that acknowledge or even know of torrent torrent has chosen you treat him with respect I shall leave this for thee and at the behest of Torrance former Master take it should thou overcome thy suspicion this theory is suggesting that while certain people may be different in our current version of the lands between they may have been the same in an alternate timeline or Dimension it's like when an NPC invades your current world they do so from another world or reality entirely but is all composed of the same pieces the archery and minor archeries act as conduits to be the link between these worlds which would explain why when you kill an earth tree Avatar certain NPC Invaders can no longer invade your world this could be similar to when Melena tells us that when we reach Landell she can freely move on her own she has a better connection with the archery and is stronger because of it when the earth tree is set Ablaze the link is weakened causing the fire the seep into the time Rift which results in the past version of the Round Table hold to burn down and eventually leads to its current state that you find in Landell another thought that we should mention is Melina's hands Melina has scar tissue on her hands which could mean she has been the burning maiden or the one who sets the herd tree Ablaze before in previous ages or realities she keeps trying to fix this broken timeline in every age or alternate reality with all that said If This Were true then Ronnie and Melina and freely move through time from Ronnie's dialogue we can surmise that she wants to change something about the past in Ronnie's rise she tells us this I stole death long ago I'll search now for the dark path that I might one day upend the whole of it and rid the world of all that came before the context of this remark can be taken pretty literally she wants to reverse something something that came before her miniature doll form also tells us this and EG both aren't willing to give too much to me yet they both understand what lieth beyond the dark path but I must betray everything and read the world of what came before this is in the same context as the last but now she is remarking as if to rid the world of the actual event entirely now come at the age of the Stars a Thousand-Year Voyage under the wisdom of the Moon as I've said in previous videos I believe this Moon we see during Ronnie's ending is actually a portal or time gate that will bring you back 1 000 years into the past allowing her to try to change the past with the knowledge she now has of events leading up to the current state of the world one thing that Ronnie says that seems to bridge a gap in the Ronnie ismelona theory is when she says this I am certain now fate steered us to our first encounter I must thank torrent too for his part this reminds me of some dialogue after our fight with margin when Melania reveals that she has been testing us stating that torrent had our measure from the very start forgive me I've been testing you to determine if the Elden ring would truly have you if you had the metal to endure this long and arduous path it seems my worries were unfounded torrent had your measure from the very start whereas I merely pretended now we know that Ronnie initiated the night of black knives and she states that it was her choice to eliminate her corporeal flesh but she never really States why here's what this theory is also suggesting Ronnie and Rena are two forms of the same being just as America and radagon are and the Rena Persona is destined to become the glomide queen just as we see at the end of the frenzied flame ending this is not too hard to believe since Ronnie is the daughter of radagon so there is a potential that there could be a birth trait of creating two forms of the same being could be passed down to their children the family probably decided to present Ronnie and Rena as sisters who hide the fact that they were the same being just as it was a well-kept secret between America and radagon the name Rena would fit well as the daughter of ranala as similar names befit the demigod Offspring throughout the entire game so perhaps Ronnie plotted the Knight of black knives to destroy that side of herself after being warned by a future version of herself meaning that Ronnie in her doll form rattled to the past to find her younger self and warn her that her other persona Rena is destined to become the glomide queen and perform great atrocities after seeing it herself in an alternate age or reality she teaches her past self all she knows in cold sorceries and that eventually he has to die but it's not as simple as this her future self knows that her own actions have absolutely destroyed the lands between so she helps her young self permanently close her left eye with a magical seal in an attempt to keep the Rena Persona at Bay and sends her off into the future to try and find the tarnished of Legend to help her fix all of the collateral damage of the shattering that was of course caused by her actions during the night of black knives but what Ronnie does not realize is that the glomide queen is actually created as a result of sending herself into the future into the current Dimension and timeline when we play the game in one of the alternate realities we chose to become the Lord of frenzied flame burning everything including whatever power holds that seal on the eye of Melina and Ronnie which causes the seal to fade and allow her eye to open because of this the Rena Persona awakens and becomes the glom eyed Queen swearing to follow you to the ends of time and deliver you what is yours destined death he travels back in time to commit the atrocities that she was trying to prevent in the first place creating one giant time Paradox the three sisters are the three personalities or personas of the same being Ronnie Rena and Melina so how many of you chose the Lord of frenzied flame ending during your playthrough how many of you chose to help Ronnie travel thousands of years into the past to fix what she had started herself each and every one of us who has played the game is a tarnished but all of us are different all of us choosing different paths different appearances different builds and ultimately choosing different endings each one of us is an alternate dimension of the same whole of the same mix of timelines and realities that were once separated by the Elden ring itself until it was shattered now the lands between is quite literally between realities between Dimensions everything has now collided into one another the past the present and the future are now one in the same as time itself has been broken what I'd like to leave with you all today is what I believe the upcoming DLC will focus on there are two great rooms that we have yet to find Ronnie's discarded great Rune and Nicola's great room each great room seems to have a trait associated with the demigod Shard Bearer itself I'd like to make a complete video on this but just as an example melania's great Rune allows The Shard Bearer to harshly heal after attacking an opponent I believe that Melania needed to battle opponents in order to stay alive the Scarlet raw eating away at her could be subsided for a while after taking the blood of her opponents the use of unalloid gold created by her twin brother mikola along with her great Rune could keep her from dying as long as she continues to battle against opponents and heals herself from that battle Melania and her great room are connected in this way so what could nikola's great Rune do I believe that Michel is great Rune has to do with time itself as we know Nikola is cursed with eternal Youth and while this may seem like a good thing it's obvious through Nicholas actions that he was trying to grow into something more than he was before whether that was for himself or for his sister Melania though it could be possible that nikola's Eternal youth comes from the traits bestowed on him by his great room each great Rune connected together forms the Eldon ring and when it was shattered Nikola held the key to time itself and could potentially use it to bend time and rid himself of the curse of Eternal youth we still have to learn a lot more about pretty much everything in this entire game to make any sense of all of this but it is so much fun to discuss these theories that maybe Elden ring doesn't even need a deal I really hope you guys enjoyed this video make sure to join the Discord to discuss even further with the community and the creator of this Theory pixel perspective I absolutely love this Theory and I'd like to thank him for allowing me to create a video on the topic I have a strange feeling that Elden ring DLC is just around the corner honestly I'm between that and believing that Elden ring will never have a DLC but like I said I'll be making a video on that shortly thanks again for watching and I will see you all in the next video take care
Channel: AgtJake
Views: 78,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring, elden ring dlc, miquella, lore, elden ring lore, godwyn, st trina, shadow of the erdtree, elden ring boss, maliketh, bloodborne, bloodborne 2, dark souls, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, dark souls 4, demons souls, elden ring cut content, elden ring gameplay, elden ring secret boss, elden ring secrets, elden ring trailer, from software, fromsoftware elden ring, godrick, melina, miyazaki, playstation 5, ranni, ranni questline elden ring, sekiro, soulsborne, soulslike, torrent
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 44sec (1064 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 12 2023
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