an easy guide to mastering the phantom - the fundamentals | dae valorant guide

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so here's how to get better with the Phantom uh there's three main things uh the first one I'll talk about is spraying or recall control so everyone loves to spray with the Phantom Ray um but you have to recognize when you want to do it and when you don't want to so for example if you're holding this and like there's mostly going to be like four or five people rushing you in running three unless you're a jet Arena who can like Dash or dismiss away you don't want to be in this situation like Crouch spring okay unless you get really lucky RNG and you just spray them all down but most likely you're not going to be able to do that you want to recognize when you want to commit to the fight and when you don't for example if you're in this kind of situation where you're trying to 1v1 someone CT you don't really want to be Cloud spring because it's gonna it's gonna be hard to hit your bullets and especially if they're like kind of surfing around bike down a one enemy remaining oh the other situation is if if you're holding this for example and there's like a sage slow and a smoke here and the enemy for some reason bushes okay or they like flash out and try to push then you can commit to like crash brain right and you can you can spray a lot through smokes yeah it's fine but it's a bit of a commitment you just want to be sure that you want to commit to the fight and otherwise you'll be easily traded if you're not concentrating so spraying is good it's fine it's fine thing to do uh people always say oh approach print bad you should never do it like there'll probably be some people in common say that as well but it's okay you can do it it's fine if you watch VCT most Pros like Instagram spray maybe they're like panicking but it's not a bad thing as long as you're accurate okay so if you're in a 1v1 situation I wouldn't recommend spraying more than around 10 but it's after 10 minutes your bullets start to go like really inaccurate that's really out of control um because it's RNG based so if you spray more than like 10 just try and reset it and then shoot again so if you haven't killed them within those 10 bullets swish you should be doing but it's fine okay so when you're spraying those 10 bullets you need to be accurate with them obviously and you just need to learn The Recoil pattern of the Phantom which is it goes up and then like but you don't want it to get to that point up there because that's really bad because one of these shooting for that vertical bit okay so you just shoot like this you can see like it's smaller and The Recoil increases as you spray more pull down a little at first and then more as you spray more it's just like that right right you can't always be accurate but if you just a good enough place where you're pretty much accurate okay so the second part is counter-striefing uh if you don't know what it is it's just moving to one side shooting and the other stopping shooting stop shooting like that another thing the thing with the Phantom is you can do it a lot faster I guess because the recoil reset is a lot shorter for the Phantom if you do it uh so that's something you can abuse with the Phantom that you can't with the vendor just practice this in the range like kind of thing range customs whatever doesn't really matter but um just practice the timing of this and get it down until it's like muscle memory kind of uh obviously you don't want to just be doing this like that's right that's too predictable if you have enemies are like kind of good they can just predict your movement and type you so what you can do is like mix it up a bit so like you can do like short straights into a long one or like longest race in between right you can mix it up a bit just don't be too predictable for the most part this is fine so with the strafing there's something that you can kind of abuse with the Phantom is jiggling right so if you go like this you can see my bullets are still really accurate right you just go like this jiggle and it's really hard to hear you but you can just hit like the most random lucky shots is just another thing that you have to practice you have to know the timing of when to be shooting so what I do is uh if I'm picking this I'm pressing d right so instead of like hand strafing uh my Peak I press the opposite key shoot like that right but for this one you want to be letting go of either side movement key and then press the other one so it's D you shoot as you press a as you're going back like this you can see romograph is inaccurate but like it's still kind of accurate right there's movement error but it's still kind of accurate with defensive so this is just something that you can abuse with the Phantom remove enemy removed foreign has to be different I would recommend tasting taking like closer fights if you're on defense right it's obviously the Phantom is a lot better in close range okay it's gonna this kind of fight is pretty good okay we just wait for them to come out like holding like this in a bit of a off angle that's good right well you don't really want to be doing is taking this kind of fight right it's a long range right your second bullet is going to be kind of inaccurate right you can see that right second bullet is not gonna hit the same face so it's gonna risky to be taking these fights if they have a bundle and you just add them once if they tap you a lot of people complain about like oh Phantom I always hit them 140s probably just because you're taking bad fights you shouldn't be taking those kind of fights so if you're defending on the sand this is a type of way that's good right unless they're coming here but like if they're coming up yeah and you're defending here that's good bite this is close range for you right but like here this range a little bit further so we can have like the angle advantage or like this close range phones it's a lot better even from here this wouldn't kill them in one shot you just step 140 in the hands Dash away which is still pretty good but what I like to do is just take place range face but I know I can kill them and then get away okay so this kind of crosses with my point from earlier with the jiggling right so how I like the peak angles instead of like this you see like if you watch EA it goes like this right like a little by little um but with the Phantom I don't like to do that as much you can kind of use this kind of thing like jiggling angles a bit bit by bit like opening it like this because if there is someone just like do that all right you're gonna use the jiggle straight shooting mechanic I said earlier it's really effective especially against people who are just bad and just like picking me bigger it was like this right you can just like juggle and pepper that right so that's how I'd um recommend you take fights on attack when you're bearing angles just jig a little bit like this like that you have like a much bigger Advantage than if you just go like this and then try to two type them or one tap them so yeah that's pretty much it you just need to know when to spray when to cut strafe if you need to learn the recoil and you need to learn the timing of the Counter-Strike and don't take bad fights for you like you have to recognize the advantage of the Phantom and utilize it rather than just doing what it's weak against right like long range fights okay so with long range fights with the Phantom what I like to do to uh try and win them is I aim for like the neck so the second bullet that usually goes up right it goes up a bit if you're issue at the neck or do like one body shot one headshot like immediately that either that or you dig them straight up a bit and think again or body shot them slow them down and then hit them in the head
Channel: dae
Views: 23,022
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Keywords: valorant, valorant highlights, valorant montage, valorant moments, valorant pro, korean valorant, korean jett, fails, sinatraa, shroud, wardell, tenz, hiko, subroza, valorant jett, raze, skye, astra, sova, jett, phoenix, omen, ploo, flexinja, reyna, kydae, valorant tips and tricks, valorant bugs, cypher, killjoy, sage, breach, pro, valorant plays, fps, shooter, gaming, stream, val, dae, daeval, daevalorant, korean, radiant, korean reyna, korean sova, radiant reyna, valorant crosshair, valorant aim, valorant sens
Id: F7bmGVl6ZE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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