An Atlantic Crossing Crew Chef Style

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[Music] hello hello so today we are starting atlantic crossing which is very exciting we're going to from here barcelona to gibraltar first and then straight across to the bahamas hopefully from the galley perspective i've got pretty much everything i need on board already i'm just going out to grab some bread and pastries so the last little bit of [Music] shopping so i do so i do make my own bread but sometimes it's really nice in the morning for me to come and get some bakery stuff and the crew love the pastry as well so [Music] [Music] welcome to day two of the crossing now we knew it was gonna be rough and so we prepared for it but it's pretty nasty out there those waves are actually higher than me i'm probably stood in here i've got a nice fiddle and this stops my pots from sliding around i've got some non-skid mat on here and then downstairs here is bungee mania so i've got uh bungees on these guys to stop them sliding around and i've really gone to town brace yourselves um yeah we are strung up and secured because there's been some quite expensive seafood in here so we definitely don't want that going on the floor uh over here kelly hello how are you enjoying the crossing so far i'm wondering no seasickness yet no no sickness yet mercy sickness yet so we just had a couple of really big waves luckily here's okay however we've got some casualties in the freezer these guys just holding on by a thread good bungee work you team uh not so good to this guy so we lost a loaf of bread and crate i can live with that [Music] so johann yes second engineer on board what are we in gibraltar for fueling how much fuel are we taking on board 142 000 liters so when we're getting fuel on board for safety reasons that always has to be someone watching and right now it's kind of oh really um making sure that it's not leaking and look it's not we've got nice little absorbent pads here in case we have any oil leaks making sure that all your color doesn't change from that beautiful red color you see there that's it so annelise and i were just discussing discussing that we should probably apologize we don't always look like this we're at work we don't wear makeup we're we're doing the grungy thing yeah at the moment i mean if i look like a koala it's because i actually am a koala good morning it is someone's birthday on board tomorrow it's our chief engineer mike so i'm gonna make him a cake [Music] so the cakes are completely cooled now and i'm gonna decorate it and i'm gonna make it really pretty because it is for the chief engineer and if there's one person on the boat which you want to stay on the good side of it's him because he fixes everything so let's keep him [Music] happy [Music] so it's pretty common to do a halfway party and you call it a crossing party except on here we're calling a cross-dressing party hello darling hello [Music] so we're 10 days into the crossing now and look at this beautiful sunrise we've got a little we've got a friend over there not often we see boats we've actually got a bet going as to how many boats we're going to see across the atlantic everyone puts in 10 bucks whoever guesses the best takes the kitty um looks like the first officer's going to win it he guessed 28 votes and i guessed 14 we're at 22 now so yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] guess what i just saw you're not gonna guess but it's a bird which means that we are close to land so after all that we are here in the bahamas here we are coming at you from the bahamas i gotta be honest [Music]
Channel: TheCrewChef
Views: 447,971
Rating: 4.9101996 out of 5
Id: 5yI7jDTbZS4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 20sec (440 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 06 2021
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